Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1232: Forment Palace

Pei Junlin did not know how far he flew out, he thought that the space of this long-spoken Devil Emperor was endless, but suddenly Pei Junlin felt as if he had slammed into a wall, and this wall was even directly penetrated .

When Pei Junlin stood up, he suddenly found a weird scene, that is, an underground palace appeared in front of him, and all the underground palaces were all kinds of Buddhas.

Different from the dungeon of the emperor who hates the devil, the dungeon is full of various Buddhist instruments and a touch of sandalwood.

Just after Pei Junlin got up and moved his muscles, he saw that the blue puppet had been chased over, but at this time, he didn't dare to come in while standing outside the underground palace.

As if in the underground palace, there was something that made him afraid.

Pei Junlin glanced around and found that in addition to some suspended Buddhist treasures, there were a large number of Buddhist scriptures.

"It should have been a secret base before the Buddha's extinction on this planet." Jin Ye's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ear.

At this time, Pei Junlin's eyes fell on a string of white beads. The white tissue exuded a strong Buddhist light, and there was some kind of induction between the heart and the Buddha's magical power on Pei Junlin.

The string of beads flew towards Pei Junlin and took the initiative to land in the palm of Pei Junlin. The string of beads groped by Pei Junlin's right hand sensed the rolling Buddha force in it.

There are a total of 108 beads, each of which has a statue of Buddha painted on it, and the statue of the Buddha is lifelike. Pei Junlin used his fire eyes and gold eyes to check that he felt like the Buddha was alive and chanting.

Pei Junlin’s insight into the string of beads immediately sensed some information. The original name of the beads was empty. It should have been a Buddhist disciple on this planet, but then the Buddhist gate was robbed. This rumor is smarter, and a burrow was dug here to hide in this space.

But in the end, this rumor did not escape the catastrophe. In order to protect some Buddhist books in this cellar, he took the initiative to dig out of the cellar and suffered the massacre of the demons.

In this string of beads, some images are recorded, all of which are massacres of the demons outside the territory. The scene of the Buddhist disciples here is simply terrible. Hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples have been sacrificed in just half a month.

The piles of corpses of Buddha disciples are like a **** on earth, and those who murdered are not entirely from the Demon Gate. Pei Junlin also saw the Dragon Clan, even the Starry Knight and some human races.

The bead is very mysterious, and Pei Junlin can feel a surging force of Buddha from it, and even this bead is as powerful as a chaotic spirit treasure.

Pei Junlin was holding a Buddhist bead. Sure enough, the light blue puppet did not dare to come close, and could only stand far away from the underground palace and stare at Pei Junlin.

Instead, Pei Junlin calmed down. Now that the **** donkey hasn't awakened, he can't leave through the gate of hell. Here he can only deal with this puppet temporarily, but now it seems to be temporarily safe.

After putting away the string of beads, his eyes looked around. When he saw a candle on the candlestick, he couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise, because that candle was not an ordinary candle.

This is a flame above the candle, it is not a real flame, but a Buddha's light, which contains a kind of magical power of Buddha.

There are two candlesticks in total, but one of the candlesticks has been extinguished, which shows that the magical powers may have died out in the long years. And this supernatural power passed down should be very strong, otherwise it will never be preserved until now.

Pei Junlin's magical secret method of turning the Buddhist door suddenly opened his eyes, the light on the candle seemed to be guided, and flew towards Pei Jun's eyebrow instantly.

He closed his eyes and realized that when he opened his eyes again, there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

The brilliance that has just been absorbed is not a single buddha magical power, which even contains ninety-nine kinds of buddhist magical powers. However, the magical powers of these Buddhist temples are different from the ordinary magic balls, but they are purely a kind of inheritance, not a real power of magical powers.

After Pei Junlin just absorbed that little candlelight, he can practice the 99-degree Buddha magical power, but he cannot grasp it in one step.

Pei Junlin raised his hand, pointed out with a finger, and instantly a huge destruction power spewed out.

This is a kind of Buddha's magical power, called the Big Buddha's Finger, which is one of the strongest of the ninety-nine kinds of magical powers. Pei Junlin tried it, and it was really powerful. He had such a powerful strength just after he reached the state of entry. If he trained this Buddha to the highest level, I don’t know how powerful it can be.

Pei Junlin flipped his palm again, and a golden palm condensed in the air, and suddenly shot towards the puppet outside the ground. The blue puppet was unprepared, and was shot on the body by the golden palm, and immediately a huge palm print appeared on the abdomen.

This supernatural power is called the big handprint, and it is also one of the many supernatural powers of the Buddha. Pei Junlin tried it, and it was really powerful.

"Despite the slogan of Buddhism, the mercy is all for the sake of life. Look at this method, it is even more fierce than the magic door. Just a finger poke past, it will instantly make the soul break. There is this big handprint, I am afraid to slap it down. A planet must be broken.

Buddhism's magical powers are indeed amazing, and Pei Junlin also feels that these ninety-nine magical powers, most of which are devastating, are even stronger than some magical powers.

The Great Buddha finger used just now has the same effect as the Great Broken Palm of the Buddha Gate. If the two are merged together, it will be even more powerful.

The golden Buddha's finger pointed out that if it bursts on the head of a person's eyebrows, it will kill in one blow. The big handprint slaps down, and the world will be destroyed.

If any house mountain range will practice this magical power to the highest level, it is estimated that the planet will be broken after a slap.

However, Pei Junlin has not escaped from the crisis, he still can not maintain a happy mood. Just got the joy of ninety-nine magical powers, and was instantly swept away. The blue puppet is like a sword hanging above Pei Junlin's head.

Pei Junlin is looking for exits everywhere. Since this underground palace has set up a place that will surely go out, the puppet should be afraid, maybe he dare not come in from here.

But after leaving like this, Pei Junlin himself was a little unwilling. After all, he was throwing a **** donkey here, and he couldn't let go.

Pei Junlin was looking for the source around the underground palace, but found nothing. What surprised Pei Junlin was that he had a familiar feeling in his consciousness, wandering around, which made Pei Junlin feel extremely surprised.

Because this kind of feeling doesn't usually appear, unless there is a treasure of life and physical repairs appearing nearby, this kind of feeling will happen.

And the incarnation outside the body was beside him, never let go, which surprised Pei Junlin even more, he just wandered around the palace.


The blue puppet finally couldn't bear it, and the fist came over and the palace collapsed halfway. Pei Junlin still did not find an exit at this time, and was undoubtedly forced to a dead end.

The pure Yang fire bell suspended above Pei Junlin's head, holding a mixed-world magic gun, can only carry a battle against the water now.

Yuan magnetic divine light flowed all over the body, Pei Junlin's power was increased tenfold. He now has ten thousand giant dragons in his body, and after ten times the instantaneous strength reached the power of one hundred thousand giant dragons.

This is a devastating force, one shot, a crack in the surrounding space, and countless thunders landed. But it was Pei Junlin's strongest blow that was easily stopped by the puppet.

The puppet's body is like a sponge. No matter how strong the mana is, it will be absorbed by it instantly, and the skin and muscles around him can corrode everything.

Pei Junlin's strongest blow was instantly resolved by the silver-blue puppet, and at the same time he punched fiercely on Chunyang's fiery clock. This bell was extremely powerful after Pei Junlin's elaborate training, but he was still punched by your blue puppet, and made a buzzing sound.

The sound of the golden bell cover magical power surrounded by the outside shattered directly, and the body of the Pure Yang Fire Bell was attacked.

Pei Junlin reached out his hand and pointed out a dragon roar on the pure Yang fire bell, a fire dragon flew out of the wind, and suddenly a white flame spewed out of his mouth.

This is the ghost fire burning all the pale flames, and instantly wrapped the blue puppet, and this ghost fire did not disappoint Pei Junlin, the blue puppet melted on the ground like a candle. , Turned into a pile of blue liquid.

This result made Pei Junlin excited and surprised, but the joy did not last for a second, because the blue liquid on the ground began to coagulate quickly, and returned to its original shape in the blink of an eye.

This time, the blue puppet was hit hard. seemed to restore more spirits. The evil light appeared in his eyes, and he stepped into the underground palace in one step. The fist blasted towards Pei Junlin.

At the critical moment, the golden chaos of the chaos flew out, exuding a huge chaotic atmosphere. The gate of Hell, but all the bridges flew out all over to help Pei Junlin block this fatal blow.

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly felt that the palace shook a golden light suddenly passed over. Immediately after Pei Junlin saw a sharp claw tearing towards the blue puppet, with a pop, the blue puppet just punched, and the body disappeared into two halves before disappearing in situ.

Too cruel, too violent!

Pei Junlin didn't know how to describe this picture. When he saw the owner of the paw, Pei Junlin was shocked again.

The creature in front of him is clearly a gold-eating beast who once signed a contract between master and servant with Pei Junlin. The mountains and rivers do not meet, I did not expect to go round and round and meet my favorite pet here. And the other party became so powerful that Pei Junlin was shocked and excited.

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