Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1105: Qunying

Even if there is such a thing, do the Dragon Clan have been guarding our world?

There are many special characters on Mount Tai, all talking with the people around them. They seem to be inadvertent, but in fact they have already prepared their lines.

Some people are actually pure Yangmen placed in the crowd, in order to set off the atmosphere.

Man is the most susceptible creature.

There was incitement by these people in the crowd, and soon a group of journalists and various elite humans on Taishan Mountain showed a suspicious look on their faces.

It is important to know that on the Taishan Mountain, there are elite figures of the human race, and almost all important figures from the political, commercial, and military circles are here.

Really succeeded in giving this group of people a fool, then it is equivalent to completely mankind.

"Don't listen to them farting blindly, what kind of **** two-headed blood demon, I never heard of it." Tang Shaobai suddenly shouted at the sky.

His voice was deaf and audible, causing many people with suspicious expressions on their faces to wake up suddenly.

The people who came to Taishan today are, after all, some of the elite figures among human beings. In terms of probability, their average IQ is not low, so they quickly saw through the trick.

"Since the dragons have been guarding the humans on our earth, why did the dragons once again open the killing ring on the earth, and a city was completely destroyed by a dragon overnight. Hundreds of thousands of people have been swallowed up, how to say ? "

The man who spoke was a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face and a straight face.

Although his voice was not big, but it was spread ten to hundred, and quickly spread around. The faces of these elite figures of political, business, and military forces on Mount Tai immediately showed a sudden enlightenment.

The black dragon hiding in the clouds and pretending to be a **** stick, when he saw that the bewitching heart had failed, his face could not help showing an angry look, and suddenly roared, the whole sky was instantly shrouded by lightning, and the mountain was also scrapped Gust of wind.

"Everyone, although there are some differences between the human race and the demon race before, it does not mean that our two races will always be hostile. It is the last thing that everyone puts the dispute on and develops together." An elder of Chunyang Gate took the initiative to stand up Said towards the crowd.

His words caused even more controversy.

"This man is a traitor and a traitor. Everyone should never listen to him. He and the demon clan have already worn a pair of pants." Tang Shaobai once again came forward to expose your pure Yangmen trick.

"Humble bugs, dirty aborigines. You and the inferior creatures can't explain it at all, it's better to send you to death." The black dragon in the clouds finally revealed its body, a black giant dragon that stretched for hundreds of meters.

The scales shone coldly in the sun, four claws were constantly waving in the air, and the body meandered in the clouds.

This black dragon is going to start with the human elite figures on the mountain below, and wipe out all the human elites.

"Everyone run fast, today is a trap." Tang Shaobai's face also changed.

He rises into the sky to evolve his fist skills, protecting the entire Taishan from confrontation with the Naru.

Taiji Jianmen also rushed out of an old guru with white hair. He also held a Taiji sword and faced the dragon clan in the sky to confront. It was the elders of the pure Yangmen who sat there sneeringly.

"Why is this necessary, why should everyone forcefully cause bloodshed. It is better to sit down and talk about it. I think the human race and the demon race can coexist peacefully." Several elders of Chunyangmen continued to confuse people shamelessly.

A dark light fell from the sky and fell like a meteorite on the top of Mount Tai. It was a young man bathed in golden light with a folding fan in his hand.

This person really interpreted what is called Mo Shangren Ruyu, the son of Wushuang.

Those fans who originally belonged to Tang Shaobai saw the figures walking out of the golden light, screaming, and some girls glared in both eyes.

Tang Shaobai looked aside and sighed, and he was not angry about his misfortune. A young man emerged from the golden light, and he took away all his limelight as soon as he appeared, which made Tang Shaobai uncomfortable.

"It's just a miscellaneous hairy bird. What's so great, my idol Pei Junlin once said that these monsters outside the domain are just some ingredients." Tang Shaobai said loudly.

"No, such a handsome big guy turned out to be a bird, is he a demon?" Some human girls showed a look of consternation.

Although the man who walked out of this golden light is very handsome, if his real body is a demon, many human women are still unacceptable.

"Yes, he comes from the golden-winged Dapeng family. What you see now is just an illusion, it is actually a bird itself. I do n’t understand the girls who screamed at him just now, what the **** are you doing? Thinking, do you also want to eat Peng meat? "Tang Shaobai said towards the girls around him.

The people who walked out of the golden light were the god-sons of the golden-winged Dapeng family, no matter their identity or status.

As soon as he appeared, he exhibited the unique temperament of the master of the Yangshen Realm, and his hands and feet changed color.

Regarding what Tang Shaobai said here, the Peng clan's Divine Son didn't seem to hear it. With a calm expression, he went straight to the site belonging to Tan Chunyang Gate and found a chair to sit down safely.

After the debut of the Peng clan's **** son, another light fell from the sky. This time, I came from a tall young man who was walking in a row, and was not angry with his eyes.

"I'm from a tiger family outside the starry sky. My name is Tiger Ram!" The tall young man walked around and waved toward the humans around him.

"What are they doing here with these demon races outside of the realm?" Some humans have seen this scene in discourse.

This picture was transmitted to thousands of computer screens through live broadcast, and countless people saw this scene and also showed a surprised look.

For the first time, the human race and the demon race sat together in such a peaceful manner, and they did not cross the sword. This makes many people feel a little weird, and even many people screamed in anger.

They once had loved ones and loved ones, and died under the iron hoof of the exotic demon clan. Now the first thing about these resurgent human races, you actually want to live in harmony with the demon races, which makes some humans angry.

And the human beings who had hoped for these powerful recovery people suddenly became very disappointed, and many people began to recall and miss the era of Pei Junlin.

In the era of Pei Junlin, the demon clan absolutely dared not act on the earth with majesty, and would be killed as soon as they appeared.

Pei Junlin once auctioned the pictures of those demon races still vivid, which made many people relish. In contrast, these ancient recovery strongs, although they are very powerful, but what they did made many people's tribes cold.

But these old enemies of the human race are now sitting together and talking and laughing, how can this allow humanity to endure.

One after another, there are many demon goddesses and goddesses. These people, without exception, are actually very powerful and belong to the top genius among the demon clan.

A large number of top figures of the demon clan came to the earth, which is also enough to prove the huge impact of the Xiaogushan event on the entire East Starland.

If we said that we had invaded the earth before, those demon tribes just sent out some heroes of this tribe. But this time, the strength of the bottom of the box was taken out. Some saints and saints came to the top of Mount Tai like the crucian carp crossing the river.

They are scrambling to stay ahead of each other, for fear of being one step behind.

Without exception, most of these people came to the side of the pure Yangmen. But what surprised many people is that the Tonggu Alliance also occupies many demon goddesses and goddesses.

For a time, the top of Mount Tai was like a beauty pageant. These gods and goddesses were all bright in color and outstanding in appearance. Like the stars in the sky, they were dazzled by many news reporters.

Some strong men of the Tonggu Alliance sat down with some demon goddesses and goddesses to chat and laugh.

On the other side, there are several elder-level figures from the Pure Yang Gate, who are respectful in front of the demon clan, and it is very flattering to serve tea and pour water.

This scene was transmitted to the Internet through a live broadcast, which caused many honest young people on the Internet to swear.

But there are also many young people who pride themselves on analyzing all this calmly. They feel that the final merger of the human race and the demon race is the only choice.

Some people even assert that Pei Junlin will never appear in Taishan today, because Pei Junlin is the product of an era in which humans must have aggressive heroic characters like Pei Junlin to fight against the demon clan.

The era that belonged to Yuan Ping, Sun Xian and Pei Junlin has passed, and a new era has come. With the third reiki recovery, the earth ’s powerful people are awakened, and the era of Pei Junlin ’s complete tragedy ended, replaced by a cooperative The great era of winning.

Some experts and scholars vigorously advocated on TV stations, and on the Internet, a large number of articles ~ ~ preached the so-called Donglai Star Territory co-prosperity, human beings walked out of the universe and coexisted with hundreds of people, like the development of stars and so on.

There are even some upper-class people whose status is extraordinary, and they have come forward directly to come up with a plan called Star Ocean.

The angle of the starry sky shining outside the entire Taishan General Assembly appeared majesticly in human sight.

At this moment, it seems that these extraterrestrial demon have become the protagonists. Whether they are pure Yangmen or some young masters in the alliance, they are talking and laughing with the gods and goddesses. They clink each other with red wine in their hands, and their faces are full of smiles.

On the other hand, the old guru of the Taiji sword gate on the other side, leading a group of disciples, looked indifferent.

Some people of the same God Boxing Sect are also very ugly. The people headed by Tang Shaobai glared at those gods and goddesses, but they were so weak that they looked a little bit in front of these masters.

"Haha, I'm afraid that Pei Junlin is afraid to come today?" The black dragon constantly rolling in the clouds suddenly gave a roar of shock.

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