Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1274: Listen to

Pei Junlin punched out, and the five emperors instantly appeared in four directions: east, west, north, south.

The Emperor Na Mu De appeared in front of Pei Junlin, and a green plant appeared all over his body.

The hairy monkey had pounced on Pei Junlin, but was rolled out at the moment of this punch, which was full of the domineering aura of the emperor.

A cold and dark breath of Xiao Sha radiated from the whole body of the Mao Monkey, resisting Emperor Pei Jun's vitality.

The Five De Emperor Huangquan, Pei Junlin integrated some of the martial arts experience of Wang Chao, and created a method on this basis. The main true meaning is taken from the five ancient emperors.

In ancient times, demons were rampant, and the Five Emperors opened up heaven and earth to support a clear light in the world. All the demons and ghosts were invisible under the sweep of the Five Emperors.

So the moment Pei Junlin punched the Five Virtues Emperor Huang, the hairy monkey felt a real threat and the hair exploded.

At the moment when this punch was punched, the entire wind-like ocean swelled into the sky, and a wave of thunder and lightning burst from the air. The hairy monkey squeaked and was bathed in thunder and lightning, and its body swelled sharply, turning into a giant monkey measuring a hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

"This is not a monkey, this is true listening!" Jin Ye's surprised voice came into Pei Junlin's ears.

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin was also taken aback. He did not expect to encounter this legendary beast of ghosts and gods.

There is a kind of ability in this truth called Shunfeng Er, whose divine consciousness is extremely powerful, which can divide into hundreds of millions and monitor the entire human world. Pei Junlin also doesn't know why there are such ancient and mysterious creatures in Guixu.

But in order to **** the thunderstone in the iron tower from the hands of this truth listener, Pei Junlin is already on the string and has to send it out. Even if the other party is the pioneering ancestor, Pei Junlin can't stop now.

Pei Junlin, holding the Hunshi Demon Spear, was like a **** of war, constantly fighting with the one hundred feet tall Di listen. The two sides hit the entire canyon with huge waves and rocks pierced through the sky.

The thunder and lightning fell like raindrops, but Pei Junlin turned a blind eye, and the whole breath of the wind suddenly compressed into a huge idol while he waved his hand, and slammed into the suppression of the truth.

However, this ancient divine beast was naturally unwilling to show weakness, roared at Pei Junlin, and beat his chest with a pair of fists desperately.

Reaching out for a fish, he went deep into the gorge, hugged half of the small mountain bag directly in his arms, and smashed toward Pei Junlin fiercely.

However, Pei Junlin is driving the ocean with the breath of wind, and he is naturally not afraid of this huge power. The breath of wind instantly swept through a sky-shattering vortex, and the half-sized boulder was blown apart and scattered. The entire canyon.

Pei Junlin once again fought the imperial fist of the Five Virtues, and a nebula appeared over his head.

The emperor Yuanshen of the Huo De Emperor even sacrificed a pure-yang fiery bell. The huge golden bell suddenly shrouded, covering the truth in it, and Pei Junlin’s five-de-emperor fist hit Chunyang fiercely. On the fire bell.

The flames blazed into the sky, almost dried up the world, and only heard a miserable howl, the truth finally got hurt. Pei Junlin carries the endless power of the breath of the wind, how powerful is the power, a mountain range is hit with a punch, and it will be directly blasted into pieces.

With the blessing of the wind and ocean power, Pei Junlin can be said to be invincible, and the strength is comparable to the master of the real king. Under Pei Junlin's violent battle, this truth finally can't stand it. The **** body flew out.

The huge body of that Tie Ting seemed to be leaking, and it quickly became smaller and shrunk into the original group of hairy monkeys, turning around and stepping on the waves of wind to prepare to escape.

How could Pei Junlin let this ancient divine beast escape so easily, with his big hands open, the waves swept the sky, and the big hands that instantly turned into the breath of wind grabbed towards the truth.

Di Listening's eyes turned bloody, and he suddenly roared at Pei Junlin. How could Pei Junlin be frightened by Di listen? He possesses the power of the breath of the wind and the ocean, and even if the king of heaven and Lao Tzu comes, he will be pulled off the horse. The truth of this ancient divine beast will naturally be heard.

The big hand of the breath of the wind couldn't hold it down, and instantly suppressed Diting, and the surrounding wind breath once again enveloped it, turning into a cage of wind breath, and detaining Diting firmly in it.

This is an ancient iron tower suspended in front of Junlin Pei. In the iron tower, this is a stone that constantly emits thunder light, which is exactly the thunderstone that Junlin Pei is looking for.

Pei Junlin had already obtained the wind stele before. If he had obtained this thunder pond at this time, he would be like a tiger with wings and forging the thunder pond.

This time Pei Junlin changed his mind. He already had enough thunderous cells in his body to cleanse his body. Coupled with the magical effect of the yellow spring water, Pei Junlin no longer needs to place the thunder pond inside his dantian.

When the Jindou space opened, Pei Junlin stretched out the iron tower and flew into the Jindou space instantly. This iron tower was directly thrown into the Huangquan River by Pei Junlin, immediately revealing its original features. After the rust on the surface fell, it appeared that Pei Junlin was in front of a tall silver tower.

Pei Junlin fell into this iron tower with a divine sense, and immediately felt that there was a force resisting it, but Pei Junlin did not give up, but started forging with divine sense. Seven days have passed before Pei Junlin finally This iron tower refining.

At the moment when Jun Pei approached the telephone tower, the thunderstone finally flew out of the tower and landed on Junlin's palm.

A light blue light appeared at any time, with thunder and lightning runes flickering on it, Pei Junlin ignited a large arc with a small amount of force, which sprayed out densely.

The iron tower carried by Junlin Pei flew out of the golden bucket space again, and landed on the ocean of wind. At this time, the waves of thunder and wind rolled over the entire sea.

When Pei Junlin sacrificed this kind of iron tower, countless lightning forces came towards the iron tower in an instant, and the entire iron tower was instantly shrouded in lightning, forming a lightning high tower.

It took Jun Pei a full month to condense the thunder pond, and in this month the iron tower almost completely absorbed the thunder energy in the entire canyon. The wind stele on the other side also consumed the entire ocean of wind, and the two ultimate powers were finally placed in the chaotic golden bucket by Pei Junlin.

It's just that two formations have been added out of thin air in the chaotic progress. In addition to the Great Hall of the Other Bank, the Overlord Cauldron, the Gate of Hell and the Bridge of Naihe, the Huangquan River and the Lei Chi and Wind Vortex are now added.

Inside the entire Chaos Golden Dou, there are now seven major formations!

After condensing the thunder pond and the wind vortex, Pei Jun flew out of the chaotic golden bucket and came to Diting's side. At this time, Diting was locked in a cage by the breath of the wind, constantly roaring in it.

One month has passed, and this truth sounds like it hasn't been rubbed off at all. Seeing Pei Junlin walking over, this truth became more and more violent.

It is rare to encounter living creatures in this Guixu, Pei Junlin wants to rely on Tou Di listen to leave this Guixu.

"Master Jin, how can this monkey be tamed? I think he is untamed, so it's better to just kill it." Pei Junlin said pretentiously in front of Di Ting.

Hearing the truth of Pei Junlin's words was not only not afraid, but grinned towards Pei Junlin. A violent power burst out suddenly, almost bursting the cage of breath of the wind.

"You have worked so hard to get Thunder Stone. Is there a special use? If you listen to me now, you can lend Thunder Stone to you." Pei Junlin smiled faintly after seeing this truth calmer. Tao.

The ancient divine beast named Di Ting is very violent and cruel, but it is not incommunicable. After hearing Pei Junlin's words, Di Ting is very angry, but also knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

Di Ting roared as if he was protesting, because he had found the iron tower from a distance. Lei Shi is also a thing of Diting. Now that Pei Junlin robbed him of refining, he even asked him to borrow it. Diting was very angry.

When Pei Junlin waved the thunder and lightning iron tower and appeared in front of Pei Junlin, Di Ting finally gave in, his eyes showed extremely shocking expressions, seeing this iron tower being condensed by Pei Junlin into a thunder pond, his eyes , Seems to reveal a feeling of extreme excitement.

"How is it? I know the iron tower you have worked so hard to find, and it must be useful to find Lei Chi. The two of us cooperated and walked out of the ruins together." Pei Junlin once again heard about the truth.

After Pei Junlin said something like this, Di Hear really fell silent. He no longer showed the anger as before, but became extremely calm, and his eyes showed a contemplative look.

Pei Junlin found that although this truth sounds looks fierce, but the feathers all over her body emit a faint divine light, and it is really extraordinary.

It is no longer realistic to find the golden carriage, and now Pei Junlin's desire to leave Guixu can only fall on this Diting.

Di Ting nodded towards Pei Junlin, and seemed to have agreed to Pei Junlin's request. Pei Junlin laughed and waved, and the cage of breath of wind slowly unfolded, Di Ting suddenly jumped out of it.

At the moment that Di heard it, his body suddenly became a big blow and blasted towards Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin absolutely never expected that this truthful listener would play this set for himself, and in an instant a kind of deceived anger exploded in Pei Junlin's chest.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and pointed, that Lei Chi suddenly exploded with a shocking thunder light blasting on Di Ting's body. Di heard a scream, his body turned into a gray mist, he quickly jumped into the canyon, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Pei Junlin stood on the spot with a lonely look on his face. In fact, he knew in his heart that his brother was brutal and inadequate. Pei Junlin has stayed in this Guixu for too long, not even a living thing.

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