Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1212: Duobao Pavilion

"Boss, why do I feel that your breath contains a **** smell, what the **** did you do just now? You wouldn't really go to the old nest of the Tonggu League? Liu Hongyu, the leader of the Tonggu League, really Died in your hands." Several brothers and friends looked at Pei Junlin with curiosity and shock.

However, they still have confusion on their faces. They don’t know where Pei Junlin came from, these dozen best-quality spirit treasures, or how Pei Junlin got out of the old nest of Tonggu Alliance alone.

"Hey, I didn't kill Liu Hongyun, he ran away." Pei Junlin said towards everyone.

After all, everyone showed a natural look. No one would think that Pei Junlin could easily kill the leader of the Tonggu Alliance. After all, the shadow of the person’s famous tree, Liu Hongyun was a famous person during the ancient times. The genius in can manage a large organization with a natural strength.

"Boss, you don't need to be discouraged, this time let him run, and next time he will kill him." Ye Tianxing and others nodded.

Pei Junlin smiled, and said with a smile, "The whole Tonggu Alliance ran a Liu Hongyun, and the rest of the people were killed by me, and he also calculated a bad breath."


Everyone heard Pei Junlin say this, immediately widened his eyes and hardly believed his ears.

Who is this Pei Junlin? He had never lied, so what he said was credible.

"Your cow, I think that you left the earth last time, and you definitely got great benefits in the extraterrestrial sky. This time I will follow you no matter where you go." The **** donkey raised his neck and determined that Pei Junlin.

The rest of the people were thundered by the sentence just given by Pei Junlin, and they have not yet woken up from the shock. One by one, his neck was stretched, his eyes widened, and watching Pei Junlin was like looking at the legendary god.

One person wiped out tens of thousands of masters of the Tonggu League, what is this concept? It's a fantasy!

"Boss, you really aren't kidding, the Tonggu Alliance really doesn't exist anymore." Ye Tianxing showed a dumbfounded look.

"Of course it doesn't exist anymore, but you still have to be careful when you walk outside in the future. This earth is not without enemies. Although the Tonggu Alliance is destroyed, some masters of evil factions still want to make trouble." Pei Junlin cautioned everyone seriously .

Seeing everyone's expressions was a little shocked, and could not jump out of this emotion in a short time, Pei Junlin did not say much: "Okay, I will leave for a while this time, you are all on Kunlun Mountain this time Cultivate, remember not to go out and walk casually. Although the fairy array outside the earth has been repaired, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be some loopholes. Some top-notch masters will enter the earth and lurk down."

Everyone nodded when they heard Pei Junlin's words. Now they are envious of Pei Junlin. Every punctuation that Pei Junlin said convinced everyone.

A few of the top-quality Lingbao were taken as needed, but only five were eventually taken away, and seven or eight were left. They were suspended in mid-air and no one claimed them.

These brothers and friends of Pei Junlin are not greedy. They will only use these babies according to their own needs. They will never be greedy and take more things that they do not need. This is also a place where Pei Junlin is more gratified.

"Okay, if no one needs these things, I will temporarily take them away and sell them outside the area in exchange for some things. It happened that I also lacked money recently." Pei Junlin hey and smiled, he opened his hands and opened these directly. Piece Need Lingbao was collected inside the Jindou space.

I Pei Junlin was about to leave again. Wang Ziqiong, Wang Ziyu and others all came out to see off. Pei Junlin looked at everyone and opened the wormhole directly. A ray of light passed directly, and he and the **** donkey immediately entered the wormhole. Among.

The black vortex in the air gradually healed, and everyone was immersed in a shocking mood. Pei Junlin is too strong. Compared with them, these people are called top genius among ordinary people, but compared with Pei Junlin, they are simply mediocre among mediocrity.

"Sister, if we don't work hard, we can't keep up with our brother-in-law's footsteps, he is the star in the sky." Wang Ziyu seemed to feel something.

Wang Ziqiong also nodded, the husband and wife were one, but Pei Junlin's steps were too big, which made her feel more stressed.

Every time I saw Pei Junlin was a tremendous change. This time I saw Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong even felt a gap between him and Pei Junlin. Because Pei Junlin's strength is too strong, his mood has also undergone some changes.

Now Pei Junlin is swaying like rain, and no one knows what is in his mind. The first second of compassion is like a Buddha and the second is like a **** of killing.

The degree of his agility is simply beyond words. What was said in the first second, and the decision was made in the second, no one knows what Pei Junlin's character is, nor does he know what Pei Junlin is thinking, even close as Wang Ziqiong, he felt alienated from Pei Junlin and strange.

Wang Ziyu knew very well that it was not that Pei Junlin alienated her deliberately, but that the gap between the strengths was too great, and it was difficult for the two to have a common language, so all he had to do now was catch up with Pei Junlin as soon as possible. pace.

Even if you can't catch up with Pei Junlin's footsteps in a short time, you should try to narrow the gap as much as possible so that the gap between the two is not too great.

This time Pei Junlin did not go directly to Tai Xing Xing, but took the **** donkey directly into the void outside the atmosphere outside the earth.

"You're kind of human, this time I really brought me out. You know, you were trapped in that pot of demon refining, my master, I'm desperate for you." Although the **** donkey is happy, but The face was elongated, the face was disdainful and indifferent.

Pei Junlin naturally knew that the donkey was cold outside and hot inside, and there was a lot of heat in his heart, and he valued the feelings between friends extremely.

"Nothing, even if you are in trouble, I will desperately save you. This thing is not worth mentioning. Let's go to a nearby planet now. I'm going to an auction to buy something." Pei Junlin As soon as he reached out, he grabbed the **** donkey, and the two re-entered the other wormhole.

When it reappeared, Pei Junlin and Da Black Donkey had already appeared on the noisy street, which was on a demon planet outside the domain.

The identity of the two people is extremely dazzling on the planet outside the territory, especially the identity of Pei Junlin. The black donkey is now a white boy, wearing a black suit, leather shoes, a cigar in his mouth, and sunglasses. He also looks very conspicuous.

The bizarre dress of the two caused dissatisfaction with the demon clan on this street, but Pei Junlin was imposing and powerful, and no one dared to challenge.

"Would you like to enter our Duobao Pavilion? Our chamber of commerce is huge and very powerful. What kind of treasures do you have? What do you two need? Come in and see." A girl stopped Pei Junlin and Da The black donkeys started to solicit on the street.

Pei Junlin glanced, and the girl turned out to be an alien.

The so-called alien race is actually a human race produced after the evolution of the human race again, which is more complete than the ordinary human race evolution. Seriously, these aliens are actually humans.

"Then I'll check it out with you. I just have a batch of treasures to sell for some fortune." Pei Junlin said nothing to the girl directly.

Meeting is a fate. Pei Junlin feels that when he meets this girl, it must be arranged in his destiny, so he followed the other party into the interior of a chamber of commerce with his heart.

When the girl heard that Pei Junlin was going to do business with herself, she was naturally extremely excited. She knew that if she met a big customer and made a business, her commission would be very high. It is very likely that a business will make a fortune, enough for decades of cultivation.

The girl was calm and generous. Although her heart was pleasantly surprised, she didn't show it at all. Talking clearly took Pei Junlin around Duobao Pavilion, and it took a whole day to turn around. Pei Junlin also really understood what is called the strength of the four words.

Duobao Pavilion is well-known in the entire southeast star field, and even in other places. It is a large-scale chamber of commerce across the star field, in which all kinds of treasures are available, even chaotic spirit treasures are sold.

And at the upper level of Duobao Pavilion, Pei Junlin felt a very strong breath, that should be the strong man of Tianjun sitting in the town.

"Yes, the strength of your Duobao Pavilion is indeed tyrannical. There are a number of blood pill, if you need, I can get rid of." Pei Junlin smiled.

When the palm of the hand turned, there was a blood-red panacea in the palm.

The girl is undoubtedly knowledgeable and able to read books at places like Duobaoge. As becomes a person in charge, it is natural to have eyesight. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed the blood pill in Pei Junlin's hand and sniffed his nose with a surprised look on his face.

"This panacea is unusual, a panacea should sell 1,000 Tianyuan jade." The girl glanced at Pei Junlin with some uncertainty.

The value of this blood pill is difficult to estimate. The girl was afraid that Pei Junlin would disagree, so the look on his face hesitated. But I did not expect Pei Junlin to nod directly: "This price is fairly fair, although the asking price is slightly lower, but it should be left to you with some profit margins. How much can you receive in Duobaoge?"

Hearing Pei Junlin say this, the girl finally couldn't restrain the surprise in her heart. The heart slammed like a drum, knowing that the price he quoted was only an oral price and a tentative price. Agreed.

You should know that the price of this **** battle is extraordinary. The value of a panacea is almost one thousand three, and there is no Tianyuan jade. If you can really write from Pei Junlin, this blood pill, every time you receive one Blood Pill, he can earn the difference from it.

Three hundred Tianyuan jade, this is a huge asset.

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