Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1244: The war begins

"Since the two of you don't want to go, then let's be together, let's die together, and be born together when we die." Pei Junlin's face appeared blank.

In fact, he knew very clearly that the whole earth is in the wind and rain, and the chance of survival is very small.

It seems that on this day, the old fairy Yuan Ping came to Kunlun Mountain. The old fairy Yuan Ping now looks much older than before.

The hair is white and the beard flutters. Although it looks more fairy-like, there is always a deep twilight.

"Pei Junlin, it is difficult to say whether the earth can survive in the future, but we must take advantage of this period of tranquility to spread the seeds on the earth and leave the fire." The old fairy Yuan Ping carefully explained to Pei Junlin.

These jobs do not require Pei Junlin to do it, because the old fairy Yuan Ping has actually been prepared in recent years, and some of the most top-notch parts of civilization on the earth have been stored, as well as some top talents, All were put in a mysterious place by Yuan Ping's old fairy

Now that the whole earth has reached the last moment, Yuan Ping's old time is no longer concealed. The secret stronghold he created is equivalent to a Noah's Ark. If the earth appears unexpected in the future, these human elites and human clicks will become the fire of the earth's future recovery.

After Yuan Ping came to this place as an old fairy, the secret stronghold beneath the Arctic glacier, Pei Junlin repeatedly exclaimed, because the construction of this secret stronghold did not know how much money and manpower and materials it would cost. The fairy didn't know how many years ago he was planning this matter.

All metal alloy underground fortresses are brightly lit, and countless young men and women are walking in them, all of them are full of vitality, and the eyes of the dragon and the tiger shoot out the elite light.

The young geniuses are some seeds of the earth selected by Yuan Ping's old gods. They will not desperately fight with the outside world when the earth is in a big disaster in the future, but will be secretly transferred to retain the earth's fire.

In addition to these people, there are more species, embryos of some animals and seeds of some plants and so on.

In addition, it is the earth of some books and video materials, some of the highest classic documents such as science, culture, music, etc., all of which are recorded here in a book way.

Accompanying Yuan Ping all the way, Pei Junlin's heart is not joy, but he is getting heavier. His heart is constantly asking whether he has really reached this step? Has humanity on the earth reached the point of danger?

Pei Junlin is now the guardian of the earth, and the life and death of the earth has a great relationship with him. Seeing this scene today, Pei Junlin's heart still produced a very unpleasant taste.

"The inheritance of the earth is extremely far away, and countless splendid civilizations have been born. Some arrogant characters have stepped out of the earth and left a magnificent name in the entire starry sky. But today this planet is inevitably going to decline, this is the development of things The truth. Like his former Buddhist door, no one can stop it." The old fairy Yuan Ping seemed to see through everything, and his tone seemed extremely calm.

Pei Junlin is also not easy to say. According to the calculation of Yuan Ping's old fairy, all the things here will be put into a space of a superb Lingbao, and then sent out of the universe in the last three days to go drifting in outer space.

The celestial phenomena have also become more and more unstable, either half a month of continuous heavy rain, or intense high-temperature bipolar glaciers are melting the entire earth, deviating from the original orbit.

Pei Junlin can feel that there is a mysterious force that is controlling the movement of the earth. The reason why those people have not shot is that they may be uncertain about something on the earth.

On this day, Pei Junlin finally sensed some dangerous information, and huge meteorites began to land on the sky, and the whole earth became a sea of ​​fire.

The big cities are caught in a sea of ​​flames, and the screams of the crowd are constantly heard. And above that high altitude, Pei Junlin also smelled a breath belonging to Dantai Jingxuan. This woman was very high in the air and was fighting blood.

Experts from all over the world continue to rise up and enter the starry sky to fight against the demon clan outside the territory. Even some masters, Pei Junlin, have never heard of it, haven’t seen it. There are Western masters and Eastern masters.

No one knows where these masters have been hiding all the time, but when the earth is in distress, they all stand up and roar at the last moment.

The war was opened in such a way. It was indeed unexpected by Pei Junlin. No one thought that the surprise attack of the whole demon outside the territory came so suddenly.

The first thing Pei Junlin faced was a group of extraterrestrial star knights riding a tall horse. The Star Knight is extremely cruel. It was a branch of humanity on the earth that year, and it is the most fierce group of defectors.

They played the banner of the Huayang dynasty and rushed fiercely towards the earth. The crotch of these starry knights is a kind of ghost ghost horse.

The mixed-world magic gun in Pei Junlin's hand was stabbed, and hundreds of Star Knights were instantly destroyed. The endless stream of starry knights and extraterrestrial demon races want to pour into the earth and pour in from the holes in some fairy arrays, but Pei Junlin guards once, and Wanfu Mo opens, he blocks the biggest one and breaks, killing The enemy of the offender.

Although the fairy array outside the whole earth is full of holes, it still exerts some effects. At least except for some broken places, the rest of the places are still intact. The demon races in the starry sky outside the domain must still enter the earth. It is necessary to pass through these broken channels.

Some masters of the earth fought deadly battles against the loopholes of these fairy arrays that they spontaneously guarded. Dantai Jingxuan is a man who is facing several masters outside the prison.

Dantai Jingxuan is very strong, but the outside world is not completely mediocre, especially the giant races such as the Dragon Clan, etc. are all standing still and staring coldly at the earth.

There is a constant flow of monsters from outside the region. The mixed-world magic gun in Pei Junlin's hands has been soaked with blood. Today, this magic gun drank not knowing how much blood. Feeling unsustainable.

A glory in the sky, like a star falling from mid-air, bombarded towards Pei Junlin. It was shot from the sky by the real Junjun level strongman, who wanted to bomb Pei Junlin directly.

But where is Pei Junlin still the old Wuxia Ameng? Bombing at such a long distance, the fading attack quickly arrived in front of Pei Junlin, which was no longer a complete attack. The mixed-world magic gun in Pei Junlin's hands instantly wiped out this glory, and the true monarch who attacked Pei Junlin from a distance in the distance was speechless.

Wang Ziqiong, Wang Ziyu and others also guarded the entrance of a small fairy array. The two women sacrificed the Moonlight Box and the Great Desolation Ding, killing countless offending races outside the domain.

Countless heroes have come forward, but at the same time, more people are clearly weak in the fall of the earth. The entrance of some fairy arrays was breached, and immediately a large number of extraterrestrial demon races merged into human towns and began to kill.

When a dragon sprayed flames, a big city with a population of 10 million fell into a sea of ​​fire. Many people were not even awakened from their sleep, they were directly reduced to ashes, and some tall steel buildings melted directly under the violent high temperature. collapse.

There are also some magic masters who take advantage of the opportunity to invade the earth and collect soul and blood in major cities. They arranged various evil formations, and instantly millions of people will be refined.

Some technological weapons lift off to intercept the masters outside the domain, but to no avail, the masters of the realm of Yangshenzhen can directly ignore modern hot weapons.

Even the strongest fusion weapon now can not cause fatal harm to masters above the real **** level.


The masters of the human race rose into the sky and killed the team of Star Knights. They were soon tragically divided by these Star Knights.

The Star Knights quickly maneuvered throughout the earth, killing cities one by one, regardless of whether they were all slaughtered, men, women and children. But masters of the human race emerged to intercept these Star Knights. But it is undoubtedly like a trigger arm blocking a car, it will soon be killed, and their heads will be hung on the flag.

Hundreds of human monk heads were hung on the banner of a star knight leader, which was as horrifying as a wave.

At this time, Pei Junlin was surrounded by five masters outside the realm of real gods. The masters of the realm of the five real gods outside the realm also rushed towards Pei Junlin's pass. They wanted to kill Pei Junlin and completely open this passage.

Pei Junlin's spear was in the air, and one person struck the five masters without falling down. The mixed magic gun in his hand was shining today.

Puff puff!

The heads of the five masters were smashed directly, and Pei Junlin's killing of masters of the same level was as simple as eating and drinking.

"Break out and leave the fire." The old fairy Yuan Ping shouted in the air, deterring the entire cloud.

He is desperately using his body to resist the attack of the extraterrestrial rushed out of the earth for some human elites to win opportunities and time.

The efforts of the old fairy are finally useful. The opportunity it created to create its life also gave some elite geniuses a chance to rush out of the earth, but after these geniuses rushed out of the earth's atmosphere, they soon discovered that they were facing heavy interception.

These people had no chance to go too far out of the outer periphery of the earth, and were quickly shot by the archers ambushed by the Star Knights.


Pei Junlin uttered today's roar, rushed into the Starry Knights holding a mixed-world magic gun, and swept the spear.

Only a moment, tens of thousands of people directly smashed into a blood mist. The Chunyang Fire Clock suddenly took off, and a large flame was burned directly, and countless cruel Star Knights instantly turned to fly ash under this flame.

Pei Junlin stopped again, and directly portrayed the wormhole, and the next moment appeared on the position of some extraterritorial races.

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