Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1205: Promote Chaos

Once the spirits of these three series of primitive gods are found to be integrated into it, the power of the Five Emperors' magic power will increase greatly, and the Five Emperors will unite to destroy the world.

"Golden Master, I did everything I could. What a pure Yang fire bell, there is always a line away from the chaotic spirit treasure, what is missing in the end?" Pei Junlin was puzzled.

In Chunyang, the fire bell was so fresh for a while, and even Pei Junlin couldn't keep it up.

"Haha, do you think it's such a simple thing to make a chaotic spirit treasure? I tell you, it's definitely not that simple." Jin Ye smiled.

Pei Junlin's eyes flickered. He was not a little white who knew nothing. On the contrary, he had something in common with what King Ye knew in some places.

Since Master Jin refuses to tell the secret, you know the reason, because Master Jin wants to devour the chaotic power of Fire Spirit Pearl.

However, Pei Junlin did not want to do this, because the fire spirit beads were very important to him, and integration into Huode Emperor Yuanshen could make Huode Emperor Yuanshen infinite growth, and later promoted to the true spirit, also Just around the corner.

Once the five great gods are promoted to the true spirit, it is the five gods and Buddhas. The so-called true spirits, like the gods in the legend, have their own **** kingdom and heaven and earth.

It was an extremely profound result of cultivation, and at that stage of cultivation, there is every possibility of ruining the world. Pei Junlin can never cut this road.

"Actually, I don’t mind telling you, you know why the person stored the Fire Spirit Bead on this Flame Mountain. It’s because the Fire Spirit Bead didn’t grow to the last moment, it’s not useful. It’s because you are too anxious, Anxious to integrate this fire spirit bead into the pure Yang fire bell, it made him lack a trace of fire." Jin Ye's voice directly passed into Pei Junlin's ear.

After hearing this, Pei Junlin finally knew the core of the problem. His face could not help showing a look of regret, but now regrets are useless.

"Is there any solution?" Pei Junlin pinned his hope on Jinye.

The fire spirit beads themselves are not enough, don’t you know that the sun fire essence is used to make up, the inexhaustible sun fire essence is inexhaustible, is it still me to say? "Jin Ye's voice revealed a joke.

Only then did Pei Junlin realize that he wants to refine the pure Yang Fire Bell to become a chaotic spirit treasure, and what he lacks is that trace of the Sun Fire Spirit. The entire Flame Mountain is filled with solar fire spirits, so there is no need to deliberately search for it.

Jin Yupei flew out again, depicting mysterious runes around the pure Yang fire, the moment these runes finally completed the last stroke, a huge gathering of fire was portrayed by Pei Junlin.

The violent suction instantly seemed like a funnel, so that all the flames of the flame mountain surged towards the pure Yang fire bell.

Almost in an instant, the temperature of the entire Flame Mountain began to drop rapidly, and a large amount of solar sperm was pumped to the pure Yang fire bell to supplement the lack of fire spirit beads.

Three days have passed, the former Flame Mountain has become a snowy mountain, and Pei Junlin's eyes are getting brighter and brighter in his eyes.


The sound trembles through the heavens and the earth, and the entire snowy mountain splits directly from it, and a translucent golden clock rises into the sky, emitting a dazzling light.

At the last moment, the fire bell in Chunyang was finally promoted to Chaos Lingbao, and Pei Junlin got his wish.

Pei Junlin's face smiled like an old chrysanthemum, and once he reached out, the pure Yang fire bell would fall on his palm when he landed. At this time, a thunderous roar came, and Pei Junlin was shocked.

"The thief stole my things and wanted to leave, leaving the baby behind." A thunderous roar stunned the air of the Quartet.

Pei Junlin turned around and saw a man descend from the sky and killed him. This man is not a human race, with a breath outside the territory, but it is not a demon race, but some other alien races.

A golden rope swayed in the man's hand, and with a sudden sway, he entangled toward the pure-yang fire bell and wanted to take the baby away.

This Chunyang fire bell is now integrated into Yuanshen by Pei Junlin, and has become a part of the body. How can others be taken away?

Pei Junlin didn't even bother to ask, and he started his murderous attack directly towards the man, and the powerful magic gun suddenly exploded in his hand.

Pei Junlin didn't talk to the man, but actually wanted to grab the treasure. Presumably it was the owner of the fire spirit beads before, but there was nothing to say.

No one is engraved with the name of the fire spirit beads. Whoever gets the treasure is the one who has it. Pei Junlin has now formed a complete set of robber logic, and the fire spirit beads belong to the earth’s wealth on earth. A foreign alien who went to Wuzhan Magpie's Nest was really damn.

The mixed-world magic gun in his hand instantly blasted in front of the golden rope. The rope seemed to be hit hard, and the spiritual master instantly shrank back.

"Sinister, you are looking for death." The man didn't seem to think that Pei Junlin dared to fight back, and he was furious for a while.

A glance at the rope that lost spirituality in his hand made him grind his teeth with hatred.

"Go to die! Thunderbolt!"

As soon as the man raised his hand, a few meteors with golden light blew towards Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin can feel the intense breath of fire element from these golden lights, but this fire element is extremely unstable and may explode at any time.

As the man screamed, these thunderbolts exploded in an instant, and the rolling sun flame swept toward Pei Junlin, burning Pei Junlin to ashes.

However, Pei Junlin smiled slightly, reaching for the Chunyang Fire Clock with a finger, and the entire Chunyang Fire Clock made a buzzing sound, and these sun Mars were cleaned in an instant. At the same time, the Chunyang fire bell aimed at the man. With a bang, a fire dragon roared towards the man.


The man reached for a finger, and the billowing flames seemed to condense in the air. Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin was very surprised. He never thought that the other party was so strong, and he didn't know what means should be used to let the flame be solidified directly in the air. This method was simply shocking.

"Overlord Fireblade!"

The man roared loudly, his hands folded, and a huge flame sword was formed in the air. The extreme flame lingered on the sword, showing an extreme high temperature.

Pei Junlin was also very surprised to see this scene. The Chunyang Fire Bell had just been promoted to Chaos Lingbao, but he was even fixed by this man. This made Pei Junlin understand completely that this man was not simple.

It is too late to escape now, because Chunyang Fire Clock has been imprisoned by the other party. If you want to retake Chunyang Fire Clock, unless you kill your opponent. Pei Junlin is unavoidable and can only fight.

In the hands of the mixed-world magic gun broke out a strong unprecedented fighting intention, suddenly with Pei Junlin rushed into the sky, the mixed-world magic gun suddenly burst out of a black light gun shadow instantly merged into one, hit the huge flame knife.

The two exploded in the mid-air with a huge roar, a huge earthquake. Pei Junlin flew upside down, and the whole person was shocked.

At this moment, Jin Ye in the chaotic golden battle finally shot, Baiyu Xianqiao instantly struck the flame knife, and the gate of **** also flew out instantly, and a dark piece protruded from the gate of hell. Ghost claw.

The mysterious man just had a hard fight with Pei Junlin, and his momentum was at a very weak moment, and Jinye chose to attack at this time. It was undoubtedly wonderful. The ghost claw of the gate of **** instantly caught the mysterious man. On the shoulder, he instantly scratched half of his body directly.

The mysterious man gave a roar, and it seemed he could not believe that all of this was true. His body could be easily destroyed by someone.

A golden light flew out of Tian Ling Gai and walked away from Yuanshen escape, flying directly into the sky and heading towards the extraterrestrial sky. After Pei Junlin turned around and saw all this, he was also very shocked. He did not expect that Jin Ye's shot was so fierce, he sacrificed directly to the gate of hell, and almost killed the other party.

"I just killed the dog just a little bit ago, but I didn't expect him to react so quickly, and there were treasures for his body." Jin Ye smiled and looked at the man with only half. Body.

The two cooperated seamlessly, and in a blink of an eye, they destroyed a powerful opponent and fleshed away, leaving only Yuanshen.

"What is the realm of the other party? Why is it so strong?" Pei Junlin showed a shocked look.

I didn't expect that the strength of my own star holy body plus the realm of the real gods could not get any benefit in front of the other party. When did such aliens appear on the earth?

"It's not a simple cultivator outside the realm, he still has the blood of the Protoss. He didn't kill him just now, it will be a big disaster in the future, you need to be careful in the future, he will stare at you." Jinye hey smiled, Watching Pei Junlin said.

Pei Junlin didn't take it seriously at all. UU Reading shook his head and walked over to grab the man's broken body directly. Open fire eyes and search for each other, but there is no treasure, only that rope.

A golden rope is similar to the legendary bundle of immortals, but was previously hit by Pei Junlin's mixed-world magic gun and suffered some minor injuries.

Pei Junlin breathed a breath of energy on it, instantaneously refined the bundle of immortal locks, stretched out his hand, and the bundle of immortal ropes swiftly turned around and bound towards a big tree beside him.

With a click, the tree surrounded by several people was instantly bundled into powder, and the bundle of fairy ropes returned to Pei Junlin's palm again.

"It's not bad, it's another superb Lingbao. Take it back and give it to Ziqiong, she will be very happy." Pei Junlin smiled and put the bundle of immortal ropes into the Jindou space.

Lord Jin showed contempt and looked at Pei Junlin with angrily, "What do you think of all day is to please the woman, but you forget the brothers, you forgot who was fighting with you just now, if not I shot, your kid is now pinched to death by the other party."

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