Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1214: Li Ji

"This price is indeed fair, and I do have a blood pill to be sold, but wait two days, isn't the auction after half a month? During this time, I will trade with you again." Pei Jun Lin looked at Li Ji and said.

The price of 1,500 Tianyuan jade to exchange for a blood pill is indeed fair, but Pei Junlin is wondering why the blood pill, which is usually relatively unpopular, why suddenly becomes so tight?

It's not that Pei Junlin thought what was going on, that Li Ji's face showed a distressed look: "I don't know what happened recently, and the Peng and Dragon clan suddenly started the war, the two sides fought, and the flames were rolling.

The daily consumption of blood pill is a huge number. Now the major chambers of commerce are madly buying blood pill. The blood pill he has refined is not enough, and some blood spirits and some blood beasts are not available for use. . Moreover, blood blood grass and blood beast alchemy are used, and the quality of the blood blood elixir that comes out does not fully meet the quality provided by you. "

Pei Junlin laughed, how could the flesh-melting furnace in the chaotic golden battle be comparable to ordinary things?

Why did the war suddenly start with the Dragon and Peng tribes? Pei Junlin naturally knew that he had dug pits in it twice and caused misunderstandings, which triggered the war between the Dragon and Peng tribes.

However, these words, Pei Junlin naturally cannot speak clearly.

Moreover, the blood pill brought out by Pei Junlin is not ordinary blood spirit grass, or some simple blood beasts.

The blood pill in Pei Junlin's hands, but it is really the extraction of flesh and blood of some monsters, and the essence of which is condensed out is pure flesh and blood.

After being separated from Li Ji Jia Jia's two daughters, Pei Junlin walked the street with a **** donkey. In half a month, Pei Junlin intends to take this opportunity to practice well.

And the auction after half a month, that is a ten-year auction, it will be a grand auction, when people from many places will come here, even people across several star fields, will come here .

There will also be many rare materials and so on at the auction, and various treasures should be dizzying, so the funds that need to be prepared must be prepared.

Now it is calculated that Pei Junlin has 50 billion Tianyuan jade in his hands, but this wealth is not worth mentioning at that kind of large-scale auction, so he plans to sell a large number of blood pill again in a week.

The reason why the blood pill is shot in batches is actually because of fear of attracting attention. After all, providing so many blood pills at once will attract the attention of others.

The place to stay on the extraterrestrial planet is not called an inn, nor a hotel, but an interest station. Relatively speaking, the services provided by the interest station should be more comprehensive, not just the two problems of accommodation and meals.

The food provided should be more elaborate, and the medicine should be comparable to the panacea. Not only can it meet the taste needs, but the medicinal properties contained in it are far more than some immortals.

But in this way, you can rent Dan furnace and some practice rooms, even some gravity test rooms and so on. However, these are to pay a lot of Tianyuan jade, the cost of the interest station is still very expensive, each person needs at least one hundred days of jade per day, but this wealth is just drizzle for Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin took the **** donkey and walked into a rest station called Jin Lei. Without any sense of saving, Pei Junlin and Dahei donkey each chose a top-of-the-line suite at a cost of 10,000 yuan per day.

The advantage of using a suite is that it has a floor alone, will not be disturbed by others, and has a full set of supporting facilities, which is very comfortable to live in.

To make Pei Junlin so rich and generous, the entire Jinleixi Station sensationalized Pei Junlin and Li Ji was upgraded to a VIP-level character. There was a special person who came to receive Pei Junlin.

However, Pei Junlin's request is simple, that is, no one should disturb him. In the past few days, he has to rest and practice fully.

It took another seven days for the blink of an eye to pass. Pei Junlin hadn't thought of going downstairs, but Li Ji of Duobao Pavilion had sent someone to urge him.

Li Ji's work is very smooth. Instead of urging Pei Junlin to sell the Elixir, she sent someone to send some gifts. They are all specialty snacks on Jin Luoxing, but this is enough to make Pei Junlin have some small favors for Li Ji.

This woman is not only beautiful, but also very capable of doing things. No wonder she can get into the position of senior management in Duobaoge.

When Pei Junlin agreed to Li Ji, Li Ji soon came to Jin Leixi Station to meet Pei Jun Lin. This transaction did not require Pei Junlin to go to Duobaoge, but Li Ji came directly to the door.

"This time I have six million Pills sold to you, but I have a condition that it will help me keep it secret and I cannot let anyone know that this batch of Pills comes from my hands." Pei Junlin told Li Ji directly.

Before doing business with Jiajia, because the other party's grade status was too low, Pei Junlin was inconvenient to discuss some deep-level issues with the other party. But there is not much concern about talking with Li Ji. Li Ji is empathetic and knows the world. She knows a lot about unspoken rules.

It's tiring to communicate with Jiajia, but it feels like a spring breeze to communicate with Li Ji.

Rao is a well-known Li Ji, who has a lot of money in her hands every day, but when she heard Pei Junlin say that she had six million blood pill to be shot, she was shocked with incredible expression. .

Moreover, these days Li Ji had to arrange personnel to slowly observe Pei Junlin, and found that Pei Junlin had entered Jinleixi Station since. It has never been out since.

So where did the blood pill from Pei Junlin get from? It is worth questioning, this matter, there is a lot of room for imagination.

"No problem, I immediately put Tianyuan jade into your card." Li Ji behaved calmly, but her heart was still beating.

This time, a total of 90 billion Tianyuan jade broke into Pei Junlin's card, plus the previous price difference, which directly amounted to hundreds of billions. For Duobaoge, this is also a considerable amount of money, but Li Ji is very happy to have done this business. She will get a high-level praise from her when she changes hands, and may even be promoted.

If, after a week, Pei Junlin can re-spend this wealth at the auction, then Li Ji's status will definitely rise, so for Li Ji, Pei Junlin is now a big customer.

"Mr. Pei, what do you need to mention to me, and I will provide you with a message for free. There are many people around this Jinleixi station who have been eyeing, and some of them are even masters in the late realm realm. Be careful." Li Ji warned Pei Junlin before leaving.

It is indeed a little embarrassing to be able to do this step, and Li Junlin expressed gratitude, but the expression on his face was still indifferent. For Pei Junlin, there were only a few small flies, which was totally not worth his attention.

Now a rough estimate, Pei Junlin has at least 150 billion Tianyuan jade funds, which is a huge amount of money, for Pei Junlin said that the preparation is quite sufficient, and then only wait for the auction to appear Wuxing Lingbao.

Like water spirit beads, earth spirit beads or chaotic spirit treasures of some attributes, these things can be directly shot by Pei Junlin.

To refining all the five primordial gods to the highest level of this attribute, then when the five elements are united, Pei Junlin can directly enter the realm of Tianjun.

It's about a week's time to blink. This morning, Li Ji sent someone to invite Pei Junlin, and the specifications were extremely high, with a team of more than a dozen people. Pei Junlin walked into Duobao Pavilion surrounded by these people.

Then inside Duobao Pavilion, after receiving warm hospitality, Pei Junlin was taken to another large auction house. As a distinguished guest, Pei Junlin does not need to sit in the auditorium below, but has a separate box, and the two **** donkeys were taken into a separate box.

The private rooms are extremely luxurious, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside, but the inside can be seen from the outside, and it is extremely hidden when the price is reduced.

The entire auction site is as large as ten football fields, and according to Pei Junlin's estimate, it can accommodate at least 100,000 people. Moreover, this auction venue is also very magnificently arranged, which is astonishing.

"Don't hesitate to meet Wuxing Lingbao, just take it directly." Jinye's voice passed directly into Pei Junlin's ear.

Pei Junlin simply waved the progress space suddenly, and a figure appeared in the box. This figure was very handsome, and he was a young man. It was the spirit of Chaos Lingbao Chaos Golden Fight.

Momentum, Jinye can even sit up with Pei Junlin and firmly hold down the **** donkey.

The **** donkey recognized Jinye naturally, knowing that it was the artifact of Chaos Lingbao on Pei but he didn't even lift his eyelids and didn't care at all.

"Remember that if someone sells at the auction, remember to buy one for me." The **** donkey suddenly learned Jinye's tone and commanded Pei Junlin.

After hearing the words of the **** donkey, Pei Junlin almost vomited blood, but the donkey still hadn't forgotten about this matter.

Pei Junlin's face was tied up, and he didn't care about the donkey at all. His eyes fell on the auction stand, and Li Ji went to the stage. This really surprised Pei Junlin. He didn't expect that the presenter of the auction today would be It's Li Ji.

A woman's dress will make a huge difference. Li Ji's figure in a long skirt is uneven. Not only that, the blown skin was so coveted, countless men's eyes were all gathered on Li Ji's body.

But at the moment when Li Ji came to power, she glanced in the direction of Pei Junlin, which undoubtedly aroused the attention of many people. If you want to practice to a certain level, don't say a look, even if your thoughts are flying. May cause others to capture, Li Ji's subconscious action, caused a lot of people's curiosity about Box No. 7.

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