Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1254: Valkyrie Possession

"Six reincarnation punches!" The injured Tang Shaobai saw this scene, his shocking eyes were stunned.

This is the boxing technique passed down by their Wang family ancestors, but it was the famous stunt of the King of Boxing. At that time, Wushen Wangchao used these six reincarnation punches to suppress the heavens, and a piece of stars played was born and died, and the entire star field crawled under his feet.

It was just that no one thought that Pei Junlin shot six reincarnation punches without warning, which was shocking. Some old masters of extraterrestrial demon clan were shocked when they saw this scene, and their jaws almost fell to the ground. Six reincarnation punches reminded them of the fear of being dominated by Wang Chao. This fear came to these demon clan once again.

"Could it be another reincarnation, that Wang Chao returned from the starry sky?" Some top real robbers wanted to escape because they were unwilling to fight.

Just a shadow scared these real monarchs outside the realm, but this is the shadow of people's famous trees. Wang Chao's majesty can be seen in general. Even if he disappeared in the starry sky for countless years, but the prestige he left behind could still escape.

"Don't want to leave any one, everyone is going to die today." Pei Junlin's hair danced around her body with a strong glow.

With both arms open and a crane shape unfolded, the body is like a stream of light, and the speed is extremely fast, and instantly comes to Dantai Jingxuan. At this time, Dantai Jingxuan is under siege by the masters of the three dragons. Any one of the three true monarchs is a giant-level character. The three giants besieged Dantai Jingxuan and played Dantai Jingxuan. It's all blood stains.

Pei Junlin stepped forward to Dantai Jingxuan in one step, and the six reincarnation punches were all fist shadows. The strong men of the three true monarch levels vomited blood and withdrew, and there was no chance of resistance.

Pei Junlin now borrows a ray of true spirit from Wushen Wangchao, which is equivalent to an avatar of Wushen Wangchao. The strength became extremely violent in an instant, and even the three great monarchs were knocked out by Pei Junlin.

"You are really Wu Shen Wang Chao." Dantai Jingxuan's tone is a little weird.

Pei Junlin did not answer this question. In fact, his consciousness still dominates, and Wang Chao’s ray of true spirit only serves as energy.

Pei Junlin once again rushed into the sky and faced the strong men at the level of the three major monarchs. This is a pinnacle battle. The strong men of the three true monarch levels roared upside down, a chaotic light shrouded in, and the sky was covered. Except for some very top experts, the rest could not see clearly what was going on inside.

Eventually Shenhua dispersed, revealing the true content inside. One of the strong men of the true monarch level was killed by Pei Jun, his body was broken, and the true spirit was directly destroyed.

The remaining two true monarchs are also seriously injured, each holding the top chaos spirit treasure, his eyes full of fear and vigilance.

One of the purple-haired true monarch-level strong men's eyebrows is flowing purple blood, where a vertical eye is directly blinded.

Everyone was amazed that Pei Junlin was too strong at this moment, just like the God of War, even the Golden God of War was watching from a distance, unable to see the expression under the helmet.

Pei Junlin was covered with blood, but most of it was the blood of his opponent. His body was pierced through the waist and a large hole appeared in the waist and abdomen, but it seemed to have no effect on Pei Junlin's current state of life.

Pei Junlin's shoulder was ticking and dripping purple blood. This purple blood was the blood of a purple gold dragon before, and was killed by Pei Junlin.

"Too strong, too strong, my grandfather really is too strong." Tang Shaobai was shaking with excitement.

Pei Junlin's strong rise gave the human master this side, a breathing opportunity, almost all the powerful monsters outside the domain stopped the attack, and watched Pei Junlin play a one-man show in the field.

The name of the six-round reincarnation punch is too big, once it hits the whole starry sky. The cowards of the extraterrestrial demon races are relatively small. At this time, they have fled with the cover and escaped. The remaining ones are because of the two tremblings. Even if they have not escaped, they are anxious.

"I want this piece of starry sky to be stained with blood." Pei Junlin's indifferent voice filled the entire Donglai Starfield.

"Yeah, it tastes like my grandfather." Tang Shaobai shivered excitedly.

"He is so young, how could it be your grandfather." The strong man of the human race heard Tang Shaobai muttering to himself, with a strange expression.

Tang Shaobai has a weird temperament. He heard the inquiry from the master next to him, instead of answering it, he asked: "Why have I never seen you before, where did you come from?"

"I came back from the starry sky. The human race is in trouble. As a human race going out of the earth, I will naturally be tolerant." The strong man said proudly.

However, before his words fell, Tang Shaobai's gaze stopped on one leg of the other party, but this leg was directly incomplete. There is still a golden light in the gap of the broken leg that is corroding flesh and blood, making it difficult for his broken limb to regenerate.

"For a long time, I will not answer his question if it is an ordinary person, but you are not the same. You are a hero returning from a distance, fighting for the human race, then I will tell you. You have heard of Wu Shen Wang Chao Is that my grandfather? That Pei Junlin is not my grandfather, but my grandfather is now attached to him." Tang Shaobai looked proud.

You are like a tongue twister, which directly confuses the other party. The strong man returned from the starry sky shakes his head: "Then is he your grandfather?"

Meng Shaobai completely annoyed him and looked at the other party angrily: "That's your grandpa, okay."

How do I know that the other party is not angry, but instead has a strange expression on his face: "Although I have lived for thousands of years, but at this time I am not angry, and have children like Pei Junlin, if I have this A grandpa, I will be proud."

The countless hidden powerhouses of the earth's homeland rise to the sky, plus some human powerhouses who return from outside the region. Although the human powerhouses on this side of the earth are weaker than the extraterrestrial demon races, they are not too weak. Focusing on Pei Junlin's body, today Pei Junlin's light is enough to cover everyone.

Even the champion of Tantai Jingxuan Hou et al., the head-to-face masters of these human races were also depressed by Pei Junlin's light at this time. Pei Junlin, who was possessed by Wang Chao's fierce apprehension, is now incredibly invincible, and directly hit the master of Tianjun level.

In particular, the six rounds of reincarnation brought not only strength, but also deterrence. Countless powerful outsiders remembered the fear of being dominated by Wang Chao.

Although this fear has passed for countless years, it is deeply rooted in their memory, and the fear that their ancestors have left still echoes in their present true god.

"The eldest husband was born like this." A **** of war wrapped in armor sighed.

At this time, Pei Junlin was flying like crazy, his figure echoed in the sky, and he was covered with blood and wounded.

Not to mention that the two top dragons are really strong and terrible, and they are terrible. The dragon treasures in their hands are also very powerful.

However, the mixed-life magic gun that has absorbed the blood of countless demon clan is not bad at this time, and the attack ability is even more amazing. Even at this time in the hands of Pei Junlin, this weapon is not inferior.

"Three yuan one," a true monarch suddenly roared.

The man had a fire in his left hand and blue ice in his right. The eyebrow is a golden light, and the three forces are suddenly entangled.

It eventually turned into a ball of three-colored light, and suddenly flew towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Jun Lin Han Mao stood upright and felt danger. Although he had golden blood flowing all over him, he once again hit six reincarnation punches.

Six vortices appeared in the fist punching out of the void, exactly the legendary six reincarnations.

The ancient portal emerged under the evolution of Pei Junlin’s fist. This is a portal of skeletons with ghost gates engraved on it. There are ghosts in the four characters and roar of evil spirits.

One step into the portal, the yin and yang are separated.

Before the three-color light ball came to Pei Junlin, he was directly swallowed by this ghost gate.

Purple blood splatter, another purple gold dragon body was directly hit. The purple blood was flying all over the sky, and a purple dragon soul was caught in the hand by Pei Junlin, and the dragon soul was wiped out in the palm of his hand, and even the screaming was not issued.

Seeing this scene, many extraterrestrial demon races are cold and their hairs are standing upright. This is the top true king! Even Pei Junlin took it in his hands and squeezed it round and rounded, is this still a person?

Pei Junlin is like a madman now, smashing the void, destroying the world, and nothing can stop him. He leaped in front of a big ship in one step, and suddenly smashed it with a punch, and the six reincarnation punches smashed the big ship instantly.

The blood of countless monsters directly fills the entire space. A large piece of red light flew out, and Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed the Hehe Bridge and swept out of the sky.

"Stop him, don't let him hit the starry sky." The strong hair of the dragon clan Han Mao stood upside down, because Pei Junlin's direction was to hit the ancestral star of the dragon clan.

There is the birthplace of the Dragon Clan in the Donglai There are countless dragon clan dragon souls were sacrificed there. If Pei Junlin breaks into it, the consequences are unimaginable. That is the shame of the Dragon Clan.

Another top strongman flew out, using a killer skill. The black stone tablet was sacrificed and suppressed towards Pei Junlin, binding the vast chain on the stone tablet, dispersing the ancient echoes.

This piece of treasure belongs to the artifact, and those dragons have been sacrificed after countless years of sacrifice. Although it is not as good as a fairy, it is far more than chaotic spirit treasure.

The stone tablet was suppressed and pressed hard against Pei Junlin's back, making Pei Junlin instantly trapped in place.

Pei Xun, who is carrying a stone tablet, is like carrying a big mountain, and every step of his life is struggling. At this time, he is suppressed on his back and can't get rid of it.

An old dragon with white hair like snow, the skin is full of folds, and the dry skin shows traces of years. The old man pressed the palm of his hand falsely, and the body was suddenly violently black, and Pei Junlin snorted and began to bend his waist down.

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