Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1204: Guarding the Fire Dragon

"Something wrong, I suddenly had a dangerous feeling." Pei Junlin stopped and said to himself.

People's sixth sense is very strong, especially some masters, they feel the fate, they can feel some subtle changes.

Pei Junlin stopped and looked around. There was a flame around him, and there was nothing unusual. But Pei Junlin still felt creepy and seemed to be stared at by some powerful creature.

Through that heavy flame, Pei Junlin looked towards the Flame Mountain. Gradually, he froze, a pair of deep eyes spread from the flame.

I don’t know what a monster is, but the pressure revealed is terrifying, and Pei Junlin feels an amazing danger.

Sure enough, this fire spirit bead is not so good and easy to obtain, it seems that there are powerful creatures entrenching the fire spirit bead.

Since he came to this flame mountain, the fire spirit beads must be obtained by Pei Junlin, so he has no reason to retreat. Even if this creature is extremely powerful, Pei Junlin will never give in.

Jin Yupei flew out of Pei Junlin's palm again, drawing a rune in mid-air.

This goldfish pendant was a treasure left by Wang Zhong to Pei Junlin. It had a very powerful role in depicting the formation method, and it was far more powerful than the ordinary one.

Pei Junlin doesn't need to write the runes by himself, he only needs to release the goldfish pen, and he can condense the runes at will.

The place where the goldfish was swimming formed a channel composed of runes. The rune shimmered with a touch of gold, isolating all external forces. Pei Junlin walked in it and felt extremely safe. He would use this method to create a fire spirit bead with a direct path.


The originally quiet mountain of flames is like a pan boiling suddenly. The flames around them began to sweep violently towards the rune channel created by Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin smiled coldly and moved forward slowly. This kind of flame was nothing to him at all. These runes possessed extremely powerful fire resistance.

The rune channel continued to lay forward, and when approaching the Fire Dragon Ball, it suddenly encountered a bottleneck, because a flame barrier appeared in front of it, which could not penetrate at all.

This flame barrier is not a general formation. If it is a formation, Pei Junlin can break through a few runes, but this flame barrier seems to be a transparent treasure, covering the entire core area inside the flame mountain. .

It's like a big transparent net, completely buckling this area, Pei Junlin wants to go in, unless the barrier is broken.

The flames were rolling around, and Pei Junlin was walking in the flames. He held a magic weapon of the world, and his eyes showed a sharp glory. Suddenly flew up, the whole body gathered a little, and suddenly bombarded the transparent barrier.

After a violent burst, a crack appeared on the transparent barrier, and the mortal magic gun successfully penetrated, but only a small hole was left. It was not enough to accommodate a person to pass through.

However, Pei Junlin can now be powerful and small, even if there is only a small hole, he can't fail him. Instantly Pei Junlin drilled into this gap, and as soon as he entered, Pei Junlin in this core area immediately felt the heat and unbearable degree .

Even if he now cultivates into the realm of the Star Eucharist and reaches the level of the true god, he still can't withstand the intense heat here.

Jindou Space Unfolded Pei Junlin hid in Jindou Space for a moment. He was driving the Chaos Jindou and flew in the direction of the Fire Spirit Pearl.

However, at this time, a huge claw protruded from the flames and rushed a little toward the golden chaos of the chaos. The entire chaos entered the huge sea inside and suffered a huge blow.

Chao Chaojin opened instantly, and Pei Junlin jumped out of it. The mixed-world magic gun in his hand instantly pierced the huge claw, only to hear a loud puff of blood.

Pei Junlin's hand didn't hurt the other party, but he finally saw the monster's body. It is a huge fire dragon, entrenched in the core area inside the flame mountain, guarding the fire spirit beads.

The imperial aura of Pei Junlin's body flowed wildly around his body, making Pei Junlin's body seem to be wrapped in a huge water polo. The blue water puff wrapped Pei Junlin and isolated the external high temperature.

However, Pei Junlin gradually discovered that the water ball was constantly evaporating, because the core temperature of the entire Flame Mountain was too high. According to Pei Junlin's feeling, there were at least tens of millions of degrees.

This temperature even melts steel into **** in an instant, not to mention human flesh and blood. Although he is a star sacred body now, he still needs to be vigilant about this high temperature.

Jin Yupei once again flew out the runes under Pei Junlin's body, and a series of formations wrapped the entire water polo formed by the emperor's imperial spirit, so that Pei Junlin's body finally settled down in midair.

Fire Dragon has been staring at Pei Junlin coldly, and has not shot again, it seems that something is wrong with his body.

Only then did Pei Junlin discover that there were several thick chains in the depths of the lava, and this fire chain fire dragon was firmly bound here. Pei Junlin instantly understood that this fire dragon did not voluntarily guard the fire spirit beads here, but someone trapped him here and guarded the fire spirit beads all year round.

The formation of the entire Flame Mountain is probably also due to the sun sperm in the body of this fire dragon, which caused the entire mountain to burn a raging flame. And this fire spirit bead was intentionally put here to warm up, who Pei Junlin did not know, but he must take this fire spirit bead today.

Pei Junlin was surrounded by the blue and watery imperial spirit, rushing towards the fire spirit beads, his body was as fast as a shooting star, and he would reach the fire spirit beads almost in the blink of an eye.


The fire dragon's mouth opened wide and an amazing breath of breath spewed out instantly. The color of the flame showed a dazzling white light, which could show the extremely high temperature.

Pei Junlin is no longer able to avoid his sharp edge at this time, he must bear the hot dragon breath to get the fire spirit beads. Bai Yuxian Bridge appeared at the foot of Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin stepped on Bai Yuxian Bridge and plunged into the terrifying dragon's breath.

Longxi is endless, and the water of Pei Junlin's bamboo shoots has been consumed. Even if there is a mysterious rune guard, this water virtue can't finally wrap Pei Junlin.

"It's definitely not the way to go like this. Get the Fire Spirit Pearl and leave here quickly." Jin Ye was turned by the hot, forged dizzy head.

Pei Junlin didn't think so. This was a danger and an opportunity. Once he got the fire spirit bead, he could rely on the fire dragon breath to refine the fire spirit bead directly.

As soon as Pei Junlin reached out his hand, the fire spirit beads flew towards the palm of his hand. As soon as he started, Pei Junlin sacrificed the pure Yang fire bell, and put the fire spirit bead directly into the pure Yang fire bell.

But the terrifying dragon's breath continued, and Chunyang's fire bell immediately blocked Pei Junlin's front, like a huge horn, absorbing all the flames into it.

"Refining me!" Pei Junlin printed various handprints while releasing goldfish pendants, forging various runes on the Chunyang fiery clock.

The quality of a treasure and its success and failure have a huge relationship with the seal rune. Pei Junlin accepted the inheritance of the guardian of the earth, and his understanding of the rune has reached an extremely high level. Although not as good as Wang Zhong, it is not easy to forge a chaotic spirit treasure.

The flame of the sun fired by that fire dragon is getting weaker and weaker, and seems to have been exhausted, but Pei Junlin does not want to stop like this. The fire spirit beads and the pure Yang fire bell have not yet merged, and now there is no dragon breath, Forging will be extremely troublesome.

Suck me!

Pei Junlin shouted, and the Chunyang fire bell suddenly exploded with huge suction. There was an external force that allowed the fire dragon to continuously spit out the solar fire essence outward.

The color of the Chunyang Fire Bell becomes more and more transparent, just like a transparent golden glazed tile. Runes circulated above, with fire dragons circling above.

At the last moment of the birth of Chunyang's fiery bell, Pei Junlin, holding a mixed-life magic gun, came to the fire tap and stabbed it into the top of the fire tap.

The fire dragon made a scream, seeming to be relieved. A golden dragon soul flew from the top of its head. Without thinking, Pei Junlin reached out and grabbed a hand and threw it into the Chunyang fire bell.

"Haha, the blood of the ancestral dragon, this dragon is not simple, it should belong to the highest-level character of the dragon family." Pei Junlin laughed, like a treasure.

Pei Junlin could not give up the huge corpse of this dragon. The mixed-world magic gun in his hand is like a long dragon, and he suddenly pierced countless gun shadows in the air.

Some of the chains that bound this fire dragon broke one after another. These chains are also not ordinary products. Pei Junlin directly collected the metal substances of these chains into the gold bucket space. The body of the fire dragon went directly into the blood-melting furnace and became a blood pill.

After doing all this, UU reading Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the Chunyang fire bell again. The Chunyang Fire Clock is now more quaint and mysterious, with a chaotic breath flowing across the clock.

The fire spirit beads were originally born to raise the rich chaotic atmosphere contained in it. At this time, after the fusion of the pure yang fire bell, the whole yang fire bell is wrapped with a black breath, which is the chaotic breath.

"So much chaos, if I swallowed it, how good it would be, waste! Heavenly waste." Jin Ye jumped anxiously in the Jindou space and scolded.

But Pei Junlin didn't think very much, Chunyang Fire Clock was very important for him to come, because in Chunyang Fire Clock has been integrated into Huode Emperor Yuanshen, if the grade of Chunyang Fire Clock is too low, it will undoubtedly pull down The power of the Five Emperors.

Now the Huo De Emperor Yuan Shen merges the pure Yang Fire Bell and the Fire Spirit Pearl, and the power goes straight to the sky, and the Mu De Emperor Yuan Shen also merges the tree of life, and its growth is invincible.

Now Pei Junlin has Jinde Emperor Yuanshen, Tu De Emperor Yuanshen and Water's Emperor Yuanshen left.

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