Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1279: 0 Magic Veil

Opened Li Ding's storage device, there were some treasures in it that surprised Pei Junlin, and some of the best spirit treasures were really good.

However, Pei Junlin has the Chaos Golden Fight and the Hunshi Demon Spear, which is no longer good for ordinary treasures. The few top spirit treasures that Li Ding carries with him are not bad, but Pei Junlin can't use it.

Only one of the veil treasures attracted Pei Junlin's attention. These veils were called Qianhuan. Although it is not an offensive treasure, it is a Chaos Spirit Treasure. It really shocked Pei Junlin. An auxiliary treasure turned out to be a Chaos Spirit Treasure, which is already extraordinary.

The role of this veil is also very peculiar, as long as you wear this veil, you can change your figure at will, even the masters of the real king realm are very ugly.

With a thin veil, Pei Junlin couldn't put it down in his hand. Pei Junlin's divine sense penetrated, and Li Ding's divine sense remained in it instantly refined.

Li Ding cherishes this treasure very much, carries it with him, and often sacrifices it.

Pei Junlin tried it and put the veil on his face. Soon the veil penetrated into the skin. At this time, Pei Junlin thought of a picture in his head quickly, and he found that he had become what he imagined. .

Pei Junlin was very satisfied with the result, and once again imagined himself as Li Ding. Soon, a trace of smoke was wrapped around Pei Junlin again, and when the smoke dissipated, Pei Junlin had become a living Li Ding. You don't need to imitate at all, just like Li Ding. Even the temperament and breath of his body can be concealed.

This treasure is indeed extraordinary. Pei Junlin can't put it down. As long as he has this thousand fantasy masks, Pei Junlin wants to pretend to be Li Ding to try some secrets about the Taixu God, it is very simple and clear.

After confirming that there was nothing left, Pei Junlin flew towards the Vientiane planet. However, this Vientiane planet is very unusual. The entire planet is surrounded by a large array. It is impossible for ordinary people to pass special barriers if they want to enter.

Fortunately, Pei Junlin possesses Li Ding's identity jade card, and easily fooled the guards into the planet of Vientiane. The entire planet belongs to the same sect, which is the Vientiane Sect.

On this planet, Zongmen has the greatest power. The suzerain of the sect is the highest level figure on the entire planet. The operation of the entire planet also relies on the internal regulations of the sect, and operates layer by layer.

Pei Junlin stepped into the planet of Vientiane, relying on Li Ding's identity to run wild, and soon he came to a giant city.

The city is huge. According to Pei Junlin's estimation, there are at least hundreds of millions of people. The entire city has been built at the foot of a high mountain.

The mountain with its back has been built to look like a tall building, with tens of millions of caves dug out of it, densely packed like ant nests, and monks are constantly flying in and out of it.

This city is called Vientiane City, which is the core city of the entire Vientiane planet, with a population of hundreds of millions and masters like clouds. Pei Junlin just stepped into this city, and couldn't help but sigh that the city is so big, sweating like rain, the most indispensable thing in the whole city is people, and it is very prosperous everywhere, even if the streets are covered with some jade.

Compared with those barren planets, this Vientiane planet is simply heaven, with extremely rich products. Walking down the street, Pei Junlin didn't see a poor person. Most of them were cultivators at the worst and supreme realm.

The operation of the entire city is also in accordance with the rules of cultivation and civilization. People with high strength are extremely respected. Some experts in the realm of true gods will be noticed by people walking on the street, and some true monarchs can ride on horses and sit on sedan chairs.

In Li Ding's memory, Pei Junlin already knew something about this Vientiane. The strongest in Vientiane was not a true emperor-level figure, but a few great saint-level figures.

There is no shortage of masters in the realm of true kings in this Vientiane Sect, but the most basic and most real masters are also the realm of true kings. Although it cannot be described as the number of true monarchs like dogs on the planet of Vientiane, it is not uncommon for true monarchs to be strong. At least when Pei Jun is in this Vientiane city, he can sense the aura of no less than hundreds of true monarchs.

Although Li Ding is also a strong man at the real monarch level, but not long after he entered the real monarch level, his wings are still not full, even in the Vientiane City, Li Ding’s identity is not very high, only a small house. .

When I came to this house, there was still some deviation from Li Ding's memory. After all, memory and reality cannot completely overlap, Pei Junlin walked into the house, pretending to be Li Ding's ordinary appearance, with a natural expression, and several servants came to greet him immediately.

The servants and servants in this yard are all beautiful women, and they are all masters in the supreme realm. Seeing Li Ding coming back, the eyes of these servants were filled with surprise and fear. Such multiple personalities also surprised Pei Junlin, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood.

This Li Ding is a powerful man at the level of true monarch. He makes generous moves and will reward people with treasures at every turn. However, Li Ding is also extremely cruel, moody, and perverted, specializing in torturing women, so these servants treat Li Ding. Love and hate.

In order to imitate Li Ding's behavior as much as possible, Pei Junlin rewarded these servants with a lot of treasures and wealth. Li Ding is lonely and widowed, and there is no confidant around him. All the subordinates were renunciation and desperately searching for the property in the house when Li Ding was away. Fortunately, Li Ding didn't care about it.

Pei Junlin dressed up as Li Ding in disguise, and came here just to look for some clues of the Taixu Shenzang. Li Ding was very cunning and deliberately blurred his memory. Pei Jun was expecting that Li Ding would definitely hide some key things in his residence.

Li Ding's mansion was not big, Pei Junlin entered it as the owner, and quickly checked every corner of the entire mansion, large and small, with divine knowledge.

Pei Junlin’s current True God Realm’s divine consciousness intensity was effortless to check, but he didn’t find any clues, but Pei Junlin’s inner doubts increased a lot.

He came to Ding's study here, and once again checked every book with his spiritual sense, and soon Pei Junlin found some clues in it.

There are not many clues in these books, but there is a secret passage behind the bookshelf leading to the underground, which attracted Pei Junlin's attention, which shows that there should be a secret room specially built by Li Ding underground.

When Pei Junlin was about to open the secret room and walk in, suddenly there was a noisy sound from the courtyard, then the door of the whole room exploded, and several people rushed in again.

"Li Ding colluded with the demon sect and murdered the sect comrades, and he should be cut according to the law! Put to death on the spot!" said a clear voice above the house.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Junlin saw that the huge blade of light was torn directly.

It was the people from the Vientiane Sect who arrived, and it turned out to be arresting and killing Li Ding. Pei Junlin felt a sense of speechlessness in his heart. He pretended to be Li Ding, but he did not expect that he would become a death row prisoner and be hunted down. This matter still caused a big mess.

Seeing that the secret of Taixu Shenzang was about to arrive, Pei Junlin naturally refused to give up. But in the face of two real monarch-level powerhouses chasing and killing, Pei Junlin did not blink.

A huge whirlpool immediately appeared on his left hand, and the wind's breath flew out of wind blades with amazing sharpness.

On the other side, a thunder and lightning hammer appeared in Pei Junlin's hand, and it suddenly fell. The whole room was full of lightning, and it exploded in an instant. The two true monarch level powerhouses were shocked by Pei Junlin's methods, and fled back frantically.

After repelling these two people, Pei Junlin directly raised his hand with one hand, and the breath of the wind was like a wave, directly reversing the two real army-level powerhouses. At the same time, the lightning chain tore directly, and countless houses in the entire courtyard collapsed at this moment.

Pei Junlin did all this to cover up that Li Ding's basement. It is very unrealistic to enter Li Ding's secret room now. It is very likely that other people will know the secret, so Pei Junlin plans to escape first, and then quietly return here to check Li Ding's secret room.

The two true monarch-level powerhouses rushed up again, but Pei Junlin cast his body skills into a shadow instant, and jumped into the city.

The veil of Thousand Illusion took effect instantly, and Jun Pei's figure was blurred and soon turned into an old man walking on the street, unremarkable.

Two real monarch-level powerhouses stood high on the wall and searched the entire city with divine consciousness, but they did not find anything suspicious. Pei Junlin seemed to have evaporated out of thin air, leaving no trace at all.

When Pei Junlin passed through a small alley, he became a young son again. Shaking the feather fan in his hand, with a triumphant look on his face, he looked like a rich second-generation ancestor.

This time disguised as Li I didn’t expect to be affected by Li Ding’s original identity. This was something that Pei Junlin did not expect. But finally found some secret places of Li Ding, and Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he avoided the chase before him, and then lurked back secretly, he could find some secrets hidden by the Taixu God.

"This Li Ding is really slick and like a ghost, I didn't expect him to escape. The elders of the school must dig out this Li Ding, because Li Ding has some secrets hidden in the virtual gods." Communicating in secret, an anxious look appeared on his face.

The two of them were also puzzled in their hearts. They thought that the arrest of Li Ding would be a good deal, but they didn't know that you were so powerful, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

I have read a lot of information about Li Ding before, and know some of Li Ding's methods well, but the two did not expect that Li Ding's strength in actual operation is far beyond their imagination.

Pei Junlin walked on the street calmly, and no one could see that he was arrested by Vientiane Sect as a fugitive. However, the identity jade amulet is a trouble. If there is no identity jade card, it will be difficult to work within the entire sphere of influence of the Vientiane Sect. It will be discovered within three days.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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