Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1266: Golden carriage

Almost in an instant, Pei Junlin's brain fell into chaos, and his body seemed to shatter. A grayish breath enveloped, Pei Junlin found that the **** donkey had sacrificed a gray crock, and the crock saved everyone at this critical moment.

"Hurry up, we can't afford this person." The **** donkey shouted.

The earthen jar was really mysterious, and even blocked the strongest blow from the Dragon Emperor, but Pei Junlin was not reconciled.

But he couldn't bear to leave alone. Looking around, the green-robed monk champion Hou and others had long since disappeared, dead and injured, and some people fled straight away.

Only that Jingxuan was confined in place by a ray of light, unable to move, with a cold expression in his eyes.

"Go, let's save him in the past." Pei Junlin said without hesitation.

At this moment, the entire starry sky was shrouded in various rays of light, and golden rays of light were extremely dazzling.

Countless human race monster races were cut under this light, shattered into pure energy, absorbed by the octagonal disc baby. The Dragon Emperor wanted to slaughter a star field to sacrifice and practice treasures.

It was based on the thief's method of not going empty, and came to the earth originally to fight for the earth's celestial artifact fragments. How did you know that the golden chariot turned out to stop the dragon emperor's black hand.

This dragon emperor does nothing but do two things endlessly, directly destroying and refining the entire Eastern Star Territory to fill his treasures, which is really hard.

Pei Junlin and the **** donkey rushed towards the direction of Tantai Jingxuan while driving the gold swallowing beast enveloped in the gray aura.

At this time, Pei Junlin was extremely surprised. He didn't expect that this earthen jar was so magical that even the Dragon Emperor could resist it. This could not be described as magic.

Pei Junlin's suspicious eyes flickered all over the **** donkey. He doubted the origin of this donkey. How could this earthen jar so strong fall into the hands of this donkey?

Isn't this donkey from an extraordinary origin?

The gray crock came in front of Tantai Jingxuan, and the regular forces that enveloped Tantai Jingxuan immediately began to disintegrate when they encountered the power radiating from the whole body of the crock.

Tantai Jingxuan regained her freedom, but her eyes were extremely cold, she looked at Pei Junlin and the **** donkey as if she didn't know each other.

"This is the body of the sky demon. She originally meant to fall into deep sleep, and now he doesn't know us anymore." The **** donkey explained towards Pei Junlin.

But fortunately, the Dragon Emperor is now busy refining the entire Donglai Star Territory, and he can't take care of the little people like Pei Junlin and Tantai Jingxuan. In the eyes of the Dragon Emperor, perhaps Pei Junlin these people are like ants.

What's more fortunate is that although Tantai Jingxuan's eyes are cold, she seems to see a trace of fluctuations in Pei Junlin's eyes and did not make a move.

"Do you know any way to restore it to its original state?" Pei Junlin said, looking at the **** donkey.

At this time, the **** donkey shook his head like a rattle, and said angrily at Pei Junlin: When is it all, you have been forcibly dragged and stayed behind to escape, Lao Tzu is now risking death with you here as a hero. Isn't it good to save beauty? "

Pei Junlin knew that he was in a bad situation and couldn't say anything else. He walked towards Tiantai Jingxuan and said, "Senior, let's go together."

But Natantai Jingxuan still had a cold expression. Seeing Pei Junlin unmoved, Pei Junlin reached out to pull Natantai Jingxuan, but was instantly bounced away by a cold force.

Unfolding his palm, he suddenly found that four or five blood holes appeared in the palm of his hand, which appeared instantly when he touched Tantai Jingxuan. The strength of the celestial body Pei Junlin knew that even the best spirit treasure could not be easily shaken, but just close contact with Tantai Jingxuan caused his celestial body to be damaged, which shocked Pei Junlin extremely.

"It's too hard, all of you will die here if you don't leave." A familiar voice sounded in Pei Junlin's ears.

It turned out that Lord Jin couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but remind Pei Junlin to say: "This woman is now denied by her six relatives. In his eyes, you are just a stranger. Do you think he will follow you? The tile on your head The pot is so powerful, don’t you know how to use it? Just stop her and take her away, so much nonsense."

The words of the Lord Jin were like divine enlightenment, Pei Junlin raised his palm and poured out a large amount of holy blood from the five blood holes in an instant, pouring it on the gray crock.

A breath of the earthen jar faintly drifted down, instantly enveloping Tantai Jingxuan. The **** donkey muttered the spell without speaking, and the earthen jar began to wrap up the crowd, fleeing towards the distance at an incredible speed.


At the moment that Nahucan speeded up and escaped, the Dragon Emperor seemed to feel something, and the big ship opened and moved towards Pei Junlin and enveloped everyone. As soon as the Dragon Emperor stretched out his hand to cover the sky, his hand was overwhelmed, and a devastating force instantly wiped out the surrounding space.

Longdi's eyes were a little strange, staring at the earthen jar floating above Pei Junlin and the others. His eyes finally fell on Pei Junlin's body, and he was very suspicious.

"I just sensed a strange breath, appearing on this person." Long Di stared at Pei Junlin lightly, muttering to himself.

Stretching out his finger abruptly, the gray earthen jar instantly emitted a gray light, which directly separated the light from the pointing.

At that moment, the look in Longdi's eyes was even more astonished. He looked at the earthen jar with a look of greed in his eyes.

Pei Junlin's heart was very anxious, he never expected that he would have attracted the attention of the Dragon Emperor, and even if he wanted to leave, he couldn't leave.

In the end, the Dragon Emperor looked at Pei Junlin, his eyes seemed to look through Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin suddenly understood why Jin Ye had to avoid before. It turned out that the thing that the Dragon Emperor cared most was the Chaos Golden Dou.

Pei Junlin stepped out of the light of the crock pot and roared at the **** donkey: "Go!"

The **** donkey was stunned. He didn't expect Pei Junlin to do such a thing. He was hiding under the shelter of the crock pot. Everyone could think of a way, but now Pei Junlin stepped out and had no chance.

The gold swallowing beast instinctively wanted to get out of the light of the earthen jar and accompany Pei Junlin, but was knocked out by the **** donkey.

At this time, the **** donkey was surprisingly calm, and a pair of eyes shot out a very wise light. Without any hesitation, he directly controlled the gray crown, took Tantai Jingxuan and the Golden Swallowing Beast and disappeared into Pei Junlin's sight. .

The Dragon Emperor tried to stop him, but the crockpot fan light suddenly shook, and even the power of the Dragon Emperor couldn't make the crockpot stay.

Pei Junlin looked at the **** donkey who was leaving, quietly relieved. If you don't do this today, then everyone will not be able to leave alive. This Dragon Emperor is too strong, and Pei Junlin has no confidence to escape from under his nose.

The dragon's body is extremely tall, even if it simply stands there, it is as high as three stories. He came to Pei Junlin and stretched out his big hand, and Pei Junlin was like a miniature villain in front of him.

Long Di's fingers emitted a faint light, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Pei Junlin with two fingers. At this time, Pei Junlin wanted to struggle, but he was weak.

"A small human race, do you deserve to have that kind of treasure? This kind of secret shouldn't have appeared on your body." Long Di seemed to have insight into all the secrets, and he squeezed Pei Junlin's body as soon as he reached out.

Even if Pei Junlin is a sacred body of stars, it is like glass in front of the dragon emperor, and it shatters with a light touch.

Pei Junlin almost thought he was dead, he saw his body fragmented and turned into endless energy.

And at this moment, a white figure disappeared again. It turned out to be that Tantai Jingxuan. At this time, Tantai Jingxuan had a light blue long sword in her hand.

And from Tantai Jingxuan's eyes, Pei Junlin saw human emotions, which meant that the current Tai Jingxuan was not the body of the sky demon, but the original Tantai Jingxuan.

Tantai Jingxuan went back and forth, and directly swung the long sword in her hand towards the Dragon Emperor. Long Di also showed a surprised light, but he was not moved at all. He stretched out a hand and flicked it lightly, trying to flick Tantai Jingxuan away like a small bug.

But soon Emperor Long discovered that he was wrong, and the long sword in Tantai Jingxuan's hand shot out a ray of light, and one of Long Emperor's fingers was directly cut off.

The place where the finger was broken was flickering with a grey atmosphere, and the rays of light sprayed out like fireworks exploded. The Dragon Emperor finally showed an angry look when he saw that one of his fingers was cut off.

He stretched out a finger, and once again pointed and killed Tantai Jingxuan.

At this time, Pei Junlin, with only one head left, was suspended there, helpless. Lost his body, his head was imprisoned in a cage, unable to move at all, and could only watch Tantai Jingxuan and Longdi fight.

Tantai Jingxuan, who had gone back and forth, seemed to be a different person, and her strength was pure and scary. Even if he shot with the Dragon Emperor, he didn't lose the slightest.

She wore white like a crown jade. The body is constantly rotating and moving. The Dragon Emperor's huge body looked a little clumsy instead, and the rules were shrouded in it, but Tantai Jingxuan was not bound by these rules.

The long sword in Tantai Jingxuan's hand exudes a devastating force, and it stabs the dragon emperor's eyebrows directly.


Longdi's eyebrows suddenly split, and a vertical eye appeared, and a beam of light shot out from the vertical eye, instantly hitting the long sword in Tantai Jingxuan's hand.

The rays of light flowed like a waterfall, and the long sword was shining with brilliance, in which countless figures flickered, and sentient beings were separated and joyous.

Pei Junlin didn't know why Tantai Jingxuan suddenly became so strong, but he could now vaguely perceive that Tantai Jingxuan was not Dragon Emperor's opponent, just trying to support it.

Maybe Tantai Jingxuan is using this kind of action to fight for Pei Junlin's life, but with only one head left, where is there any way to escape?

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