Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1226: Bawangding

This magic door hates the emperor's unique magical power, and in the legendary power destroys the world, why did Pei Junlin absorb the magical magic ball of the long hatred the emperor, and mastered the great shattered palm, why the power is far from reaching the expectations?

This answer Pei Junlin is slowly looking for, but for three days and three nights, Pei Junlin still has no clue.

Supernatural power is a very mysterious thing, the same supernatural power, a hundred people practice, but the power is very different. It can even be said that every supernatural power is a unique skill, because although supernatural powers can be learned from others, it is difficult to draw the tiger's skin and the bones. It is difficult to master the essence of it.

But in the past few days, the progress of Jinye in the entire Jindou space has been very fast, and the chaotic aura of the 20 big gourds has been fully consumed by Jinye.

At this time, the flesh-melting furnace has changed to another look. The previous flesh-melting furnace looks like a huge stomach, but at this time, this flesh-melting furnace has completely changed its appearance, incorporating a lot of metal materials and chaotic aura. After that, the formation of the formation seems to have evolved, and the entire flesh-melting furnace began to change towards a big tripod.

In ancient times, this kind of thing was a sacrificial ritual. So this kind of thing is very mysterious and powerful.

"This flesh-melting furnace will evolve into the legendary overlord once it has evolved. Not only can it be used for refining immortality, it can even be used for refining some weapons, weapons, etc." Jin Ye saw Pei Junlin's expression of concern and immediately Explain to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin did not expect that this flesh-melting furnace could even evolve, and could evolve into a big tripod. Now the big tripod has already taken shape.

The original body of this flesh-melting furnace or its foundation should be the stomach of some kind of beast. Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the huge unicorn corpse. At this time, the skin of the unicorn has been separated, but it still looks majestic. , With a domineering ancient beast.

There must be a stomach inside Kirin. Pei Junlin now has an idea to incorporate this Kirin flavor into Bawang Ding, and I don’t know what kind of changes will occur.

The thing that Pei Junlin can think of, Jin Ye naturally can also think of. He reached for a finger, and the huge unicorn missed completely fell into the king of the king.

Overlord Ding continued to run, and even the sound of rituals came out, and even the emperor sent edicts, and then the army roared.

I don't know how long it has passed. The flesh-melting furnace suddenly opened, and white bones like jade spewed out, forming a complete fire unicorn skeleton.

Except for the missing calf bone, the entire fire unicorn skeleton was perfectly restored and combined. Pei Junlin's eyes looked on the white skeleton like a jade. He faintly found that there was a fiery red color on the white skeleton.

"It really is the skeleton of the fire unicorn, which is far better than the skeleton of the Junlong tribe that day. It is simply a peerless treasure. I am afraid that such a skeleton can directly face the Chaos Lingbao with just one." Pei Junlin smiled.

"It is indeed the case, the general Chaos Lingbao, if it encounters the skeleton of the futures spirit, it will immediately be broken, but it will not be the case when it encounters the Chaos Golden Fight. This thing is not useful to me at all. "Golden King said proudly."

Pei Junlin was a little surprised this time. The body of Huo Qilin turned out to be useless to Jin Ye. This means that the material for forging the chaotic golden battle is definitely higher than the material of the **** beast level.

Pei Junlin never questioned Jinye thoroughly, but this time it was Jinye who said that he was leaking.

With only a loud bang, Pei Junlin looked back at Na Ba Ding. The once flesh-melting furnace turned into a metallic substance at that time, and the blood of the fire unicorn body immediately turned into a light golden color, which made Pei Junlin puzzled.

After all, in Pei Junlin's conception, blood should be red. After absorbing the blood of Huo Qilin, Bawang Ding should turn into blood red, but it turned into gold, which made Pei Junlin simply unable to understand.

Lord Jin didn't speak, hey, flicking his fingers, a sharp breath towards Pei Junlin's arm. Pei Junlin was a little surprised and did not dodge, a small mouth appeared on his arm.

Pei Junlin is now forming a body, it is difficult to make Pei Junlin bleed, but Jinye did. But Pei Junlin was surprised to see that the blood from the wound was even confusing to him, because the blood from the wound was pale gold.

"You understand now, this is the difference in life form. For example, when you were in the undead body, your blood is still bright red, but now if you are promoted to the Star Eucharist, your blood will change. Become a touch of gold. The day your star body becomes great, all your blood will become pure gold." Jinye carefully explained to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin fully understood this time, he did not expect that the blood of the fire beast turned out to be golden.

The billowing blood nourishes the Bawang Ding in the Chaos Golden Fight, and this Bawang Ding suddenly emits a burst of light. Big and big elixirs erupted directly, turned out to be fist-sized metal balls.

Pei Junlin picked up a breath of flesh and blood that he felt was full of. He had a strong feeling of swallowing this immortality, because Pei Junlin could feel the power of the same ancestry.

"Don’t waste this kind of Elixir, only 36,000 Elixir refined by a fire unicorn. Each one is precious, ordinary people can devour one, can regenerate flesh and blood, forge constitution, if it is In your words, once your star sacred body is injured, if you eat such a panacea, you can immediately recover as before." Jinye explained to Pei Junlin.

This is the blood pill condensed out of pure fire Qilin, but it is already unusual to call it blood pill. It should be called Qilin Pill. Because each of the immortals contains special patterns, with runes circulating on it, the mysterious power surprised Pei Junlin.

No matter how long it is stored, the potency of such a panacea will not be lost, because the surface of this panacea is engraved with a mysterious line, which is a very powerful rune.

These runes lock all the power inside the elixir, and they can also draw power from the void to continuously increase the power of the elixir.

These immortals are like wine, the longer they are stored, the more powerful they are.

"This King Ding has now been successfully upgraded. If you want to refine that mixed-world magic gun, it is just taking advantage of this King King Ding's extra fire unicorn energy." Jin Ye said towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin nodded his head and threw that mixed-world magic gun into Bawang Ding. Turning around and grabbing the huge fire unicorn spine, this spine Pei Junlin has long been attracted to it. If it is integrated into the mixed-world magic gun, it can make the power of this gun infinitely greater.

In Pei Junlin's view, the power might be promoted to the point of Chaos Lingbao in one fell swoop, which is simply an easy task.

The fire unicorn spine was thrown by Pei Junlin and thrown into the Nabo Ding. The whole tripod began to rotate, with runes flashing on it, and began to forge in accordance with Pei Junlin's will.

Jin Ye also waved the remaining fire unicorn bones, but he took them away and jumped into other spaces instantly.

There are a lot of spaces drawn in the entire chaotic golden bucket, and the ghost dragon is inside one of the spaces. At this time, Jinye appears in front of the ghost dragon.

The former body of the Nether Demon Dragon was the skeleton of the dragon family that Pei Junlin got on the planet of the dragon family. Later, Pei Junlin was merged into the Dragon Soul, and became a necro creature, very powerful.

Later, this ghost dragon was thrown into the gate of hell, baptized, and after absorbing a mysterious atmosphere of the gate of hell, the ghost dragon has produced spiritual wisdom.

The Nether Demon Dragon is now very dark, exuding a breath of breath. Lord Jin threw the remaining bones of the Fire Unicorn towards the Nether Dragon, and was immediately swallowed by the Nether Dragon.

The ghost dragon that had devoured the fire unicorn's bones seemed to have a very painful expression, and there was a fire around him. However, this fire was not the red before, but a black flame, and the Nether Dragon covered the black flame.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it. After deliberately planting flowers and flowers, not carelessly planting willows and shady trees, after engulfing the bones of the fire unicorn, you have become such a ghost flame." Jin Ye was overjoyed.

In another space, Pei Junlin's eyes were fixed, and Na Ba Ding continued to hear the roar of the mixed-world magic weapon weapon spirit, which seemed extremely painful.

Evolution will undoubtedly have to pay some price. The cry of the mixed-world magic gun is full of all kinds of pain, but there is no such thing as Pei Junlin for help, but it has been endured alone.

In the end, Bawang Ding stopped spinning and a UU reading book appeared with a mysterious spear in the hands of Pei Junlin. It was the forged mixed-world magic gun.

It is a mixed-world magic gun with ten times more powerful breath than before, and there is a breath of chaos circulating on it. Pei Junlin knows that this magic gun is really promoted to the level of Chaos Lingbao.

Mastering the power of some rules can automatically draw the power of heaven and earth to supplement oneself, and the interior is to open up space by itself, and the strength of the spirit has also been raised to a higher level.

"Thanks to the master planting Pei, the mixed-world magic gun must follow the host to fight the Quartet to make contributions for the master." The mixed-life magic gun became a black armor general kneeling in front of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin nodded with satisfaction, his eyes finally fell on Na Ba Ding. This former blood melting furnace, now Ba Wang Ding, by comparison, Pei Jun Lin feels that this Ba Wang Ding is at least ten times stronger than the blood melting furnace. More than twice.

The flesh-melting furnace couldn't melt Huo Qilin's corpse at all, but that Huo Qilin's corpse was thrown into this overlord, and it quickly turned into a blood pill. This is the gap.

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