Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1095: Surroundings of Xiaogu Mountain

Pei Junlin, you come and go and fight with this white-sword swordsman for hundreds of rounds. Instead, Tiger Wind sat on the top of the mountain with a big tank in his hand. The big tank was filled with fine wine, and the tiger wind slurped two sips from time to time.

"Haha, you have more help than others, but this is what your human ancestors said. Pei Junlin, you are now lost and helpless, even if your kind is against you, what reason do you have to insist. Kneel down and surrender to me, I promise to give you a status and an identity. "When Hu Feng was in a fierce battle with Pei Junlin, he did not forget to launch the mind attack technique and persuade Pei Junlin to persuade.

"Oh, is it? It doesn't seem to explain anything." Pei Junlin smiled faintly.

With a wave of his hand, the thirteen princess of the dragon race rushed out of the Jindou space directly. The thirteenth princess is now completely surrendered by Pei Junlin, and is convinced by Pei Junlin.

Before waiting for what Pei Junlin said, the thirteen princesses directly rushed towards the enemy. Several bird demon clan in the nearby woods had no time to escape. For a time, the chickens and dogs jumped and their heads were cut off by the sword of the thirteen princesses. The whole wood was stained with blood.

The tiger wind that mocked Pei Junlin from afar suddenly looked stunned, and the look on his face was more uncomfortable than eating a fly.

Not only did he know the thirteen princess of the dragon clan, but he also had an admiration for the thirteen princess. Now he saw that his goddess had helped Pei Junlin fight.

Pei Junlin looked at all this in his eyes and could not help but sneer.

Pei Junlin waved with a punch, and the entire wood was instantly burned by flames. At this time, the white man couldn't maintain the appearance of fairy flutter.

The fire that was burnt by Pei Junlin's anger was black, and his eyes showed a look of anger.

Pei Junlin smiled and turned his fist into a palm. The golden palm was pushed horizontally, directly crushing the white man's sword light.


Pei Junlin stretched out his hand a little, and a shimmering golden monkey suddenly appeared behind the white man. Before the white man reacted, the stick in the hand of the monkey suddenly hit his head.

The brain seeds were smashed directly like watermelons in an instant, and the headless body of the white man fell to the ground with a bang.

There are a lot of demon clan and some strong recovery in the surrounding forests. When I saw this scene, I took a breath.

The white man's name is Yuankongjian, but he was a famous swordsman of the ancient Xuantianzong. Even in the ancient times, he became famous as a young genius. Unexpectedly, after the recovery in the ancient times, he was killed by Pei Junlin.

The tiger wind in the distance could not laugh anymore, and there was a fierce light in his eyes. Unsuccessful siege of Pei Junlin will inevitably lead to violent revenge by Pei Junlin, so this time he can only succeed without fail.

"Regardless of the consequences, I killed him." Hu Feng roared loudly.

The demon races lurking in the surrounding forests heard the order of the tiger wind, and they heard the orders, and the powerful breath broke through the clouds.

Pei Junlin waved his hand again, and the **** monkey avatar returned to his brow directly. The thirteenth princess is killing in the woods, but after the wild boar demon clan is surrounded, we are trapped.

Pei Junlin instantly jumped to the side of the thirteenth princess, and with a fist back several wild boars. The Chunyang fire bell flew out and instantly snapped two of the wild boars in it, and the ghost fire was violently calcined.

A wild boar was buckled under Chunyang's fire bell and made a screaming heart-warming. But Pei Junlin was unmoved and waved the sword in his hand, killing two wild boars with one sword.

"Follow me." Pei Junlin grabbed a snow-white flawless wrist of Princess Thirteen.

The terrifying sword light stabbed people so that they could not open their eyes, like a rainbow flying nine days.

Countless Yao Clan wanted to avoid it, but he was too dense. Under the sword of Pei Junlin, dozens of Yao Clan died instantly under the sword light of Pei Junlin.

Those extraterrestrial demon races from the realm of Yin and God came to kill Pei Junlin in vain. These people are not even ants in Pei Junlin's eyes.

Princess Thirteen simply turned into a dragon, and Pei Junlin jumped directly to the back of Princess Thirteen and turned into a dragon knight.

The Dragon Clan is already extremely powerful, and it is very powerful outside the territory. The Dragon Clan is in a dominant position in the entire Donglai Xingyu Dragon Clan.

These demon clan casters who came to siege Pei Junlin did not dare to really hurt the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan. If the dragon clan had to settle the accounts after the autumn, none of these people would be able to walk around.

With the amulet of the thirteen princess of the dragon family, Pei Junlin was even more fearless. The pure Yang fire bell and the beacon were successively shot. The entire mountain forest was burned into a raging flame. .


A huge figure of more than ten meters, blocked Pei Junlin's way. The bone stick in his hand flew abruptly, and a huge stone weighing more than a dozen tons flew towards Pei Junlin like a shell.

Pei Junlin instantly regained the thirteenth princess in the Jindou space to ensure her safety.

Pei Junlin stood on the spot without shining. When the boulder came to him, he was suddenly punched by Pei Junlin and burst into pieces.

In this scene, the eyes of all the demon races were even more shocking and inexplicable.

"Is this guy really a human being? It's completely different from the average weak human race. You see that he didn't even get down against the blood bear king." There was a demon trembling in the forest, and he didn't even dare to step out of the forest .

They originally came to siege Pei Junlin, but at this time they became prey.

"The strength of this bear king is not even weaker than that of the tiger prince. If he can't kill Pei Junlin, today all of us are in danger."

"This man is a natural killer."

Some demon races panicked and talked.

In front of this bear king, Pei Junlin is like a pocket doll. But Pei Junlin was not at all ill, he looked calm. Stepping on the mysterious pace, I immediately came to the side of the bear king, and raising his fist was bombing.

There are no bells and whistles, and the punches are fleshy.

The two clashed in less than a minute, and the entire mountain fell tens of meters. The splitting stones exploded around the hidden demon clan, rushing around like frightened birds.

These two people are extremely amazing to destroy you. If you go on like this, the whole mountain will be completely wiped out. However, neither of them meant to stop.

Pei Junlin's body was covered with a faint golden bell. This is the highest defensive body of the golden bell. The bear king's every punch on the golden bell can make the golden bell crack.

But every time Pei Junlin will be repaired quickly, and the bear king who reflexively punches back again and again, at least in terms of strength, Pei Junlin does not need to lose to the bear king.

Suddenly Pei Junlin's hair fell, and he realized that someone was going to sneak attack on himself, taking advantage of the gap between him and the bear king, and attacking himself.

This is a mean behavior, but Pei Junlin does not care. The two armies confronted each other in order to kill each other.

As soon as Pei Junlin turned, a white sword light was less than ten meters away from Pei Junlin. With this sword light before and after Xiong Wang Hu Shi, Pei Junlin was hit twice, and the situation was extremely critical.

Suddenly Pei Junlin's face changed greatly, because he suddenly realized that the white light was not a sword light at all, but a thin rune paper.

The hidden killing intentions are even more turbulent and shocking. This is not a general rune, but a sword rune made by the ancient power.

It seals the strongest blow of Master Kendo, contains the supreme power, and kills a master in the late stage of Yangshen Realm.

This time Pei Junlin really felt the crisis of life and death. He reached out a stroke of the pure yang fire over his head, and a fire dragon snaked down and wrapped around Pei Junlin.


The fulu exploded directly, and a terrifying sword light came towards Pei Junlin to kill. The demon clan watching in the distance all held their breath, widening their eyes one by one.

This is a terrifying battle. Many people have never seen such a fierce and exciting battle in their lives. Every move and every style is a classic.

The current Pei Junlin seems to be a master of combat, and he can enter the textbook regardless of his reaction or moves.

With a swish, Pei Junlin rose to the sky.

Among the rainbow light bathing the body, a light cyan light scattered, and the bodies of the bear kings were suddenly stiff. At this time, the sword light among the swords had also been killed.

At this critical level, Pei Junlin suddenly rushed to the Bear King and changed his body position at the last moment.

That Jianguang missed Pei Junlin and directly killed the bear king. Grunt, a big head rolled directly to the ground.

The bear king woke up from the angel demon demon at this time, the headless body hurried to catch up a few steps, trying to pick up his head.

But where did Pei Junlin give him this opportunity, the Chunyang Fire Bell instantly caught and burned the bear king's head directly.

In the distance, the tiger wind saw this scene dizzying. The bear king was his first general, his left arm and his right arm. If he was killed by Pei Junlin today, he not only lost a general, but also lost his face.

It's a pity that Tiger's rescue came late, and before he rushed to Pei Junlin, the bear king was dead. The huge body crashed to the ground, but at the moment of falling, Pei Junlin ’s golden space opened directly, and this huge bear king ’s body was included in the golden space ~ ~ This is the best The ingredients cannot be wasted. The four bear paws alone are supremely delicious.

During the war, Pei Junlin still does not forget his barbecue business, it is really speechless.

The monsters hidden in the mountain forest saw that the bear king's body was taken away by Pei Junlin, and each body shivered. In their eyes, Pei Junlin has now become a **** of killing, **** blocking **** of killing Buddha.

Even the prince of Tiger Wind, who is invincible, is not enough to see in front of Pei Junlin.

Today's siege appears to these demon clan, it becomes a joke.

By now, the tiger wind finally came to an end personally, but Pei Junlin was still not afraid.

The whole mountain was covered by Pei Junlin ’s sword light, and there were more blood-red lightning crackles, spreading along the mud of the mountain to the surroundings. If the demon clan within a few hundred meters radius escaped too slowly, they would soon be caught by these Lightning burned to ashes.

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