Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1234: wake

"What do you mean? You mean you are helping him?" Pei Junlin looked at his darling devouring the golden beast and said with a puzzled expression.

After hearing the words of Pei Junlin, the swallowing beast immediately squeaked and nodded.

This time Pei Junlin was stunned. He thought that the golden beast shouldn't lie to him, but apparently he had eaten the hoof of the **** donkey. How could this be a help? There was a dilemma for Pei Junlin to be caught in the middle.

"Perhaps it is true, and the layer of horn on the hoof should also be a neoplasm, even if it is swallowed, there is no great hindrance." Jinye's voice came out and expressed his attitude.

Pei Junlin was relieved. Jin Ye had extensive knowledge. With his opinion, perhaps this thing is true. Pei Junlin looked down at the four hooves of the **** donkey again and found that his feet were indeed more than one circle larger than usual.

After getting the permission of Pei Junlin, the Golden Devourer rushed over. His teeth were sharp, and the four hooves of the **** donkey were trimmed neatly in the blink of an eye.

"The origin of this donkey is very unusual. If you want to know that the gold swallow beast can't be seen as ordinary, don't say you eat other people's nails. The creature like the gold swallow is also very proud. It seems that the donkey's identity and blood are far away. Far higher than the golden beast swallowing." Jinye carefully passed the sound to Pei Junlin.

Swallowing the cuticles outside the four hooves of the **** donkey, the golden beast seems to be a little different. His eyes gleamed, and his two ears spewed out the glow of light, as if he had taken some panacea, which made Pei Junlin a little speechless.

No wonder this gold-swallowing beast does not disdain the hoof of the **** donkey. It turns out that this thing is really useful. It seems that the donkey is full of treasure. After he wakes up, Pei Junlin also intends to ask the **** donkey for some parts of his body for refining elixir.

Ah... sneeze...

There was a strong sneeze, and there seemed to be a gust of wind all around. Pei Junlin's clothes were blown wildly, and his flying hair was all erected upright.

The **** donkey slowly opened his eyes and looked at Pei Junlin with some doubts, as if his memory was a bit confused. After standing in the same place and thinking for a long time, the **** donkey's eyes gradually restored to clarity.

"How long have I slept?" said the **** donkey looking at Pei Junlin.

"No more, no less than two hundred years." Pei Junlin smiled.

Hearing Pei Junlin say this, the **** donkey almost jumped up in shock. He didn't expect to sleep for more than two hundred years, which was a bit against the sky.

But when the **** donkey saw the golden swallow beast, he was still taken aback. He had never seen the golden swallow beast. It seemed strange. After turning around the golden swallow beast, the **** donkey was surprised.

"This thing should be delicious. Look at the shiny fur and the small teeth." The **** donkey looked like a salivator.

His tone immediately angered the golden swallow beast. Without the permission of Pei Junlin, the golden swallow jumped up suddenly and jumped onto the back of the **** donkey.

The two paws exuded the light of Lan Yingying, and instantly penetrated the skin of the **** donkey, and the painful donkey wailed.

"Quick stop." Pei Junlin hurriedly stopped.

He had already realized that if he didn't stop it, he wouldn't be merciless if he swallowed the gold beast. He already opened his mouth and planned to bite on the back of the **** donkey.

"What the **** is this? Why is it so fierce? It's not a big man, but he has a big temper." The **** donkey looked at the Golden Swallower with some fear.

Pei Junlin explained that the golden beast was the darling of his recovery, which made the **** donkey a little unbelievable, and the boss with his mouth open for a long time.

Pei Junlin raised his head and squinted, looking at the eight supernatural powers in the sky. If you use Naihe Bridge now and want to capture these eight supernatural powers, it might not be difficult for Pei Junlin.

But he didn't do it because Pei Junlin had a hunch. Too much entanglement with this long-spoken Devil Emperor is not good for himself.

The advantage is not that it can be obtained out of thin air. It seems that it is cheap, but in fact it is entangled in the cause and effect and the trap of the long-spoken Devil Emperor.

The more you reach a realm, you will explore some inner life things from the outside. Pei Junlin's cultivation of small life skills can spy on some secrets in life. It can perceive that there is a certain entanglement between this long-spoken devil emperor and himself. And after taking away the Great Destruction Palm Power, he had a causal connection with his long-spoken Devil Emperor.

Forever and forever, there is no end in time.

This long-spoken Devil Emperor was also a top-notch stunning big figure at that time, and only a step away can get a glimpse of those fairy lights. It's a pity that the last step didn't know what went wrong, and ended up with a reincarnation.

But the Emperor of Everlasting Sorrow seemed to have prepared for this treasure. But what makes people even more incomprehensible is that the key to this treasure is actually lost. And let Pei Junlin find here step by step, which gave Pei Junlin a strange feeling in his heart.

What is the character of Chang Hen Mo Di?

Pinch refers to people who can count the past and the future, and may have counted the clues of today before reincarnation.

At that time, Heishui Emperor was a piece of evidence. After Pei Junlin took his incarnation of the **** monkey, he became entangled with Heishui Emperor. There should be a catastrophe in fate. From now on, sooner or later, we will make a break with the Heishui Emperor.

And the Emperor of Everlasting Sorrow is definitely a character far beyond the level of the Blackwater Emperor. How could he not have calculated that Pei Junlin took away his great shattered palm supernatural power, and practiced in this treasure for so long, destroying a blue head Colored puppet.

In the midst, the fate of the two has been entangled together. The East is not bright, the West is bright, Pei Junlin has achieved benefits in this treasure of the Devil Emperor, and he will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Therefore, the remaining eight supernatural powers Pei Junlin did not move, because he did not want to contaminate the cause and effect of the long-spoken Devil Emperor too much. The legendary Devil Emperor Changzheng Yizheng is also moody, and no one knows what he is thinking. This is a character who suppresses the times. If he falls into the trap of the other party, he will probably be swallowed even the bones and scum. Left.

The gate of Hell flew out of the space of Jindou again, wrapped around Pei Junlin's **** donkey and the three swallowing gold beasts and left the planet instantly.

For hundreds of years, just blink.

Pei Junlin's cultivation realm reached the point where the true **** realm reached its peak in one fell swoop. His strength is only one step away from that of the true king. No one under the true king is Pei Junlin's opponent.

Pei Junlin uttered a long roar, and the distant planets were shaking. The five emperors supernatural powers flew out to form a five-element circle. The rays of the five elements are endless, and a powerful power is born in chaos.

"How are you, two hundred years ago, how do I feel that you haven't changed at all?" Pei Junlin put away his magical power and set his eyes on the **** donkey.

The **** donkey didn't say a word when he smiled. The four hoofs exuded a shocking light and slapped towards Pei Junlin head-on.

Pei Junlin laughed, shouted well, pointed out with a finger. The golden Buddha's fingers suddenly poked towards the hoof of the **** donkey.

It seemed to feel the violent power of the Buddha's fingers. The **** donkey just burst into a black light with a smile, and immediately wrapped the Buddha's fingers around.

The two supernatural powers were deadlocked in the air, and no one could help anyone, but Pei Junlin snorted coldly. The finger of the big buddha flexed suddenly emits a strong golden light, and the black light that wraps around the body of the big buddha's finger, and the sound of collapse is like a beef tendon being broken, and it is directly broken apart.

The **** donkey took a step back, shook his head, and said with some sorrow: "Still you are so stronger than me."

Pei Junlin reopened the wormhole, and after several crossings, he came to the planet of the old demon of Hengshan again. In Pei Junlin and Dahei, although the time has passed for more than two hundred years, it has only passed for more than two hundred days in the outside world.

For two hundred days, when the old fan of the horizontal fan saw Pei Junlin again, he suddenly widened his eyes.

Because the current Pei Junlin can't afford it, he dare to move his wrist with Pei Junlin, but only a few months later, when the old demon of Hengshan stood in front of Pei Jun, there was only I bowed my head.

It wasn't that Pei Junlin replaced the Hengshan old demon with his mantra, so that this old demon was so convinced, but Pei Junlin's current strength became more restrained and transparent.

If Pei Junlin was a fat man before, then now Pei Junlin is a muscular man with muscles, compared with others.

"Brother Pei." A girl's voice came, and Pei Junlin glanced at Jia Jia.

After such a long time, Jiajia seems to have basically recovered from the injury, but the hidden hatred between his eyes seems to be unhappy on this planet.

Pei Junlin remembered that Duobao Pavilion, and Li Ji of that Duobao Pavilion.

"Let's go, I'll take you to leave, UU reading just happened to go to Duobao Pavilion, to recover the interest of the year." Pei Junlin smiled.

Hearing Pei Junlin say this, Jiajia seemed a little flustered, and how strong Duobaoge was, she actually knew very well. If Pei Junlin is going to find Duobaoge's trouble now, he will undoubtedly hit the stone with eggs.

But Pei Junlin didn't think so. That Duobao Pavilion once chased him and coveted the treasures on his body. This bad breath Pei Junlin couldn't have done so.

"Brother Pei, I advise you to forget it for the time being. The Duobao Pavilion is now powerful. There are even strong men at the level of the Tianjun, and the gentlemen have revenge for ten years." Jia Jia squeezed and persuaded Pei Junlin.

Before Pei Junlin nodded, if it wasn't for the marriage line of the venerable fairy fairy, he has now been killed by Duobao Pavilion's Tianjun level strongman.

The Tianjun strong cannot be offended at will, just like a tiger. Pei Junlin's current strength does not dare to face the Tianjun strong.

"That's all right. If you want to go somewhere, I can take you away." Pei Junlin smiled at Jiajia.

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