Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1192: Black Armor

"Do you know the culprit that invaded the earth? They are a race called the dark knight of the universe. This race is a close relative of the human race. It was in the ancient years that they took the lead in invading the earth and was the biggest culprit to destroy the earth." Niu Mowang seems to think of In the past of the Taikoo period, his eyes turned red.

"To say who on this earth hates the demon races outside these territories the most, our cow demon king dared to be the first, and no one dared to call the second, because in the ancient times, none of the family of the cow demon survivors survived." The voice said sadly.

Only then did Pei Junlin know that it turned out that Niu Demon had such an unbearable past, and his family had all survived the Great War during the Taikoo period.

"What race is the Dark Knight? Since they are close relatives of the human race, why are they so resentful to the earth." Pei Junlin was a little confused, because he really didn't know this secret.

According to the information he now knows, the demon tribes outside the realm united in the Taikoo Years because of the discovery of the fairy debris of the earth. But then this thing became more and more confusing. Many of the clues are contradictory, and no one has clearly stated an accurate answer.

After all, things happened in the Taikoo period. Many people have passed away. Even some of the recovering powerhouses were in a turmoil during that war. They fled in a hurry. Many people do not have an insight into the overall situation.

"This group of beasts is not human at all. It is better to say that they are descendants of beasts than they are close relatives of the human race. Did you know? During the ancient times, the human race exiled some evil people to some planets outside the territory. These people said It is the forgotten, that is, the later dark knight." Niu Dewang whispered, opened a dusty history.

Pei Junlin could feel almost immediately that perhaps all of what Niu Mowang said should be the closest to the correct answer, because from the basis of some of the arguments that Niu Mowang said, Pei Junlin knew that this could never be false.

This is the first time Pei Junlin heard the forgotten, but Niu Mowang also said that it was reasonable. In the ancient times, the saints taught the world to prohibit killing.

Sinful people will not be sentenced to death, they will often be sent to some wild planets outside the domain to develop there, away from the human race.

No one had imagined that this kind of behavior eventually caused an avalanche-style disaster, that is, the forgotten people outside the united united them, and finally countered the earth.

The strong among the so-called forgotten people form a team that does not blink. The dark knights are also instigators and provocators of the extraterrestrial demon tribes who actively attack the earth.

"Recently, these forgotten people have resurrected. They are uniting some demon clan strongmen outside the territory to destroy the body protection outside the earth." Niu Mowang felt deeply desperate for the future.

The atmosphere in the scene became very sad for a moment, even the **** donkey did not speak with his head down, as if in silence and contemplation.

Pei Junlin broke through the real **** realm this time, and trained the Star Eucharist, even if he is dealing with some powerful late realm realm, if he meets Tianjun, Pei Junlin does not know that his chances of winning are geometric, but absolutely not Tianjun will be pressed to death with one hand.

So relatively speaking, Pei Junlin's current state of mind should be more stable.

This is the benefit of strength. It is easy to avoid anxiety. With strong strength as a backing, you can face everything calmly.

"What about the fairy array outside the earth? Who arranged it? Since someone has the ability to arrange the fairy array, he will never sit back and ignore the earth." Pei Junlin asked a question.

This question directly stunned everyone, even the Niu Demon could not give a clear answer.

The fairy array outside the earth is indeed a mystery. Even if the old monsters who are as strong as the bull demon king survived in the ancient times, they don’t know who arranged the earth fairy array.

"During the ancient years, I heard someone who was very mysterious, and his attainments on the formation method reached the peak. If the earth fairy array is not arranged by the fairy, then only one person can do it, but it is said that this person has already been Dead." Niu Mowang thought of many problems after calming down carefully.

After sorting out the relevant information, the name Wang Zhong finally appeared in my mind.

In the ancient times, Wang Zhong's name was like Lei Guan'er, and he suppressed an era when it was a character juxtaposed with King Shengquan, standing at the peak of the battlefield.

This man learned easy formation at the age of three, and he is invincible in terms of chess. When he is six years old, he can be called a chess sage, playing invincible hands all over the world.

The Zhenlong chess set by him has become a complete puzzle in an era, and no one can solve it.

At the age of twenty-one, Wang Zhong first came into contact with the lineup, and he surpassed his master only half a year later. Six years later, Wang Zhong’s attainments in the lineup were invincible in that era. .

By virtue of his accomplishments in the formation, Wang Zhong could actually fight over three levels. When he was in the Supreme Realm, he could not even take the Yin Shen Shen Yang God Realm.

This is the legend of Wang Zhong. In the age of ancient times, it was dazzling. Many genius figures can only crawl under his feet. No one can do anything about the attainments of formation.

"Did you see Wang Zhong's death? Lord Jin suddenly asked another question.

This problem puzzled the Niu Demon King. He did not see Wang Zhong's death with his own eyes.

"This was a big event during the Taikoo period. Wang Zhong's death aroused the anger of many people. I remember very clearly that Wang Zhong was indeed dead. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, it was definitely not fake." Niu Mo Wang In a nutshell.

However, Pei Junlin shook his head. He had always been skeptical of the fairy array outside the earth, but now it seems most likely that the formation genius Wang Zhong of the ancient times did it.

It seems that this person not only did not die, but his accomplishments in the formation have indeed reached the point of reaching the peak, and the fairy formation is arranged with the human body.

It is because of the existence of the Earth Fairy Array that it has protected the earth for countless years, and even Pei Junlin speculates that even the aura recovery on the earth may have something to do with Wang Zhong.

What is Guoshi Wushuang?

A person like Wang Zhong who shakes the world with his own strength and reverses time and space can be called a warrior.

Although he had never met Wang Zhongsu, Pei Junlin had a tragic emotion in his heart. He must meet with Wang Zhong and wonder what kind of person the other person is. If possible, Pei Junlin wants to meet this People talked about wine.

"Dark knights have been active in the East China Sea recently, which is a bad sign." Niu Mowang was worried.

Pei Junlin did not succeed, he smiled lightly towards the Niu Demon and the Big Black Donkey and other people: "The soldiers came to cover up the water, some things are not going to happen because you worry about it. Recently, I want to hold an auction conference, missing some People will help me to support the scene. Will you stand on my side?"

"What? The auction conference? Wouldn't it be auctioning those extraterrestrial demon races? I remember that you did capture a lot of geniuses outside the domain in the Battle of Xiaogushan. The gods and goddesses are a lot, if they really sell, It is indeed possible to sell a good price." The **** donkey smiled, his eyes shining.

Niu Demon also shined his eyes. He had heard something about Pei Junlin from the **** donkey. He knew that Pei Junlin had captured the gods from outside the territory and sold them into the starry sky. For Pei Junlin, he was admired by the five bodies. .

"That is, of course, these paparazzi outside the domain must sell a good price to let their lads vomit blood. You can rest assured that this thing is on me, my veteran has no other skills, just sell it Things." Niu Mowang smiled.

According to various signs, Pei Junlin knew that the time of the final decisive battle was getting closer and closer. This time he came to this Demon Palace to also unite all the forces that can be united.

This Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain is probably on the earth, and it is the most resolute force to resist the demon clan.

In addition, Pei Junlin does not know who else can stand with himself against the enemies in the starry sky.

That Tai Chi sword gate has survived in name only, Wudang Mountain has completely disappeared, and the resurgent powerhouses of the Tonggu Alliance have ambiguous attitudes and great internal disagreements, and they can’t count on it at all. Too.

The breath of decisive battle is getting closer and closer, and the building is full of storms. At this time, it is necessary to unite all forces that can be united and condense into a rope, and everyone stands together.

"I will also distribute the income from the auction to everyone to jointly improve everyone's strength, and in the recent period I will provide unlimited blood pill and some other medicine." Pei Junlin announced on the spot.

These words directly silly a group of people in the Wanlun Palace of Kunlun Even the **** donkey felt that Pei Junlin had a brain problem, and it gave people such great benefits for no reason. People don't need to invest their blood.

Unrestricted supply of a few words can make people's brains buzz, do you think Pei Junlin is drinking too much?

However, when Pei Junlin waved his hand and two piles of immortality appeared on the ground, all the people widened their eyes and felt a little weird.

Two piles of pills piled up like a hill, one pile is blood pill and the other pile is Tianyuan jade. The elixir of emancipation emanated from the elixir, which made people greedy. Even if the demon king was well-informed, it was also terrifying to see Pei Junlin being so generous.

"Brother Pei Junlin, don't you want us to help you this time? Right, you must not misunderstand, I just ask casually." Niu Mowang felt uneasy and a little panicked.

"Don't worry, the day when the extraterrestrial demon clan invades the earth is approaching. I want to improve everyone's strength as much as possible, so that everyone can survive in this catastrophe as much as possible." Pei Junlin said his true purpose.

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