Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1094: Yuan family has a spy

"Yuan Ping's old fairy was calculated by someone, and he almost died. I suspect that someone in the Yuan family has done internal assistance to help outsiders approach Yuan Ping's old fairy." Pei Junlin did not meander around and directly said what he thought.

Pei Junlin felt that it was not necessary to talk to his brothers about Yunshanwu turning around, especially for people with a straight character like Yuan Fei, they should speak straight.

Sure enough, Yuan Fei clenched his fists immediately after listening to Pei Jun's words.

"Someone even calculated my grandpa and grandpa, who is this man? But your boss's speculation is absolutely reasonable. If there is no Yuan family to paralyze my grandpa and grandpa, how could these outsiders approach the grandpa and grandpa?" Blood bit out.

Yuan Ping ’s status is not only the top within the Dragon Kingdom, but even within the Yuan family, it is also a fairy-like existence. All the children of Yuan's family have no exception to worship the old **** of Yuan Ping.

The old fairy just loses one hair, and those of them who are descendants must be distressed, not to mention that the old fairy was calculated by someone and almost died.

Something in Yuan Fei sounded like a challenge to the Three Views. He could not bear it.

"It's very simple for me to come to you. Help me find this person. Let me know who it is, and he will definitely put him down." Pei Junlin's face froze.

The city walls were all broken from the inside, so the Ninth Supreme Family must not allow traitors. Once such traitors must be removed immediately, they must not be appeased.

The level of this traitor must not be low, and he extended his black hand to Yuan Ping, an old fairy. This is definitely not unforgivable.

"Boss Pei, don't worry, no matter who this person is, I will never let Yuan Ping Yuan Fei, even my dear father, I will personally edge him." Yuan Fei's eyes flashed with fierce anger.

Pei Junlin admired Yuan Fei for this, but he never missed the team in the right and wrong.

"Give you three days, if I can't find it, I'll do it myself." Pei Junlin's tone froze.

Yuan Fei's face stiffened, and there was a look of fear in his eyes. If Pei Junlin personally shot, then what exactly is the Yuan family's end, then one can imagine.

"Boss, don't worry. I only need three days for three days. I will definitely help you find this traitor." Yuan Fei looked solemn.

Pei Junlin nodded his head. This time, Yuan Ping's old fairy didn't really have an accident. If something really happened, it would be dead.

According to the two Xuan Tianzong masters of Yin God Realm, Xuan Tianzong chose Lao Nest at a place called Xiaogu Mountain at this time.

The purpose of Pei Junlin's visit this time is this small solitary mountain. He is going to Xuan Tianzong to overturn the other party's old nest directly.

The snake will hit seven inches, and the killing will be done in one net. This Xuan Tianzong is a concentration camp for traitors, and Pei Junlin will not be soft.

"Jinye, did you have the confidence to straighten this small hilltop in one fell swoop?" Pei Junlin stood at another hilltop ten miles away, his eyes aimed at the small solitary mountain.

From the perspective of feng shui, this place is a very dangerous place. If there are corpses buried here, it will inevitably become zombies within three years. This is the evil of the Feng Shui pattern here.

Why did Xuan Tianzong choose the residence of the martial arts in this place? Pei Junlin has not thought through it yet, but this Xuan Tianzong was not a famous school in ancient times.

"I try." Jin Ye voice came.

The Chaos Jindou was sacrificed, and the Jindou, which surrounded the chaotic power, instantly smashed towards the sitting Xiaogu Mountain. Like a meteorite, a golden light crashed on Xiaogu Mountain.

A small hill bag as high as thousands of kilometers was cut off from the waist instantly.

Pei Junlin's shot was too sudden, without any warning in advance, and even some of Xuan Tianzong's recovery powerhouses hiding here did not expect anyone to dare to attack Xuan Tianzong in this way.

The shot is the Thunder means, directly smashing the entire mountain. Pei Junlin's shot was too sudden. At this moment, at least hundreds of people recovered, and the strongman died on this hill.

Soon there were countless powerful breaths flying into the sky, and this hand was like stabbing the horse honeycomb.

Facing the Xuantianzong masters who fled and fled, Pei Junlin was naturally prepared. The broken domain sword in his hand instantly woven a powerful sword net, covering the entire mountain.

Those Xuan Tianzong masters flying out of it were instantly enveloped by this layer of power grid, and the weaker ones were directly beaten into burnt corpses.

Among them, the powerful master wants to tear this layer of lightning net, but it is all in vain. Carrying the power of Heaven Tribulation above Lightning is not something that a master can break through.

These masters of the Yin and Shen realm, it is impossible to break through the power grid control of Pei Junlin.

This is to kill everything in one go.

Suddenly there was a roar of a tiger, a tall man rose into the sky, a pair of claws tore the wind and clouds, and then the power grid was torn apart by the person.

This is a master, with tiger lines on his face. Obviously this is from the tiger family.

"You are Pei Junlin, I didn't expect to be so rampant, and it was so cruel to kill your kind." The young tiger family sneered.

This person's words are offensive words, and he does have some wisdom, but Pei Junlin is not fooled. He said coldly: "These are stray traitors, what kind of kind can be called, killing is like killing a dog."

"Actually, I let you out of your incarnation last time. This time I can't let you go. This is a trap, a trap specifically for you. What's funny is that you are so arrogant that you dare to come alone to here."

This tall tiger youth is none other than the tiger. A confident smile appeared on his face, as if everything was in control between heaven and earth.

Suddenly Pei Junlin heard howling beasts from the mountains, and countless powerful breaths rose into the sky. This tiger wind did not lie. Obviously, this is indeed a killing formation, specifically directed at Pei Junlin, and step by step to lure Pei Junlin to this point.

Pei Junlin's face changed wildly, and he even suspected Yuan Ping's old fairy in an instant, but soon Pei Junlin was relieved. Teacher Yuan Ping did not justify doing so, and could not participate in it.

The only explanation is that the person who designed this approach is very Pei Junlin's routine. The design of each link is seamless, so Pei Junlin has to step into it.

"You have offended the Peng and Dragon races outside the territory this time. The two races are now killing and killing for the planet Renault, and you have no time to take care of you. But we Tigers need to take this opportunity to destroy you in one fell swoop and occupy the entire earth All the famous mountains and rivers and some remnants of recovery. "When Hu Feng spoke, his eyes looked at the wolf. It is clear that this is a young man with a great leadership temperament.

Even around the sky, Pei Junlin did not completely lose faith. He has a strong strength of his own, and it is also a source of confidence that he is confident that he can break through.

"If you want to fight then fight, I don't mind slaughtering you monsters today." Pei Junlin didn't dare.

The rage was rippling all over his body, and he instantly rose into the sky. Even the clouds above the nine days were dispersed.

"The human race has appeared such an arrogant thief. If you don't kill you today, the human race will definitely be in your hands." A lazy voice came.

This is a man in white, his body lying on the top of the tree like a feather, and letting the tree top swing back and forth, this person will not move.

With a sword in his hand, blood dripped from the tip of the sword.

Pei Junlin looked towards this person and found out that he was a human race, but he clearly had the breath of a strong recovery.

"Seeing that there is no Pei Junlin, I don't want to kill you, your kind can't allow your existence, because your existence affects their interests." The young tiger of the tiger tribe roared with a hearty laugh.

The white man rolled over and fell down like a leaf. At the moment before Pei Jun's presence, the sword in his hand suddenly chopped out a shocking sword light, and it seemed that he wanted to split Pei Junlin into two halves in an instant.

This sword is arrogant and casual, seemingly lazy but extremely fierce.

Facing this sword light, Pei Junlin stood still, and only felt his brow jump, as if his soul were to be cut open.

The opponent is definitely a master, an amazing master, above Kendo, far more than Pei Junlin himself.

This is a powerful role, Pei Junlin did not dare to carelessly, suddenly got up and attacked to defend.

Now falling into the encirclement, you can't lose your momentum. If you have any signs of decay, you will immediately be bitten by this group of evil dogs.

Therefore, Pei Junlin can not counsel, must always maintain the best condition.

At this time, Pei Junlin was like a mad tiger, and suddenly rushed towards the white man. He abandoned the broken domain sword in his hand, but used a pair of meat fists to resist the opponent's sword light.

Relying on the huge strength of the body, Pei Junlin's double fists suddenly shot a terrifying fist, instantly smashing the sword light to the ground ~ ~ Then Pei Junlin Lin punched the ground, and the whole earth banged, A huge shock wave rushed along the land towards the white man, and the sky was filled with smoke, obscuring the view.

Many demon clan in the mountains are watching this, they are watching with cold eyes, but at this time they must not be convinced by the strength of Pei Junlin.

Many of these people are the demon races who came to the earth for the first time. They have heard of the name of Pei Junlin, and they also know that this person has suffered losses from the tiger race and the dragon race Peng race.

Before they came, these people disregarded Pei Junlin. In their thoughts, where can a native of the human race be strong, it is nothing more than an accusation.

But now seeing Pei Junlin's action, these demon races are still completely shocked. It is an absolute strong will. Experts know if there is any, and many demon races retreat from the heart even for a moment.

It is this effect that Pei Junlin wants. He wants to make these demon tribes tremble and fear from the depths of their hearts. Only in this way can we win a chance in danger.

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