Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1158: Powerful calculation

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A ray of life wrapped around Pei Junlin's palm. Pei Junlin stretched out his pale green palm and instantly captured it. It contained a huge amount of life spirit and grabbed the dark soul extermination knife.

The breath of life spreads everywhere. In the underground abyss, countless tree roots grow rapidly, and instantly a soul extermination knife blocked by a network of roots and whiskers is formed.

"Useless Pei Junlin, the Soul Extinguisher specifically restrains you. Your life will be cut off today, and all your luck will be absorbed by me." Na Hua Qingyang's eyes flashed a special light, both Excited and scared.

The aquamarine palm met the dark soul extermination knife, the two did not give in to each other, and there was a momentary stalemate.

"Life capture!"

Pei Junlin shouted, and the violent life essence instantly filled the entire underground abyss. Those underground spores scattered in mid-air suddenly began to take root and germinate, growing rapidly. Moreover, his body size keeps growing, and almost the entire underground abyss is almost full of life in a flash.

Towering ancient trees, huge mushrooms, and various underground creatures.

The so-called evil is not overwhelming, Pei Junlin thought of the key method of restraining the soul extermination knife at the most critical moment. Since the huge power of this soul exterminator cannot be changed, change the ring around it.

Pei Junlin also knows that this Soul Destroyer is mainly based on the environment of the underground Demon Abyss.

When I was on the ground before, even in Hua Qingyang on the verge of death, I didn't see him use this big killer. Instead, when he came to the underground Demon Abyss, Hua Qingyang used this trick, which made Pei Junlin feel a little puzzled.

But gradually Pei Junlin suddenly understood that in the underground abyss is basically a bureau, specifically for him. In the past, Hua Qingyang was badly injured by him, maybe it was just pretend. The purpose is to lure Pei Junlin into the underground abyss step by step, and the endless magic energy in the underground deep source is the hotbed of the strongest blow of this soul extermination knife.

Pei Junlin instantly penetrated these secrets and found a way to deal with the soul-killing sword. He wants to use that little life technique, the violent life essence, and instantly transform the entire Demon Abyss into a jungle of life and an underground paradise.

Use the violent life essence to urge countless life objects to resist the deep magic energy in the underground abyss. This is equivalent to instantly transforming Nether Hell into a peaceful back garden.

Righteousness is up, evil spirits are sinking.

Under such a long period of time, the underground magic abyss has formed such a desperate magic field after countless years and the birth of the ancient battlefield.

Just now, Pei Junlin performed a small life technique, instantly reversing the universe, transforming the devil in the underground into a paradise on earth, no trees grow and flowers bloom.

Countless double-headed magic dogs, with the power of life slowly wilting in the roar, just like flowers withering away.

And the moment that the soul extermination knife was weakened by the layers of life breath was also weakening. When he came to Pei Jun's side, the soul extermination knife had lost all its strength.

"How could this be? How could this be!!!" Hua Qingyang showed an incredible look.

Looking at the petals floating in the sky, he felt that even a moment of confusion appeared in his mind. He thought this was an illusion, but he told him that it was not an illusion.

"Pretty! Playing against people is actually equivalent to playing chess. It doesn't matter how many good cards you have in your hands, but depends on how you play. Pei Junlin, you are getting stronger and stronger." Jin Ye's voice was filled with exclamation.

Pei Junlin's salary at the bottom of his hand, and the means of reversing the heavens and the earth, is simply amazing. Even the old and well-known antiques like Jinye can't help but burst into praise and praise.

And Pei Junlin's eyes were watching the Soul Extermination Sword suspended in front of him. He didn't know why in his heart, but the sense of crisis became stronger and stronger.

"What are you still doing? This is the supreme magic weapon. It belongs to the devil's weapon! Even if it was once destroyed by the power of the Big Mac, it is also the devil's weapon." There was a trace of longing in Jinye's voice .

Pei Junlin can even feel that Jin Ye is sticking out his tongue and licking his lips. Unabashed, the desire for this magic weapon!

"We have been forgotten, let's go." Pei Junlin's eyes flickered with stars, and it caused a great sense of crisis in a flash of cold hair.

This is a serial calculation, and this soul extermination knife is the final purpose, which is to kill Pei Junlin.

At the moment when Pei Junlin rose to the sky, the Soul Extinguishing Knife burst into burst. An invincible breath escaped from it, dark and ink.

"Hahaha, Pei Junlin, if you are smart, you don’t want to fall into the trap. My grandfather is right. You are indeed a dragon and phoenix, and you have a good luck. In the future fairy demon war, you have to play. A strong role." Hua Qingyang laughed out loud, and he was very proud.

From the other party's tone, Pei Junlin knew that he had been secretly calculated, and not because of Hua Qingyang's secret calculation, but because he was afraid of the powerful calculation behind Hua Qingyang.

In an instant, Pei Junlin gave birth to a feeling of powerlessness. Such a top-level power can cut off fate, change the number of lives, and even heaven can be cut off.

Pei Junlin closed his eyes at the moment when the Soul Extinguishing Knife exploded. He had a desolate feeling. Is this life completely over?

A deep sense of unwillingness rose from within, and it screamed.

However, by the mighty secret calculation, the self-exposure of a top-level chaos magic weapon is simply not Pei Junlin's current strength can resist, even if Jindou space is too late to rescue.

Along with that Hua Qingyang's rampant laughter, Pei Junlin's heart sank more and more, and the magical energy had already come to his side, and the huge sweeping power shocked.

At this final moment, everything seemed to freeze, and a red line fell from midair, twining around Pei Junlin's wrist instantly.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, the moment when the chaotic magic energy exploded, it had huge energy generated, and the entire energy that turned the underground demon abyss was actually solidified by this force of space.

Even Jinye exclaimed, this huge power is not even a fairy, so who did it?

It can make time solidify in an instant, at least the strong level of Tianjun level. And Tianjun is not the same as Tianjun. It can make such a huge explosion energy instantly solidify, that is at least the top Tianjun or above Tianjun...

Pei Junlin looked at the red silk thread wrapped around his wrist, and his eyes suddenly shot out the brilliant brilliance. An exquisite fairy appeared instantly in his mind. He knew that this time it was Master's shot.


Pei Junlin yelled, but it was a pity that he responded only to the empty whole underground abyss and the solidified space.

The time freezes in an instant. This feeling is still very strange. Pei Junlin saw Wang Ziqiong, Wang Ziyu and others. They all stopped in a flash and were fixed in the long river of time, only his wrist was tied This red line can be moved at will during this fixed time.

But Pei Junlin also knows that the time will not be too long. Even with the power of the sky, it is impossible to permanently solidify such a huge explosive force, so he will fight every second.

Pei Junlin turned into a golden light, swimming quickly in this frozen time space, and the golden space opened in an instant, and Wang Ziqiong, Wang Ziyu and others were instantly stored in it, even Pei Junlin, who swallowed the sky, did not fall. .

After doing all this, Pei Junlin felt a huge power, transmitted from the red rope, he knew that it was about to explode. Time is uncontrollable, and at this moment Pei Junlin rises to the sky.

Far out of the underground abyss, into the clouds in the sky.

At the moment when Pei Junlin fled hundreds of miles away, the desert exploded instantly, and the earth-shattering power made the entire earth start to oscillate. Some large cities directly experienced earthquakes. Once the high-rise buildings were destroyed, countless creatures were destroyed at this moment. .

There are also some recovery masters who feel the shock wave in advance. They arranged arrays or implemented recoils on the periphery of the city to directly eliminate the earthquake invisible.

Looking at the violent explosion behind him, Pei Junlin felt a little nervous. The power of this explosion could almost explode the earth. I am afraid that Hua Qingyang would be difficult to survive.

"What is your identity? The devil emperor outside the realm did not hesitate to use the devil as a bait in order to secretly calculate you. And he even exposed himself to a chaotic magic weapon, to know that it is the demon soldier of the earth..." Jin Ye's face Very ugly, looking at Pei Junlin's eyes, it seems to want to see Pei Junlin through.

But Pei Junlin said nothing. The red rope on his wrist, wrapped under the flesh and skin, had formed a trace lightly and could not be eliminated.

"Haha, I guess this power should be your confidante, it should be a woman, otherwise you will not use the marriage line to cross the countless time and space to save you at the critical moment." Jin Ye's voice flashed in his voice There was a trace of gloating.

Pei Junlin also had a complex emotion in his heart. UU reading books before his eyes flashed a good face of the fairy and fairy, and his heart instantly became hot and contradictory.

"Is this the marriage line? How can I not know?" Pei Junlin was a little surprised. He did not know the meaning and function of this red line before.

"Have you ever heard of a thousand-mile marriage? This kind of thing is the fastest and can come here to save you in the shortest time across countless spaces and time. I think the person who saved you should be far away from this place, even Not in this time and space." Jin Ye's speculation is basically close to the fact.

Pei Junlin can't say anything more. If he says one more word, he may guess more content this year, so the clever moment is to keep silent and say nothing, making the other party unable to speculate.

"Okay, okay, you don't say anything, but I will know one day sooner or later, as long as I follow you, all the secrets are not secrets for me." Jin Ye smiled.

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