Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1225: Fire Unicorn Remains

"Don't think that this woman likes you and will protect you forever. After all, eating soft meals will not last long." Jinye's voice came.

Pei Junlin is a little speechless. What is it called eating soft rice? It is not a matter of course for her master Linglong Fairy to help her disciples.

But what Pei Junlin didn't know was that he was clearly reincarnated. Why did the fairy fairy still find herself? What is the reason?

"This marriage line is not an ordinary thing. I am afraid that the deity of the exquisite fairy does not know where you are or who you are. The use of things is limited to three times, only when you encounter a crisis that cannot be resolved. You appeared to save your life twice, and you have used it twice, and one more time." Jinye's eyes were very venomous, and he immediately saw the origin of the red silk thread on Pei Junlin's wrist.

Pei Junlin felt an uneasy feeling in his heart. He had an intuition. The status quo of Linglong Fairy is probably a bit bad. But now, Pei Junlin has no chance to hear the whereabouts of Linglong Fairy.

Tianjun master escaped, Pei Junlin was safe, and then turned to see that the big ship was madly escaping. Pei Junlin would naturally not miss this opportunity. The mixed magic gun in his hand was thrown into a black streamer and crashed towards him. The big ship.

The entire ship crashed into pieces and turned into countless pieces.

However, Pei Junlin didn't feel the information of Li Ji and others in it. He reached out and grabbed, and a hand covered with heavenly demon instantly led a person into his hand.

This figure turned out to be the previous Jiajia, but at this time, he was comatose, with blood on the corner of his mouth. It seems that he was shocked by Pei Junlin's chaotic magic gun just now.

I just didn't expect that Li Ji and others would leave Jiajia down before they left. It seems that this woman is really as poisonous as a viper.

Allison had just made money, and it was when she was about to enjoy her life that she never met a malicious woman like Li Ji.

The changes between before and after Pei Junlin contacted, speculated that there was a clue that the strength of Li Ji and others could not disappear out of thin air, it is likely that the master of the Jun level had already brought Li Ji and others together before leaving. left.

"Duobaoge, isn't it? I remember you, this beam has settled down and I hope you won't regret it in the future." Pei Junlin narrowed his eyes and shot a green light, which made people feel chills.

Pei Junlin quickly carved a wormhole tunnel in front of the runes. When the wormhole came out, a fiery red planet had appeared next to it.

Seeing this planet, Pei Junlin finally knew why the old demon of Hengshan could refining the Fire Lin Sword, because Pei Junlin could feel the breath left by the **** beast Qilin from this planet at a glance, if he didn’t see If it is wrong, this should be a lair of the beast Qilin.

This Qilin flame can't be felt by ordinary people at all, only Pei Junlin's Fire Department Yuanshen can feel some of these clues, and can only blame the old demon of Hengshan fortune, occupying such a planet, it is no wonder that he can be famous. Star field.

At this time, the old demon of Hengshan stood in front of Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin had sent it back to him, but the Fire Lin Sword was withdrawn.

"When you came here, how did you find the wreckage of the fire unicorn? Is there any more?" Pei Junlin narrowed his eyes and asked a word.

The old demon of Hengshan is now Pei Junlin's little follower who is obedient. Pei Junlin has questions, how can he not answer.

Immediately replied: "In a cave inside this planet, I can take you there."

Pei Junlin took Hengshan Laomo and others to the central zone of the whole earth in one step, where a tall mountain stood. This mountain is higher than Everest on the earth, but there is no snow, and the whole mountain is fiery red rock.

According to the guidance of the old demon of Hengshan, Pei Junlin stepped from a cave into the core position of the entire mountain range. The entire mountain range is all crystal and karst cave terrain. People walking inside, the sound of footsteps can cause empty vibrations.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin, the old demon of Hengshan, finally found the remains of the unicorn. At the moment when I saw this huge unicorn wreck, Pei Junlin shook the whole person, because the wreckage of this fire unicorn was completely intact, only one leg was missing.

I don't know how many thousands of years have decayed, and Qilin's body is still intact. Although he has already died, the surging flesh and blood spirit is still tumbling.

Divine beast, full of divine power.

"This time I have made a fortune, this fire unicorn beast is all baby, this is a beast, it is legendary and fairy level." Jin Ye was already incoherent.

The huge unicorn corpse, whose flesh and blood are still full of surging flesh and blood essence, if the corpse of this **** beast is sent into the flesh and blood furnace to be refined into a blood pill, I don’t know how powerful it is. It can even be comparable to the fairy pill, eat one For the current Pei Junlin, there will be huge benefits.

Also, the skeleton of this fire unicorn is strong and unmatched. If it can be integrated into the mixed world magic gun, it can even be directly raised to the level of Chaos Lingbao.

You know, that the Fire Lin Sword is just a small piece of fire unicorn's leg bones, which is extremely powerful. The old demon of Hengshan has relied on the Fire Lin Sword for hundreds of years.

The entire body of the Kirin's corpse is huge and the bones are intertwined horizontally. Forging hundreds of firelin swords is more than enough. If such a huge skeleton is fully integrated into the mixed magic gun, it will be a huge improvement.

However, Pei Junlin also knows that it would be too extravagant if all the magic weapons of the mixed life are integrated into the skeleton of the fire unicorn. After all, the skeleton of the fire unicorn is very large. One leg can forge a fire sword. Can't run out.

The extra materials are still precious and precious for Pei Junlin. The ghost dragon inside the golden space will be upgraded infinitely, increasing the strength of the ghost skeleton.

To do it, Pei Junlin, without any hesitation, directly opened the space of the golden bucket and instantly sucked the huge body of the fire unicorn into the flesh melting furnace.

After years of erosion, Huo Qilin's spirit has completely dissipated, all that remains is a pure skeleton of flesh and blood. Huo Qilin's body showed no signs of corruption, and his whole body was still alive. The entire Qilin skin was completely peeled off at the moment of throwing into the flesh melting furnace.

According to Jin Jin’s plan, this Kirin skin will give Pei Junlin a refining of a pair of treasure armor, but now the strength of this flesh-melting furnace is not enough at all. It must be upgraded to refine advanced treasures.

Sure enough, the blood and flesh of the fire unicorn cannot be refined in the blood melting furnace at all. With the current strength of the blood flesh melting furnace, the **** beast like the fire unicorn is completely chewable and indigestible.

It was uncomfortable to see a piece of fat in my mouth that could not be eaten.

"Give me a week, the 20 Gourd Chaos Auras are all integrated into the flesh-melting furnace, and the flesh-melting furnace will be further improved by then." Jin Ye smiled, and he seemed to have a good heart.

It just happened that Pei Junlin also intends to occupy a certain period on the planet of Hengshan Laomo for a time to test whether anyone is following, because Pei Junlin is not sure whether Duobaoge has given up tracking himself.

Let him come to the site of the old demon of Hengshan, without knowing the ghost, but it is difficult to guarantee that the king-level character has some special means that day, Pei Junlin needs some time to confirm, so this time he intends to be in this The planet is temporarily entrenched.

Someone walked out of this mountain and went directly to the magic palace of the old demon of Hengshan. This palace is vast and countless servants. There are three thousand Dandan beauties.

The palace is full of beautiful women, dressed in gauze, enchanting. But at this time, the old demon of Hengshan did not look at these women, his eyes always stayed on Pei Junlin's body, and he converted.

The strength of the old demon of Hengshan, except that Tianjun can control it, indeed few people can be his opponents. He should be able to enjoy the life of today’s extravagant and desperate, which should also be his strength.

Pei Junlin walked all the way, and the sound of marvel came from the entire deep palace hall, and the **** donkey even shined with both eyes.

"Should this palace belong to us now?" The **** donkey smiled.

For such flashy things, Pei Junlin did not have much interest. According to Pei Junlin's plan, he will not be brought by Hengshan Old Demon, even after he has converted, he will listen to him, but Pei Junlin does not want to take this person with him.

"You will still be here to live your ordinary life in the future, but remember not to blame the world anymore." said the old demon of Hengshan ordered by Pei Junlin.

A surprised look appeared on the face of the old demon of Hengshan, and he even felt aggrieved. He whispered toward Pei Junlin: "Master, I want to serve you all the time. If you are in danger, read UU I can still protect you."

Pei Junlin smiled, he naturally did not need the protection of the old demon in Hengshan, not to mention the loss of the strength of the fire demon sword in the old demon of Hengshan, at least half of it.

I now get Pei Junlin’s entire body of Qilin. This Firelin Sword is not so important to him. He reached out and pointed out that the Firelin Sword flew out of the pure Yang Fire Clock and still fell into the hands of Hengshan Old Demon.

The old demon of Hengshan was naturally overwhelmed when he recovered. Although he is now following Pei Junlin wholeheartedly and converting completely, it does not mean that he has no selfishness, nor does he mean that he does not have his own thoughts.

However, for every sentence that Pei Junlin said, the old demon of Hengshan will faithfully execute. Pei Junlin let him stop doing evil in the future, and on that day, the old demon of Hengshan dismissed all the female harems in the palace.

Inside the palace of the old demon in Hengshan, Pei Jun sat down and practiced, and his mind was immersed in his heart.

In recent battles, Pei Junlin has discovered a reality that the power of the Great Destruction Palm is far from meeting expectations.

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