Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1130: Blood God Son

So hearing the name of the blood **** son, Pei Junlin naturally knows the power of it, I am afraid that the current incarnation is not the opponent of the blood **** son.

More than a dozen golden feather arrows shot through these blood gods instantly, and the phantoms exploded instantly.

Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief, not a real blood **** son, but only a few blood marks. It seems that this blood demon has not yet formed a real climate, and it cannot condense the real blood **** son.

At this time, Pei Junlin's incarnation was once again offering the pure Yang fire bell. The endless flames enveloped this world, and the temperature in this area rose by dozens of degrees in an instant.

A flaming dragon rushed towards the Styx blood demon avatar, and another bone dragon with a black breath all over his body also made a roar and bit towards the blood demon.

All over the place is full of the breath of flame, coupled with the roar of the black dragon, it really makes people shudder.

Under the oppressive power of the Tianjun, the blood demons felt frightened, and the onlookers around them showed a shocked look.

The bone dragon originally belonged to the remains of the dragon race of the Tianjun level. The tiger died and did not fall down, even if only the bones remained, but some of the breath of Tianjun was still contained in it.

Pei Junlin forced the dragon soul under the Jinling City into the king-level keel of this day, and merged the two into a necro creature.

As soon as this bone dragon appeared, the shock was still amazing. Especially the breath of the monarch level on that day was even more frightening.

"Great, Pei Junlin is afraid to steal this fairy fragment today. This is a big treasure, and the value is simply inestimable." In the universe, some people who watched the live broadcast on the Thor platform talked about it.

Some people have already begun to prepare Tianyuan jade, because many people estimate that even if Pei Junlin grabs the fairy pieces, he may eventually throw them out for auction.

Because this thing is in your hand, it is a hot potato. As the saying goes, everyone is innocent, and he is guilty of guilt. Once someone grabs this fairy fragment, it may eventually become a deadly place for everyone to die.

If Pei Junlin is a little smarter, he will definitely put this fairy fragment out for auction. By then, the major races in the universe will definitely do their best to **** this fairy fragment.

You know, a fairy can absolutely suppress the existence of a star field. That includes billions of stars on countless planets, even if it is a piece of fairy artifact, if it is well-cultivated and nourished, it might have great power.

In the hands of some big families, it is likely that these big families will be promoted directly to the holy land. This is the power of a fairy fragment.

Since the Earth Celestial Array is too strong, the powerful outside the region can only hurry, and can not rush into the Earth to **** the fragments of fairy artifacts.

Many people have pinned their hopes on Pei Junlin's body, because the blood demon is the avatar of the Stygian blood demon, and the person who dares to face up with the Stygian blood demon to grab things does not exist, even in the hearts of masters of the Tianjun level Will be dreaded.

Once stared at by the Stygian Blood Demon, the final ending was extremely miserable, so many people wouldn't dare to actually fight for this fairy shard from the Stygian Blood Demon even if they wanted to make a shot.

Only Pei Jun Linyi Gao was bold and dared to fight with one of the Scorpion Blood Demon avatars, and wanted to **** food from the mouth, and finally seized this fairyland fragment from the opponent.

Whether it is a demon clan or some resurgent human race, at this time, they pin their hopes on Pei Junlin. Only by defeating the avatar of the Styx blood demon, this blood demon, can finally save the earth.

Otherwise, if this blood demon is allowed to breed on the earth, billions of people may be swallowed up by it in just half a month.

At that time, a powerful blood demon will be born, and hundreds of millions of blood **** sons will be completely differentiated to attack other planets.

The best way is of course to kill this blood devil in the cradle, this kind of thing is like a legendary plague, it will continue to grow in the process of its spread, as more and more people devour it, The blood demon's strength will become stronger and stronger, only at this time is the best time to kill him.

Those extraterrestrial demon races who usually hated Pei Junlin at this time actually put down their hatred and constantly brushed gifts in Pei Junlin's live broadcast room.

Pei Junlin, who was hidden in the dark mist, saw this scene and was so shocked that his chin almost fell to the ground.

"Dragon Clan Longtian asked for a Chaos Lingbao."

"Tiger knotweed, reward Tianyuanyu one million!"

"Peng tribe rewards a fairy mountain!"


Numerous pieces of reward information instantly occupied Pei Junlin's live room screen. Pei Junlin saw this scene dumbfounded and almost thought he was dreaming.

These demon clan who usually killed and killed, at this time, were actually giving themselves crazy gifts, which made Pei Junlin's face full of question marks.

Pei Junlin was hindsight, but he soon saw the clue, and his eyes fell on the blood demon in front of him.

This blood demon is now in his childhood, like a tiger in a cage, but once released, the lethality is absolutely amazing.

This blood demon is like bacteria floating in the air. Once it meets the right conditions, it will grow wildly and continuously increase.

If it is developed by it, the blood demon can even grow to an invincible state, destroying a planet, just a matter of minutes to deepen the accident. Thousands of blood **** sons have been bred, and I am afraid that the whole East Rain will be killed in an instant.

If there is no fairy weapon, I am afraid that this blood will completely destroy the entire star field. By that time, even if the top master shot, I am afraid that the blood demon has raged the East Star Field and completely destroyed the entire Southeast Star Field.

So now Pei Junlin finally understands why these extraterrestrial creatures are madly rewarding themselves, and they only have one idea in their hearts, that is, let themselves wipe out this blood demon as soon as possible.

In the air, the battle between the incarnation and the blood demon continued. After the incarnation of the pure Yang Fire Bell outside the body, and the deterrent power of the skull dragon, the blood demon has now been defeated, and it is only a matter of time before Pei Junlin is completely killed.

The so-called killing of this blood demon should be inaccurate, because the life of the blood demon cannot be killed at all.

All the blood fiends in this world are the avatars of Scorpion Blood Fiend, the number one demon in the universe. As long as the Stygian Blood Demon deity is still alive, then there are tens of trillions of trillions of creatures in this world, and the Blood Demon avatar cannot be completely killed, only imprisoned.

Pei Junlin didn't speak. He was communicating with Jinling Space's Emperor Jin Jin. If he wanted to suppress this blood demon in Jindou Space, accompanying Junlin would like to know what the risk is.

Then there is another problem, that is, today's protagonist is the fairy fragment, which is still in the blood devil's stomach.

If you really let Jin Dou space directly suppress this blood demon, I am afraid that under the eyes of all eyes, Pei Junlin could not elute the suspicion, everyone will know that the fairy fragment fell in his hands.

At that time, Pei Junlin will become the target of thousands of people. The enemy of everyone is not only some extraterrestrial demon groups will carry out endless pursuit of Pei Junlin. I am afraid that even the local recovery powerhouses will secretly shoot.

The fragments of fairy gas, the temptation is too great, no one can bear this huge temptation.

Pei Junlin naturally understands this problem today. The reason why he hasn't shot is that he wants to use another identity, or another mysterious person, to take away the fragments of this fairy, so that everyone who wants to take this fairy is casual. The person who fought for the fight was eventually found nowhere.

Gradually Pei Junlin's heart brewed a phone call. He wanted to dispatch his deity at the last moment to **** that fairy fragment as far as the Sage of the Stygian Blood Demon was directly suppressed by the Jindou space, so you came to differentiation.

Stygian blood demon is constantly weakened by the breath of Buddha released by Pei Jun’s incarnation. Once weakened, he will be crazy nearsighted, so the demon clan in this world has become the best blood demon. Realistic.

His whole body can fly out of black tentacles at any time, constantly catching those demon tribes and instantly sucking them away.

However, the Buddha's golden light released by the incarnation outside the body can prevent the blood demon from eating, at least it can prevent the blood demon from killing.

You see that when this blood demon **** those demon clan dying, Pei Junlin's incarnation will try to save the four.

Then these dying **** sons and goddesses will be blinded by Pei Junlin and logically suppressed within the progress space of direct suppression.

These people have an extraordinary status among the demon clan, and they will certainly be a huge asset in the future, but at this moment those demon clan have to thank Pei Junlin, UU reading books because if there is no Pei Junlin, these demon clan’s The gods and goddesses will be the protagonists of the entire East Starland,

All must be sucked up by this blood demon, and the qi and blood will become the demon skin directly.

The bone dragon roared with fright, and the silver-white bones shot an amazing light. This is the coercion of the Tianjun. For a moment, the blood demon was directly suppressed and stayed in place, and at this opportunity, the incarnation also began to frantically mantra some Buddhist spells. A huge golden Buddha descended from the sky and directly explained the repression of the blood demon.

When everyone thought that Pei Junlin’s incarnation was going to suppress this Stygian blood demon, a black shadow suddenly appeared. This black shadow was actually the real Pei Junlin deity, but he was hidden under the light of chaos No one can see through his true identity.

Some people with sharp eyes have seen this black light and shadow directly penetrate the body of the Stygian blood demon, and instantly split the body of the dragon battle into two groups of fairy pieces with a bright and bright light, and were directly affected by this black The shadow took away, and then disappeared without a trace.

Everyone in front of the broadcast room almost froze when they saw this scene, opening their eyes wide and opening their eyes, revealing an incredible look.

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