Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1119: Cat monster

Before leaving, Pei Junlin told everyone carefully.

When everyone came to Xiaogu Mountain, the eruption of colorful divine light seemed to be more intense. It was already night when we arrived at Xiaogu Mountain, but the beam of light soared into the sky like a day.

A soaring beam of light hangs down from the clouds, emitting a colorful light, and the energy fluctuations around it are also very strong.

Within the entire range of Xiaogu Mountain, there are masters everywhere within a hundred miles, among which there are masters of the demon clan, masters of the ancient recovery, and some top clan of the human clan, and even some of them are mixed with many Western masters.

These people are very vigilant, and each sticks to their own scope, and if someone invades, they will start immediately.

"Boss, the best position has been snatched away. We came too late and can only stand now." Ye Tianxing quipped.

As soon as his voice fell, there was a voice of war in the distance. The battle was fierce, and Baoguang soared into the sky. A golden figure filled the whole world and fought in that world.

It was a strong human race, in the realm of Yin God, but faced with a master of the realm of Yang God, he was not at all surprised. The two sides fought a great battle, and the surroundings became scorched earth.

The battle ended in just five minutes, and finally the master of the Yin God Realm escaped, and the master of the Yang Shen Realm occupied his position.

The battle of the company has just ended, and the other side of the battle immediately broke out again. This time is a battle between the human race and the demon race. Several demon clan besieged an old man of the human race. The old man seems to be an ancient recovery race.

The old man is very strong, but two fists and four hands are hard to beat.

Soon it was completely suppressed by several demon clan. Seeing that the old man was in danger, he was still reluctant to give up his place.

Soon the recovery powerhouse made a scream and fell directly from midair. After several powerful demon clan robbed the old man, he quickly hid there.

"Several little cubs outside the field, even spreading wild on the territory of the human race." Ye Tianxing and others were furious.

In contrast, Pei Junlin showed unusual calmness at this time.

He glanced at everyone lightly, shaking his head and said: "Don't think that the human race is safe, everyone here is an enemy, everyone is to **** the last treasure."

Pei Junlin’s words were like a pot of cold water to calm these people down. They now understand the cruel fact that there is only one wolf with more meat and less treasures. Only one person can finally get these solitary mountain treasures .

So whether it is a human race or a demon race in this area, it is very dangerous to encounter, and it is possible to start a fierce battle at any time.

Fighting is often very short, and life and death are only for a moment. If you are not careful, you will probably report to Lord Yan in the next moment.

"For the sake of safety and security, you first enter the interior of the space." Pei Junlin said towards everyone.

After speaking, he could not help but say that the space of Jindou was opened directly, and all of them were absorbed.

Now only Pei Junlin is left, with a cold face on his face, and a few ups and downs running towards the place where just a few demon lurks.

In a blink of an eye, Pei Junlin entered this area. During this period, Pei Junlin had experienced several warning consciousnesses, but he ignored them.

When Pei Junlin came to this area, the true energy around him exploded instantaneously, and the rolling mana rushed towards Pei Junlin. Several demon races were about to burst into trouble at this time and bombard Pei Junlin.

The treasures of Xiaogu Mountain are no different, and all who can come here to **** them are masters. Although it hasn't started to **** the treasures yet, many people have already killed their eyes.

The higher the position, the more fierce fighting is required. Many people can occupy a favorable terrain, often after many rounds of fighting.

It is difficult for Pei Junlin to grab a forward position. He has just set foot in this area, and several demon clan immediately launched a violent bombardment towards it.

However, Pei Junlin had already prepared, the Yuan magnetic divine light flashed around him instantly, and the pure Yang fire bell shone to the sky and earth, and even the fire light radiated robbed the colorful light.


Pei Junlin hit the ground with a punch, the earth split open directly, a cloud of mushrooms rose up, and within a few miles, the insiders turned their horses upside down.

Several masters of the Yangshen Realm didn’t even fight Pei Junlin, and the powerful air wave caused them to rush into the sky and spit blood out one by one.

too strong!

Someone exclaimed, his face ugly.

"That's Chunyang Fire Clock, Pei Junlin's iconic treasure. Let's make sure you don't stop him." Someone recognized Chunyang Fire Clock, and his expression suddenly became cautious.

"It doesn't matter what Pei Junlin and Wang Junlin were born, this time it was born, it is probably the fragment of the fairy world. Whoever grabs it will be fully developed. The Heavenly King Laozi is coming, and Laozi will fight with him." Some people also expressed Disdainful.

However, Pei Junlin occupied the position occupied by several demon races just now. This position is not close to Xiaogu Mountain, which is finally a favorable terrain.

The sound fluctuations made by the people around have just been received by Pei Junlin. Some people even heard secretly that they did not hide Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin Your current state is very mysterious. His brain is like a super processor, capable of handling many complex events at the same time. Even during the battle, every minute of the surrounding movements can't hide Pei Junlin's observations.

"That's not enough. I was recognized as soon as I arrived, and the goal was great." Pei Junlin immediately discovered the problem.

This is not something else, this is to **** the treasure.

In case you meet an acquaintance here, will you start or not?

And after robbing the treasure, the ultimate goal is very large, it is likely to be chased and killed by thousands of miles. So Pei Junlin immediately thought of a way, that is, Yi Rong, with the appearance of a mysterious man to steal the treasure, so that there will be no worries.

Pei Junlin's current state, it's easy to think of easy appearance, but he can't hide some masters. Because the master is very sensitive to the breath of some opponents, even if he changes his face, he can still recognize it instantly.

It is useless to change the appearance alone, but Pei Junlin has another way to change the breath. The chaotic golden battle instantly exuded a black lacquered chaotic atmosphere, Zhang Peijunlin was enveloped by the whole person.

Wearing a black cloak in Pei Junlin, he couldn't see his face clearly, he could only feel that he was wrapped in a cloud of black mist. His breath was very unique, and no one could find clues.

But as long as there is no usual iconic treasure, such as the Pure Yang Fire Bell and the Sword, etc., no one will recognize himself. After Pei Junlin made up his mind, he collected the Pure Yang Fire Bell directly.

I have just learned a lot of essentials of boxing from the sculpture of Wang Chao recently. This time it was just a real battle.

Pei Junlin's breath instantly became dark, disappeared from the original place, and entered the chaotic golden battle. The chaotic realm was sneaking in the dark, no one would find it.

Pei Junlin landed when he reached another mountain nearby, and lurked again in a ditch. Pei Junlin just fell down on the ground and felt something strange around him. He turned around and looked sideways, immediately facing a beautiful face.

Both sides stared at each other with big eyes, and looked at each other's eyes.

"You are Pei Junlin, how did you make yourself like this?" The girl's opening shocked Pei Junlin completely.

Pei Junlin originally thought that he would look like this now and he would definitely not be recognized. Who knew that when he saw the first person, he recognized himself, which surprised Pei Junlin.

A subconscious hand reached over the girl's mouth, and the girl's neck was tired between the other hand.

The two's bodies were tightly attached to each other in an extremely ambiguous posture, and the girl's body instantly stiffened and her face flushed.

"How did you recognize me? Don't make a noise, I will break your neck." Pei Junlin lowered his voice and looked at the girl in a low voice.

After the girl was nervous for a while, her body slowly relaxed.

A whining voice in his mouth signaled Pei Junlin to remove his big hand. After Pei Junlin let go of his hand, the girl heard a faint smile: "You can rest assured that maybe only I can recognize you in this world, and no one else can do it."

"Why only you can do it? How did you recognize me?" Pei Junlin couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The painstaking disguise did not expect to be recognized, so Pei Junlin's heart was a bit decadent, and wanted to know how the girl recognized him.

"I said, only I can recognize it, so you can rest assured." The girl's comfort has accompanied you again and again.

Pei Junlin's eyes glowed with golden light. He was using fire eyes, and soon Pei Junlin was surprised to find that the girl in her arms turned out to be a pure white cat.

It turned out to be a cat demon...

The cat may be the most keen creature in the No wonder this girl can recognize herself, and Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief.

"You won't kill me to kill your mouth? I promise not to say it." The girl seemed to feel Pei Junlin's killing intention and said quickly and nervously.

"When did you see me? Why don't I remember that I saw you?" Pei Junlin said, looking at the cat demon in his arms coldly.

This cat demon is not simple. Pei Junlin, whose race is peculiar, has never seen it before.

"What's your identity? What status? Will you remember me?" The girl's tone was a taunt.

"Reassure, I will never say your identity, I can swear." The girl seemed really afraid, Pei Junlin would suddenly kill the killer, killing people.

"It's so troublesome to swear, I don't think it's necessary anymore. I just killed you a hundred." Pei Junlin reached out and pinched the girl's slender neck, as long as he could squeeze the other party directly.

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