Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1104: 4 Grand Gate

"Let's talk about this matter, don't worry too much about you." Pei Junlin's reaction was very flat.

In fact, Pei Junlin has clearly seen the routines behind these four major gates. The world is bustling and all are in good faith. These four major gates are also known for their benefit.

Fame is a kind of vanity, but it is something craved in human nature. Now that Pei Junlin is the spiritual leader of the human race of the earth, these ancient forces will naturally be invisible after recovery. First of all, they must **** these cares from Pei Junlin.

What they like is the famous mountains and rivers, and secondly, some forbidden places and some ruins after the recovery. These ancient ruins and forbidden areas that remain in the ancient times contain endless treasures.

Pei Junlin believes that this Taishan Conference should be the time to divide interests. However, Pei Junlin didn't want to blend in at all. The earth was just a planet. In Pei Junlin's eyes, it was nothing but a cloud of smoke. He had traveled thousands of planets, and had seen many giant ancestors. It's nothing.

The benefits that those people don't seem to get in their eyes are nothing but petty profits in Pei Junlin's eyes.

However, Pei Junlin is still going to go to this Taishan conference. If he doesn't, some people will say that he is afraid. Recently, a lot of media on social media are frantically promoting the Taishan Conference. The question of whether Pei Junlin dared to show up.

The Taishan Conference, as the name implies, is to be held on Taishan.

On this day, colorful flags fluttered on the Taishan Mountain, and drums were loud, and countless journalists and elites from all over the world gathered here.

The big figures in politics and business also came to Mount Tai in succession, wanting to see the style of the ancient powerful recovery and making friends with them.

Businessmen chasing profits, naturally need some strong backing, if there is no fist businessman is a big fat sheep. Therefore, many rich people gathered at the foot of Mount Tai, looking for some strong men who recovered from the ancient times to support their consortium.

Some masters of the army also came to Mount Tai, with eyes like electricity, to maintain law and order around.

More are some journalists, ordinary people, etc. They came here to see the charm of ancient fairy figures and communicate with idols up close. Many people are holding glow sticks in their hands. I thought it was an open-air concert.

The Taishan Conference does not prohibit ordinary people from entering, but it also requires a certain identity to be able to come here.

What you can really enter is either rich or expensive.

But even after layer-by-layer screening, there are still hundreds of thousands of ordinary people on the top of Mount Tai and the earth cultivators on the bottom.

A strong breath landed on Mount Tai, from which came out a young man in white with red lips and white teeth, wearing a flower in his temple.

With his eyes alone, he couldn't see whether the boy was a man or a woman, or even a boy with no throat.

As soon as the boy fell to the ground, he immediately aroused the exclamation of thousands of girls around him. A large group of girls exclaimed, and even some people fainted in excitement, and more girls screamed exhaustedly, expressing their love for idols.

Tang Shaobai, I love you ... "A chubby girl screamed at Tang Shaobai with a hoarse noise.

With a smile on his face, Tang Shaobai waved steadily towards the surroundings. The posture was like some modern top traffic stars walking on the red carpet.

Immediately following are several guru-level characters from Taiji Jianmen. The appearance of these people will be much more bland, but the form of their appearance is also very different, catching people's attention.

Several masters of Taiji Jianmen turned out to be flying from the legendary Yujian. This move is to make up for the shortcomings of the Tai Chi Jianmen's lack of popularity, attracting countless reporters competing to take pictures, and some young masters yearning for it.

There were countless teenagers in the crowd who gritted their teeth and vowed to worship the Tai Chi sword gate. Yu Jian's flying is too handsome, even if it is not suitable when playing against people, but usually it is enough to install a fork.

If you can learn this trick, then the girl is simply hand in hand, and it is effortless.

The appearance form of the ancient Chunyangmen was the most eye-catching. A huge spaceship landed directly on Mount Tai. Some masters of the Pure Yangmen walked in the cheers of the crowd, and the lower spaceship waved towards the crowd.

The final appearance is through the league. This time there are more people coming, and a powerful breath falls from the sky and catches people's attention. There are even masters of the Yangshen Realm who suppress the Quartet. When they play, they are shocked all around, and the whole mountain is covered with needles.

Countless ancient powerhouses gathered here, showing a strong strength, masters of the realm of Yangshen Realm, shocked the Quartet, endless masters of the realm of Yinshen Realm, can be like stars.

The four major schools have come to Taishan one after another, but many reporters are still looking forward to it.

"Will Pei Junlin come today?" A female reporter said this to the camera. Obviously they were going to broadcast live.

The Internet also caused monstrous public opinion. Many people said that Pei Junlin dared not show up again.

Some people also said that with Pei Junlin's character, this time it will definitely appear coquettish, and pressure the audience, and finally it must be the most shining star.

In short, there are many people in Yun Yiyun, but there are many. Pei Junlin's iron powder always respects Pei Junlin and regards Pei Junlin as the spiritual leader of the human race.

"The four major gates have been on the scene for such a long time, then Pei Junlin still does not show up, I think he really counseled this time."

"Did you not see it? Among the recovered powerhouses are Yangshen masters, then Pei Junlin is nothing but a Yinshen realm. When the strength vacuum on earth was once, he picked up a big bargain and became the first person on earth, But now that these ancient Zongmen come back, then Pei Junlin has become an ordinary person, and among these people is not enough to be dazzling. "

"So what? Pei Junlin has at least made a huge contribution to mankind, fighting for the blood and sweat of the human race and the monster race, what have you done?"

"I will always support Brother Pei, who is the idol in my heart."

It was already tumultuous in the webcast room, but Pei Junlin did not show up.

"Since some people dare not show up, let's start the meeting." A master of Chunyang Gate stood up and announced.

Several masters of the Tonggu League looked at each other and said they needed to wait a second, but Tai Chi Jianmen did not show anything.

"I think Pei Junlin will definitely come today, he will come to beat me." Tang Shaobai suddenly shot his tongue out and made a grimace in the face of the reporter's interview.

This scene screamed countless girls in front of the screen, and completely exploded social media.

The image of Tang Shaobai's ghost horse is too deeply rooted in people's hearts. For a time, Tang Shaobai has attracted countless fans and become an idol of the younger generation.

"To be honest, Pei Junlin is also the big brother in my heart. I said that provocative remark before, just to increase my reputation. Now that my reputation is enough, I showdown, I do n’t pretend. , I can't beat Pei Junlin. "Tang Shaobai and I were terribly dead, and the words spoken were jaw-dropping.

It's completely the act of slapping one's own face, one's own face.

The reversal before and after is too big to be acceptable. But this Tang Shaobai has always been maverick, but was bluntly screamed by his fans.

Some people at Chunyangmen expressed their dissatisfaction that Tang Shaobai was a capricious villain.

"In short, I have only one sentence to say. In the future, Pei Junlin will be my elder brother. Whoever wants to fight against him will kill me." Finally, Tang Shaobai came to a summary of the speech.

Several masters of Chunyangmen's faces are very ugly. The reason why they participated in the Taishan Conference this time is that they were actually secretly stunned by Chunyangmen behind their backs.

The purpose is to pull Pei Junlin from his current position, trample his aura completely, and destroy a person, he must first destroy his reputation and stigmatize him.

Chunyangmen had prepared a lot of Pei Junlin's black materials, and listed them one by one, preparing to make them public at the Taishan Conference, and pulling Pei Junlin from the altar in one fell swoop.

But Tang Shaobai's sudden backwaters made Chunyangmen feel dull and hard to do.

As for the Taiji Jianmen, they said early that they would not participate in this matter. They came to the Taishan Conference only to promote the status of Taiji Jianmen.

Also, the attitude of the Tonggu League has always been ambiguous, making Chunyangmen very unhappy. A vigorous and upset Pei organization was now suddenly turned into a one-man show at Chunyangmen.

But the matter has come to this point, the strong men of the Pure Yangmen exchanged their eyes, feeling that this matter must be thoroughly carried out.

A breath of terrifying air descended from the sky, and black light appeared in the clouds, sending out roars of dragons.

A crowd of people on Mount Tai exclaimed in excitement, looking up into the clouds of the sky, and the continuously rolling clouds had dragon shapes flipping back and forth among them.

"It's a dragon!"

Someone exclaimed and aroused the reporter's attention ~ ~ Numerous cameras were facing the sky and began to shoot and broadcast live there.

"There is nothing fuss about it. Dragon, since ancient times, is a symbol of our nation and a totem of our nation. We should not be afraid, but should be close to the dragon instead." An elder of Chunyang Gate stood up with a face on his face Smile.

This is a play they arranged, the purpose is to let the Yaozu Tang appear at the Taishan Conference.

"Human friends, in fact, our extraterrestrial demon races are not malicious to the human races. On the contrary, there are many evil races in the universe. Wherever they go, Pingshan sin debt. It is also a matter of minutes to destroy a race." There was a dull sound rolling in it, like a dull thunder.

"For example, there is a race called the double-headed King Kong in the universe. This race is hundreds of meters tall and wanders in the universe all the year round. The planet that has passed is destroyed and slaughtered hundreds of millions of souls." The voice continued.

"There was once a two-headed blood demon staring at the earth, but it was eventually exterminated by the power of our dragon family to avoid the crisis of the destruction of the earth." The voice above the clouds seemed to tell an ancient story.

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