Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1265: Dragon Emperor

"This should be a figure of the emperor level, otherwise there will never be such a big show. It may be the Holy Lord of a holy land, this matter finally happened." Someone sighed.

"It's just a catastrophe, even if the body is dead, what can it be?" The golden armor war god's expression remained unchanged, and a strong fighting intent radiated from the golden armor.

In an instant, a light suddenly shot out from the big ship, hitting the body of the Golden Armored God of War, and the Golden Armored God of War quickly melted at the speed that Pei Junlin could see with his naked eyes.

Everyone was shocked at this moment, and no one was trembling.

"Who dares to be disrespectful when the Dragon Emperor arrives?" someone on the boat shouted.

His voice was shrill, like the **** beside the emperor.

Dragon Emperor?

At this moment, all the races felt a sense of sadness, and they knew that the end of the earth might really come.

Pei Junlin cast his gaze on the earth, a water-blue planet, the Kunlun Mountains towering into the clouds, but up to this moment there was still no movement in Kunlun Mountains.

Could it be that the Dragon Emperor descended?

Several dragon masters flew forward and greeted them. As expected, these top dragon masters soon allowed to enter the big ship.

"Junlin Pei, I will fall asleep first, don't call me." The golden master in the chaotic golden bucket suddenly made a shuddering sound, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

Pei Junlin felt that Chaos Jin Dou seemed to have completely disappeared in his body and merged into the soul.

Pei Junlin's heart suddenly thought of a strong hunch, could this Dragon Emperor come for the chaotic golden fight?

Thinking about this matter, I think it's impossible. Would a man of great emperor level come here for a chaotic spirit treasure to cross the endless star field?

"Eastern Star Territory, shrouded in purple stars, there are top treasures born. Dragon Emperor is here, especially for this treasure." The shrill voice sounded again.

Several dragon masters flew up from the big ship, and landed on the surroundings. All of them showed arrogant expressions. They were originally depressed like a bereaved dog, but at this moment, their faces were rejuvenated, probably because of the dragon. With the support of the emperor, this dragon clan began to fight against others again.

Pei Junlin's teeth were itchy with hatred, and he wished to destroy the dragon clan immediately. It's a pity that he doesn't have the power of the Valkyrie Wang Chao, and the Dragon Emperor's arrival on the earth is already in jeopardy. An emperor-level figure destroys a planet with just a snap of his fingers.

"Let's go, let's go, how much you can walk, everyone try to stay away, if you have the opportunity to get together again in the future." Even the champion Hou made a decadent voice, his figure flickered, and instantly disappeared into the void.

Suddenly a door opened on the deck of that big ship, and the sky-shaking light shrouded in midair. Pei Junlin saw a cloud of golden light rising from the big ship, and a figure seemed to walk out of the golden light.

It was a tall man who looked like an emperor in the world. With an unparalleled aura, a pair of eyes looked around for a week, as if the entire Eastern Star Territory was in detail, and even an ant could not hide anything from his eyes in the hole.

This is the power of a great avenue, as infinite as the vast heavenly path, and a single divine sense can divide into billions.

The character walked out of the halo, and petals fell from the air every step he took. In his body, countless stars are born and die, and the stars are scattered in the universe. The power of countless rules and order entangles his body, forming a halo.

The Long Emperor's gaze finally fell on Tantai Jingxuan's body, and his gaze revealed a slight strangeness. After staying for less than a second, she left again, as if Tantai Jingxuan was not worth his attention at all.

A character of this level has gone beyond the level of a person, even beyond the level of a dragon, his life is no longer just a dragon.

The emperor's level is only one step away from the legendary Immortal Dao, and his life level is already beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"It's not like a figure of the emperor level, but like a saint." The **** donkey whispered suddenly.

This donkey did not know when he came to Pei Junlin's side again, and he was not afraid of the sky. At this time, everyone dared to speak in a low voice when they were standing.

Pei Junlin broke down in a cold sweat in an instant, but after another thought, there was no retreat anyway. The big deal was death. Why should I be afraid?

Thinking of Jun Pei here, he calmed down. His parents are missing, his beloved wife, Prince Qiong, is missing, and his sister-in-law, Wang Ziyu, is even missing.

In Pei Junlin's state of mind, in fact, he has taken a very light look at life and death. As the saying goes, life is so painful and death is so happy. In fact, between life and death, Pei Junlin has long been bearish.

"You really didn't read it wrong, isn't this an emperor-level figure?" Pei Junlin also whispered to the **** donkey.

It's like the arrival of an ancient emperor, but there are two small soldiers whispering secretly underneath, which can be said to be bold.

"I can be sure that the real emperor-level character is definitely not only this kind of spirit, that kind of life level, we mortals can't even see his face." The **** donkey's voice was very determined, and he looked directly at it. Dragon Emperor.

Pei Junlin knew that in this world, after the realm of true gods, there is a real monarch, after the realm of real monarchs, there is a realm of real kings, and the real king is the emperor.

But between the true king and the emperor, there is still a realm of saints.

The Dragon Emperor was extremely indifferent, and the skin on the surface of the whole person showed a blue-black color, like a dried stone. He faintly raised his palm and pressed it down, a strong wave in the entire void began to drift around.

Countless planets are destroying and some extraterritorial demon groups are screaming, and the entire Eastern Star Territory is about to become a barren land in this storm.

"Run for your life." Someone roared, as if the end was coming.

The destruction of a star means that countless lives are vanished at that moment, and the joys and sorrows of countless worlds turn into dream bubbles in an instant.

The Dragon Emperor took no mercy, and even some dragon planets were destroyed under his feet. He wanted to destroy countless creatures in the entire Southeast Star Sacrifice Domain.

The destruction of a star will cause countless lives to die, but Pei Junlin did not see the black soul-absorbing vortex appear this time, instead there was a shocking aura, absorbing all the blood of these creatures.

It was a treasure, which belonged to the dragon emperor, and its appearance looked like an octagonal disk. Countless creatures were absorbed by this octagonal disk, which turned into pure blood and energy.

This treasure is very strong, it can transform the power of living creatures into some mysterious power, or even into rules. With the destruction of countless stars, this huge smoke will eventually envelope the earth.

At this moment, a golden carriage flew out of Kunlun Mountain on the earth. A rolling force resisted Long Di's shot.

The exquisite horses and horses are incomparable and exude an incomparable aura. Even the dragon emperor of the ninety-nine dragons pulling the cart, compared to the golden carriage, it is like broken copper and iron.

Everyone was shocked, and they all showed a surprised look when they looked at the golden carriage that appeared out of thin air.

The golden carriage was just an empty carriage with no one sitting in it, but the earth-shattering breath instantly obscured the Dragon Emperor's shots.

All in this strong storm, the earth was spared, and this blue planet was constantly rotating, wrapped in a mysterious force.

Someone is performing divine arts to move the earth.

Seeing this scene was not only Pei Junlin, everyone was shocked, the horse body dragged a golden light, and it landed on the earth like countless silk threads. The entire planet was tied up, and the carriage rolled forward, pulling the earth toward the depths of the starry sky in the southeast star field.

A horse-drawn carriage pulls a planet, which is incredible for everyone, but this golden horse-drawn carriage really did it.

Even the Dragon Emperor showed a surprised look at this time, and a long knife appeared in his hand with a single palm up. This long knife was surrounded by a golden dragon, and it slashed an eternal ray of light, and then slew towards the golden carriage.

The golden carriage shook a wave of golden light, and the knife light was shattered instantly. But the golden carriage didn't seem to want to be an enemy of Dragon Flute, it just slowly pulled the earth and drove toward this deep black area.

"There is the legendary black hole, and it is also the forbidden area of ​​the entire Eastern Star Territory. Could it be that the carriage pulled the earth into that area again?" Some people alive questioned.

It doesn't seem to be a good thing now. Once the earth falls into that deep darkness, no one knows what the result will be.

But the Dragon Emperor's eyes revealed a look of unwillingness, because he came to this star field this time for the purpose of the earth looking for the legendary fragment of the fairy world.

But at this moment, these golden carts and horses were born, pulling the earth into an endless unknown area. Some people even say that the unknown black domain is the legendary return to the Some people once said that the unknown unknown land is the legendary road of reincarnation.

There are different opinions, and no one knows.

Unable to stop the golden chariot from walking away from the earth, Long Di seemed to be out of anger, he suddenly raised his palm, and instantly moved towards Tantai Jingxuan.

At this moment, the light and shadow of the sky and the earth flickered, and the gray mist shrouded, and Tantai Jingxuan was instantly suppressed. Even the fragments of the fairy artifact were directly held by the dragon emperor, and directly turned into stars and blended into the body with a hand.

Pei Junlin instantly felt that a strand of divine consciousness that he had left in the fairy artifact fragments was wiped out, and replaced by a powerful divine going upstream, hitting his brain unexpectedly.

The Dragon Emperor took action, not only refining the fairy artifact fragments, but also going upstream to kill Pei Junlin, the original master.

Too overbearing, too arrogant, although Pei Junlin was angry in his heart, he also knew that this moment was coming.

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