Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1191: Supernatural Seeds

"Haha, I'm afraid many people wouldn't think of breaking their heads. Such a huge amount of star power has been absorbed by you alone." Jinye hey smiled with pride.

Indeed, time is running out. Pei Junlin didn't delay the time. He went directly into the chaotic golden battle and began to make long journeys. A few days later, the two appeared on the virtual planet.

But this time, Pei Jun Linnian did not immediately use the teleportation array to enter the earth, but took out the hidden treasure pavilion inside the hidden Jindou space.

"What did the master tell you?" An old man appeared in front of Pei Junlin, it was the spirit of the treasure house.

Pei Junlin nodded his head at the treasure of the treasure house, and waved his hand. The treasure house suddenly became larger, and a huge villa group covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres was instantly formed on the virtual ball.

Pavilions and pavilions, rockery gardens are all there, and they are like real ones. And among them, rare birds and animals, flowers and plants, are full of vitality, and turned out to be a complete small world.

Pei Junlin stepped into the treasure trove in one step. His father-in-law, mother-in-law, parents and others were in the courtyard.

It turned out that Pei Junlin's relatives have always been hiding in this kind of life in this treasure house. This time, Pei Junlin took this treasure house at any time for the safety of his relatives.

But this time when he returned to the earth for nine deaths, Pei Junlin did not dare to take his parents with him. If he was really killed, then the end of the parents can be imagined, as is the father-in-law.

Relatively speaking, this too virgin star is a safest place. Of course, the too virgin star is extremely powerful, and the planet where his palace is located is naturally hidden. The outside is even protected by a formation that transcends the earth's fairy array, allowing parents to enjoy their old age on this planet, which is naturally very safe.

But one of the biggest drawbacks of living here is that it is too lonely. In addition to the father-in-law, it is the parent.

Pei Junlin bid farewell to his father-in-law, his mother-in-law and his parents, re-entered the portal and returned to the earth instantly.

In a month, there was no change in the entire earth. Pei Junlin slightly sensed that the breath of Wang Qiong and Wang Ziyu were safe and sound, and he gradually let down his mind.

It's just that Pei Junlin, whose strength has broken through to the real **** realm, is extremely powerful. Even if he walks on the sea, the wave of spiritual energy brought up can also set off huge waves on the sea.

The powerful creatures on the sea seemed to sense Pei Junlin's breath, and they all evaded far away, not daring to provoke Pei Junlin directly.

I was afraid that Pei Junlin would grab them out as soon as he grabbed them and **** out the essence.

Feeling some movement on the jade plate on his wrist, Pei Junlin took it out to watch. This thunder **** jade disk is a special token for Raytheon's communication. Pei Junlin registered his account with Raytheon company and was presented with this thunder **** jade disk.

Pei Junlin opened the thunder **** jade plate, and a lot of information appeared on it. In addition to the spam messages that some extraterrestrial demon groups demanded for redemption and negotiation, Pei Junlin even saw a message from Prince Sanzi.

There is a lot of information transmitted by Prince Zhu, and Pei Junlin has no time to look at it for a while, but all of this at the moment makes Pei Junlin sigh with emotion.

He produced a large number of cigars according to Pei Junlin's plan, and the sales volume outside the territory was excellent. According to the third prince of the pig, there is now 100 million Tianyuan jade every day.

Moreover, the third prince of the pig called Pei Junlin of the money according to the agreement. Pei Junlin looked at his account and it turned out that he had billions of more funds.

However, the money is now small for Pei Junlin. Once the battle is consumed, the mana is very expensive, and it is often hundreds of thousands of Tianyuan jade.

After imagining, Pei Junlin directly entered the virtual network through the thunder **** jade disk. It is a huge transaction to directly cash all billions of Tianyuan jade from Universe Bank, but Universe Bank will not deny it.

Soon a wormhole appeared in front of Pei Junlin, and a show bag appeared on Pei Junlin's face. , Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed the sleeveless bag directly in his hand, opened it to see that it was endless Tianyuan jade, piled up like a mountain.

"This kind of Tianyuan jade contains the breath of some Tianjun level strong people. If you take it for a long time, it will pollute your mana." Jinye hey smiled and introduced a voice into Pei Junlin's ear.

Pei Junlin didn't know the secret before. At this time, he could not help but be surprised when he heard the words of Jin Ye. Tian Yuanyu could pollute mana, which was the first time he knew.

However, Pei Junlin would not doubt that King Jin was cheating himself, because what King Jin said was still very serious.

"You mean there are some traps in Tianyuan jade?" Pei Junlin responded quickly and immediately understood the profound meaning of Jinye Huazhong.

"Hey, Ruzi can be taught, you finally understand, this kind of Tianyuan jade is not naturally formed, but artificially made. Some masters of Tianjun level, extract mana and rule power to forge Tianyuan jade. Tianyuan jade actually contains With some rules in Tianjun’s body, after years of use, your mana will inevitably be mixed with such rules.” Jin Ye finally told Pei Junlin all the answers.

Pei Junlin nodded, but to restore mana now, Tianyuan jade must be used, which is also impossible.

Tianyuan jade is like that, it won't poison you immediately, but after many years, using Tianyuan jade will be easily controlled by others.

It is one thing for others to control you, but it is another thing to control you at any time.

"Is there any way to crack it? With so many Tianyuan jade, it would be too wasteful if not used." Pei Junlin was a little confused.

Lord Jin nodded and said with a smile: "Aren't you stupid? Isn't the blood-melting furnace ready? Like all these Tianyuanyus are put in to condense and filter out the impurities in it."

The billions of Tianyuan jade are undoubtedly a huge wealth, but the furnace is amazing and the throughput is also amazing. Hundreds of millions of Tianyuan jade was dumped into it, and in the blink of an eye, the rolling panacea could be spit out. After being condensed, Tianyuan Jade seems to be more crystal clear, and its size is ten times larger than before.

Each one is the size of an egg, and the mana contained in it is ten times that of a Tianyuan jade. Now if Pei Junlin's mana is to be replenished, he will devour millions of Tianyuan jade in an instant, but like this condensed Tianyuan jade, only 100,000 pieces are enough.

Pei Junlin has now entered the realm of real gods. The mana is rolling, the strength of the whole body, plus the strength of the body itself, has reached the strength of 50,000 dragons.

There is no need to use any supernatural powers, only the flesh can tear the space. Now if Pei Junlin uses Shangyuan Magnetism Light, he will have the power of 500,000 dragons in one punch.

This is the power that truly destroys the earth and destroys a mountain with one punch, just like a child's play.

After condensing billions of Tianyuan jade, five million Tianyuan jade are finally left. These Tianyuan jade with larger mana and more abundant, one is more powerful than the previous ten.

With enough panacea reserves, Pei Junlin no longer has to worry about it. Even if the 500 million Tianyuanyu fights endlessly, he does not have to worry about the mana is running out. He can always use panacea to supplement.

Pei Junlin came to Kunlun Mountain, where the heaven and earth power had no repressive effect for him, so Pei Junlin flew directly to Kunlun Wanyao Palace.

As soon as he set foot on this area, Pei Junlin felt the fluctuations of the fairy debris. He went directly to the back hill of the Wanming Palace in Kunming and found out that the cow demon king was carrying a group of demons in the **** donkey fire. It seems to be preparing a major event.

Being able to feel the fluctuations in the air, Niu Mowang and others were shocked to look back. When they saw Pei Junlin, the **** donkey's face clearly showed a look of surprise.

Niu Mowang and others all have a somewhat complicated look, and they seem to be doing something unspeakable behind Pei Junlin.

"What is this for?" Pei Junlin's eyes were sharp, and he soon saw that a huge formation seemed to be arranged around the debris of the fairy.

The embarrassed look on the face of Niu Mowang dry coughed for a moment, he came over and patted Pei Junlin's shoulder and said: "I haven't seen you in a few days, your breath becomes stronger, if I am not wrong, you have broken through into the true God realm."

"Yes, I'm the real **** realm now." Pei Junlin didn't hide anything.

Concealing the strength is no use for Pei Junlin now. It is the kingly way to suppress the opponent by relying on the strength to drop ten times.

"Very good, you are strong. It seems that there may be a ray of life on the earth in the future. Originally you are not qualified to know this matter, but you have entered the realm of real God, but you are qualified to know this matter~www.mtlnovel. com~ Niu Mowang's attitude is very strange, there seems to be some secrets.

Pei Junlin glanced around the demon clan, and the horse **** was among them. It was just that his ears stood up, and he seemed to want to hear the conversation between Pei Junlin and Niu Dewang.

How can the masters of the two real **** realms speak to one of his little monsters. Although the distance is only a short distance away, no one can hear the communication between Pei Junlin and Niu Demon.

Outsiders can only see that Pei Junlin's face is more and more shocked, and in the end has become a kind of indifference and numbness.

No one knows what Niu Mo Wang said to Pei Junlin, only to see Pei Junlin's complexion.

"Is everything you said true? Some races outside the realm are really staring at the earth." Pei Junlin felt shudder, because the demon king Niu told him a secret.

The demon clan may have found an advanced method to crack the domain. Once the fairy array outside the earth is destroyed, the earth will lose the last barrier, and then the whole earth will be a lamb to be slaughtered.

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