Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1213: Wealth

"What is nonsense talking to him? Isn't it good for us to kill and set fire?" The **** donkey couldn't bear it anymore. He felt that Pei Junlin's business talk with people was a waste of time, not as fast as murder.

Pei Junlin smiled and said nothing, thinking that the **** donkey was simply bandit logic.

"We used to grab those gods and goddesses who were sold outside the territory. Isn't it a profitable business? Why do you need to sell the pill medicine now? These pill medicines are not good for ourselves. Let's go grab others." Dahei The donkey's head couldn't be turned, and he felt that Pei Junlin was now stupid, not as smart as before.

"Everything has rules, and there is a civilization outside the entire territory, not a wild land. The killing of treasures can only be carried out under certain conditions. For example, if someone provokes you, you kill him for no reason. Just killing people and taking possessions is a harm to heaven, and it also has a great obstacle to his own self-cultivation avenue." Pei Junlin did not want to bother to instill some truth in the **** donkey.

These things are good for spiritual practice. The **** donkey himself knows that the reason why he said that just now, Pei Junlin thinks that the **** donkey is purely a mess.

"Hey, deceit, everyone said that the wealth is not exposed. You may be in trouble soon after you reveal the wealth. When someone comes to provoke us, we just strike back and kill people to rob the treasure." Big black donkey smiled It was gloomy, listening to Pei Junlin frowning straight.

This donkey has black hair and black skin, and its eyes are black. I am afraid that the heart is also black. I have been thinking about these bullshits all day long.

Of course, there is spiritual communication between the two of them. The woman in front of her does not know about the communication between Pei Junlin and Dahei Donkey. She is looking forward to her future and intends to find a place after making such a large sum of money. Recuperate for a while.

Go to a planet with beautiful scenery and spend your youth there.

"By this gentleman, how many Blood Pills do you want to sell? I mean something of this quality." The woman looked at Pei Junlin with a dazzling look.

Pei Junlin did not immediately answer this question, but looked at the girl in front of him and asked, "I don't know your name yet?"

Hearing Pei Junlin say this, the **** donkey standing next to him rolled his eyes and muttered in his mouth: "It's all people with wives, and it's not a shame to even come out and lick your sister."

The girl heard the **** donkey whispering, her face suddenly turned red, but she still looked shyly at Pei Junlin and said, "I'm really sorry, sir, I was negligent before, my name is Jiajia"

"Well, hello Jiajia, I have a lot of blood pill, I can provide as much as you can swallow." Pei Junlin said lightly.

Hearing Pei Junlin say this, the girl named Jiajia instantly widened her eyes and could hardly believe her ears.

"Of course, I need a certain amount of time to prepare. I have a million in my hands now. If you can buy all of them now, you can trade now." Pei Junlin saw the girl's shocked look and felt that things were not good , Quickly hit a round.

The girl was even more shocked to hear that Pei Junlin now has one million blood pill. Such a blood pill is very precious and can instantly replenish blood gas. For the demon race, a race that relies on physical strength, this pill is extremely precious.

Many times the demon and human races are not the same, although the demon race also practices qigong. However, when fighting, the demon clan relies more on the condition of their own bodies, because the demon clan itself evolved from the beast, and they like to use their tyrannical flesh and speed when fighting.

Therefore, when fighting, the demon clan often consumes not mana, but blood stains. Relatively speaking, blood pill is more precious, and there are not many people who can refine blood pill. This kind of pill often needs certain Can be refined.

Many places prohibit the refining of such things as blood pill. After all, refining such things must be bloody. However, some chambers of commerce have also developed their own ways, and have cultivated some creatures with strong blood energies to feed the blood pill and extract their blood qi.

This is Pei Junlin's saying that there are one million blood pill in his body, which is a lie. In fact, he has a full of ten blood pill in his warehouse, which adds up to at least tens of millions.

However, what I said in this number may be hard to believe, so Pei Junlin said as little as possible, only one million pieces on his body.

According to the price negotiated with Jiajia before, the value of one million pieces is one billion Tianyuan jade, which is a big business even inside Duobao Pavilion.

Duobao Pavilion is indeed a chain of chambers of commerce that spans across the stars. With a wealth of money, after the one million blood pill Pei Junlin was taken out, Duo Bao Pai and Pei Junlin were soon completed, and one billion Tianyuan jade was obtained.

Of course, the one billion yuan Tianyuan jade is not a huge asset for Pei Junlin now. He still has tens of billions of Tianyuan jade on his body.

"By the way, I have some middle grade Lingbao and top grade Lingbao here. If you are in Duobaoge, I will sell them all." Pei Junlin smiled and looked at Jiajia and said.

Just now, Jiajia earned tens of millions of Tianyuan jade from a business just now. This is astronomical for her, and she will have to eat and drink all her life.

For Jiajia with average qualifications, Tianyuanyu is enough for her to eat and drink for a lifetime, even if it is consumed by cultivation, that is enough.

I was already immersed in surprises. Now I suddenly heard that Pei Junlin still has a big business to do. I suddenly feel like falling from the sky, and my body is trembling.

I just made a lot of money, and now I want to make a lot of money. This girl Jiajia feels like a dream. Looking at Pei Junlin with a pair of eyes is like looking at the beloved sweetheart. That is really emotional, look. The **** donkey on the side was jealous.

Pei Junlin is also not ink this time. With the experience of doing business last time, there were more than a dozen middle-grade and top-grade Lingbao suspended in the air with a wave of his hand. For a time, the entire interior of the Treasure Pavilion was completely covered by various treasures. Living. Aroused the exclamation of some people around, and soon a few eyes turned towards Pei Junlin.

Some of these eyes are envious, some are jealous, and some have an unclear purpose.

Pei Junlin actually just made this action, and knew that he was too careless. However, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth quickly, and it didn't matter. The so-called wealth-lessness was aimed at the weak, and the strong had never said so.

Now that you have the power to own so many properties, you are not afraid of someone robbing.

"You estimate the value of these things, and I want to cash them all in." Pei Junlin said, looking at Dujia Pavilion's Jiajia lightly.

Jia Jia's eyes were dull, he didn't expect Pei Junlin to be so generous. The treasures he brought out now are more valuable than those before, and they are worth at least 10 billion yuan according to estimates.

"I need to estimate this. You will wait." Jiajia left soon, and when she came back, she carried a beautiful woman with a kind look on her face. At first glance, she was a shrewd character.

The value of these things was quickly calculated, and the total value was 3.8 billion Tianyuan jade. This Duobao Pavilion is really rich and wealthy. Even such a big value thing didn't even blink, and soon handed Pei Junlin a card.

Pei Junlin frowned slightly because he felt that this card was not the same as the ordinary card.

"Sir, this is a VIP card. You can overdraft the amount of 20 billion yuan if you hold this card." Jia Jia said with delight, looking at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin just nodded slightly, without any expression on his face, and the 20 billion overdraft limit was nothing to him.

What he wanted was already in hand, and Pei Junlin did not hesitate, nodded directly at Jiajia, and smiled at the beautiful woman, then walked out of Duobao Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a few steps, Jiajia and the beautiful woman chased them out: "Sir, half a month later, we will join Duobaoge and several other chambers of commerce to hold a large-scale auction. I wonder if you are interested. ?"

The woman introduced herself and was named Li Ji.

"Of course, I am interested. I came to Jin Luoxing this time, and I came to the auction above Jin Luoxing. I want to buy some treasures." Pei Junlin was also outspoken.

Jiajia and Li Ji smiled at each other, and they looked at Pei Junlin and said, "You are a VIP user of our Duobao Pavilion. If you have any needs, you can contact us at any time. In addition, our Duobao Pavilion also provides security services. If you need to hire some experts, we will provide you with good and cheap services."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, that Li Ji was already frantically suggesting that Pei Junlin was looking at the corner of the street at the same time, making frequent glances at Pei Junlin.

This is a reminder in good faith. Pei Junlin naturally knows Li Ji’s meaning and is afraid that he will be secretly calculated. After all, when he was in the multi-borg Pei Junlin took out so many top grade Lingbao once and attracted a lot Human eyeball.

No one in the Duobao Pavilion dared to do anything with Pei Junlin, but it was not necessarily out of Duobao Pavilion.

However, Pei Junlin pretended not to understand, and didn't care at all. Then Liji and Jiajia saw Pei Junlin's indifferent look, and they were anxious for Pei Junlin, but after all, outsiders couldn't make it clear.

"By Mr. Pei, don't you know that you still have that kind of blood pill? If we have, we will raise the price to buy it." After all, Li Ji is Jiajia's boss, and he is more confident and has the right to make decisions.

Pei Junlin actually showed an interested look. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Ji’s tall chest and said, "I don't know how much you will increase the price?"

"Before the Jiajia acquisition price was one thousand yuan, I can make the decision to raise it to 1,500 days yuan jade, and the previous price difference can completely replenish you." Li Ji said in a breath.

Pei Junlin just looked at Jia Jia with a smile, and Jia Jia's face was flushed. Before earning too much money from Pei Jun Lin, it was inevitable that she was guilty.

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