Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1275: Bizarre world

Except for Jin Ye and Thirteen Princesses, he did not encounter any living animals.

After finally encountering this truth, it was also a trace of Pei Junlin's wish, but he did not expect that he would eventually be disappointed by this truth.

Pei Junlin soared onto the Nether Demon Dragon, and the Nether Demon Dragon suddenly jumped into the air and began to fly over the land of the ruins.

A tall city vaguely appeared in front of Pei Junlin. At first, Pei Junlin thought he had hallucinations, but when the Nether Dragon descended on the wall, Pei Junlin was shocked and exclaimed.

This is a building similar to the Great Wall, which stretches for many miles. Pei Junlin walked forward along this long city wall, and soon found a tall city.

There was the sound of grinding discs in his ears, and Pei Junlin smelled an unpleasant smell of blood.

A huge whirlpool appeared above the city, and endless dead bodies fell like rain, falling into the tall city.

Pei Junlin first sent the Nether Demon Dragon into the Golden Dou Space, while he himself hid the aura of convergence and slowly infiltrated the city along the city wall.

Soon Pei Junlin found a pair of patrolling armored soldiers. These soldiers looked like puppets, walking at the same pace.

When Pei Junlin appeared in front of these patrolling soldiers, they turned a blind eye to Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin was extremely surprised this time. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a soldier. Unexpectedly, the soldier was so powerful that he flew out.

When Pei Junlin was frightened, the soldier who was forcibly dragged out of the team by Pei Junlin returned directly to the team and still turned a blind eye to Pei Junlin.

"This thing is not a living thing at all, but a kind of puppet." Jin Ye passed over.

Pei Junlin still wanted to infiltrate the city again, and wanted to go in and find out, but a terrifying aura exuded from the center of the city, making Pei Junlin hesitate.

At this moment, a golden light flashed across the sky, Pei Junlin looked up, just watching the golden carriage bathed in golden light, and galloping forward through the gray clouds.

Pei Junlin was shocked this time, and he couldn't care about the mystery in this city. He soared into the air frantically, driving the Nether Demon Dragon, watching the golden carriage rushing past.

The golden carriage came from Kunlun Mountain, and once brought the earth into this ruins. Pei Junlin drove the Nether Demon Dragon into the sky toward the golden carriage. Soon, the golden carriage seemed to have noticed Pei Junlin.

The carriage stayed in the air, and Pei Junlin saw that it was a stone horse that was pulling the carriage. Pei Junlin came to the carriage, stretched out his hand and opened the door, the carriage was empty.

The carriage was like waiting for guests, as long as Pei Junlin stood beside the carriage, the carriage would not move.

The wish for a long time, unexpectedly realized in such a simple way, surprised Pei Junlin's heart. But when she got into the carriage, a feeling of distant loneliness enveloped Pei Junlin.

After closing the door of the carriage, Pei Junlin felt the whistling wind in her ears, looked out the window of the carriage, and saw a stream of light outside, and the whole Guixu world seemed to be distorted.

The horse-drawn carriage was swiftly sprinting, speeding in the sky, while Pei Junlin looked down at everything outside through the window. Although the carriage is fast, and everything outside is fleeting, Pei Junlin can also capture every picture.

A ray of blue light shone from the gloomy sky. Pei Junlin unconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky. Suddenly, Pei Junlin was stunned because he discovered that a blue moon appeared in the sky.

The moon took on a blue spherical shape, and Pei Junlin could see the ups and downs of the mountains above. Gradually, Pei Junlin was trembling all over because he could be sure that the moon floating above Guixu was the earth.

Perhaps knowing what Pei Junlin was thinking, the golden carriage turned around and flew towards the blue moon in the sky. The carriage was fast, and soon came to the top of the earth's atmosphere. Pei Junlin could see the brightly lit cities below through the top of the atmosphere, and the big cities were full of traffic.

Even when the carriage passed by the Kunlun Mountains, Pei Junlin could still see the Bull Demon King and others on the Kunlun Mountains, looking up at the golden carriage, and even the suspicious expressions on these people's faces, Pei Junlin could see clearly.

The world is like a chess game, so strange, did Pei Junlin think that one day he would sit in this magical carriage and overlook the creatures of the world? And who would have thought that the earth would be drawn into this ruin and become the moon of a world.

But Guixu is Guixu after all, and the earth is not here for a long time. Pei Junlin doesn't understand who is behind the golden carriage, but he is determined to leave here. Because there are his wives in the great world outside, only his parents Pei Junlin are going to look for these people.

The horse-drawn carriage continued to run on the land of Guixu, and Pei Junlin overlooked one city after another. These cities were extremely old, but they were empty.

In just a few days, Pei Junlin felt that he had traveled across the three mountains and five mountains, billions of square inches.

Groups of golden light flickered around, and Jun Pei saw a white figure in a trance. Pei Junlin suddenly widened his eyes because he saw that the white figure was Tantai Jingxuan. At this time, Tantai Jingxuan was lying on a bronze chariot, and the bronze chariot was pulled by a group of Yin soldiers. .

Tantai Jingxuan closed her eyes tightly, as if she were a sleeping princess, with a trace of bright red blood on the white dress on her chest.

Pei Junlin wanted to stretch out his hand to open the door, but the door seemed to be sucked tightly and could not be opened at all. He shouted to stop, but the carriage did not respond.

The carriage continued to move forward, Pei Junlin gradually saw a large number of Yin soldiers, wearing armor, acting like puppets. Those Yin soldiers pulled the bronze carriage, collecting corpses from all over the Guixu land, and those corpses were all kinds of strong men who fell from the sky, including various beasts and strong men above the realm of the true king.

This weird situation made Pei Junlin shudder all over his body, what is the secret of the whole Guixu? ?

A huge abyss appeared in front of the golden carriage, and the carriage seemed to gradually slow down. The abyss is like a monster, with his wide open mouth choosing people to eat, even Pei Junlin feels cold.

The carriage drove from the light into the darkness, and a grayish breath formed a whirlpool behind Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin stared at the abyss nervously, as if there could be monsters in the abyss at any time.

The carriage's course of action is no longer a straight line, but will bypass some top dangerous areas.

When passing through these areas, Junlin Pei can also feel some extremely dangerous auras. Whenever Junlin Pei bypasses these areas, he feels his mind is falling and slowly relieved.

There is an endless abyss, and there is no light in the darkness. The exquisite carriage travels in this endless space, and weird things will come across from time to time.

All kinds of crying, laughing, and noisy sounds, even Pei Junlin had experienced, there was the sound of a hand constantly scratching on the carriage wall.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed, and the carriage still has not reached the other side. The abyss is like endless, and Pei Junlin's heart gradually becomes irritable.

He can now be sure that this carriage is definitely consciously leading, perhaps it is the ten horses pulling the carriage or something in the carriage.

No matter Pei Junlin yelled and broke his throat, the carriage could not respond, and it was impossible for Pei Junlin to open the carriage door.

In this way, another year passed, Pei Junlin gradually accepted, he began to enter the state of cultivation, but on this day the carriage suddenly oscillated violently, awakening Pei Junlin from the state of cultivation.

Through the window of the carriage, Pei Junlin saw a long neck stretched out of the compound. It was a huge snake head, as big as a mountain, and his eyes were scarred as blood.

The giant snake roared towards the carriage, opened its big mouth and bit at the carriage. Facing the bite of the giant snake, Pei Junlin's heart raised his throat. However, the carriage suddenly accelerated, dragging a long stream of light behind it, and instantly escaped the attack of this monster.


There was a buzzing sound in Pei Junlin's ear, which seemed to be the call of bees. At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly noticed that a colorful light appeared in front of him, and the smell of flowers came, making Pei Junlin's expression gradually relax.

A group of colorful little people flew over. These people looked like beautiful girls, but a kind of transparent wings grew behind them.

The strange bees with beautiful heads on the bees came towards the The carriage accelerated suddenly, emitting rays of light, and suddenly shook these bee-men back.

One by one weird things made Pei Junlin's eyes wide open. The strangeness of this world can be seen clearly from the window of Pei Junlin's carriage.

There was a strange fish cruising in the void, with a faint light radiating from the whole body. I don't know how long this big fish is hundreds of meters long, and one turn in the void can cause hurricanes.

The strange fish seemed to have found the carriage, opened its big mouth, and bit towards the carriage. Just when the strange fish was about to bite the carriage, a long spear flew in the darkness, piercing the head of the strange fish in an instant.

It was a bronze man exuding a faint light, very tall, standing there like a mountain, the bronze man exuding metal light, walking slowly in the dark abyss.

The spear that was pierced was pierced by the bronze man. At this time, the bronze man drew the spear from the head of the big fish. Blue blood dripped from the spear, and the strange man shot a faint soft light in his eyes, looking at the golden carriage.

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