Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1282: Huanshou

But before Pei Junlin had time to be happy, he saw the black-robed man who had been pierced in his chest turned into a cloud of smoke and exploded instantly.

Feeling bad, Pei Junlin dodged in an instant, and a strong wind flashed behind him, and it turned out that a giant elephant appeared behind him. The giant elephant exuded a milky white light, with great strength, and a dark red mark appeared on the center of its eyebrows.

Flicking his nose suddenly, the mana condensed into a whip and wrapped around Pei Junlin. It turned out that what Pei Junlin pierced with the mixed world magic spear was not the black-robed man's deity, but just a phantom.

"Five Emperor God Fist!"

Pei Junlin's large amount of mana rushed into his eyebrows, and the five emperors' souls instantly displayed, and the five emperors were unified, and a fist that destroyed the world was beaten.

The sky was rumbling and quake, the whole valley was falling apart and the mountains were about to crack, and the sky changed. The entire sky was shrouded by an invisible whirlpool, gold, wood, water, fire and earth enveloped the entire canyon.

Pei Junlin is about to fight and make a quick decision. The most powerful method is to make a move. The wind whirlpool has formed a wind whirlpool similar to a mushroom in the valley.

An iron tower flew out of the golden bucket space, suspended over the entire canyon. A large blood-red lightning net covered the entire canyon, and the billowing thunderball fell from the sky like falling rocks.

Almost in an instant, the entire valley became Shura Hell, which made people unavoidable. The black-robed man was shocked when he saw this situation.

The mana was consumed too much, Pei Junlin waved a piece of Tian Yuanyu directly out of the golden bucket space, held in his palm, and the mana consumed almost instantly was replenished.

The moment the five emperors fist punched, the sky broke and the earth cracked. The black-robed man inevitably was beaten up with blood spurting wildly, Pei Junlin immediately flew onto the body with the mixed world magic spear in hand and wanted to win the pursuit.

The two played against each other continuously in the valley, but although the black-robed man was far stronger than Pei Junlin, he was entangled by the breath of the wind, and there were rolling thunderballs all around, making it as if he had broken into a trap. Jedi, there is no way to condense and fight Pei Junlin without distraction.

In this case, Pei Junlin didn't need to pay attention to the entanglement of the thunderball and the wind. The Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand is like a flood dragon going out to sea, exuding a rustling sound.

Even so, the black robe man still blocked Pei Junlin and still did not give up. In this situation, the two of them still did not take advantage of the battle against Pei Junlin, which can be described as half a catty.

The wind vortex and the lightning iron tower can make up the strength gap between Pei Junlin and the opponent, but they cannot be the last straw that overwhelms the balance of their strength. It is very difficult for Pei Junlin to defeat the opponent. After all, Pei Junlin is only in the realm of true gods, and the black robe man in front of him is already a master at the mid-term level.

The realm gap cannot be made up by foreign objects alone, just like a child, even with a sharp blade, it is difficult to kill an adult.

Pei Junlin became more and more courageous as he fought, and he roared wildly with the magic spear in his hand, which made strong spear marks like a madman. The Sirius One Heart Sword of the Sirius clan was used by Pei Junlin in his marksmanship, and it was extremely vicious, with one move that broke the sky and the earth.

Pei Junlin sacrificed a pure sun burning fire bell. The pure sun burning fire bell hovered above Pei Junlin's head. A fire dragon entangled, and instantly spewed out lava and burned.

This nether fire sprayed directly from the sky, just like a red waterfall. The black-robed man suffered beyond words under the impact of the thunder and lightning wind and the ghostly real fire.

"Beasts galloping!" The black robe man roared, and the sound of wild beasts galloping from the surrounding ground.

Pei Junlin felt frightened, and he felt a large group of black figures rushing towards him, while the black robe man had a bow and arrow in his hand, and swished out golden arrows.

Dodge again and again, but in the rush of beasts, Pei Jun is in a restricted county. It will undoubtedly become an arrow target when flying high in the sky, and it will be rushed by these beasts if it falls on the ground.

I saw that Jun Pei was in a dilemma, and I deeply realized the power of the magical beast art of this family. Under the prestigious reputation, there are no vanities. It seems that this family can compete with Vientiane Sect and sit on an equal footing. It seems reasonable.

However, the breath of the wind is enveloped, Pei Junlin is like a steel cage that water can not enter, and the illusion is useless to Pei Junlin. After gaining safety for a short time, Pei Jun stepped forward and punched towards the camp. The front opens up to the past.

Amidst these ten thousand beasts galloping, it is difficult for Pei Junlin to move forward. The Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand pierced through the shadows of the beasts.

"Your practice is simply horrible, I will let you know what the real Taoism is today!"

The black robe man pointed his sword towards the sky, and a talisman appeared in the sky. On the talisman, there is a grayish breath, among which there is a gleam of cosmic light, and the light of the early days overflows from it.

Pei Junlin was shocked when he saw it, and he knew the horror of this talisman. But before he had time to dodge, he saw the black robe man spraying his mana on the talisman, and the talisman immediately shone brightly.

This talisman exploded, turned into a black knife, and slammed at Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin raised the Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand to block, and immediately felt the numbness of the double shock absorbers.

This move was not fatal, Pei Junlin just stepped back, and when he raised his head to look around, he found that Fu Lu suddenly passed through the lightning net and galloped towards the outside.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin immediately knew that it was broken, and it was not that simple. The talisman recorded just now was obviously offensive, but it was actually a talisman of interrogation.

Between Pei Junlin's stupefaction, at this time two auras of a man and a woman reappeared in the canyon. The two are equally powerful, and the costumes on them should be masters of the Vientiane Sect.

"Two fellow Taoists, I'm Duan Tong from the Duan family. The two help me get out of trouble, and the Duan family will have a big reward afterwards." The black-robed man claimed that Duan Tong shouted at the two passing monks.

When he said this, Duan Tong was extremely humiliating. After all, he is a master in the realm of True Monarch, but he can't suppress a monk in the realm of True God, Pei Jun Lin, and he has even reached the point of fleeing to beg for mercy.

The two people who passed by were equally surprised. They thought it was a real monarch-level powerhouse who was robbing a master of the realm of true gods. The two originally planned to take advantage of the fire to rob, but now it seems completely different.

Just now Pei Junlin played that move, a man and a woman could see clearly, the battle between these two people turned out to be Pei Junlin, a little monk in the realm of true gods, who had the upper hand. And this passage, that is a well-known figure in the Duan family, was actually pressed and beaten by Pei Junlin at this time, and it really made the two passers-by stunned.

The world is so great, but the true **** realm tortured the real monarch realm, this is indeed rare, it is simply unseen in ancient times, and I have never heard of such a thing in the past.

Facing Duan Tong’s eager eyes, the two monks didn’t say anything. The female cultivator shook her hand to Duan Tong quickly and said, “This fellow Taoist, my husband and I just passed by here with herbs, and disturbed the two. Yes, I am a little sorry, I will leave now."

The woman talked, stretched out her hand and galloped away to the male monk beside her, disappearing into the valley in the blink of an eye.

Duan Tong was completely desperate when these two people fled. It was indeed incomparably humiliating for him to be beaten by a monk like Pei Junlin at the level of true monarch. But let’s not talk about the issue of humiliation for now, because life is important.

A talisman for help has been issued just now, but the distance can't dissolve the near thirst. Seeing Pei Junlin's offensive getting stronger and stronger, Duan Tong has panicked.

He is now in chaos, and he has no will to fight Pei Junlin. His fighting will has collapsed, and the rest is just running around.

"You don't have to be so scared, I think your magical beast technique is pretty good, and I might be able to save your life if you hand it over." Pei Junlin put away the magic spear and looked at Duan Tong faintly.

The dialogue between the two was like a sheep commanding a tiger, but it made Duan Tong feel extremely humiliated in his heart.

"I died here today, and you never want to get the secrets of my Duan family." Duan Tong spoke hard at this time.

Pei Junlin shook his head, and the Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand was pointed out again, and that period of time used the law of time to form a space-time cage around him.

How can this simple pediatric thing trap Pei Junlin? He carried the breath of the wind and the chaos and thunder, and the two huge powers were endless. In the blink of an eye, the cage was blasted to pieces by Pei Junlin, and that passage was retreating again and again.

The so-called one force drop ten Although this passage broke through to the true monarch and mastered some law powers, the two chaotic powers on Pei Junlin’s body are really too powerful, especially the chaotic thunder method. The power of destroying everything can be called Thor.

It's completely crushing. For a master like Duan Tong, it is entirely because a talented person meets a soldier. It is unreasonable. Even with monstrous means, Pei Junlin's iron tower holding the chaos thunder method fell down, and the chaotic thunderball rolled all over the ground, even the gods could not resist it.

Now Duan Tong's strategy is to be able to hold on for a while, is for a while, try to delay until the reinforcements arrive. At that time, the expert of the Duan family arrives, and the expert of the real king realm will definitely die when the expert of the real king reaches Pei Junlin.

However, Duan Tong could think of these things, Pei Junlin naturally understood it, and he would naturally not let Duan Tong delay his time. The iron tower of the chaotic thunder method was suspended in the sky again, and the billowing thunder method fell down, making a sea of ​​chaotic thunder method formed around it.

The breath of the wind set off a huge wave. The breath of the wind, which can be called the top sword aura, turned into a chaotic cutting of wind blades, even if the Da Luo Jinxian was cut into pieces of meat.

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