Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1278: Taixu Shenzang

Li Ding didn't look at Pei Junlin, and bursts of purple light appeared in his eyes, covering Li Yandu's body. Pei Junlin could see a trace of surprise from his expression.

Around Li Ding, there were four masters in the realm of True Gods, all of them at the pinnacle level of True Gods. Two of them rushed towards Pei Junlin, and they couldn't help but arrest Pei Junlin.

"You actually killed Li Yandu, then kneel down obediently." These two top True God realm masters scolded Pei Junlin.

The two shot from the left to the right, one in a black robe and the other in a white robe, and the black robe was extremely hot surrounded by black light. And the white-robed man exhaled a cold breath, and the temperature dropped to freezing point.

Two people are hot, the other is Hanbing. One cold and one hot, both ice and fire, shrouded toward Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin laughed and suddenly punched left and right, his left fist hit a whirlpool, and the breath of wind enveloped him, instantly swept one of the masters of the real **** realm in it, and his right fist hit a thunder and lightning chain and crashed there. The body of the black robe man.

Two masters in the realm of true gods encountered Pei Junlin, and they didn't even support it for a second. One of them was torn to pieces by the wind vortex in an instant, and even the soul couldn't escape. The other one was instantly chopped into ashes by thunder and lightning, leaving no scum.

This scene directly stunned the remaining three people, even the real monarch-level powerhouse Li Ding raised his brows slightly, surprised by what Pei Junlin did.

"It's no wonder you dare to kill, you have the strength, you should not be in the realm of true gods." Li Ding smiled, took off the golden cloak behind him and handed it to the person beside him.

Then with a push of both palms, a mighty force like a wave swept toward Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that when Li Ding said that he would make a quick move without any muddle.


A ray of light rose to the sky, Pei Junlin punched. The whirlpool of wind breath instantly withstood Li Ding's punching technique.

The Vientiane Sect on this celestial planet, the main cultivation method is a kind of Vientiane Mingyu Qi Jin. This kind of exercise is condensed to the extreme, powerful, with the power of an ancient idol, and the planet will be pierced when it is hit by a punch, and this true monarch level master has obviously suppressed his own strength and does not want to take this one under his feet. The planet is destroyed.

The fluctuation caused by the battle between the two caused the earth to split in an instant, and the lake behind Pei Jun suddenly swelled and disappeared. Because the underground river was cut off, the lake water leaked instantly.

Although Li Ding felt that Pei Junlin was a little bit magical, he did not take Pei Junlin into his heart.

He walked towards Pei Junlin step by step, as if the ancient **** and Buddha descended from the altar step by step, approaching mortals. Behind him appeared a kingdom of gods, covering Li Ding's body. The power of a ray of law covered him tightly.

The moment the battle broke out between the two, in fact, the lives around them were destroyed by large swaths. Especially Li Ding with two servants behind him was killed by the aftermath in an instant. Only Pei Junlin and Li Ding were on the battlefield, and Li Ding, who had surpassed the realm of true monarch compared with Pei Junlin, was not weak at all, standing in the center of the storm was like Dinghai Shenzhen.

With the wind from southeast to northwest, I stood still.

Li Dingting desperately played all kinds of boxing skills, but for Pei Junlin, everything was resisted by the Pure Yang Flame Bell.

Pei Junlin stood there with a smile, as if a magnanimous king would look at a chaotic courtier, and Li Ding became angry as if being played.

"The Vientiane renews, and the heavens rotate."

Li Ding suddenly yelled, and a strong light radiated from his fists. The sound of reading aloud from his fists seemed to have the sage's righteousness.

Pei Junlin remained motionless, reached out his hand to take off the magic spear behind him, and fired a shot. This shot used the Sirius One Heart Sword of the Sirius family, and the essence of it was completely interpreted by Pei Junlin.

There was no great momentum, only a little bit of cold light fell, and Li Ding was hit hard, and the surrounding space and the laws of time and space were instantly swept clean by Pei Junlin.

The battle between the two was just a few hundred tricks, and the verdict was reached. Li Ding suddenly showed an incredible look in his eyes, and he could be sure that Pei Junlin was only a cultivator in the realm of true gods. However, he was clearly a true monarch, but he could not suppress Pei Junlin.

This thing is too weird. What's even more weird is that no magic weapon was used from beginning to end, only the pure sun burning bell, and it was still defensive.

With a flick of Pei Junlin's fingers, a lightning chain formed in Pei Junlin's hands. The lightning chain was waving and crackling, and the surrounding forest was instantly cut. Li Ding dodged from side to side, but there were still many scars on his body.

Pei Junlin's fist was wrapped with purple lightning, and Li Ding stretched out his hands to resist with a punch, but he only heard a crack of bone, and Li Ding spurted blood.

This battle was completely crushing. Instead, the low-level Pei Junlin completely crushed Li Ding of the real monarch level, and the opponent was defeated and unable to fight back. This Li Ding was like a three-year-old child in front of Pei Junlin.

If Pei Junlin faced a true monarch-level master before, he still needed to use the gray crock, but now it is completely unnecessary for Pei Junlin. Li Ding, who was hitting with his bare hands, could not fight back.

The two qi of wind and thunder are superbly used in Pei Junlin's palms. Especially the breath of the wind, a set of whirlpool-like air currents will appear with one punch, and even a master of the true monarch level can hardly resist the breath of the wind.

Seeing that he was not an opponent, Li Ding soared into the sky and escaped into the void. He turned into a meteor and flew to a huge yellow planet in the distance.

According to the yellow planet of Li Yandu's memory obtained by Pei Junlin before, it should be the Vientiane Star.

How could Pei Junlin allow this Li Ding to escape? He set up a single palm, and a breath of wind flew out and turned into a chain, instantly entangling that Li Ding.

This Li Ding had spent hundreds of years of cultivation, and he was worthy of entering the real monarch level. Before he had time to show his ambition, he was suppressed by Pei Junlin like a monkey.

Li Ding, who was suspended in front of Junlin Pei, looked extremely unconvinced, and his eyes looked at Pei Junlin angrily, just like looking at the enemy.

But Pei Junlin has no special feeling towards Li Ding. He and Li Ding are actually strangers. If it weren’t for Li Ding’s cousin who maliciously calculated Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin might have no relationship with this person. Points, let alone become enemies of life and death.

"Give you two paths, the first to die, the second to surrender to me." Pei Junlin looked at Li Ding lightly.

It seemed that what stood in front of him was not a master at the realm of true monarchs, but an insignificant servant.

Pei Junlin's understatement also made Li Ding very angry. He wanted to struggle, but the chains of the breath of the wind were not something he could break free.

Taken from the power of the chaotic wind in Guixu, there are many forces of order mixed in it, which is extremely complicated. Only Pei Junlin in this world can command this chaotic breath of wind. Because there is a whirlpool of wind in the chaotic golden bucket, and that monument.

Except for Pei Junlin, there is no branch. The second person wants to command and drive the breath of the wind. It is simply a dream, it is impossible. There is no such legend in the past.

"You dream." Li Ding is still very spineless.

He yelled at Pei Junlin, his eyes seemed to stretch out his teeth, and he bit on Pei Junlin.

Just before Li Ding's words fell, Pei Junlin waved a wind directly around Li Ding's neck, and instantly his body and head separated.

There was no emotion in Pei Junlin's eyes. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he caught Li Ding's true spirit and threw it directly on the Naihe Bridge. In the Naihe Bridge, a grey air fell, enveloping Li Ding's true spirit. , Soon all the memories of Li Ding, there is no secret in front of Pei Junlin.

Killing a real monarch-level powerhouse seemed to be trivial to Pei Junlin. But in Li Ding's memory, Pei Junlin found a secret that shocked him very much.

There is a very deep hidden place in Li Ding's memory, and there is a memory of treasure. Li Ding deliberately hid this memory deeply for fear of being known by others, and deliberately obscured it. Although some of the key information can be extracted, Pei Junlin doesn't know what it means.

The only thing that made Pei Junlin's memory deep was the four words Taixu Treasure, other than that, there was no useful information.

Taixu treasure, Pei Junlin naturally contacted Taixu Xianzun, but he felt that it was impossible for him to have a Taixu Xianzun once on the earth, but it was the palace of Taixu Xianzun.

If there is a treasure,, it should be in the Southeast Star Region and not here. What kind of life story is Taixu Immortal Venerable, ten thousand people who are famous in countless big worlds, Pei Junlin is not sure whether the things about Taixu Immortal Venerable Treasure in Li Ding's memory are true or false.

He has full confidence in the information Pei Junlin has now, and he can be sure that Li Ding deliberately deleted some key information from his memory.

Li Ding is indeed a ruthless person. In order to be afraid of being searched by masters, he deleted all his memories. If you want to find some information about the treasure of Taixu Immortal Venerable, you may have to go deep into Li Ding's family.

The treasure of Taixu Immortal Venerable is so great that even the exquisite fairy of Pei Junlin's previous life cannot be compared with Taixu Immortal, because this Taixu Immortal is a true immortal who has fallen into the world.

Taixu Xianzun really left a treasure, that is the real treasure of the fairy, Pei Junlin still attaches great importance to it.

To defeat the Dragon Emperor and avenge Xuehen, he must quickly increase his strength in a short time. Therefore, searching for information about the treasure of the Taixu Immortal in Li Ding's memory, Pei Junlin will definitely not miss it.

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