Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1211: 2nd god

Pei Junlin looked at these masters who were lifted off like locusts. There was no fluctuation in his heart, and the expression on his face was cold, like an executioner with no emotion.

The spear in the hand kept piercing, and some masters kept falling down. The master of the real **** realm was killed by Pei Junlin's mixed-life magic gun.

The wildfires blow endlessly and the spring breeze blows again. Pei Junlin naturally understands this truth, and cutting grass must be eradicated.

Although the masters inside the Tungu League are like clouds, they are all messy. The existence of these people is a blood-sucking locust for the earth, which is a scum in the team. If it is not cleared, it will be infected, just like bacteria and viruses, spreading negative energy everywhere.

At this time, Pei Junlin killed a man, his heart was as hard as iron, and he showed no mercy, watching these people screaming one by one, his body turned into blood mist, and there was no expression on Pei Junlin's face.

The Nether Demon Dragon flew out from inside the Golden Dou space, with a big mouth, that is, hundreds of masters were directly swallowed, which is more than a supplement to eat.

To kill, to kill today!

The entire Tonggu Alliance is now a mess, and various screams are coming one after another. Pei Junlin killed tens of thousands of people alone, and the Tonggu Alliance people who killed him turned over.

The masters inside the Tungu League are like clouds. They are some ancient recovery powerhouses, but the strength of these people is not weaker than that of Pei Junlin, who is still being screamed for lore and bloodshed.

This is the difference between a tiger and a flock of sheep. Pei Junlin is now like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. There is no enemies in one place. The mixed-world magic gun in his hand is even more invincible.

Several old antiques from the Tonggu Alliance went out and flew out of the old nest to try to stop Pei Junlin from rescuing the leader Liu Hongyun. But how could Pei Junlin give them this opportunity to fly up, and the mixed magic gun in his hand suddenly stabbed 72 guns.

This is what Pei Junlin learned from this mixed-world magic gun, the mixed-arms method called the mixed-life seventy-two guns, which is extremely sharp.

The whole space was shaking with a shot.

Several old antiques were screamed by Pei Junlin repeatedly, his body was incomplete and he wanted to escape, but how could Pei Junlin give them this opportunity. , A shot stabbed, two old antique heads burst at the same time, the two primordial spirits wanted to escape, but was turned directly by the nether dragon and swallowed it in one bite.

"Yes, yes, that's the kind of killing, all these people are scum and should be damned." Jin Ye's voice was very excited.

"Pei Junlin, you are going to be retaliated, and killed so many people, aren't you not afraid of being mad, and will you be cut off in the future?" Liu Hongyun was tied to the body with a breath of Pei Junlin, just like a rope. A dead dog holding, where to go and where to drag.

Liu Hongyun didn't die with one breath left, but the humiliation Pei Junlin brought him was endless.

"I'm doing this for you. Do you understand? The entire Tonggu Alliance is full of rogues and thieves. These garbage gather together and sell the benefits of mankind. Shouldn't you die? I have a clear heart and kill you right I have no harm at all." Pei Junlin sneered.

Liu Hong was so lucky that his eyes were to burst, and he broke the mouth and scolded: "Devil! Devil! You are a demon, is it wrong for our cultivators to fight with heaven to cherish their lives? Is it true that you and the demon clan outside the domain fight for your life and death, Once the millennium Daoxing is destroyed, this is the courage and wisdom."

"Life in the world has something to do and something to do, but you stupid people are really disgusting. Today I will not kill you, but I will have a huge harm to my Dao Xin." Pei Junlin stretched his hand and patted you on Liu Hongyun Body.

This palm was like a hammer, penetrating through the paper back, instantly splitting Liu Hongyun's torso into a blood mist in the air.

To know that Liu Hongyun’s physical strength is far more than that of ordinary people, Pei Junlin scrapped his body with a palm. In the distance, several old antiques from the Tonggu Alliance saw this scene, which was all overwhelming and shocking. Trembling.

One by one, like the chickens soaked in heavy rain, stood there dumbfounded, without even knowing to resist. Pei Junlin is too strong, and in their eyes it is almost like a monster.

I know that Liu Hongyun of the Tonggu League group can become the commander of the Tonggu League, and his strength is undoubtedly undoubtedly, even in the Taikoo period, he is also a generation of protagonists.

Liu Hongyun practiced the eight-armed **** of merit, the strength of his body even exceeded some chaotic spirit treasures. Pei Junlin's palm shattered Liu Hongyun's body. This huge power is simply unimaginable.

They knew that Pei Junlin could now destroy Liu Hongyun's body, so he could be broken directly in the face of Chaos Lingbao.

The invincible flesh is astonishing. Even for some Tianjun-level characters, the flesh may not be able to outperform Pei Junlin.

That Liu Hongyun's body was torn apart by Pei Junlin's palm, and a Yuanshen immediately flew out to escape, but Pei Junlin had already prepared to reach out and grab this Yuanshen directly in his hand.

"You are fooled, then Liu Hongyun's true Yuanshen has escaped, this is just his second Yuanshen." Jin Ye's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ear.

Pei Junlin lucked his eyes, and immediately saw a small crack broken in the vast void, a golden light slender like a cow hair, escaped into the void.

"I escaped, I escaped, did I escape the first day but I could not escape fifteen? This Liu Hongyun was supposed to die in my hands, and today I will die in my hands." Pei Junlin has strong self-confidence, he cultivates a small destiny There is some clear insight into fate.

The reason why he did not forcefully kill Liu Hongyun before was to see that Liu Hongyun’s life was not extinguished, and his destiny did not stop abruptly today. Liu Hongyun’s destiny is very strong, and he should not die today.

Pei Junlin did not forcefully kill Liu Hongyun before, because if he did that, he might encounter other intervening factors in violation of his fate.

For example, when Pei Junlin wants to forcibly kill Liu Hongyun, it will attract some masters, so when he was at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Pei Junlin just trapped Liu Hongyun instead of killing him directly. The reason why he came here to kill Liu Hongyun is because Pei Junlin feels carefree.

Thousands of calculations finally missed one, and Liu Hongyun really had a very hard life. At the last moment, he escaped a trace of Yuanshen. He hides deeply, and no one knows that he even practiced the Shuangyuan God, and one of the Yuan God escaped, which was also unexpected by Pei Junlin.

The Nether Dragon was slaying in mid-air, and some middle and lower masters of the Tonggu Alliance were almost killed. The old antiques of the Tongtong Alliance died, and some top-level masters were directly beheaded by Pei Junlin. The corpses were everywhere, and they filled the whole valley.

The old nest of the entire Tonggu Alliance was silent at this time, and a large group of crows hovered in the sky. These crows are not ordinary crows, but are formed by grievances. They are always waiting for Pei Junlin to leave and have a meal. The blood of these masters is a big supplement for these demons.

Pei Junlin is still in this place. These crows didn't dare to come down and make orders, only dared to hover in the sky.

"I feel at least three breaths of Chaos Lingbao, among which there are countless top-grade Lingbao top-grade Lingbao, Pei Junlin, all these treasures have swallowed me up." Jin Ye smiled.

Pei Junlin thought about it, Yuan Fei, Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei each of them still lacks a superb spirit treasure. If all these things are swallowed, it is undoubtedly a cruel thing.

But I have promised King Jin before, and Pei Junlin is not good at repenting. He can only answer vaguely: "You look at it, some best things are better to stay, as for some ordinary, you will directly devour ."

Jinye naturally understood that the Jindou space opened a large area of ​​chaotic aura and scattered it, enveloping the entire battlefield. Countless Lingbao took the initiative to fly towards the sky and were included in the Jindou space.

Thousands of spiritual weapons, magic weapons, spiritual treasures, and even chaotic spiritual treasures are instantly absorbed by the chaotic golden battle. On the entire battlefield, valuable things are almost swept away.

Pei Junlin looked coldly at the pile of corpses below. He didn't look back with a cold hum. He opened the wormhole and stepped in. He instantly returned to Kunlun Mountain.

"The earth has at least one year to settle down, and everyone will try their best to practice within this year." Pei Junlin held a small meeting in the courtyard.

Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, Yuan Fei, etc., the children of these supreme families, are also the best friends of Pei Junlin, and now all converge on Kunlun Mountain.

Several people have broken into the realm of Yangshen, such as Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei and others who have been inherited by the Tianjun. Although it hasn't broken through the realm of Yangshen for the time being, it's almost the same. After a year of honing, you can definitely break into the realm of Yangshen.

It is absolutely impossible to enter the first echelon without reaching the real **** realm, UU reading www.uukannshu. com But the state of Yangshen is still the key point for the decisive battle between the earth and the extraterrestrial demon race.

Pei Junlin set the tone and everyone nodded. With a wave of hands, a dozen pieces of the best Lingbao were suspended in mid-air. Baoqi Baoguang instantly illuminates the whole Kunlun Wanxian Palace, and the treasure is so high that it makes people almost drool.

"These are the top-quality Lingbao, you can choose one from them according to your needs." Pei Junlin said towards everyone.

At this point, everyone's jaw fell to the ground. No one thought that Pei Junlin was so rich and wealthy. He took out dozens of superb Lingbao to give to everyone.

It was like dropping a pie in the sky and falling into a honeypot all at once. Shaking my head felt a little unreal.

"Boss Pei, I'm not dreaming, these are really superb Lingbao, I'm not wrong?" Ye Tianxing squeezed his face hard, feeling a bit like dreaming.

Pei Junlin's cold smile made everyone feel horrified. They all felt a strong murderousness in Pei Junlin's laughter.

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