Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1129: 2 race melee

The fighting was fierce and tragic, and the atmosphere was so overwhelming that it was breathless.

There are constantly strong men falling from the air and turning into a **** rain. Some people even were directly sucked up by the blood demon, and fell to the ground directly into dust.

Some demon clan's body is extremely huge, falling down like a mountain. In this fierce battle, the blood demon is growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, which makes Pei Junlin look at his heart.

In the end, Pei Junlin put his eyes on the luminous treasure, which looked like a fragment of the moon, exuding a bright light, suspended in mid-air.

If someone is going to capture him, this piece of debris will dodge actively, and the speed is very fast.

At this time, Pei Junlin saw that the dragon battle opened the big mouth of the blood basin and swallowed the debris directly. With a grin on his face, his eyes glanced around, full of infinite evil.

"Don't leave any one here today, everyone is the blood of the old man!" It seems that the young dragon battle, at this time, made an old voice.

The dragon battle is now completely different from before. He has been taken away by blood demon, and his body is completely controlled into another person.

A punch is a piece of blood, and more than a dozen human masters were immediately sucked away. This horrible scene makes people feel scared from the inside.

Countless masters fled away, the treasure fragments have been seized.

"That should be a fragment of a fairy." Xue Pingchuan muttered to himself, and his eyes shone brightly.

Pei Junlin was also surprised when he heard the news. It is no wonder that a piece of fairy device can be so powerful. But now it has been taken away by the blood demon. If you want to recapture the fairy debris, I am afraid to kill this blood demon.

In fact, no matter whether it is a human race or a demon race, it is not expected that half a blood demon will be killed halfway, completely disrupting the planning between the **** and the two races.

Whether it is the strong recovery of the human race and the gods and goddesses of the demon clan outside the territory, the strength should be balanced. Even if I don't know where I came from, there were several high-level demon races of aliens, but the balance of strength has not been completely disturbed.

Since the appearance of this blood demon, the balance of strength has been completely chaotic. Whether it is a human race or a demon race, they all screamed under the powerful attack of the blood demon.

The top-level Yangshen Realm Master is not even a united enemy of this blood demon, and he will be sucked out of his blood as soon as he strikes, and he will die completely.

Pei Junlin saw the peacock **** son, it shone with three colors of divine light around him, and a large blood stain enveloped him, but he was finally escaped by the peacock **** son.

The tiger clan son also roared, and a white tiger ghost appeared behind him. A tremendous divine light spread out and instantly broke through the blood demon's limits, making him dangerously escape a small life.

But other demon clan had no such good luck, someone was directly captured by the demon blood demon. The spear pierced directly by the spear formed by blood gas instantly sucked the body down.

The scene was a mess, and on the Thor's live broadcast platform, countless monsters outside the domain were completely shocked.

The power of this blood demon exceeded their imagination. The slaughter of these demon races in the realm of the Yangshen, the sons and daughters were as simple as killing chickens and slaughtering sheep. You know, each of these gods and goddesses is a baby in their own family.

Pei Junlin stared at the blood demon in the sky, and there was also an amazed look in his eyes, but he also felt a bit of pain when he looked at the **** children and goddesses that had fallen.

You must know that these are all moving Tianyuan jade. If you sell them, it will be a huge asset.

A golden light turned out, it was Pei Junlin that the **** monkey turned into. As soon as the incarnation appeared outside, some demon clan saw hope. After all, the strength that Pei Junlin showed before was still amazing. If he can resist this blood demon, he can indeed fight for some demon races to escape.

It was an incarnation outside showing a grayish breath, and instantly covered the blood demon. Now the blood demon looks like the previous dragon battle, but a pair of eyes have turned blood red, and his face is full of fierce anger.

That day, Shi Feng's enchantment instantly enveloped the dragon battle, making all his movements frozen in an instant.

At this time, the chaotic golden battle that had absorbed many fairy qi also rose into the sky, and began to indiscriminately capture those wounded gods and goddesses.

Almost in a flash, dozens of grandchildren of the demon clan were instantly drawn into the interior of Jindou space. Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin smiled, and this time he finally made a lot of money. Even if he could not pull out the fragments of the fairy from his blood devil's belly, this time it was enough.


The sky was covered with a layer of blood, and the blood cloud shone on the earth, and the whole range became a sea of ​​blood. After the blood demon broke free from Heavenly Master's enchantment, he immediately launched a stronger strangulation.

The world is almost sealed by him, so the people who want to escape are these futile people, whether they are monsters outside the domain or those recovering strong people, they are like headless flies.

And the dragon battle that was taken away by the blood demon showed a fierce look all over him. He suddenly roared up in the sky, and he burst into the body with countless pieces of dark rope-like energy.

These ropes instantly penetrated dozens of masters of the Yangshen Realm to completely absorb them, and at this time Pei Junlin’s body outside the incarnation issued a nine-word proverb of the Buddha.

A giant shadow of a Buddha appeared behind Pei Jun’s incarnation, immediately suppressing the blood demon, while those who were penetrated by the demon clan and the ancient recovery strongman were instantly absorbed into the Jindou space.

"Buddha?" Blood Demon Dragon Battle showed a surprised look.

Buddhism is the nemesis of all evil things in the world. The extinction of Buddhism countless years ago may not have no demons behind it.

It was shocked when he saw the magic method of the incarnation of the Buddha outside the body. A beam of golden light shone on him, and immediately penetrated a blood hole in the blood demon.

Ordinary spells do not have too much restraint ability for the blood demon, but this Buddha is different. There is a purification ability, which instantly makes the blood demon have a headache.

Pei Junlin's incarnation is fighting with the blood demon in mid-air. Although Pei Junlin's incarnation is constantly attacking some magical powers of the Buddha, the blood demon is too powerful after all, and will occasionally catch a passerby Swallow directly to nourish the injury.

The battle between the two attracted everyone's attention. Everyone thinks that this is Pei Junlin's deity and the blood demon war, no one knows, this is only Pei Junlin's incarnation.

Seeing that the demons swept through the taboos and killed countless lives, only Pei Junlin could resist the blood demons in the end, and countless people sighed aloud.

Even some demon clan outside the territory have to admit that Pei Junlin is a rare talent.

"If this person does not come from the blood of the human race on earth, I am willing to incorporate it into our family and give him status." There is a demon sigh.

"The old husband has a daughter who wants to marry him, and I don't know if this Pei Junlin is willing to submit to my clan." There was a patriarch of the Mangxiu clan, and his eyes shone.

Sitting next to him was a tall woman. The woman wiped her saliva with a tissue and watched her father say softly, "I believe he will be very willing."

The father looked at his daughter's sturdy appearance and couldn't help but sigh inwardly, and the eyes that had just lighted off gradually.

"If this Pei Junlin really wants to marry my daughter, then I am willing to give him all the inheritance rights of the family." Another patriarch of the extraterrestrial demon clan said.

"Your uncle is still your uncle, and really is my idol." Tang Shaobai saw this amazing scene and could not help but uttered a horrified sigh.

Although his ancestor Wang Chao was shocked to suppress the era, but the boxing method passed to his generation, and eventually fell. Tang Shaobai also had to admit that on the way of boxing, he was far behind his ancestor Wang Chao.

At this time, Pei Junlin, who was fighting at high altitude, suddenly shot a set of punches. That set of boxing techniques is extremely exquisite, and a dozen ghost images appeared behind Pei Junlin in an instant. For each phantom, the fist shot is completely different.

Seeing this scene, Tang Shaobai couldn't help but brighten his eyes, because he knew that Pei Junlin's fist skill had already surpassed himself.

Tang Shaobai couldn't tell the difference, whether it was jealous or envious.

With a punch, the outside incarnation inherited the essence of Pei Junlin's deity. With one punch, the blood demon flew out.

And the demon was naturally not to be outdone, and the torrential blood waves were endless, sweeping towards Pei Junlin.

And from this blood wave came out a personal blood fiend, these blood fiends quickly, rushed to Pei Junlin quickly.

"This is the blood **** Xue Pingchuan, who was beside Pei Junlin's deity, could not help but widen his eyes in shock.

When he heard the three words of blood **** son, Pei Junlin's deity's cold hair stood upright, and he stretched out his hand and took the long bow over from Xue Pingchuan's body again, pulled the bow and put the arrow, and instantly dozens of golden lights Rushing into the sky and shooting at the blood **** son.

Legend has it that the Stygian Blood Devil created this blood **** child, and his blood can divide hundreds of millions of blood **** children. So it only takes minutes to destroy a planet by the Styx blood demon.

All blood demons under the world can actually be regarded as the incarnation of the Styx blood demons. It is scattered on various planets in the universe, and it is not chaotic, but it will grow as long as the environment is suitable.

But after growing up to a blood demon, it will slay and assemble, and absorb endless blood. And this power will also be sacrificed to the Scorpion Demon through a special channel in the Mingming, making the Scorpion Demon itself stronger and stronger.

Stygian Blood Demon is a giant of the magic road in the universe, and even Pei Junlin's master Linglong Xianzun is far inferior to that of Stygian Blood Demon.

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