Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1237: 1st beauty under the stars

It is equivalent to robbing a very large bank at once and making a fortune.

Not only there are massive Tianyuan jade and various treasures, but also various rare materials, and even some cheats, etc., these are the things that Pei Junlin values.

Here Pei Junlin is counting the treasures, and the golden beast has already started to lose money. Various treasures are stuffed into his mouth and eaten like a snack.

Some magic tools, magic weapons, and so on, Pei Junlin is now useless at all, and a brain is thrown to the golden beast. Hundreds of thousands of pieces were all put into a storage ring by Pei Junlin and brought into the hands of the golden beast.

These massive magic weapons and so on, all became the snacks of the golden beast. When hungry, just take out one and put it in the mouth and eat it.

Some Lingbao, Need Lingbao, and so on, Pei Junlin has to be screened out, and the useful things are screened out. The useless things are all classified. This is a difficult job, but all these jobs are handed over to Jin Ye.

All these treasures were thrown into the golden chaos by Pei Junlin, and were all smelted in Naha Ding. A lot of chaotic atmosphere has been refined, and some of the remaining top-level metal materials have been classified into various metal ingots.

"What the **** are you? It looks like a steamed bun." Pei Junlin finally couldn't help but walked over and asked towards the **** donkey.

Since coming out of the Duobao Pavilion, the **** donkey has become what it is now, holding a piece of search head is just like being silly, and has been giggling.

"What do you know? Do you know what this is? Tell you can scare you to death." The black donkey glanced at Pei Junlin sideways.

This aroused the curiosity of Pei Junlin. His eyes glowed with a faint golden light, and he looked towards the steamed bun.

But no matter how you look at it, this is really a steamed bun, and there are teeth marks on it that should have been bitten. This is strange, who would bite a bun?

Moreover, this Duobao Pavilion still has a lot to pile up this steamed bun with a bunch of exotic treasures. This makes Pei Junlin even more curious. Is he really looking away?

"You're not mistaken, it's just a normal bun, but the person who left a tooth mark on it is very powerful. At that time, he only took a bite, but the rule power infiltrating this bun is very powerful. So many years have passed This piece of steamed bun is not perishable and immortal, and almost lives with the world." Jin Ye's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ear.

With a word that awakened the dreamer, Pei Junlin suddenly realized that he finally understood the value of this bun.

Nothing in this world can withstand the years, anything will rot and die, even if it is cultivated to become a road, to the level of the emperor, if you can not cross the fairy road, you still have to die.

This steamed bun does not know how many years have passed and it remains fresh as before. Although the surface is stained with some dirt, Pei Junlin can still feel that the steamed bun still has a hint of fragrance.

"It's okay to tell you, this is the buns bitten by the fairy, did you know the fairy fairy? That's my idol, my dream lover." The **** donkey said with a stern expression.

But Pei Junlin was directly petrified in situ. He did not expect that this bun was actually bitten by his exquisite fairy.

"What the **** are you doing there stupidly? The bun was bitten by the fairy fairy, and I eat it now is indirectly kissing the fairy fairy. You said I should be happy?" The **** donkey cracked his mouth. , The face is full of excitement.

After talking, he even opened his mouth towards this piece, I don’t know how many years the buns have been bitten.


Pei Junlin rounded his slap and slapped it on the face of the **** donkey. The bun was also beaten out.


The **** donkey was slapped by Pei Junlin for no reason, and immediately uttered a cry of wailing, jumping up and desperately with Pei Junlin. Seemingly thinking of something, he turned around and chased toward the steamed bun again, to hold the steamed bun in his hand again.

But where did Pei Junlin give him the opportunity to use the big Buddha's finger, and suddenly a finger, the steamed bun burst into the air.

Bae! Jun! Pro!

The **** donkey gritted his teeth, and his eyes exuded blood red light.

"It's just a bun. We are all brothers. You turned against me because of a bun." Pei Junlin had completely calmed down and looked at the **** donkey with a smile.

The **** donkey ignored it and rushed towards Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin slapped it on the top of his head. The four hooves of the **** donkey continued to bounce on the ground, which caused the ground to be dug out quickly. A big pit.

"Do you know? That's the bun that my lover had eaten in my dream. That's my token of love, do you know?" The **** donkey growled angrily.

Si Hu laughed, not explaining, with a lonely expression on his face.

He didn't think that the **** donkey actually knew about his master Linglong Fairy, and that the Linglong Fairy was still a lover in the **** donkey's dream, which made Pei Junlin feel angry.

"Who is that exquisite fairy? You are just a donkey, do you understand the special path of the shemale? Is it a unrequited love destined to no avail, I think you still forget it, buddy in order to save you, that is for you." Pei Junlin made a big talk and concealed his selfishness.

"You know a fart." The **** donkey slurped directly.

"True love can cross races. I really misunderstood you. Pei Junlin. I thought you were my confidant and friend. I did not expect your thoughts to be so vulgar and so vulgar, so cheap, so narrow-sighted. "The **** donkey roared towards Pei Junlin, which seemed very sad.

"I have heard about that exquisite fairy. Those days in the world are all famous, glamorous, and known as the first beauty under the stars. Such a beauty, you have no reason to fall in love with him, but there are too many people in love with her. , How old are you? It’s just a grain of sand in the galaxy. I advise you to wake up your dreams and find one that can be seen and touched." Pei Junlin looked at the **** donkey tone Said lowly.

His words seemed to be for the **** donkey, and he was also for himself.

"Oh, you talked to me like this, do you also have a crush on the first beautiful woman under the stars?" The **** donkey glared at Pei Junlin fiercely.

Pei Junlin did not expect this donkey to even know the name of his exalted fairy, and it seemed very familiar, which made Pei Junlin feel a little strange in his heart.

"That delicate fairy, where do you know now?" Pei Junlin suddenly asked the **** donkey.

Pei Junlin was helping the Linglong goddess to fight against the starry sky race, and fought with a dragon ancestor of the dragon tribe, which eventually led to the destruction of the soul of the **** and rebirth.

After the rebirth, Pei Junlin didn't know all the news of the goddess Linglong, as if she had disappeared. Previously in the underground world, Pei Junlin was once again led by Linglong to have a daughter's cause, which made him feel worried about it again in his heart.

"I heard that the exquisite goddess was besieged by the dragon clan, and it was also a reincarnation of the soldiers. Alas, the generation of beautiful women ended up in such a terrible situation, which really saddened me." The **** donkey said two tears in his eyes.

These words made Pei Junlin feel amazed after listening to it, and felt very sad inside. He didn't expect Master to actually reincarnate.

A generation of exquisite goddess is unparalleled in the world, conquering countless stars, overwhelming an era. Unexpectedly, such a stunning and stunning character will eventually come to an end.

Pei Junlin's fists could not help but clenched, and his face also showed an angry look. His emotions fluctuated so much that he couldn't control the flaming eyes of his eyes, and a fine light kept spraying around.

"What about the exquisite Holy Land? How is it now?" Pei Junlin said with concern.

Perhaps a bit of news can be obtained from the mouth of this **** donkey. After all, the exquisite shrine is the place where Pei Junlin once lived. He stayed there for three hundred years.

It can be said that Linglong Holy Land is full of memories between Pei Junlin and Master Linglong Goddess. That was the best time in Pei Junlin's life.

"What else? Of course, the tree fell apart, but whether the exquisite goddess was reincarnated, this thing is just a rumor." The **** donkey shook his head, his face sad.

Without waiting for what Pei Junlin said, the **** donkey gritted his teeth and cursed his swear: "When I have the strength in the future, I must avenge my goddess and wipe out all the dragons. There are several other holy places that unite the dragons. , All will be destroyed."

Pei Junlin was silent, and no one knew what he was thinking inside. The **** donkey looked at Pei Only felt that Pei Junlin's eyes were like the stars in the sky, among them, the stars were flowing, basically I don't know what Pei Junlin is thinking.

Even now he can't feel the emotions of Pei Junlin. Although standing in front of Pei Junlin, he feels standing in front of a black hole.

This is Pei Junlin's derivation of the heaven and earth in the beginning of the Nirvana Sutra, and with the small tree of life, you will meet the first-line future. Because just now, Pei Junlin suddenly felt an extreme uneasiness in his heart. He operated the original Nirvana. Originally, he wanted to spy on a trace of the whereabouts of the exquisite saint, but suddenly felt a very dangerous feeling.

"Let's go quickly, there is danger." Pei Junlin jumped directly without any hesitation.

As soon as he reached out, the goldfish wear flew out to quickly depict the rune, and an incompletely stable wormhole appeared in front of him. Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin took the **** donkey and stepped into it. The golden beast also stood on Pei Junlin's shoulder and entered the wormhole.

The vortex soon disappeared, as if nothing had happened on the spot. When Pei Junlin and others left for less than a second, several figures appeared out of thin air. It was Huanglong Zhenjun and Li Ji and others.

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