Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1193: Black Armor

This remark made a group of people silly, and no one thought that the pattern of Pei Junlin was so great.

"There is no egg under the cover, you must not have some thoughts of escape, when the extraterrestrial demon attack the earth, you will definitely set up a large formation in the starry sky, even if you can escape into the starry sky, but Where can I escape, the earth is our mother star, and coexistence and death with him is the only way." Pei Jun Linyu shook his head and flew up.

However, as he left, he glanced at the large array under the cloth of the Niu Demon King and others and the debris of the fairy.

Pei Junlin didn't need to look at the role of this large formation. He understood it long ago. With his attainments in the formation, he could see at a glance that this large formation was actually a kind of divination.

Although the fate is mysterious and unpredictable, but with some huge power, you can still see some secrets of the fate. The Niu Demon took some demon in the Wanlun Palace of Kunlun Mountain to set up a formation here, regardless of the future, complaining nothing wrong.

After all, when people feel guilty, don’t ask the people to ask ghosts and gods, and get some psychological comfort.

In an instant, Pei Junlin came to the top of the East China Sea, and the waves of the East China Sea were rolling. At this time on the East China Sea, two black armored ships were suspended in mid-air.

In addition, there are more than a dozen human large ships on the sea, standing on top of some strong people who recover races and some strong countries, these people are like pilgrimage, each ship is loaded with the earth above Bizarre treasures.

From time to time on the two **** armored ships, people jumped from the big ship and moved the treasures from each big ship to the **** armored ship.

On top of the two black armored ships, stood some imposing soldiers. They were covered in black armor, and they were astonishing.

Even the most ordinary black armor fighters are at the peak of Yinshen Realm, and some elite level black armor fighters have even broken through to Yangshen Realm.

On one of the black armored warships, Pei Junlin felt a strong breath. The strength of the other party should have reached the peak of the real **** realm, and it was only one step away from the Jun level that day.

Pei Junlin sensed the other party, you naturally also sensed Pei Junlin.

A soaring breath erupted from the black armored ship, and then a man wearing a huge black armor flew in the direction of Pei Junlin.

The reason why this man can detect Pei Junlin's position is because Pei Junlin didn't hide his intention at all. He was releasing his breath and showing his arrival to the other party.

The black armored warrior was tall and wrapped in black armor. The helmet also encircled the face tightly, revealing only two eyes.

The gap between the black armor emits deep black smoke from time to time, but this is not a magic energy, but a kind of evil spirit.

"The cheap human race?" The voice of the black armor God of War revealed a very contemptuous emotion.

It seems to feel that his strength has stood at the top of the earth's food chain, so the voice of the black armor is full of arrogance.

Pei Junlin frowned slightly and looked at the other person, saying: "You are the real **** realm, can't the fairy array outside the earth stop you at this time? How did you come in?"

The reason why Pei Junlin deliberately led the other party out was to ask these few words. If he wants to kill someone, he can directly kill the two black armored ships, but if some of the puzzles are unsolved, Pei Junlin doesn't want to do it.

"It can be seen that my realm, humans, you are indeed extraordinary. Before you die, I can tell you that there are many loopholes in the fairy array outside the earth. You humans should not think that you can sit back and relax without worrying. It may take less than half a month for the earth to be destroyed." There was a **** breath in the voice of the black armor soldier.

Pei Junlin exhaled lightly, revealing indisputable disappointment in his eyes, and really did not expect that there was a loophole in the fairy array outside the earth.

Now there are only some loopholes. It is very likely that they will be torn directly in the future. It is very possible to see that a big decisive battle between humans on earth and demon clan outside the territory is imminent.

In this battle of life and death, human beings are at an absolute disadvantage. If they want to defeat the extraterrestrial demon clan, they now seem to see no dawn at all.

"Okay, after I finished asking, you can die." Pei Junlin's eyes suddenly became cold.

Stretching out his hand, the shattered palm suddenly burst out. A black palm carrying the power to destroy heaven and earth was instantly printed on the body of the black armor.

Although it was the late stage of the true **** realm, the black armor soldier could not escape the palm of Pei Junlin. With such supernatural powers, the Emperor Chang Hen has condensed to a very high level, and Pei Junlin is only one step away from the destruction of his palm.

A palm hit, ruining the world, and a hollow appeared in the entire sky. Although the black armor screamed and wanted to escape, it could not get rid of it.

The black armor fell apart in an instant, and a tall man flew out, all spurting blood.

A golden light flashed by, and the deity of the black armor was not dead.

"Avatar? It's a bit interesting. I didn't expect you to have such a powerful treasure." Pei Junlin had a playful look on his face.

Now that he has entered the realm of real gods, he has broken through to the strength of the star sacred body, and he has reached the peak. Even if the other party is a late realm powerhouse, it is not enough to see in front of Pei Junlin.

"Who the **** are you, and why are there such strong men in your race?" The black armor soldier was shattered by Pei Junlin's palm, and a horrified look appeared on his face.

At the critical moment just now, if it wasn't for the role played by the dead character, I'm afraid he was already dead in the hands of Pei Junlin.

"Are you procrastinating time? But you are still dying." Pei Junlin stood still, his palms raised, and a bright star shrouded in the sky.

All ships on the entire sea seemed to see the power of sunlight. The palm of Pei Junlin was like a round of dazzling sun, and no one could open his eyes. The powerful person of the real **** realm was split. A horrified look appeared on his face.

A black dagger appeared in his hand, and with a stab, he cut through the space barrier, trying to get into the turbulent space and escape his life.

But where did Pei Junlin willing to give him such a chance, he grabbed the opponent as soon as he reached out. The crystal-like grinding wheel palm, the body of this master who blasted this true **** realm instantly fell apart.

Many people in those two black armored ships were all frightened to see this scene one by one. Their commander-in-chief was also a giant-level character who was blown into a scum by a human punch, which subverted their imagination. force.

The two black armored ships seemed to feel a fatal crisis and began to fly full power towards the stars outside the region.

Pei Junlin did not give them this opportunity at all. A white jade immortal bridge appeared at the foot. The white jade arch bridge suddenly broke through the space and appeared next to one of the black armored ships when it appeared again.

The speed of this Baiyuxian Bridge is quite amazing, and Pei Junlin didn't mean to stop at all, just like a comet would hit an iron armored ship instantly.

Many black armor warriors on the black armored ship had no time to flee, and the entire ship was disintegrated instantly, and the dazzling white light flickered, and countless strong men instantly turned to ashes in this impact.

And another black armored ship saw this scene and was so shocked that it couldn't even say a word. Countless black armor soldiers felt that the end was coming.

Before they came to this planet, they regarded everyone on the earth as an uncivilized aborigine, but when they saw Pei Junlin's strong shot, they were all scared to death.

Pei Junlin naturally didn't mean to be soft-handed, and once again drove the white jade fairy bridge into the past, another iron armored ship, did not escape the fate of extinction, and together with the black armor warriors on the ship, it instantly became ashes.

At this time, countless large ships float on the sea. All of the humans above were stunned. When they saw this scene one by one, they felt that the three views would collapse.

Pei Junlin looked at these people coldly, with a disgusted expression in his eyes.

"This master does not kill us, we only please these extra-territorial powerhouses just for survival." These big ships sent some human begging.

Some of the people on these big ships, Pei Junlin has never seen, but it is conceivable that they come from some hidden strengths of human beings. They have now become spies on the earth.

Tribute to the Black Knights outside the territory here is tantamount to saying that they have betrayed humanity in advance. However, Pei Junlin did not take action against these people, because the existence of these people had nothing to do with the outcome of the battle, and it was a dirty hand to kill them.

Just as Pei Junlin was about to leave here, a black shadow suddenly came rushing from the It was a huge black donkey who rushed over from a distance on a torrential wave.

"These people are cartilage, and it's useless to keep them." At the same time as the voice of the **** donkey, as well as the Niu Demon King and others appeared on the sea.

The bull demon was even laid down with an axe, and the entire sea seemed to be separated. Numerous large ships directly capsized, and the humans above wailed.

Countless voices directed at Pei Junlin for help, but Pei Junlin's face was cold and indifferent.

These leading parties are Pei Junlin's most disgusting kind of people. They colluded with the forces outside the territory and enslaved their slaves.

"The black armored **** of war that you killed just now should be the level of the great commander among the black armor knights outside the domain. That's a giant level character. I didn't expect you to be shot dead with a slap. I'm afraid you are now Neither the strength nor the Tianjun level opponents will necessarily die." Niu Mowang showed a very shocking look on his face.

Stretching his hand, the fairy fragment appeared directly in the palm of his hand, shining brilliantly.

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