Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1157: Magic sound

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Pei Junlin looked at Ye Tianxing and looked a bit dull and silent. They were obviously slowly eroded by the magic sound. Although they had solid foundation skills since childhood, they would not be eroded by the magic sound for a while. Will get into trouble.

Pei Junlin's golden light suddenly shrouded in his body. He sat in mid-air and began to recite the mantra. This is a mantra of the Buddha, which can increase the soul to resist the demon.

As Pei Junlin recites the mantra, a golden rune floats out of his mouth and slowly condenses in the air, forming a tall stupa that envelops everyone, and the magic sound is completely by the Buddha The tower is eliminated.

"You all don't move here, I'll come as soon as I go." Pei Junlin flew over and crossed the Huang Quan and struck the opponent.

His figure was like a wind, wrapped in a mass of golden light, and flew across the Huangquan River. At the moment passing by the Huangquan River, Pei Junlin felt a huge suction. The rolling river, like a magnet, struck him, and he was to be sucked into the water of the Huangquan River.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanshan, who had closed his eyes, suddenly stood up, and there was a dark atmosphere in his whole body.

His left eye turned into a dark hole, and his eyes flew away, shooting a powerful black light from it.

This ray of light unfolded in the sky instantaneously, and turned into a huge skeleton just like the scattered flowers of the celestial girl. The claws of the skull suddenly grabbed towards Pei Junlin.

"Bone Demon..."

Pei Junlin muttered to himself, unable to conceal the shocked expression in his eyes.

This is a bone demon with wings, which has been cultivated into a climate, and its strength is no less than the master of the peak of the Yangshen Realm. There was a huge bone gun in his hand, which was covered with sharp barbs.

Zhang Yuanshan, who was standing in the same place, remained motionless, as if he had settled in. In fact, this skull devil is the real body of Zhang Yuanshan. The human figure standing on the spot is originally a skin sac or a coat.

The spear pierced towards Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin was trapped by the water of the Huangquan River at this time.


Bone Demon stabbed and weeping and howling, and the sky is full of shadows. Wang Ziqiong and others standing on the other side of the Huangquan River all raised their hearts to their throats.

Emperor Jinde cut!

A golden sunset appeared before Pei Junlin's eyes, and a golden blade of light seemed to split the sky and earth, blocking the spear in an instant.

But the strength of the bone demon didn't stop there. Withdrawing the spear, the wings flapped a gust of wind and struck Pei Jun. The bone-like bone spurs were included in this gust of wind.

But at this time, Pei Junlin also escaped from the water of the Huangquan River, and his body rushed into the sky. Suddenly, he punched a huge fist shadow and instantly hit the demon wind, and the rolling waves immediately hit countless bone spurs. The four scattered, like the scattered flowers of the sky.

Pei Junlin's big hand opened a huge suction and swept the surrounding sky instantly, and the tens of thousands of thin bone spurs were instantly held in his palm.

Last year, when he spread his palms and looked at these hairy bone spurs, his eyes gradually changed. Each bone spur represents a life.

These bone spurs should all be made of the bones of some soldiers in the ancient battlefield, which contains the spirit of killing some soldiers.

Hearing his ears, Pei Junlin could even hear the shouts and shouts on the bone spurs just like the shouting on the battlefield.

At this moment, Pei Junlin understood that the desert did not appear out of thin air. The reason why the demon outside the region chose the base here is because it was originally an ancient battlefield, and countless lives fell here.

Choosing a stronghold here can absorb the endless ghosts and use these bones to exercise magic skills.

Pei Junlin's palm glowed with golden light, and with a sudden grip, these tens of thousands of bone spurs were immediately scrapped. The bone spur broke, and the black smoke overflowed from it, forming a face in the air.

The bone demon opened his mouth with a gust of wind and swept them. He wanted to **** these ghosts into his mouth and swallow it, which was a big supplement for him.

Like ginseng and snow lotus swallowed by humans, this ghost is like a tonic for these demon to the bone demon, he can't let it go.

But under Pei Junlin's eyelids, it is naturally impossible to devour these ghosts.

I saw two golden lights in Pei Junlin's eyes, and countless runes were contained in it. This is Pei Junlin's refining some of the Buddhist scriptures directly into the golden eyes of the fire eye, and there is no need to dictate through him.

A verse of past life spread out instantly between heaven and earth, and the atmosphere of peace and tranquility enveloped this heaven and earth. Those ghosts were originally grimace, shouting and killing. However, after encountering this Buddha's light, it gradually became peaceful, flying one by one into the sky and finally got into the dimension barrier.

Seeing Pei Junlin overshoot the ghosts, the bone demon suddenly became angry, and his whole body exhaled a strong sense of anger.

Pei Junlin printed a white lotus on both hands, and landed from midair, directly over the bone demon.

Bone Demon seemed to feel some kind of restrained breath, and made a harsh scream, even escaping back into the distant mountain and the like.

Pei Junlin will naturally not give him this opportunity. His body has freed himself from the troubles of Huang Quanhe, and he has chased towards the bone demon in an instant. Bone demon shrouded in an instant.

The blood-red grid enveloped the bone demon all around, making the bone demon's body shrinking.

Just a smile appeared in the corner of Pei Junlin's mouth, feeling that the bone demon had been exhausted, and was about to be destroyed by the power of Heaven Tribulation for a moment.

The bone devil that is hundreds of meters in size suddenly shrinks into a finger-sized bone pill, and the strength is absolutely amazing. When the sky suddenly shuddered, a strong ripple immediately tore through the space and entered the turbulent flow of the space.

This is no longer an ordinary bone demon, already promoted to bone demon relic. Among them, there is a huge battlefield murderousness before they can be thrown into the void, which also makes Pei Junlin not surprised.

Pei Junlin no longer thought about the escaped bone demon relic, and suddenly grabbed it with one hand, and the airflow within a few hundred meters was instantly condensed into a mass by it.

This is a small scratch can directly grasp the space within a hundred meters of the surrounding into a vacuum, reduced to a finger-sized vacuum gas pill.

Pei Junlin flicked this compressed air mass and flew towards the Altar of Demon God suddenly.

The rune above the compressed air mass was flashing, flashing frantically. When the compressed air mass came over the demon altar, the time exploded instantaneously, and a huge air wave washed away the sand and rocks.

This hand was really beautiful. Hua Qingyang, who was lying on the altar of the demon god, was suddenly shocked and flew up. The sacrifice process was directly interrupted.

"Pei Junlin, you have been struggling again and again, not only snatching my chances, but also trying to kill them. Don't you know that the poor Kou Mo chase these four words?" Na Huaqing Yang was obviously very angry, his eyes. Showing a red color, the magic light flashed coldly and stared at Pei Junlin.

The **** snake spit out the letter, and meandered behind Hua Qingyang, it seemed to be his favorite.

The snake suddenly made a mouthful, and the wind and clouds suddenly changed color, the wind and clouds swayed throughout the underground abyss, and the air fell like chaos arrows.

Pei Junlin did not feel good in an instant. In this strong air explosion, he could be safe, but Wang Ziqiong and others are not necessarily. These companions of the Yin and Shen realm, they are likely to die in this wave.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin saw a phantom of Dading rising across the Huangquan River behind him. It was the phantom shadow of the Great Desolate God, which instantly enveloped everyone and resisted this violent breath.

Pei Junlin slightly lowered his mind, it seems that Wang Ziyu's means are indeed a thousand miles away.

This snake is indeed a bit troublesome, but Wang Ziqiong reached out and pointed out that the swallowing python also suddenly became bigger, and soon grew to the same height as the black python, and crossed the Huangquan River, instantly facing Wrapped around that big python.

Both are wild beasts. In the end, who can win is still between the two. Pei Junlin can only temporarily suppress his worry. His spirit and spirit are all condensed on Hua Qingyang.

Hua Qingyang's injuries seemed to be miraculously improved. The Altar of Demon God just now did not seem to heal, but to make him go further, but was interrupted by Pei Junlin.

"Pei Junlin, no one interferes today. You and I will fight in this abyss." That Hua Qingyang's voice was as cold as a knife, coming from the gap, making Pei Junlin feel cold.

I saw waves raging in the rolling magic fog, a dark magic knife, through the black fog to lock Pei Junlin's eyebrows, and beheaded towards him.

"You have to be careful! This magic weapon is not the same as a small one, but it is the weapon of the ancient Devil Emperor's Soul Destroyer. Although the damage is severe, it is also majestic." Jin Ye's voice sounded in Pei Junlin's ear.

Pei Junlin was surprised when he heard that he was a weapon of the Devil Emperor. At least from the appearance, this black blade is indeed amazing.

A crack appeared in the space, UU reading and there was a black lightning winding over this mysterious black knife.

Pei Junlin's eyes flickered, and he immediately judged that this black sword should be no less powerful than Chaos Lingbao. And this black long knife mainly focuses on the attack, which makes its destructive power even more amazing.

In Pei Junlin's mind, he went back and forth a thousand times, looking for countermeasures against this magic knife.

The five emperors have supernatural powers, absolutely not.

Chunyang Fire Bell can't resist this magic knife!

The golden bell cover of the Buddha door may be able to withstand for a moment, but this magic knife cannot be completely eliminated.

Seeing that the magic knife had arrived, Pei Junlin could not be allowed to think about it. He suddenly mobilized the small life technique and began a long singing.

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