Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1238: Face the real monarch

Seeing that the place was empty, Huang Long Zhenjun's face was extremely ugly. He reached out and grabbed all around, and there was a very slight breath in the air that he caught.

When Huang Longjun was going to look at this breath with his consciousness, he suddenly felt that his finger was torn, and the blood of lilac bleed out.

"Great Qi, what magical skills have you cultivated? In fact, Qi has such a powerful corrosive ability." Huang Long Zhenjun was shocked, his eyes flashing a strange light.

The Yuanshi Nirvana Sutra, which is practiced by Pei Junlin, is the Xianjia exercises. If it were not for Pei Junlin’s special body, he would never be able to practice this magical skill.

Huang Long Zhenjun just caught a breath of Pei Junlin, his body was damaged, and his finger was cut directly with a blood mouth. That's the strength of Pei Junlin's practice of the Nirvana of the Yuan Dynasty. No one before, no one after, and through the wilderness, Zhou Tianxing should rotate around him alone.

Huang Long Zhenjun originally arrested Pei Junlin only because of an uneasy breath in his heart. In addition, he also wanted to possess the chaotic spirit treasure of Pei Junlin, but now it is different. He even wants to find out what exercises Pei Junlin is practicing.

"It was another step slower and escaped by the kid, but anyway, he couldn't escape my palm." Huang Long Zhenjun's face showed a confident smile, his palm spread out and opened a wormhole instantly, chasing in the direction of Pei Junlin. past.

Pei Junlin was always there for a moment, just opened a wormhole once again after coming out of the wormhole, and took a long space span again.

In the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin jumped dozens of times across countless planets, and finally felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart alleviated a lot.

But when Pei Junlin hadn't taken a breath, the sense of crisis came again. This time Pei Junlin felt a sense of powerlessness, and the feeling of being scared by the Heavenly Army was really bad.

"What's wrong? Why don't you run? Don't you wait for death here? I can't use the crock at all now. Once the Huanglong Zhenjun catches up, we are all dead." The **** donkey is also very anxious, with four hooves Bounce constantly in place.

Once again, Pei Junlin reluctantly portrayed the wormhole, but this time it was unsuccessful. The space suddenly cracked and Huang Long Zhenjun and others would appear in front of Pei Junlin.

When Huang Long Zhenjun and others were torn apart the space to come out, Pei Junlin suddenly started. The mixed-world magic gun in his hand suddenly punctured a shining light.

The big handprint flew crazy and shot at the crack in the space, trying to stop Huang Long Zhenjun and others from coming out of the wormhole.

"A good thief is so brave that he wants to secretly count a true monarch. You really ate ambitious leopard daring." The real monarch Huang Long was furious and roared, and the surrounding space was swept by lightning and thunder. .

The big Buddha seal of Pei Junlin smashed fiercely in the crack of the space, and cut off the road from Huang Longzhenjun and others directly out of the crack, and then the finger of the big Buddha was pointed out, plus the big broken palm, suddenly the space shattered. The atmosphere of space is chaotic.

The reason why Pei Junlin did not escape, felt that such escape is not a way, has been across the space, is not the opponent of Huanglong Zhenjun.

It is better to stay and break the boat, let go, and capture that one-thousandth chance in that destiny. While Huanglong Zhenjun and other people's wormholes are unstable, they will directly break the wormholes and let these people fall into the turbulent flow of space.

Huang Long Zhenjun roared, and the big yellow-colored hand instantly tore the space, and then a few people turned around and jumped out of the turbulence in the space.

But Huanglong Zhenjun couldn't protect everyone even if he had magic power. One of the old men was slowed by half a beat, and was instantly torn by the airflow in space, and turned into a blood mist.

Li Ji's face was so scared that she just paled when she landed. Just after going between life and death, he felt that Pei Junlin was not that simple.

Especially after just a few months, Pei Junlin’s current strength is worth ten times stronger than before. Although he has not completely broken through to the Tianjun realm, the current Pei Junlin is standing there. Like a sharp knife.

"Kneel yourself and bind your hands, I can make you suffer a little less." Master Tianjun's voice is so distant, like the everlasting god.

Huang Longjun stood high, looking down at Pei Junlin. There is no expression in his eyes, just like a mud tire without emotion.

Pei Junlin is naturally unwilling to be captured by the other party, and he suddenly exudes a strong Shenhua operation, the original Nirvana and the Star Eucharist. With Chunyang's fire bell above his head, he moved forward step by step under the pressure of the true monarch, and he had to compete with the other party.

A shot stabbed the wind and the clouds changed color, and a star in the sky suddenly burst. The star's rays of intense dazzling light hit down from the nine days in a flash, shining on Pei Junlin's body instantly, making his power increase tenfold.

Suddenly Pei Junlin's speed became extremely fast, and he appeared in front of the Huanglong Zhenjun in a flash. The mixed-world magic gun in his hand suddenly thrust out, aiming at Huanglong Zhenjun's eyebrows.

Huanglong Zhenjun was also taken aback. Where have he seen such a battle, a monk in the realm of the real **** dare to challenge the true monarch, this is unprecedented.

This Pei Junlin did just that, and brought the strength. Even the mad dragon Zhenjun felt a threat, if he did not dodge, even if he did not die, he would be seriously injured under the gun of Pei Junlin.


Huang Long Zhenjun's big hand with the ochre cut out was formed in the middle of the air, and he came to Pei Junlin to kill him. As soon as Jun Lin raised his hand, the big handprint also condensed into a golden buddha hand in the middle of the sky. Together with the stance of the stars, it immediately appeared sacred. The flashing and the big handprint of Huanglong Zhenjun hit together, and a strong Qilang.

With a smile, Huang Longzhenjun stretched out his hand, and the gray light suddenly fell.

Pei Junlin immediately fled to hide, even hiding directly inside the Jindou space. The yellow silky breath did not entangle Pei Junlin, making Huang Long Zhenjun quite surprised.

"That's the power of time. At Huanglong Zhenjun's promotion to the Tianjun level, he mastered the power of time, but his means at this level can only control the fur of a little time." Jin Ye explained to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin also naturally knows what is the most powerful shot of the true junior master. For example, this time rule is the most powerful method of the true junior master.

If it was just the material of that time rule, then waiting for Pei Junlin's end is that Shou Yuan is exhausted. This is the means of Tianjun level characters, which can speed up the flow of time and space, so that a person can quickly become an elder in a short time.

But Pei Junlin suddenly thought of a way, he is now integrated with the tree of life, there is no shortage of Shouyuan. I pretended to be stopped by the trick just now, maybe I could confuse Huang Long Zhenjun, and then took the opportunity to attack.

"Li Ji, you are a bitch. I trust you so much. You even calculated me in the background. You can rest assured that you can't kill you today. It will make you feel bad in the future." Pei Junlin stared at Li Ji coldly, hand A large gun shadow shrouded in the magic gun of the mixed world, and the whole mountain was stabbed into a sieve.

Pei Junlin's strength is now extremely strong, and his body is like an endless mana, and it is surging. One operation is 100,000 heads, and the power of the dragon can be called ruin.

Even with Professor Huang Longzhenjun of the junior level that day, Pei Junlin should be able to stick to a few rounds, although every minute and every second is spent with Tao and Huang Longzhenjun.

Pei Junlin's current master of the real **** realm, if he meets the strong man of the real king level, it has no power to fight back, and a sneeze can kill the master of the real **** realm. This is the gap.

It is Pei Junlin that is different. Not only is it infinitely powerful, but every move is very sharp, plus the value of the pure Yang fire bell and the chaotic golden fight is that it is not afraid of Huanglong Zhenjun by Junlin at all.

Huang Long Zhenjun was also completely irritated by Pei Junlin. At the same time, he pointed out one hand at a time, and a yellow puppet directly condensed on the planet.

The earthy puppet is hundreds of meters high, and the planet trembles every step of the way, and it is a huge pit when it is smashed down.

It was Pei Junlin who wasn't war-fighting. He quickly became excited and constantly shifted his position, so that the means of Huanglong Zhenjun failed.

It is the fungus that is the fungus Pei Junlin. Where can he face the permanent confrontation with Huanglong Zhenjun? He didn't shoot before Huanglong Zhenjin, it was only because of his affection. Now that he has started a real fire, he will naturally not keep his hand.

Once reaching out, Huanglong Zhenjun captured it again, all over the place, all of it was the power of time and space. This time Pei Junlin felt imprisoned all over his body, and his body's blood was rapidly depleting.

In a blink of an eye, it is as if a century has passed. Pei Junlin knows that this is the time rule controlled by Huang Long Zhenjun, and is eroding his Pei Junlin meditates on the tree of life, and the continuous life of Yuan Yuan comes from the void, let Pei Junlin Quickly restore the original spirit.

"You just lie under my feet like a ant, and one finger in this seat can crush you." Huang Long Zhenjun's tone does not include human feelings.

Regardless of how Pei Junlin struggled, he couldn't escape from the palm of this Huanglong Zhenjun's palm. With a wave of his hand, Huang Sha went back and forth. The master of the Zhengjun level is extraordinary, even if Pei Junling is invincible in the realm of truth, but there is no way to meet this Huanglong Zhenjun.

It's like a small boat in the sea that can only drift with the waves.

"Really? You can kill an elephant if there are more ants. If it is a poisonous ant, you can poison an elephant with a single bite. Don't be too careless." Pei Junlin suddenly said coldly.

The gate of Hell suddenly flew out of a dry palm, and snapped towards Huanglong Zhenjun. Wang Longjun suddenly saw this state and was amazed, with a fearful expression on his face, because the gate of **** was the treasure that the old hate the devil became famous.

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