Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1281: Duan Family

The things that have been obtained in Taixu Immortal Venerable Palace are indeed very important to Pei Junlin, but at that stage it is very important to Pei Junlin. But looking back now, the things in the Palace of Taixu can only be described as shabby.

However, even if he knew that the Supreme Void Immortal Venerable had set up suspicious mounds in all major star regions, Pei Junlin still didn't want to give up, in case he only wanted to find the ten thousand in case.

A few days passed quickly, Pei Junlin felt that the time was right, so he quietly returned to Li Ding's old house in the dark.

When Pei Junlin left, the place was completely destroyed. Turned into ruins. This was done deliberately by Pei Junlin, just to confuse his vision and protect the mysterious basement.

Now it seems that all of Pei Junlin's actions are also wise. He ruined the house, and no one found the basement.

And Pei Junlin had observed the surroundings beforehand, and no one was standing guard, so he walked towards the basement with confidence.

Go, Pei Junlin pulled away the rubble and went directly into the basement.

The interior structure of this basement is very simple. There are a few books and a bed in it, but there are no other things, but Pei Junlin found a jade pendant on the table.

After Pei Junlin's spiritual sense penetrated into the jade pendant, he immediately saw a piece of information, and it really was about something hidden by the Taixu God. Pei Junlin didn't look at it more, grabbing this jade pendant in his hand, turning around and preparing to leave.

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the basement. The whole body of this black shadow was wrapped in a black cloak, like a huge black bat, and his eyes were extremely pure and exuded a chill.

This is a true monarch-level powerhouse with extremely powerful aura, and is the strongest true monarch-level master Pei Junlin has ever encountered so far. But Junlin Pei was not nervous, he stood still and looked at each other faintly.

"Give me the things in your hands." The other party said to Pei Junlin almost indisputably.

Pei Junlin reached out into his arms and took out the jade pendant, and shook it in front of the black robe man: "Is this the jade pendant you are talking about? Just come over and get it in my hand."

The black robe man smiled coldly, squinted his eyes, and watched Pei Junlin's eyes glow like a wolf: "As far as I know, you should not be in the Supreme Realm, at least you should be in the Yin God Realm, we two How about going out of town? Fighting here will attract the attention of Vientiane Sect. At that time, none of us will be able to leave."

"Of course." Pei Junlin smiled faintly.

In fact, this is good for both of them. If there is a disturbance here, then the two are likely to be surrounded by masters of the Vientiane Sect, and eventually no one can leave.

You must know that there are true king realm masters in Vientiane City, and any slight movement can hardly escape the true king realm master's tracking.

The masters of the king of trivial matters are too lazy to pay attention to it, but once the safety of the entire Vientiane City is threatened or there is any emergency, then the masters of the king can block the entire city with a realm in an instant.

At that time, it would be difficult to escape from the city even with wings. Therefore, Pei Junlin's proposal for the black robe man naturally promised.

The two rushed towards the outside of Wanxiang City one after the other. Outside the city of Vientiane was an endless wilderness. In this area, there are rugged rocks, wild grasses, and various plants towering to the sky. Even if there are battle fluctuations, it is difficult to reach Vientiane City.

"Just here, this gorge is very remote. Few people come here. Let's have a showdown. Whoever wins will take the jade pendant." The black robe man stopped.

Pei Junlin stood still and looked at the other side indifferently and said: "Why? Why should I give you the jade pendant? This is my thing."

The man in the black robe didn't seem to expect that Pei Junlin would turn back, grabbing the cloak on his head, revealing a vicissitudes of life, this is a middle-aged man, his complexion is still incomparable, a centipede-like scar runs from the corner of his eye directly to the corner of his mouth. face.

This man should have been quite handsome when he was young, but this scar destroyed her entire face, making her look horrible, especially her eyes like poisonous snakes.

"You can't give it, because you are not my opponent."

Before the man spoke, he opened his five fingers, and a black mist enveloped Pei Junlin. The black mist turned into five human shadows, shrouded towards Pei Junlinlong from five directions, and each had its own body skills, and each formed an extremely stable pace.

This is the method of the true monarch level powerhouse, mana possesses spirituality. Five lives can be born in a single thought, and Pei Junlin can be besieged from all aspects.

Pei Junlin also only smiled faintly, and the magic spear in his hand swept out, and a scorching light instantly burned the five shadows.

This time it was the turn of the black-robed man to be shocked. He didn't expect that his method, the five demon gods, would be directly destroyed by Pei Junlin. The confrontation between the two seems to be an understatement, but there is actually a thrilling content in it.

The five black shadows seem simple, but they actually contain endless magical effects, and they are extremely vicious. Once they are contaminated, even if they are powerful at the real monarch level, their true spirits will be contaminated.

What made the black-robed man fear was Pei Junlin's method, which turned out to be just a simple move that directly defeated the method of the Five Sons of Demon God.

"That move you just now should be the unique skill of the Sirius family. Sirius has one heart sword, but it is very new. I have never seen anyone from the Sirius family use such a trick." The black-robed man looked at Pei in surprise. King's Landing.

Pei Junlin was not surprised when the other party recognized his moves.

The Sirius tribe is spread all over the universe, and they are also a huge tribe. Although not as powerful as the dragon tribe, the tribe is numerous.

"That trick you just now is also very peculiar, it should be called the Five Demon God. If I guessed correctly, you should have the last name." Pei Junlin also smiled.

When reading books in the library before, I received a lot of information. I have my own understanding of the entire Vientiane Star Territory Pei Junlin. Among them, there is a giant family that Pei Junlin has studied specifically, and that is the Duan family.

The Duan Family is the only force in this Vientiane Star Territory that can compete with Vientiane Sect. You must know that the entire star field is named after the Vientiane Sect, but this section of the family can develop its own way, and its strength can grow to a terrifying point, and even a family and a star field can be used as enemies.

The Duan family's most famous stunt is not the five demon gods. The Duan family's most famous, sharp and mysterious method is the Eudemons.

The magical beast technique is the secret of the Duan family, and it is also one of the reasons for the sudden emergence of the Duan family in the entire Vientiane Star Region.

"Very good, I even recognized my method, so it will keep you even more so, take a good look at this area, this is your burial place." The black robe man showed a sullen expression in his eyes.

The palms were pushed out again, and a piece of black light flew out and turned into a tiger, but the tiger was lifelike and roared at Pei Junlin as if it were real.

This should be Duan's housekeeping method, the Eudemons, and there is a certain rule of power that directly turns the spiritual energy mana into a beast.

And this tiger does not simply have the shape of a tiger, but also has some of the tiger's unique skills. The fierce tiger rushed towards Pei Junlin, a pair of claws seemed to tear the world, and the space was directly torn a big hole with a tear, the fierce tiger immediately pounced, the body disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, it had already appeared in Pei Junlin's Before.

Pei Junlin leaned back and slashed his throat with the tiger's paw. If Pei Junlin slowed down one more time, his throat would be directly scratched by the tiger.

Pei Junlin was shocked in a cold sweat. Only then did he realize that this family was able to contend with the Vientiane Sect. This Eudemon was indeed very magical.

Pei Junlin could even feel that this fierce tiger was not a magical force between the black-robed men, but a mysterious creature summoned from a certain dimension.

Pei Junlin once went to Guixu and understood the chaotic law power there, and in this fierce tiger, Pei Junlin also felt a law power different from the entire star field.

Pei Jun's figure flickered, the breath of the wind lingered all over his body, and at the same time a large lightning net shrouded, instantly enveloping the tiger.

The fierce tiger clashed between the left and right in the Pei Junlin lightning net to escape, but the power of this chaotic thunder method was so powerful, and soon the fierce tiger was fragmented in the roar, and finally turned into a phantom.

The black-robed man was really surprised to see Pei Junlin's method. He rubbed his hands, and a big net shrouded Pei Junlin.

This is a chaotic spirit treasure, extremely powerful, Pei Junlin feels a kind of skynet feeling, it is difficult for even a mosquito to fly out around, a golden light shrouded in there is a mysterious The kingdom is coming and going on this big web, and even the faith of the demon **** flickers in it.

There was a whining cry in the air, and Pei Junlin felt his mind was damaged, and he felt extremely sad.

"I have been affected by this thing, but this net is indeed a good thing." Jin Ye's voice came.

I saw that chaotic golden bucket flew out of Pei Junlin, directly turned into a whirlpool, and instantly enveloped this big net.

The Chaos Golden Dou had absorbed a large amount of Chaos Spiritual Energy when it returned to the ruins, and it had evolved to an unthinkable level. Even if it was the Chaos Spiritual Treasure, it was collected in an instant.

The groggy feeling in Pei Junlin's mind disappeared immediately after Dawang was paid by Chaos Jin, and it became clear. He was holding the Hunshi Demon Spear, and shot at the black-robed man.

The Sirius One Heart Sword of the Sirius clan was indeed extremely powerful, and it was even more shocking to be shot by Pei Junlin's magic spear. The black robe man couldn't stand it at all, and Pei Junlin pierced his chest with a spear with a flutter.

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