Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1267: Guixu

Pei Junlin, with only one head left, was indeed still alive.

Cultivating to the sacred body of the stars, a drop of blood can be reborn, and the destruction of the body is not a big obstacle to Pei Junlin. But now he is imprisoned by a group of rules, even if he wants to be reborn, even if he wants to regain his original body, it will take at least a year.

Seeing Tantai Jingxuan retreating step by step under the attack of the dragon emperor, losing steadily, Pei Junlin was very anxious.

Longdi's complexion was indifferent, like the immortal ice, like a stone fetus sitting in an ancestral temple. It is almost impossible to see any mood swings from his face, just like a **** enshrined in a temple, impartial.

From the eyes of this dragon emperor, all things in heaven and earth looked like ants. His figure was extremely tall, and his whole body exuded a faint divine light.

Every time he shot, he carried a force to destroy the heaven and the earth, raising it with one hand, and rolling yellow clouds enveloped the heaven and the earth. And the long sword in Tantai Jingxuan's hand exudes a galaxy-like light, as if waving a galaxy, a force of rules rises to meet the difficulties, resisting the suppression from the Dragon Emperor.

Junlin gradually saw a clue, talk about the reason why Jingxuan was able to fight the Dragon Emperor, not because he suddenly became stronger, but because of the sword in his hand.

This sword is particularly peculiar and its aura is very mysterious. It is not a fairy weapon, but its power is endless. Every sword swung has a strong glow, which contains a trace of regular power, which continuously rotates in it.

But the Dragon Emperor was pressing harder step by step, and Tantai Jingxuan could only retreat step by step. Behind her was the black hole that the earth had entered before.

The black hole belongs to the abyss level in the universe, and when it falls in, no one knows what will happen. The golden carriage pulled the earth into it.

And now the Dragon Emperor will push Tantai Jingxuan step by step and send them into the Great Abyss of Guixu.

Pei Junlin also noticed a detail, that is, Longdi's broken finger did not heal, but broke, and there was continuous golden light oozing from the broken place, that was pure energy.

"This woman can't stop the abnormality of Emperor Long, let's find a way to leave as soon as possible." Jin Ye's voice suddenly appeared in Pei Junlin's ears.

Pei Junlin suddenly aroused a desire to survive. He still had to live and have revenge, and he had to live to find Wang Ziqiong and his parents.

A cloud of chaotic light shrouded in that chaotic golden bucket.

The ruled cage surrounding Junlin Pei was slowly corroding, but the process was very slow.

The Nether Demon Dragon was instantly released by Lord Jin, and black flames were continuously ejected around the regular cage. The flame burned on the rules, speeding up the corrosion of the rules.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin couldn't help but give birth to some hope.

In the distance, the battle between Tantai Jingxuan and Longdi was still going on. It was obviously unrealistic to resist Longdi with a long sword in his hand.

The dragon emperor's strength was extraordinary, and it seemed that he was fighting happily, but he was in full control of the situation. Just like a cat playing with a mouse, Pei Junlin can even feel the subtle emotions of Emperor Long.

She seemed to perceive that she had been driven to a desperate situation, Tantai Jingxuan began to exert her strength, and the long sword in her hand suddenly burst out with hot rays of light, waving out like a galaxy, and all the rays of stars in the sky gathered.

Pei Junlin's eyes exudes bursts of golden light, which are fiery golden eyes, and Pei Junlin can perceive that the subtleties of this sword light are all dots of runes.

A sword light unexpectedly produced countless runes, among which were the power of rules, order, chains, etc.

Facing the astounding sword light, the Dragon Emperor seemed to be still without waves. A whirlpool appeared in his palm, as if a door had been opened.

A head appeared in the palm of the hand, and the head suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed the sword light like a galaxy.

This weird scene made people shudder, even if there was only one head left, Pei Junlin felt numb all over and his hair stood up.

This scene was too weird, the entire lonely and cold starry sky became boiling at this moment, and Tantai Jingxuan, whose sword light was swallowed, also experienced a brief shock.

At this time, the Dragon Emperor suddenly turned around, looking at where Pei Junlin was with his eyes. When he sensed the aura of Chaos Jindou, his brows moved slightly, as if his spirit fluctuated.

The Dragon Emperor opened his hand once again and enveloped him towards Pei Junlin. It seemed that Pei Junlin, who had only one head left, suddenly became precious in the eyes of the Dragon Emperor.

Tantai Jingxuan saw this scene, waved the blue long sword in her hand, and attacked the Dragon Emperor again, trying to rescue Pei Junlin.

At this time, the Dragon Emperor showed an extremely impatient look, and slammed his backhand fiercely, that Tantai Jingxuan was immediately enveloped by a light of chaos order, and instantly fell into the chaos.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin was completely desperate. Tantai Jingxuan fell into the eternal dark universe and returned to the ruins, and there may never be a day to see again in the future.

"Is there a way to escape?" Pei Junlin asked Jin Ye, he was not reconciled.

Jin Ye didn't answer Pei Junlin's question. Facing the big hand that Dragon Emperor grabbed, Pei Junlin felt that his breathing was at zero degrees. He had only one head left, but his vitality was still very strong.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flew over, and Pei Junlin immediately felt that he was enveloped by a gray shadow.

Pei Junlin saw that the earthen jar was spinning, and it turned out that he, with only one head left, was instantly contained by the earthen jar. The dark shadow that I saw just now turned out to be a **** donkey. At a critical moment, the **** donkey returned and put Pei Junlin's head into the earthen jar.

The **** donkey's four hooves exuded colorful light, and suddenly kicked on the earthen jar, Pei Junlin felt the earthen jar suddenly rotate, and even flew in the direction of Guixu, unexpectedly stepping towards Jingxuan of Tantai. Follow.

"Your uncle!" Pei Junlin whispered, but tears fell from the corner of his eyes.

The **** donkey gave up his life to rescue him. At the critical moment, he gave the most precious treasure, the gray crock, to Pei Junlin, but he himself fell to the end of facing the Dragon Emperor.

At the moment when Pei Junlin completely fell into the ruins, he saw the last picture, that is, the big hand of Dragon Emperor that emits orderly light, pressing against the **** donkey.

The earthen jar flew into the black hole of Guixu, which was the most mysterious place in the chaos and even the starry sky of the entire Eastern Star Territory.

This place possesses the most chaotic order force, even if a figure of the emperor level enters this ruins, he will probably lose his trace.

In his previous life, Junlin Pei traveled in the outer starry sky, and he knew the horror of Guixu. There were entrances to Guixu in many mysterious forbidden places in the major star regions, but it was rarely heard that people walked in.

The earthen jar was dim, and a gray light enveloped Pei Junlin. It was in front of Pei Junlin's eyes that the power of chaos, various temporal and spatial images, and messy sounds appeared.

Pei Junlin gradually felt his head heavier and heavier, his eyes could hardly be opened. In the end, not knowing how long it had passed, Pei Junlin slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, Pei Junlin found that he was inside the Jindu space, and it was Princess Long 13 standing beside him.

The thirteenth princess looked at Pei Junlin with concern, and Pei Junlin looked down, his body has recovered as before.

"You have been in a coma for a year." Princess Long 13 calmly looked at Pei Junlin and said.

Pei Junlin was completely shocked by this. He didn't expect that more than a year had passed since that incident. No wonder his body had recovered.

Pei Junlin tried the operation of his body's mana, but soon he discovered a fatal problem, the celestial body did not fully recover.

The current body is entirely a new body constructed from the original spirit and internal brain marrow, but the strength is completely incomparable with the original celestial body.

"Don't worry about this, your celestial body is still there. As long as there is holy blood flowing on your head, when the holy blood slowly grows and flows throughout your body, you can still return to the peak state of the body." Jin Ye's figure appeared in Pei in front of you.

There was a crock suspended in the golden bucket space. When he first saw this mysterious crock, Pei Junlin couldn't help but remember the scene that happened in the outer space.

At the last moment, the **** donkey came forward and sent Pei Junlin into the Guixu with this crock pot. Pei Junlin remembered all this very clearly.

"Where are we now?" Pei Junlin quickly asked Jin Ye.

"This is Guixu, the most mysterious place in the entire universe. It's harder to get out of here than to climb to the sky." Jin Ye's voice doesn't carry any emotion, so that Pei Junlin's heart suddenly feels lonely~www.mtlnovel .com~ Even after two lives alive, Pei Junlin still feels sad. His beloved wife, Prince Qiong, does not know his life or death, and his parents have disappeared. Even the earth was pulled into the market by the golden carriage. Among.

Pei Junlin came out of the Jindou space in a flash, and he saw a strange world. Pei Junlin never thought that Guixu was like this.

There was a gray world all around, all dark red mud and rocks in the eyes, no breath of life could be seen.

The black and gray world is full of violent winds, and the violent winds cut across the face like a knife, even if Pei Junlin is now the peak of the true **** realm, the strength is still unbearable.

There was blood in the sky, red lightning fell, and thunderballs fell from the sky, rolling along the earth. It is the legendary rolling power that is amazing, Pei Junlin hides behind a huge rock, watching all this in horror.

At this time, Pei Junlin could feel the greatness of heaven, earth and nature, and the insignificance of manpower. Even if he cultivated to the realm of True God, he would still be an ant in this world.

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