Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1120: Silver hair goddess

At this moment, the girl's heartbeat has turned more than ten times.

Pei Junlin is of course only kidding, but it is indeed possible to leave this girl secret. Now the best solution that Pei Junlin seems to be is to quietly enter this girl into the Jindou space.

But when Pei Junlin hesitated for a moment, the girl's body suddenly became dull.

It was like a ray of green smoke that disappeared directly in front of Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin was startled. He raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Sure enough, he saw a big white cat a dozen meters away and was looking back at himself.


After the cat made a meowing sound, it turned around and left. It was impossible for Pei Junlin to chase her.

Pei Junlin clenched his fists and smashed a fist on the soil beside him. After a thousand calculations, he didn't expect to be damaged by a kitten.

I never imagined that my elaborately prepared cosmetic surgery was actually broken by a cat. If the cat tells his secrets, then this disguise is equivalent to wasting.

But Pei Junlin kept thinking about the status quo, and the cat would not necessarily tell the news. Pei Junlin would bet another probability.

Pei Junlin arranged a formation around him, which could shield the inquisition of others, and also isolate all sounds.

Even with a certain defensive function, even a master of the Yangshen Realm, it is difficult to attack and enter under the defensive.

This formation is like a harder tent. Although it will not completely protect Pei Junlin's safety, it can also temporarily resist that moment.

After confirming the surrounding safety, Pei Junlin directly opened the Jindou space and released all the siblings inside.

The two sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu stood beside Pei Junlin, and their gazes looked at Xiaogu Mountain in the distance.

This place is only one kilometer away from Xiaogu Mountain. The master of Yangshen Realm can rush to it in the blink of an eye. Pei Junlin chose this place. The terrain is very high, which is an excellent place.

Once something happens, it is possible to dive down into the fire at any time to take the chestnuts, and **** the erupting treasure.

But this position is good, there must be a lot of people watching, and maybe someone will pass by here to challenge later.

"Boss Pei, how can we help you later?" Ye Tianxing and others have reached a tacit agreement.

They didn't come here to **** the treasures, mainly to increase their knowledge, and assist Pei Junlin by the way. Only Pei Junlin had the hope of snatching the treasures from Xiaogu Mountain, and other people had no hope at all.

The only thing to do now is to break into the realm of Yangshen as soon as possible so that there is self-protected capital.

These people have just experienced breaking through the realm of Yinshen for less than half a year. Unexpectedly, the entire planet was occupied by Yangshen masters so quickly.

Now Ye Tianxing and Li Tianpei are half a beat behind in their strength, and they cannot hold a breath in front of some top players.

When they came around this small solitary mountain, they could only give Pei Junlin some help and assistance. They wanted to fight those demon clan directly.

"Look at that, that person is so strange." Li Tianpei exclaimed.

His exclamation instantly attracted everyone's eyes, and Pei Junlin also stopped his eyes. Soon Pei Junlin saw a shadow, it was a silver light, a silver-haired beauty, wrapped in a light mass.

This beauty is just like the gods, the whole body is filled with an indescribable charm. The appearance is naturally beautiful. The key is that white hair, which gives people an unspeakable feeling.

"Boss, what race is this? Is it also the demon race?" Everyone saw his eyes straight.

There are even a few unsatisfactory guys with a clear spit out of the corner of their mouths.

The glittering golden light of Pei Junlin's eyes couldn't even see what the woman's body was. From the perspective of Pei Junlin, the woman's body seems to be human, but there is a faint enchantment on her body.

"I can't see what this woman is for the time being, it should be a demon clan after mutation, infinitely close to the human clan." Pei Junlin shook his head with a surprised look on his face.

In fact, while traveling in the universe, Pei Junlin has also seen many races. In the universe, not only the human race and the demon race, but also many races close to the human race, such as the elven race demon clan and so on.

There are only two directions for the evolution of all living things in the universe. One of them is the human form, and the other is the pursuit of a huge animal shape.

Like the demon clan, they usually become humanoids after they are transformed, but there are also some powerful races in the universe. They disdain to transform into humanoids, but pursue extremely large bodies.

There is a creature called Luo Tianshou in the universe. This kind of creature can directly exceed one planet. Swing at random in the universe, you can destroy a planet with just one move.

Pei Junlin does not know what race this long silver-haired woman is, but he can be sure that the other party is definitely a demon race.

Wherever this woman passed, silver dots seemed to sprinkle in the air. These glows fell on the grass, causing the trees and trees to emit a faint light.

"This is definitely not a demon clan, it should be a fairy in the world, my mother, it's so cute." Ye Tianxing stared at the silvery long-haired woman in a daze, seeming to have become a nympho.

Another streamer came down from the sky. The owner of this streamer was also unusual. He had a pair of silver wings.

This is a man with a long figure. He couldn't see clearly, because he had a silver mask on his face.

The wings behind the man continued to incite, changing positions in the air, chasing the silver-haired woman who had just passed.

Pei Junlin suddenly realized that he finally remembered what monster these things were.

"The woman with long silver hair before should be a Raksha woman." Pei Junlin said towards everyone.

Pei Junlin said these words, everyone's face showed a look of doubt, even Wang Ziqiong also showed a look of unbelief.

In the concept of everyone, Nasha is an ugly **** creature and evil spirits. But now Pei Junlin said that the beautiful woman with silver hair is a Raksha woman, which makes it difficult for everyone to accept, and she thinks it is a fantasy.

"The male Raksha is indeed very ugly, but the female Raksha is one of the few beautiful creatures in this universe. Don't think that the silver-haired woman looks beautiful, just ignore its danger. In fact, Raksha is extremely cruel. "" Pei Junlin laughed and reminded everyone to be careful.

It seemed that the dream of the people in the other words was broken, and Ye Tianxing and Li Tianpei all showed a mournful look towards Pei Junlin, blaming Pei Junlin for not disturbing them to make dreams.

"Boss Pei, what is that birdman with wings?" Ye Tianxing asked curiously.

"That's a silver-winged clan and a branch of the demon clan, but it has already been born from the blood of the demon clan.

Hearing Pei Junlin's introduction, everyone was amazed and lamented that the universe is nothing strange.

But Pei Junlin knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg. The races in the universe were endless, and there were so many patterns, even if he couldn’t fully understand it, but Pei Junlin was curious as to how the Silver Wings and Luo Cha tribes rush Here, and their purpose to enter the earth is also for the treasures of the earth?

When Pei Junlin's thoughts flew, a clear blue lightning ball fell again in the sky.

The crowd exclaimed, not only Ye Tianxing, they opened their mouths in surprise, but also countless demon clan and recovery powerhouses in the surrounding mountains looked up at the sky, showing a surprised look.

The light blue lightning ball didn't explode directly after landing, instead it bounced on the ground, like a pinball.

The final electric light exploded directly, and a man stepped out of the electric light. The man was entangled with light blue lightning, just like the messenger of thunder, and his eyes were blue as the bottomless ocean.

"This big brother needless to say, I know this is the Lightning Clan, you see him carrying lightning all over his body." Yuan Fei, who had not spoken, said suddenly.

"This is indeed the Lightning Clan, but don't look at how powerful he is. In fact, this lightning is not strong. As long as you find a way to restrain it, you can easily kill him." Pei Junlin said lightly.

The reason why Pei Junlin said that the Lightning Clan is not strong, it is only relative. The Lightning Clan's men's state has reached the state of Yangshen.

Behind him, there is a ghost of lightning, composed of Yuanshen. Yuanshen looks like a demon, a pair of eyes with a bleeding red light, very brutal.

The Luocha tribe, the Silver Wing tribe, and the Lightning tribe. Some of the aliens have made Pei Junlin feel uneasy. Today's Xiaogu Mountain seems extremely lively.

" How do I feel the powerful killing of these three birdmen." Ye Tianxing is the most keen, feeling some dangerous breath.

Pei Junlin also nodded his head. He felt the huge murderousness from the silver-winged tribe, the Raksha tribe and the lightning tribe, the three aliens. These three men were very overbearing and seemed to want to clear the scene.

"Let's not move first, watch their dog bite the dog's mouth, those demon races will never sit idly by." Pei Junlin behaved calmly.

His character has always been the absence of rabbits and the spread of eagles. Now that the treasure has not yet appeared, these aliens will be very rampant and will be cleared. It is too overbearing.

However, since ancient times, these domineering things that rely on their own powerful races will eventually be called people who have been packed up and obedient.

Today, there are not only human races lurking here, among which the strong are also major demon races, and the dragon race Peng race is lurking around.

Those two foreign monks want to dominate again, it is estimated that it is difficult.

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