Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1255: Soul Possession

Everyone is watching this, watching Pei Junlin being suppressed by this sudden old man. The human race side is extremely anxious, and the demon race side breathes out a long breath.

Someone finally came forward to suppress this evildoer. Since Pei Junlin hit six reincarnation punches, the surrounding demon clan was in a state of extreme nervousness and suddenly returned to the fear of being dominated by Wang Chao.

However, when the dragon clan was born, it suppressed Pei Junlin, and this gave the outside demons a feeling of raising their eyebrows. As they watched Pei Junlin's waist grow harder and harder, many demon tribes showed a gloating look.

"To see how crazy he is, he must be suppressed completely. For 10,000 years, he can't let him die like this." There were crazy cries of the demon clan.

Many people grind their teeth at Pei Junlin. In their view, Pei Junlin, as a human race, is alien, not a life at all. Seeing that Pei Junlin was unlucky, these extraterrestrial aliens finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when these people did not last long, Pei Junlin's body suddenly straightened like a bow. Once again, the fist evolved, and the gods appeared around Pei Junlin.

This time Pei Junlin swept a punch and struck between the dark stone monuments, and the white hair old man of the dragon clan spoiled the blood.

Many dragon masters wailed at this time, because the dragon priest was beaten to death by Pei Jun's life, which was a great defeat to their confidence.

Pei Junlin's shadow turned into a stream of light, and the fist technique evolved in the void. The fist shadows appeared in all directions, and some demon clan outside the demon domain wanted to escape, but they were smashed under this fist.

"Come from chaos, evolve the invincible boxing method. That was the case when the King of Boxing King Chao was alive."

No one thought that the human race should have survived the crisis in this way. This is really incredible. Just relying on a wood carving left by the warlord Wang Chao in that year, it can restrain the entire demon outside the territory. It is simply a chin.

Pei Junlin shot angrily, and the scene where Wang Ziqiong was being punched out constantly flashed in front of him, so Pei Junlin now possessed the power of Wushen Wangchao, and naturally started to show no mercy.

Crushing those strong men who are outside the realm level, like slaughtering chickens and killing dogs, killing them with one punch is a fall of the monsters outside the realm. Some true monarchs saw the situation wrong, and opened the wormhole Yuan Pei Junlin to send.

"Tujin demon all over the world!" Pei Junlin issued a sad song.

A dark grinding disc crushed past, just like a shrinking nebula, and numerous wormholes rotating in the void were crushed directly by this grinding disc. Some Tianjun-level strongmen staying in the wormhole instantaneously exploded, really The spirit is directly extracted and integrated into the Neihe Bridge.

Pei Junlin followed the **** donkey and the three swallowing gold beasts into the starry sky. Pei Junlin opened the way with a fist, smashing the void in front of him, and the speed was incredible. The gray jar was suspended above the head of the **** donkey.

Under the support of the divine power in Pei Junlin's body, this jar exudes a strong force of incredible rules, so that Pei Junlin can shrink into an inch in the void and chase and wipe everything.

"Everyone avoids their edge first. He has the power to distract the King of Boxing, but he can't persevere for too long. At most three days, he will be beaten back to his original form after three days." The demon clan outside the region saw the clue , Look disdainful.

But the voice of this person has not fallen, a huge body of gold-swallowing beast appeared behind him, sharp teeth snapped over. Poor this powerful person of the real **** realm, even the Yuanshen did not escape, was swallowed by the gold beast like a large mouth, directly swallowed down the bone Kazkaz directly crushed.

"Is it really only last for three days?" The **** donkey became nervous.

Pei Junlin was not nervous at all, and smiled slightly: "Three days is enough to visit all major races once, is this not enough?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the **** donkey immediately realized, revealing a somber smile.

"Human Pei Junlin, come to the Golden Monkey family to knock." Pei Junlin stood outside a planet, standing beside a large black donkey and a golden beast.

His voice was like a surging river in the Yangtze River, and the whole planet was shaking immediately. This is the old nest of the golden monkey family. The whole planet is rich in materials and very rich.

Ten minutes passed by Pei Junlin's call, but after ten minutes there was still no response, and Pei Junlin's expression gradually grew impatient.

"It seems that people didn't even take us seriously, or break it in, use my crock directly to smash the planet." The **** donkey looks like it's lively, it's not a big deal, and the tile suspended above the head The pot was handed to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin took the gray clay pot in his hand. This is the first time he saw the true appearance of this clay pot. This is a tile cap without a cover, and there is still a corner missing, but it is distributed above. With a grayish atmosphere, Pei Junlin felt that there was a kind of atmosphere belonging to the era of floods.

This thing looks very simple and ordinary, but the power it distributes makes people dare not underestimate, at least the **** donkey has used the crock, and has killed several strong men of the true monarch level.

"What the **** is this? It seems so ordinary. In my eyes, it's just a normal crock." Pei Junlin was puzzled.

His eyes radiated with golden light, opened the fire eyes and looked at the crock in his hand, still did not see anything unusual.

Pei Junlin can be sure that the material of this jar is ordinary mud. His eyes fell on the bottom of the crock, with a layer of white precipitate on it, as if it had been analyzed by salt.

"It's just an ordinary crock. You don't have to worry about that much. You know that he is very strong." The **** donkey looks strange, and doesn't seem to want to explain too much.

This matter is too weird. Pei Junlin wanted to break the casserole and ask the **** donkey, where did this crock come from? Why is it so powerful after being contaminated with a mysterious breath, comparable to some fairy tools.

However, Pei Junlin also knows that everyone has his own secret. The **** donkey is also mysterious. This crock should have the same mysterious origin as the **** donkey.

"I suggest you kill the chickens and monkeys, and destroy the golden monkeys directly. Didn't the former Dantai Jingxuan do the same thing? At least half of the extraterrestrial strangers were deterred, or the desire to attack the earth would only be more than this time. "The **** donkey turned into a dog-headed military master and carefully explained the interests to Pei Junlin."

After hearing this, Pei Junlin was impatient. He lifted the crock with one hand and a wave of mana poured in. Pei Junlin found that the crock didn't respond.

"Mana doesn't work, you must use the holy blood inside your body!" The **** donkey quickly prevented Pei Junlin from wasting mana.

Pei Junlin was shocked, what kind of treasure is this? Even need to use noble blood to nourish and urge.

How did this donkey drive the jar before? Is this donkey also a kind of holy body, does he have holy blood inside his body?

Although Pei Junlin had many questions in his heart, he still controlled himself and did not ask.

Holding a crock, Pei Junlin poured a drop of golden blood into his palm. When the lowest remaining blood was absorbed by the crock, the whole gray crock suddenly released a strong pressure.

This is an energy that destroys the world, and even Pei Junlin feels trembling.

Pei Junlin's body, like Fufeng swinging Liu, evolved Taijiquan in mid-air. Taiji students have two ceremonies, and the two students rotate with each other like a soft and strong force.

"Mr. Don't be angry, sir. Don't be angry." The Golden Monkey family and the strong, finally observed that Pei Junlin was about to start, could not bear the huge pressure, and rushed out of the planet.

"Don't pay attention to these people, you must kill the chickens and monkeys, and directly wipe out the golden monkey family. You have killed the Namituo monarch, and the hatred between the golden monkey family is irreconcilable. Even if they succumb temporarily, they will still be in the future. Revenge, so don't hesitate to destroy them." The **** donkey's face showed a somber look.

Pei Junlin slammed Tai Chi into the final form and launched it suddenly. The crock, like a meteor, directly penetrated the messenger of the golden monkey family and smashed towards the core of the entire golden monkey planet.

The wind and clouds scattered and the wind and clouds turned, and Pei Junlin felt a magical energy in the starry sky seemed to be ignited, and a chain reaction occurred.

The speed of that jar is getting faster and faster, and in the end it is almost incredible, and it can even reverse the point of reversing time. The size of a crock for a planet, even the tip of the needle is not counted, but the crock pierced the planet fiercely.

The planet was unharmed at first, but it exploded a few seconds later. Pei Junlin can see a mysterious vortex appearing on the A large area of ​​souls are sucked into it.

This is also the first time Pei Junlin has sensed this strange sight. He feels cold all over by a force. But at that moment, the power belonging to Wang Chaozheng burst into a sudden burst, and the mysterious evil force that surrounded Pei Junlin was instantly dissipated.

Looking at the whole broken planet, Pei Junlin thought he had never thought that one day he would have such a powerful power. Although it is based on the weapon of the **** donkey, although it is based on the power of Wang Chao, at this moment Pei Junlin still has a feeling of mastering the world.

In three days, Pei Junlin felt that he had to seize the opportunity. It is best to let these three demon clan visit the demon clan in the three days and let the demon clan completely succumb.

If after three days the power belonging to Wushen Wangchao fades, the problem will not be solved by that time, and the earth will once again suffer the disaster of extinction.

The Golden Monkey family was resolved. The next one is that the Sirius Pei Jun was on the go, and continued to take the **** donkey and other people to the road, Dantai Jingxuan and the champion Hou and others. In this war, physical damage needs time to repair. So Pei Junlin took the **** donkey and the three swallowing gold beasts alone on the road.

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