Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1143: Tengu Shrine

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But Ma Shen did not expect that the **** donkey would eat like this, and as the heir to the Wanxian Palace, it was easy to pass this magic spell to outsiders.

Pei Junlin naturally did not know the joints in it, thinking that the **** donkey was authorized by the Bull Demon King, and he deliberately passed this recipe to himself.

"The place in front is the Temple of Heaven, the most mysterious place on the Kunlun Mountain. I will take you there first. If you can let him speak for you to refine the treasure, it is your creation, but I can tell you, for thousands of years There are no more than one slap in the face of this opportunity." Horse God's face was distressed.

Tiangong Shenlu, it's not easy to hear the name.

"Isn't the Tiangong Shenlu you said you used to refine the Elixir?" Pei Junlin said quickly toward Ma Shen.

"Don't call the horse **** horse god, since you are the brother of the young palace master, call me the old horse in the future."

Ma Shen said towards Pei Junlin, and then introduced: "Tiangong Shenlu is amazing. One day he flew out of the sky and can make some magic weapons. But the temperament of Tiangong Shenlu is also very irritable, generally not Wake up, if someone asks him, he won't shoot easily."

Pei Junlin heard this horse **** speculate that this so-called Tiangong Shen furnace should be a golden furnace with a spirit.

Soon the crowd appeared on a platform in the mountains, where there really was a stove. This stove is very large, as big as a small mountain bag, and the erupting hot air continuously reflects the temperature of a surrounding area, at least reaching Baidu.

"This is the legendary Tiangong Shen furnace, you see, I heard that it can forge a chaotic spirit treasure, but no one has personally experimented." Ma Shen said looking at the huge furnace.

The **** donkey was shining with both eyes, and it seemed to be a little different. He glanced at the horse **** standing behind him, whispering to Pei Junlin: "This stove is not simple, it should be an innate spirit, not an acquired one. Someone refined it. He should be a living body. Let's not offend him. We will pick up nice words later."

"Wow, it's really magnificent, magnificent and magnificent. I have never seen such a handsome stove in my life." The **** donkey said numbly, while still raising his eyebrows at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin scolded a flatterer in his heart, and did not follow the **** **** to praise this big stove against his heart.


Suddenly, the furnace was breathing white gas, and a large space was covered with a hot breath. Pei Junlin responded extremely quickly, and immediately used the pure Yang fire bell to cover his life.

At this moment, Pei Junlin felt a huge suction, and the Chunyang Fire Bell was instantly sucked into the stove.

It was too late when Pei Junlin reacted, and the stove shook a few times, seeming to completely devour the pure Yang fire.

This Chunyang fire bell was originally a big killer in the hands of Pei Junlin, but after being swallowed by the stove at this time, Pei Junlin felt very distressed.

However, his strength is not enough to shake the Tiangong Divine Furnace, and he can only stare.

"Don't look at me, it's not a problem for me." Lao Ma quickly cleared the relationship.

But the **** donkey stared at her eyes, suddenly looked at Pei Junlin in amazement, and opened her mouth: "This should be a good thing, don't worry."

Good thing?

Pei Junlin's lungs were all exploding, but at that moment, Jindou space suddenly opened a large mass of material and flew out directly. It was all the materials that Pei Junlin had accumulated for so many years, and flew to the sky **** furnace instantly.

Pei Junlin was completely shocked this time, before the flat peach **** tree could take things directly from his space, and he endured it. But the stove in front of him didn't even agree with him, and directly sucked away the materials in the space, Pei Junlin couldn't bear it directly.

He flew up and tried to get the materials back, but a divine light flew away and was directly crushed by the stove.

"Golden Master, what's the matter? You don't have a door right now, anyone can come in with any hand?" Pei Junlin was furious and reprimanded toward Master Jin.

But Lord Jin was lazy: "Do you think anyone in my chaotic Golden Fighting Space can reach in? If I disagree, you think they can take things away. Rest assured, it is definitely a good thing."

King Jin’s words, Pei Junlin finally felt relieved. When he looked at the **** donkey, he heard the **** donkey coming over and whispered: “I guess the Tiangong Shenlu is to help you make the treasure, so just wait and see.”

Pei Junlin was a little bit doubtful, and soon that day the Palace God Furnace flew a divine light, and the sky was soaring into the sky.

It was as transparent as a glass in one bite, and a dragon was coiled around the bell, breathing out dragon air continuously.

Pei Junlin was completely shocked!

This thing is still the pure Yang fire bell before him?

The breath has more than doubled, from the top grade Lingbao directly promoted to the top grade Lingbao.

"There are a lot of materials left. Hurry up and say what you need. The old man helped you practice. Remember that you owe me a favor. If you get stuck in the future, you remember to help me." Gong Shenlu spoke that day. .

The **** donkey and the old horse standing beside were shocked.

Pei Junlin took the pure Yang Fire Clock after the training, and some of its functions were too late to explore. After thinking about it, he said to the Palace God Furnace that day: "I still have two treasures here, you need to help me practice, One is a pair of flying swords, and the other is to help me make a stick."

Pei Junlin was not polite, he directly said his request, and at the same time, he sacrificed the deer horn flying sword directly and flew towards the Temple of Heaven.

On that day, the Palace God Furnace gave a sigh, which seemed a little impatient, but in the end did not refute Pei Junlin, the pair of deer horn flying swords, which were swallowed by the Heavenly Palace Divine Clan.

Soon Pei Junlin's Jindou space opened again, and countless materials flew out. The distressed Pei Junlin's heart was bleeding.

He had never imagined that refining was two treasures, and it took so much material to spend almost 80% of his savings in an instant.

"Not enough, far enough, some of these materials in your storage space are simply unusable. If it can't be refined, you can only blame you, not me, but you owe me three favors." Come again.

Soon Jindou Space opened again, and dozens of treasures flew out this time. These treasures were not even seen by Pei Junlin, and I don’t know when they entered the interior of Jindou Space. But when he thought about it carefully, he understood that many demon clan gods and goddesses were held in the Jindou space.

There must be a lot of treasures on these guys, but I didn't expect this time to be absorbed in the Temple of Heaven.

After absorbing the treasures of these gods and goddesses, Tiangong Shenlu no longer spoke, but dedicated to help Pei Junlin refine the treasures. After a while, a pair of blood-red flying swords rose into the sky, and a strong sword light erupted.

The pair of flying swords showed a letter state, and they soon became one. The huge murderous intention contained in it, even Pei Junlin's eyes.

"You don't mean enough, there are so many treasures on your body, why can't you give me one?" The **** donkey was dissatisfied.

Pei Junlin hesitated and decided to give the staghorn flying sword to the **** donkey, because this old donkey used his hooves no matter what kind of battle, it was indeed inappropriate.

"Since you say that, this pair of antler flying swords will be given to you." Pei Junlin waved his hand, and the red flying sword fell beside the **** donkey.

The **** donkey's lip of joy turned over, his white teeth bit the crimson flying sword, his eyes narrowed into a gap.

Soon Pei Junlin felt that his consciousness left on the deer horn flying sword was directly erased, and the **** donkey directly trained the pair of flying swords.

After the ritual training of the Heavenly Palace Divine Furnace, the pair of deer horn flying swords became more transparent, and directly became the son-mother swords. At ordinary times, they are combined into a sword, but at a critical moment, they can be divided into two directly, killing the enemy by surprise.

The flying sword controlled by the **** donkey flew in the sky, emitting a harsh sound burst.

In the distance, a hill was directly flattened by the deer horn flying sword. Seeing this amazing scene, Pei Junlin directly opened his mouth in shock.

It seems that after the ritual training of the Temple of Heaven, the power has increased more than 100 times, and now it has become a veritable artifact, killing thousands of miles away.

"I'm going, so powerful, I regret it now and don't want to give it to you." Jun Lin pretended to regret it.

A **** donkey with a mouth, directly put this flying sword into his stomach, and glared at Pei Jun: "Are we two brothers, is it not worth a flying sword? Such words will not be said in the future, affecting our brothers. Feelings between."

After getting a bargain and selling well, Pei Junlin shook his head, and his eyes fell on the Tiangong Shenlu again. According to his requirements, the Tiangong Shenlu also helped him refine a stick.

This stick Pei Junlin was intended to be used for incarnations outside the body. The **** monkey was used to using sticks, but he does not have the weapon at his disposal now.

Finally in the eyes that Pei Junlin looked forward to, the Palace God Furnace opened again that A stick with a golden light flew into the sky suddenly.

After falling down, he fell into the hands of Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin didn't grasp it. This stick was mainly too heavy, and the material on his body made Pei Junlin a little invisible.

"Okay, all three items have been refined for you. I’m leaving here. Remember your promise to me. You owe me three favors. If I have trouble in the future, you have to come and help me anytime, anywhere. That day, the Palace God Furnace turned into a body, and the body shrank sharply. It quickly became a point and disappeared directly in front of the three people.

The horse **** cried directly, but this is the treasure of the Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain. I don’t know how many years. Why did Pei Junlin come and this treasure will fly?

This matter made him explain to the Bull Demon King. If the explanation is unclear, the end will be miserable!

"You can rest assured that we have seen this matter with our own eyes, and I will give you evidence to go back." The **** donkey began to draw people's hearts.

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