Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1273: Iron tower

"This is the wind stele produced by the essence of wind, use your tree of life to refine it" Jin Ye's voice spread.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, the tree of life exuded the brilliance of life, and a little light shattered and enveloped the wind stele.

The breath of life that can be felt easily penetrates into this wind stele, and it can be seen that the two are originally one, and the original material of this wind stele belongs to the tree of life.

Soon Pei Junlin felt that there was a mysterious communication in the soul, and he and this wind stele seemed to merge into one. He waved the wind stele from the other side and rose from the ground, floating in the air.

At this time, Pei Junlin glanced at the wind vortex in the distance, the entire wind vortex stopped, became calm and calm, and took the initiative to open a door.

In this ocean of breath of the wind, Pei Junlin is now the king. Between raising hands and feet, all the breath of wind listened to his commands.

At this moment, Pei Junlin felt the huge footsteps, and there seemed to be a huge creature rushing towards him in the distance, which surprised Pei Junlin's heart.

However, Pei Junlin is now in the ocean of wind, and is invincible. Even if an emperor-level figure comes, Pei Junlin is not afraid. With the heavy protection of the wind, it is difficult for the gods to get it. he.

Pei Junlin put away the wind stele, and the wind stele was gradually practiced into Pei Junlin's forehead.

The wind stele is like a flag, in the hands of Pei Junlin, it can command all the breath of wind in the sea of ​​wind. All the breath of the wind will be used by Pei Junlin.

Bright red thunderballs are rolling in the ocean of wind, and the entire Grand Canyon is like the Nether Purgatory, the environment is extremely harsh, but Pei Junlin has been into the abalone for a long time without smelling it.

There was no discomfort at all in the entire canyon. Instead, there was a feeling of extreme security. This was the first time he had this feeling after coming to Guixu.

Pei Junlin's body was ups and downs in the ocean of wind, and he saw a huge figure coming from a distance. It was a giant with iron armor, the whole body was shrouded in iron helmet, and the body was bound by huge chains.

This giant is several hundred meters tall. Walking in the canyon, his head can be level with the top of the canyon.

What shocked Pei Junlin the most was not this huge iron armored giant, but something dragged behind the giant. The armored giant holds a huge chain in his hands, and behind him is a huge iron tower.

Every step of the armored giant is very difficult, and the iron tower floats up and down in the sea of ​​wind.

That scene reminded people of a lonely picture, like an oil painting deeply carved into Pei Junlin's mind.

Mystery, unspeakable mystery...

Pei Junlin wanted to lift the giant helmet to see what kind of face was under the helmet. But this giant was enveloped in a dark atmosphere, but Pei Junlin did not dare to approach it.

Even if he now controls the breath of the wind and is invincible, facing the mysterious giant, Pei Junlin still dare not take risks easily.

For Pei Junlin, the whole Guixu is an unknown world, full of mystery everywhere, and the area he is currently exploring may be as large as a grain of sand in the Milky Way. The vastness of the entire Guixu may not be able to be explored clearly in a lifetime.

Just as the iron tower dragged by the giant passed by Pei Junlin, a large amount of thunder light suddenly erupted from the iron tower, and a thick thunder rope wrapped around the sky and the earth, making the entire sea of ​​wind breath begin to boil like boiling water. .

Pei Junlin finally understood what was inside the iron tower, it should be the legendary thunderstone.

Pei Junlin has already obtained the wind stele. If he wants to truly condense the thunder pond, he must obtain the thunder stone.

It is the thunderstone hidden in this iron tower and the guardian of the iron armored giant, which is evident in the difficulty of getting thunderstone.

Pei Junlin also noticed a detail. Just now, when the iron armor giant passed by him, he didn't even look at him, as if he hadn't noticed it.

Pei Junlin's mind moved, turned into a light and shadow, and flew towards the iron tower in an instant, but the moment he approached the flying tower, the iron armor giant suddenly moved.

The iron armor giant stood still in the ocean of wind, staring at Pei Junlin with cold eyes. Immediately after that, Pei Junlin felt a thunder and lightning chain entangled toward him, and it turned out that the eyes of the giant holding the iron armor turned into two chaotic thunder punishments.

Pei Junlin waved a large lightning net around his body to block the opponent's thunder penalty. At the same time, the chaotic golden bucket opened, and a yellow river rolled out like a water dragon, and instantly enveloped the iron giant.

The Yellow Spring River water can purify everything in the world, and this iron-clad giant is no exception.

However, this iron-clad giant is not a vegetarian, even if it is covered by Huangquan Divine Water, but still struggling, the Huangquan River suddenly exploded and cut off the water dragon. And the iron armor giant turned into a black shadow and rose into the sky, with his big hands open and grabbing towards Pei Junlin.

This big hand overwhelms the world, like a mountain shrouded in it. Pei Junlin was not nervous, he stood still and the breath of wind around him suddenly soared into the sky and turned into a huge wave, rushing towards the big hand of the iron armor giant.


A wave hit the palm of the iron-clad giant, and there was a strong explosion, thunder flickering, and the breath of the wind instantly swelled.

The iron armor exploded, revealing a swollen figure.

When he saw this figure, Pei Junlin almost vomited because he could see that this huge figure was stitched together with countless corpses, forming a stitched monster.

Each of these corpses is not simple, this time it is also in the realm of a saint, or even a real king. The corpses of the powerful and powerful were stitched together, and they did not know what sorcery they used to practice, forming such an evil giant.

The giant opened his mouth with a foul smell, and there was a monstrous corpse gas, which turned into the sky. The giant spread out his hand, and a magic weapon was condensed in his palm.

It is a black chain, and the head of the chain is a sharp hook. One person and one pair of eyes were filled with the breath of death, shaking constantly, the chain in his hand suddenly hooked towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin had been prepared for a long time, and the breath of wind around his body swelled him like a conferred god, and countless breaths of wind were used by him.

Pei Junlin punched, and the breath of wind in the sky turned into a huge fist and smashed towards the suture monster.

The shadow of the fist turned into various powers, fiercely blasting with the chain of the monster, the fire was everywhere, and the entire abyss was filled with dazzling light.

The chain flew upside down, but the suture weird didn't retreat. A chain of thunder and lightning flew out from the iron tower, and instantly hit Feng and the strange man. The strange man let out a roar and his eyes became red.

A series of lightning whips severely beat the suture stranger, and the stranger became more and more angry, and his strength became stronger and stronger.

At this time, dense wounds appeared on the strange man's body. These wounds were caused by Pei Junlin's bombardment just now. The breath of countless winds turned into sharp blades to cut on this stitched giant, and even some corpses fell directly from the weird.

Could there be others in the Guixu, if otherwise, how could such a monster appear, which is extremely disgusting.

However, the situation did not allow Pei Junlin to think too much, and the suture stranger rushed forward again. The chain in his hand suddenly emitted a black light, making a whining sound in the air.

The chain hooked towards Pei Junlin once again, this time Pei Junlin pierced out with the magic spear in his hand and hit the chain fiercely.

The two shots were tentative collisions with each other twice, but Pei Junlin was already able to determine that the suture weird had consciousness. In other words, this thing is definitely self-conscious, not a muddle-headed monster.

Moreover, the power of this suture stranger is surprisingly powerful, comparable to a master in the realm of a true king. Pei Junlin will suffer a big loss if he competes with the opponent.

Pei Junlin walked lightly, the wind and ocean at his footsteps agitated again, and the monstrous waves washed away. An empty voice came from my ears, and even the huge mountains on both sides of the canyon were washed down by the breath of wind.

The breath of the wind turned into a huge wave, rushing towards the iron-clad giant fiercely. Without the protection of the iron armor, the monster's defensive ability is not very strong. Suddenly beaten by the waves of the wind, the body rustled down, and a dozen more corpses fell from the suture stranger.

Pei Junlin can keenly feel that as the stitched up corpses fall down, the strength of this stitched bad guy is weakening.

Pei Junlin seems to have found a way to deal with the suture weird. Under the command of the wind stele, the breath of wind is constantly blowing under his feet. He desperately swells waves and waves, and hits the suture weird. In the iron tower, there is a suture stranger who is constantly flying out and hitting by lightning chains, but the stranger still has a look of fear on his face, even turning around to try to escape.

But how could Pei Junlin give him this opportunity, the magic spear in his hand pierced the light of today, and set off a huge wave in the ocean of wind.

The spear struck, coupled with the beating of the huge waves, the suture monster finally disintegrated, and the whole body instantly collapsed into hundreds of corpses scattered in the sea of ​​breath of wind.

The tall giant was torn apart, but a monster similar to a hairy monkey appeared in its core. The monster squeaked, as if extremely angry and embarrassed.

Pei Junlin instantly recalled the master of the real king realm in the battle between the earth and the outer starry sky. It also appeared like this after being opened, and it was also a creature similar to a hairy monkey.

This creature has an extremely ugly face, making Pei Junlin feel numb and disgusting on his face. The monkey squeaked and rushed towards Pei Junlin again.

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