Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1142: Little Life

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"This is, is it the great life technique among the Three Thousand Avenues?" Pei Junlin shivered with excitement.

If it is really the legendary great life technique, then this is a terrifying, amazing divine skill. According to legend, as long as practicing life skills, you can master the true meaning of life, and you can even resurrect others at will.

"In my present state, I haven't yet reached the level of comprehending the true meaning of life. I can only elevate your Otsuki longevity tactics to the point of small life skills, but this is also amazing. This is my gift to you, come When I get into trouble, I hope you can pull me." Pan Tao Shenshu said suddenly.

The two have always communicated with spiritual fluctuations. Others did not know that Pei Junlin was communicating with this flat peach **** tree. Only Wang Qiong, who was standing beside Pei Junlin, could feel a trace of clues.

After saying this, the Peach God Tree no longer emits any mental fluctuations, and Pei Junlin also gradually calms down, but his eyes are still shining with excitement.

Although the small life technique is far inferior to the legendary great destiny technique, it is enough for Pei Junlin. This Otsuki longevity tactic stepped up to the sky and was instantly promoted to this level of myth, which really made Pei Junlin ecstatic.

The dried tree branch that I once got in the black desert even gave out green shoots, which shocked Pei Junlin.

This flat peach **** tree attaches great importance to this dry branch. This thing should be very important. Pei Jun Linzhen put it back into the storage space.

The fruit on the tree is getting brighter and brighter, and the air is fragrant and fragrant. You can feel Shouyuan's growth for a few years after smelling it. In this way, because the fruit is eaten, it can definitely increase the longevity of 100 years.

Everyone was very excited, but a few demon clan behaved indifferently, their Shouyuan itself was very different from the human clan, so there was not much interest in flat peach, but it was better than nothing.

Hearing this flat peach tree can only grow Shou Yuan, these demon clan have actually lost interest in searching around. But there seems to be nothing else in Kunlun, except for the peach tree, there is only this flat peach tree.

The big tree began to shake and the fruit fell down. Pei Junlin was ready long ago, and opened the Jindou space, all of which contained hundreds of flat peach fruits at once. The rest of the people are not slow, and the crazy absorption of flat peach fruit has at least dozens of each.

But the **** cow was more affordable. He directly opened his mouth and swallowed hundreds of fruits instantly, and his longevity increased by thousands of years.

After all these fruits were shaken down, the big tree suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and everyone could not be pierced by this light.

Then when he opened his eyes again, he found that the huge flat peach tree was gone, and all the small peach trees around it had withered, and the whole space became empty.

"This space is unstable, and we need to leave here as soon as possible." Niu Mowang took the lead and walked out towards the outside.

This is just an accidental space, everyone can not stay here, Pei Junlin followed the Niu Demon King and others to return to the Ten Thousand Demon Palace.

After receiving such a great benefit, everyone was very excited and returned to the meeting to discuss.

"This is the reason for the fairy shards I borrowed from you. Only the unique regular power in the fairy shards can make some Kunlun worlds temporarily stable on these Kunlun God Mountain." Junlin showed this reason.

It turns out that there are some space cracks on the Kunlun Mountain from time to time, but if you want to enter these space cracks, unless there is great mana or a fairy support, otherwise it will be a death, but if there are fragments of fairy tools, you can temporarily stabilize these Kunlun mirror.

This time the situation is similar to the previous one, but this time after entering the fairy fragment, you can get the flat peach in the little secret realm that appeared just now.

"I'll give you some secret spells later, so that you can come and go freely on Kunlun Mountain, and you won't be suppressed by divine power." Niu Mowang patted Pei Junlin's shoulder with his hand.

Hearing this news, Pei Junlin was still very excited. After all, if he could obtain the Kunlun mystery from this bull demon king, then he would not be suppressed by divine power and could soar freely in this world.

If I lead the enemy into the Kunlun Mountains, it will be invincible.

"There are many secrets on this Kunlun Mountain. I will let the pony take you to see it later." The devil Niu took the glass and toasted Pei Junlin.

The pony in his mouth is actually a demon king, and the body is a white horse. A strong man at the pinnacle of the Yangshen Realm turned into a pony in the mouth of the Demon King, which really made people feel helpless.

"In this Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain, everyone except the Bull Demon King can call me a pony, everyone calls me a horse god, you are free." The pony stood up and raised a glass to the crowd.

Pei Junlin and the **** donkey looked at each other, and they both stood up and raised their glasses. This Kunlun Mountain Wanxian Palace became Pei Junlin's second base area in the future. He could not help but have a good relationship with these people. Before offending Princess Lark, Pei Junlin also took the initiative to stand up and toast towards Princess Lark.

After the banquet, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves, and everyone received endless benefits. Entering the secret realm of the flat peach got Shouyuan, which especially delighted everyone.

Such a thing as Shouyuan seems to be temporarily useless. In fact, it is very useful for many advanced practitioners. They will eventually run out of Shouyuan, and they will eventually become a loess, which proves the importance of Shouyuan.

With enough Shouyuan, then these people will not die easily, and may increase the endless Shouyuan again after further breakthrough.

Pei Junlin came to the courtyard and stood with Wang Ziqiong and his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu to discuss. The exposure of the debris of fairy artifacts should indeed be a big trouble for Pei Junlin. Walking out of Kunlun Mountain is bound to be besieged by everyone, so Pei Junlin temporarily does not want to easily walk out of this Kunlun Mountain.

Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei and Pei Junlin were released from Jindou space again, and they saw their eyes widened one by one.

"You pick it yourself, you can increase your life after you eat it, and you will be more sure when you break to the next level." Pei Junlin directly put all these flat peaches out for you to choose at will.

But he himself came to the side and began to study the small life technique. This stunt is extraordinary. Once practiced to the extreme, Shou Yuan is endless. Although it is not as good as the legendary great life technique, it is enough for Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was covered with a light blue-green light around him, forming a light mask. This is the body protector of Otsuki's longevity, but now it has evolved into a life shield.

The defense ability of this layer of life shield is amazing. Pei Junlin let Wang Ziqiong attack with all his strength, even a slight shock did not occur.

It is enough to show that after the promotion of Otsuki's longevity tactics into a small life technique, various powers have increased a lot.

A few vines suddenly appeared on the ground, and these vines grew quickly and quickly entangled everyone in place. Ye Tianxing and others often want to struggle, but find that the more they struggle, the more severe the pain, and they can't break away.

"Boss Pei, what the **** are you doing? Why does it hurt so much?" The crowd protested.

Pei Junlin smiled faintly. He was experimenting with this little life technique, and it turned out to be extraordinary.

"Pei Junlin, you come with me, Ma Shen wants to take the two of us to some forbidden places." The **** donkey stood on the steps and waved towards Pei Junlin.

As for the others, he was automatically filtered by him. Although Pei Junlin wanted to take Wang Qiong with him, but he saw the elongated donkey face of the horse god.

"You are waiting for me here, I will bring you any chance." Pei Junlin hurriedly comforted everyone.

Everyone understood, let Pei Junlin go.

"Horse God, Horse God, I doubt if you are of the same race as me, you see how long your donkey face is pulled." The **** donkey seemed to see the unhappiness in Pei Junlin's heart and led the way towards that The horse **** taunted.

The horse **** is very irritable and will be angry immediately, but when he thinks of the identity of the **** donkey, his anger is suppressed again. You should know that the **** donkey is the master of the future Wanxian Palace. At this time, the **** donkey has offended the **** donkey. In the future, how can he have the good fruit of his horse god.

Ma Shen is now the big housekeeper of the Wannian Palace in Kunlun Mountain, similar to the position of the chief executive of Ouchi. If he wants to continue this position, the only person he wants to stifle is the **** donkey in front of him.

"Come and light the fire for me." The **** donkey dangled on the cigar, and looked sad.

Pei Junlin watched the horse **** with his eyes, and found that there was no resisting look on his face. Naturally, he walked over and helped the **** donkey to light the cigar.

"It’s not that I won’t let you bring people in. It’s really that those secret realms have limited resources. It’s okay for some of you to take some of the things. If you let all the people you brought take a little, then you will take all the things in these secrets. Ma Shen said bitterly.

Pei Junlin suddenly remembered that the Bull Demon King would teach himself the Kunlun spell. Unexpectedly, it has been so long after the meal, then the Bull Demon still has no movement, is he regretting it?

Pei Junlin told the **** donkey about this question. He didn't expect the **** donkey to snort immediately. His eyebrows exuded a golden light, dazzling, and soon Pei Junlin felt a message and directly entered his brain.

It is the way to overcome the suppression of Kunlun Mountain's divine power. In fact, it is very simple. Pei Junlin understands it a little, and instantly feels a lot lighter. He is as light as a swallow, and his feet are floating on the ground.

Ma Wang looked at Pei Junlin, who suddenly lost his magical power, and was also taken aback. He glanced at the **** donkey and shook his head.

He knew the inside story about this matter, and the Niu Demon really regretted it later, and did not want to give this Kunlun spell to Pei Junlin, an outsider.

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