Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1243: Promote True God

That little white is swallowing the sky python, so this little black Pei Junlin also guessed that it should be the incarnation of the six-winged centipede.

I just didn't expect that these two great wild and alien species would be transformed so easily. In Pei Junlin's cognition, especially such a wild and alien beast, it is very difficult to transform into a human form.

On the contrary, some ordinary demon tribes want to be humanoid, but it is easy, and some of them can be humanoid when they reach the supreme state.

However, such wild species as Tongtian Python and Six-winged Centipede, in legend, at least reach the real monarch realm before they can be transformed into human form, but I did not expect that Xiaobai and Xiaohei were transformed in advance.

"It's the senior Niu Dewang who gave Xiaobai and Xiaohei an elixir, and the two of them will become what they are now." Wang Ziqiong opened the answer.

Pei Junlin's heart said that this was the case, that the Niu Demon is the owner of the Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain. The magic power is unfathomable. Although it is only a real **** realm on the surface, who in the dark knows how much strength this old cow hides.

And in the background of the Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Pei Junlin has not been able to figure it out. To the extent that there is any connection between the Kunlun Mountain Wanxian Palace and the Kunlun Mountain Pantheon, Pei Junlin has always been difficult to spy on.

Anyway, the elders in Kunlun Mountain are more treacherous than the other, especially the cow demon Yunshan fog cover.

Pei Junlin's eyes glowed with gold, and he suddenly saw that Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu were still the realm of Yang Shen. There is still a long way to go to reach the real god.

"Fujun, my sister and I have let you down. During this time, I was both dying and practicing at night, but I couldn't break through to the real **** realm without your talents." Wang Ziqiong was ashamed and seemed a little ashamed of Pei Junlin's meaning.

Pei Jun Linquan shook his head: "Your cultivation speed is already very fast."

In the evening in a Beyond Palace at Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu sat on the floor. That moonlight box was suspended above Wang Qiong's head, while Great Wild God Ding was suspended above Wang Ziyu's head.

On Pei Junlin's head, all the pure Yang flames were suspended in the chaotic golden battle. Throughout the courtyard, the precious light soared into the sky, and the colorful light rushed into the sky like a colorful beam of light.

This is a formation method arranged by Pei Junlin according to the instructions of King Jin, the purpose of which is to activate which fairy fragment.

The great wild **** tripod and moonlight treasure box are no less mysterious than the chaotic golden battle of the king. The three pieces of chaotic spirit treasures are mixed together into a mysterious formation, and the fairy fragment is in it.

"The gates of **** open the channel." Jin Ye roared.

The gate of Hell suddenly showed, and the large dry hand slammed toward the center of the triangle formed by the three treasures. Pei Junlin felt the Great Chaos Golden Battle of the Great Waste God Ding and the three top-level Chaos Lingbao of the Moonlight Box, which formed a triangle formation method, and a mysterious hole appeared in the center.

This mysterious hollow does not know where it leads, but a mysterious breath passes from it, slowly nourishing this piece of fairy artifact.

"Did it open the channel to the fairy world?" Pei Junlin was shocked.

If this is true, then Jin Ye is enough to go against the sky, no matter how many people and many emperor-level characters can't find a way to fairy world in his life, but Jin Ye seems to be able to easily open a gap to fairy world Introduce immortality.

"Don't think about it, and preside over the formation well. This formation can't be messed up. In the unlikely event that the entire formation collapses, these channels will burst instantly and the entire Kunlun Mountain will cease to exist." Jin Ye moved towards Pei Jun A warning has been issued.

Pei Jun Lin suddenly did not dare to carelessly, concentrated his mind and concentrated on presiding over the formation. These three pieces of chaotic spirit treasures, connected with the same gas, contain a huge power, even Pei Junlin does not understand the mysteries.

However, when you go to Pei Junlin, you can feel that the Great Wild God Ding and the Moonlight Box are also not simple, and the instruments of both are also mysterious.

The fairy fragment in the center of the array is getting brighter and brighter, emitting an amazing light. Pei Junlin feels shocked by the abundant energy.

"As long as the fragment of this fairy is repaired, even if you have the power of self-preservation on your body, you can easily escape even if you meet a character of the true monarch level." Jinye hey smiled.

Even if a piece of fairy artifact is just a broken piece, it is far more than the attack power of Chaos Lingbao. Pei Junlin can now feel this extraordinary piece of fairy artifact.

Half a month has passed since the pig, in the central position, the passage of the fairy world slowly heals, and the fragments of the fairy device look more and more rounded.

Now the whole fairy shard looks like a crescent moon taken from the sky, suspended there exuding a shining light, Pei Junlin's palm moves, and the Mo fairy shard comes to his hand.

"This piece of fairy artifact can be attacked, retreated, and sharp, and its attack power is far more than the magic weapon in your hand." Jin Ye seems to have a feeling of accomplishment, and his tone is full of proud look.

The mixed-world magic gun behind Pei Jun's presence was a little dissatisfied.

"However, this fairy fragment consumes a lot of energy, you can use it as much as possible, and try not to use it at critical times." Jin Ye added, this time the mixed magic gun is finally stable.

The fairy fragment recovered, and Pei Junlin finally had another treasure. The palm fragment spread the fairy fragment and flew to Pei Junlin's eyebrow, leaving a faint crescent-shaped mark on Pei Junlin's eyebrow.

Pei Junlin waved the chaotic golden battle directly to open, Naihe Bridge flew out of it, a faint figure walked back and forth on Naihe Bridge, it was Putuo Zhenjun who was defeated by Pei Junlin.

But now this faint figure looks like a transparent shadow, without any shadow of the former Putuo Zhenjun. But it is a pure group of true spirits. The magic sphere and some other impurities are all refined by Neiqiao, and all that remains is a pure group of true spirits.

"Don't leave both of you, I will use this pure energy now to help you ascend directly to the real **** realm." Pei Junlin looked at Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu.

He reached out and pointed out that the true spirit was directly divided into two parts and entered the Great Desolation Ding, and the other part was entered into Wang Qiong's Moonlight Box.

Both of these chaotic spirit treasures have refining power, and Pei Junlin naturally need not worry, as long as he absorbs the pure power of the true spirit, Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu will soon be promoted to the real **** realm.

At that time, even if the world changes greatly, the monster races outside the territory attack, Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu also have the power to protect themselves.

Pei Junlin stood in the courtyard and did not walk. He quietly watched the two sisters’ road of promotion. The moonlight treasure box above Wang Qiong’s head exuded a greenish-grey light.

The group of true spirits was gradually refined in the moonlight treasure box, and pure energy began to enter Wang Ziqiong's body. However, this process is extremely slow. It takes three days to wait. During this period, Wang Ziqiong's strength is increasing. In addition, Pei Junlin can feel that there is some mysterious change in Wang Ziqiong's body, which seems to be a moonlight treasure box. , Evolved again.

On the other side, the speed of the Great Desolation God was much faster than that of the Moonlight Box. In only one day, Wang Ziyu was successfully promoted to the real **** realm, and the group of true spirits were not completely refined, only refined Only one third.

The two sisters were promoted to the real **** realm almost simultaneously, which made Pei Junlin relieved.

The mountain is raining and the wind is blowing, and the whole earth is now covered with a layer of anxious emotions. Although no one reminds, many people can feel an uneasy emotion.

Even the Ten Thousand Beast Palace on Kunlun Mountain, waiting for everyone to stop drinking in a big bowl and eating meat on a large scale, became nervous one by one.

When Pei Junlin went out to meet Princess Lark, the former Princess Bai Ling who smiled and smiled in the past was also a cold look at this time. Seeing Pei Junlin just nodded and hurried past.

As the Earth's catastrophe is approaching, it is difficult for Kunlun Mountain to be alone, even if it is protected by Kunlun's divine power, but it is difficult to guarantee that no powerful attack will come in, so the entire Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain is also mobilized urgently.

According to the top secret information revealed by the **** donkey, it is that the Niu Demon intends to relocate all the demon races in the Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain to the higher depths of Kunlun Mountain.

However, Pei Junlin could not plan this way, because he wanted to coexist and die with the whole earth, and then he would attack with the demon clan. Pei Junlin, the guardian of the earth, had no reason to escape.

As for Wang Ziqiong, Wang Ziyu, and even those brothers and sisters of the Supreme Family, they are free to go and stay. Pei Junlin will not morally kidnap will send you and Wang Ziyu these days Leave, go to Tai Sui Xing outside the domain, where it is safe. "Pei Junlin said bitterly.

Not only did Prince Qiong refuse to agree, but even Wang Ziyu showed disdain: "Brother-in-law, do you want to be a big hero by yourself, do you want me and my sister to be turtles? Our women are not weaker than your men, OK? Don’t think that our women are all greedy and afraid of death, only to hide under the wings of men.”

Wang Ziyu's expression of a heroic female middle school, these days is also a fist and Wang Qiong secretly planned, do not know what to say.

Pei Junlin knows some things. Then Wang Ziqiong realized some magical powers from the Moonlight Box, and Wang Ziyu also realized some magical powers from the Great Waste God Tripod. Both of them have been practicing magical powers recently. Pei Junlin was a surprise.

However, Pei Junlin knew that it was too late. It would be a long process to cultivate into a supernatural power. It would take at least ten years to fail a year. However, Wang Ziyu and Wang Ziqiong did not have the ability to absorb magical spheres, and they had never practiced the Nirvana of Yuanshi, so it was absolutely impossible to cultivate magical powers overnight.

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