Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1233: The lost pet

The appearance of the golden beast has changed a bit, but Pei Junlin still recognized it at a glance.

The appearance of this golden beast is actually similar to a very common creature on earth, named honey badger, also known as a flat-headed creature.

The difference between the metal-swallowing and the honey badger is that it has a golden hair on the top of its head, and a tail that winds from between the eyebrows above the head.

Pei Junlin saw the gold swallowing beast swallowing gold, and the gold swallowing beast also saw Pei Junlin, all four eyes felt a little excited. Pei Junlin finally realized that he felt an excitement in his heart before, why he turned out to be his favorite pet.

Maybe it's been too long since I've seen it, which makes Pei Junlin a little stranger to the breath of the golden beast, so I didn't expect it just now.

After swallowing the gold beast, he immediately squeaked after seeing Pei Junlin, and ran across Pei Junlin's shoulder. The body shrank from the huge moment just now to an ordinary size, jumping around on Pei Junlin's shoulders, and two claws wrapped around Pei Junlin's neck.

It was his darling who saved his life at a critical moment and restrained the puppet, which surprised Pei Junlin.

The strength of the puppet is no less than that of a strong Tianjun, so what is the strength of the Golden Beast? Why can restrain this puppet, this is a question born in Pei Junlin's heart.

Several times before this puppet proved to have the ability to regenerate, even if it was burned into a pool of liquid, it would slowly condense into a shaped body, so Pei Junlin was a little worried that this blue puppet did not die completely.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin's worries are not wrong, the puppet that was torn in half on the ground, and the constant wriggling will soon be merged into one.

Pei Junlin directly conveyed his consciousness and asked towards the Golden Swallower. The golden swallowing animal squeaked as if with a chest in mind, and jumped from Pei Jun's shoulder, and even bit directly towards the blue puppet.

The blue puppet, which was torn in half, was trying to repair himself, but was easily torn in half again by this golden beast. What surprised Pei Junlin even more was that the gold-swallowing beast opened his mouth and began to devour the blue puppet.

In a blink of an eye, half of the body was swallowed by the golden beast. The gold devouring beast is like showing off. After blinking at Pei Junlin, he devours the other half.

When Pei Junlin's brain was in a state of morbidity, the blue puppet was eaten directly by the swallowing hand. In place, there is a bright yellow rung.

When Pei Junlin saw this Fulu, he was completely shocked. He did not expect that this long-spoken Devil Emperor's method was so anti-sky, just a simple note can forge such a powerful puppet with materials.

The reason why the puppet is so strong is because it seals a part of the magical power of the Devil Emperor, and the original material forged by the puppet should also be unusual. Pei Junlin has not yet recognized what the material is.

These precious materials have been completely engulfed by the gold-swallowing beast. Fortunately, the blue puppet is entirely made of metal, and it is true that it has been swallowed by the gold-swallowing beast.

After devouring the blue puppet, Pei Junlin was a bit worried, after all, the blue puppet had a very strong ability to corrode.

Sure enough, the golden beast swallowed in place, and there was a lot of luck on his face, and the red seemed to be drunk.

Just as Pei Junlin was surprised, this golden swallowing beast had been planted on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Pei Junlin probed with his consciousness, and realized that the vitality of this gold-swallowing beast was relatively stable, and he did not suffer fatal scars. He did not know what caused him to fall asleep.

"Did you see that candle? It was all swallowed by this golden beast, and there was a large barrel of lamp oil over there. It was also drunk by him." Jin Ye's eyes were sharp, and he was aware of the palace There are some things that Pei Junlin didn't even notice.

Buddhism lamp oil is not ordinary grease, but represents a very mysterious symbolic meaning. The gold-swallowing beast can grow to the present level, which really makes Pei Junlin incredible. However, such a thing as a golden beast is inherently powerful and possesses a talent for the sky, so it is not too surprising to have such growth.

The gold swallowing beast fell into a deep sleep, and Pei Junlin reached out his hand and moved the gold swallowing beast into the space of the golden bucket. According to Pei Junlin's estimate, after devouring a large amount of mysterious metal of the blue puppet, this golden beast may have benefited a lot, and if there is a big disaster, there will definitely be another evolution.

This trip found his favorite pet out of thin air, and also made Pei Junlin very excited. He couldn't think of breaking his head. This gold-swallowing beast was hidden next to the treasure of the Everlasting Devil Emperor.

Before, if it weren't for the blue puppet punched the wall in this palace, Pei Junlin couldn't know that there was such a palace next to the demon emperor, and his favorite pet was in it.

The vast universe is boundless, and two familiar people can meet. That is simply the fate of heaven. Destiny is indeed magical, just like the same big hands fiddle behind.

Pei Junlin's heart was naturally very happy for the loss of the Golden Devouring Beast, and the great troubles of life and death had been resolved. After searching in the underground palace for a while, he did not find anything of value, so he moved all the Buddha images and classics into the space of Jindou.

Anyway, the internal space of the chaotic gold bucket is infinite, and there is no pressure for Beijing to accumulate anything.

Pei Junlin returned to the Devil Emperor's Demon Palace, and came to the side of the **** donkey. At this time, the **** donkey was still in a deep sleep, but unlike the previous one, the **** donkey seemed to have After breathing, it seems to be gradually waking up.

The **** donkey has shown signs of improvement, and Pei Junlin is no longer panicked in his heart, he is still practicing on the spot.

This time, Pei Junlin focused on practicing the magical power of the Buddha. An aperture lights up behind his head, and the Buddhist singing voice spreads in the void.

Pei Junlin, the great Buddha finger and big handprint of the Buddha door, also began to practice, and his body stored many wishes of all sentient beings. It is enough to cultivate these magical powers, especially in the other side of the hall, the wish of the Buddha can be continuously generated, which is even more miles for Pei Junlin to practice the Buddha.

There are no years in the mountains, blinking for thousands of years.

Although Pei Junlin has not spent such a long time for thousands of years, the time of a hundred years is still within fingertips.

While practicing Buddhist magical powers, Pei Junlin also wakes up from time to time to check the situation of the **** donkey. Every time I look at the **** donkey, I can feel that the **** donkey wakes up a lot more than the previous time, and his body gradually becomes softer, and Breathing sounds have become more and more stable.

This time Pei Junlin woke up again from the cultivation, his eyes fell on the body of the **** donkey. What disappointed Pei Junlin was that the **** donkey was still standing still, seeming to be asleep.

At this time, the tragedy suddenly felt strange. The golden swallow beast that had been asleep for 100 years seemed to have some signs of awakening. Pei Junlin stretched his hand into the space to open, and the golden swallow beast flew out of it and fell in front of Pei Junlin.

To Pei Junlin's surprise, the whole body of this gold-swallowing beast was wrapped in a layer of eggshell, and he could not see the original look at all.

At this time, the eggshell cracked open, and a dazzling light flashed through, and Pei Junlin felt a shadow pounce directly at him.

Pei Junlin did not dodge, because he did not feel hostile, and the golden beast was his darling of war, connected with his mind.

Pei Junlin reached out and grabbed the gold swallowing beast. When his eyes fell on the body of the gold swallowing beast, he couldn't help but show surprise in his eyes.

Unlike a hundred years ago, this golden beast seems to be more spiritual. A pair of eyes is very flexible, looks like a child.

The expression on his face was also extremely rich, as if the wisdom had been completely opened.

While making faces at Pei Junlin and showing the paws on his hand, Pei Junlin's eyes only noticed that the paws on the hand of the golden beast turned into blue with a sharp light.

At this time, Pei Junlin seemed to sense something. The blue puppet swallowed by this golden beast absorbed the metal substance on the puppet, and it seemed to be applied to his claws. Now the paws of the Golden Devourer emit a faint blue light, just like the light of the sky, very mysterious.

"One thing, one thing, the strength of your beast is not as strong as you think. It can subdue the puppet before it, because that puppet is also a metal substance, and all metal substances in the world in front of this gold-swallowing beast It’s food.” Jin Ye’s voice came to your ears, and he solved the doubts of Pei Junlin.

Indeed, although the puppet is very strong, the gold-swallowing beast is not necessarily very strong, because Pei Junlin does not feel a strong breath from this gold-swallowing beast.

On the contrary, the feeling of this golden swallowing beast to Pei Jun is very fragile, but his spirit is very tenacious, and there is a combative and cruel temperament in it.

"Follow me in the future, don't run around." Pei Junlin reached out and touched the head of the golden beast.

There was a creaking sound in the mouth of the gold swallowing beast, and it seemed to be free from Pei Junlin's hands. Pei Junlin was could only put this gold swallow beast down.

But Pei Junlin was a little surprised that after the golden swallow beast broke free from his hand, he even rushed towards the **** donkey, and before Pei Junlin reacted, the swallow golden beast even opened his mouth and clicked on the **** beast. On the donkey's hoof.

It's not trivial to be surprised. The **** donkey is his friend. If he is eaten by this golden beast, how will he explain?

In fact, the golden light of the four donkey hoofs of the **** donkey is often like metal, and it is really the food of this golden beast.

Pei Junlin hurriedly stopped, but it was too late. A hoof in front of the **** donkey was instantly bitten off by this gold-swallowing beast for a small half.

There was no bleeding at the bite, but the nail on the hoof of the **** donkey was bitten off. The entire donkey hooves should be all golden **** things. After the golden beast bites off, the gap emits a faint golden light.

The Golden Swallow Beast was stopped by Pei Junlin, and there was an aggrieved look on his face. His eyes looked at the hoof of the **** donkey, and he had a very strong desire.

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