Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1215: auctions

"This woman is interesting to you, maybe you think you are rich and wealthy, if you want to elope with you, or take it with us when you leave, it's not bad to be your little wife." The **** donkey was chattering around Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was really annoyed. He grabbed the ear of the **** donkey and grabbed it. He dragged the **** donkey and yelled. Twisting his neck and biting Pei Junlin's wrist, neither of them let go of their mouths, nor let go of their hands.

"It's interesting for both of you. The auction has started and you are still fighting here." Jin Ye thought it was very funny.

Pei Junlin and the **** donkey both snorted coldly, glaring at each other fiercely, and then let go.

Pei Junlin was sitting in the box with boring eyes, glanced at the meeting place below, there were many powerful characters below, and Pei Junlin found that many masters of the real **** realm could only sit in the ordinary field below, and were not eligible to enter the box in.

Pei Junlin looked up at the door number on the box door where he was, and found that the door number he was on was box number seven.

He was able to mix himself into this VIP box, also because of his wealth, not because of other reasons.

"Haha, I seem to see an old acquaintance." The eyes of the **** donkey turned and the thieves roamed.

After his reminder, Pei Junlin immediately felt a familiar breath, and his eyes quickly locked in a person as he turned around in the venue.

It is a man with a big belly and poop. Although it is not the same as the previous carcass, Pei Junlin recognized at a glance that this man was the third prince.

Prince Zhu is easy-going, but he was recognized by Pei Junlin at a glance.

"Hey, it's really this old pig. It's really fate when I met him. Say hello to him later when I'm free." Pei Junlin nodded and smiled.

At this time, the entire venue was almost full, with a lot of human voices, and many people were talking to each other. However, when the hammer on the auction stand struck, the following quickly became quiet. After all, they are masters and have certain discipline. There is still sex.

At this moment, all eyes were locked on Li Ji's body, but Li Ji was not nervous at all, her eyes were bright, and she was generous. She looked at the whole venue with three bows and smiled, before announcing that the auction officially began.

The first auction item was covered with a red cloth, but this red cloth was unusual, but specially made. This piece of red cloth cannot penetrate, even the master cannot know what is covered under the red cloth, and even the shape underneath cannot be judged, which is enough to satiate people's appetite.

Everyone in the whole venue is looking forward to the first good show today. What is the auction thing?

The first thing to come out for auction will definitely not be the finale, it will not be the best thing today, but it will definitely not be too bad. Because the specifications of the entire auction are once every ten years, it is decided whether this auction will fool people with ordinary things.

The people who can come to this venue are people with big heads and rich faces. The average person can never enter here. Pei Junlin has also observed it before. The lowest is also a master of the Yangshen Realm. There are even a few strong breaths. Pei Junlin can’t judge it. What state.

"How do I suddenly feel that 150 billion Tianyuan jade is not enough at all." Pei Junlin tapped the table gently with his fingers, a nervous expression appeared on his face.

There is grain in his hand, but Pei Junlin knows that the 150 billion Tianyuan jade may be a huge astronomical figure in the eyes of ordinary masters, but it is nothing in the eyes of those big chaebols. Today, if there is really something to put on the stage or something that Pei Junlin himself desperately needs, then 150 billion may not be enough at all.

"What anxiety? If you don’t have enough later, you can use the Chaos Spirit Treasure, don’t you have three Chaos Spirit Treasures on your body? These are all robbed from some old antiques of that ancient alliance, although these Chaos Spirit Treasures are just the most Ordinary chaotic spirit treasure, but it is also worth a city, and one sells for two or three hundred billion yuan, which is also commonplace." Jinye hey smiled and comforted Pei Junlin.

People are **** better than people, and they should be thrown away, even if they are chaotic spirit treasures.

The three pieces of Chaos Lingbao seized by Pei Junlin in Natong Ancient Union this time cannot be regarded as the true Chaos Lingbao, but can only be said that the threshold has just been crossed.

The power is not even as good as some top-quality Lingbao, and may be able to sell for a high price, but Pei Junlin himself is not useful at all.

Even if this level of junk chaotic spirit treasure is one million pieces, it is not as good as the chaotic gold bucket.

If the Chaos Spiritual Treasure, such as Chaos Jindou, is sold out, the wealth of all the people present on the scene together may not be able to afford it.

At this time the door opened suddenly, and Jia Jia, who had not seen it for a long time, came in. Allison was originally beautiful, but now she is wearing a radiant dress, which looks even more beautiful.

Jiajia's look is more calm and generous than before, with a confident look on his face, and even some jewelry on his hands.

"Mr. Pei, Sister Li Ji told me to tell you that despite your bid, we have a loan amount of 100 billion yuan from Duobaoge." Jia Jia looked at Pei Junlin and said.

Pei Junlin’s current possessions add up to about 150 billion yuan of Tianyuanyu cash. Hearing Jia Jia said, Pei Junlin smiled on his face. This Duobao Pavilion is indeed very good, especially that Liji is very good. Be human.

"Well, I know, you go." Pei Junlin pretended to be calm.

But Jiajia did not leave, but came together and whispered, "There is another thing that Sister Li Ji told me to say that another 100 billion yuan was lent to you by her personally, you can use it casually."

After saying this, Jiajia made a string of silver bell-like laughter and ran out of the box as soon as he turned around.

Pei Junlin sat there eccentrically, with a helpless look on his face. On the contrary, the **** donkey and Jin Ye both made a funny laugh.

"I'll say it before. These two guys must be filthy. He still pinches my neck and locks my throat. Now I see what I say, or I have a foresight." The **** donkey was chattering around.

This time, Pei Junlin did not refute or anger, but set his eyes on Li Ji on the stage. At this time, Li Ji also happened to look over and meet Pei Junlin's gaze, and immediately lowered his head with a shy smile, Pei Junlin There is some helplessness and bitterness in my heart.

He only has Prince Qiong in his heart, and he doesn't really think much about other women Pei Junlin. He used to look at Li Ji before with an appreciative eye, and there was no other superfluous love.

This woman seems to have misunderstood. It seems that she needs to find an opportunity to explain it to her.

The auction officially began. Forty-nine female monks were singing and dancing on the stage. The white skin and the beads hanging on the body. The dance is indeed a stunning human appreciation.

It's just that Pei Junlin didn't expect that Li Ji even sang a song in her throat. This song sounded really good, and even Pei Junlin was a little enchanted.

A song and dance sings, indicating that the entire auction officially started today. The first auction item finally unveiled the mysterious veil.

As the red cloth slowly pulled away, Pei Junlin saw a silver-white armor. This armor looks very good, the shape is also very heroic, and the above reveals a strong atmosphere, which is actually a treasure armor of the highest grade Lingbao level.

The attacking treasure Pei Junlin has seen much, but various defensive treasures are really rare, like this kind of treasure armor, which can hold the master of the real **** realm and the body is not damaged.

An excellent spirit treasure, and a rare armor, immediately caused a sensation in the entire auction house. Many people made appointments to prepare bids.

However, for Pei Junlin, this thing is not very useful. First of all, his current Star Saint, the strength must definitely exceed the hardness of this treasure armor.

This armor was tasteless for Pei Junlin, and it was of no use to buy it, so Pei Junlin did not intend to bid. This first auction item was destined to miss Pei Junlin.

"500,000, one million, two million! Seven million..."

The following bidding sounds one after another, and there is a trace of anger flowing between them, but in the end, the price of this superb Lingbao was fixed for a young man at a price of seven million.

Pei Junlin is a little impatient, because he has no interest in this armor at all. He is coming to this auction today, the main purpose is to find five elements of spirits, of which fire spirits and wood spirits, Pei Junlin has found Too.

Now he mainly lacks the spirits of the three systems of gold, water and soil.

"This second auction is a gourd pure chaotic aura, guests in need may wish to bid." Li Ji Qingqi micro-lips said a beautiful voice, gentle and melodious, like a lark.

Many men from the audience stole greedy eyes towards Li Ji. I don’t know why Pei Junlin even felt some uncomfortable feeling in his He shook his head and ruled out these distractions in his heart After looking at it, I focused on the gourd, and the space inside the gourd should be large. According to Pei Junlin's estimation, the chaotic spirit in it is so scary that it can at least fill a pond.

"This gourd must be won, no matter how much it costs." Jin Ye slapped on the table.

Pei Junlin knew that Jin Ye needed to devour a large amount of Chaos Aura in order to recover gradually, so this Chaos Aura was very important to him.

This was also the fact that Pei Junlin had promised. He could not be denied. Although Pei Junlin didn't have much money on his body, he couldn't be stingy, so Pei Junlin agreed happily.

At the beginning, Pei Junlin did not bid out the price. Waiting for the bargaining below, the price was quickly raised to the price of three million Tianyuan jade.

Chaos Aura itself is extremely precious, but few people can use it, so the price of this gourd Chaos Aura will not be very high, because there are not many people who can refining Chaos Lingbao.

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