Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1283: Duan Tong

After a round of attacks, Duan Tong was bitter. Not only was his whole body scorched by the chaotic thunder method, but the breath of the wind was extremely sharp, and the slices that cut his whole body were sparkling, as **** as fish scales.

This is really worse than death. Now Duan Tong even regrets why he had to provoke Pei Jun, but there is no regret medicine in this world.

The Leifa Tower suspended in the air gradually descended, and the power of thunder and lightning became more and more surging, and the enclosing section with the breath of wind could not breathe.

However, Pei Junlin did not slack off. Although Duan Tong has always been very weak, Pei Junlin knew that the Hundred-legged Worm was dead but not stiff, let alone a strong man of the real monarch level.

Pei Junlin has seen many opponents, and countless people he has killed in his previous life, as well as in this life. Now Pei Junlin can be called a fighting master, enough to make his own strength play to the extreme. However, compared with Pei Junlin, although this passage is relatively strong, it is still tender, especially in terms of combat, not only a competition of own strength, but also a competition of psychological will and strategy.

The little Jiujiu in Duan Tong's heart, in fact, Pei Junlin had already seen through it. Duan Tong, a master of the realm of true monarch, would definitely not be extremely weak under the previous methods, showing an appearance that he could not resist.

The biggest possibility is that this passage is actually recharging your energy and pretending to be stupid. Duan Tong’s purpose is very simple. Knowing that he is not Pei Junlin’s opponent, he tries to make himself weaker, and then takes advantage of Pei Junlin’s arrogant arrogance. If he cannot kill Pei Junlin, at least he will Can escape calmly.

Moreover, some of the descriptions of Duan's magic beast art that Pei Junlin had read in the book before are completely different from Duan Tong. In this way, only two or three kittens can be transformed into a poorly powerful, real fantasy beast art. Extremely terrifying, destroying the world at every turn, definitely not what Duan Tong used.

If it is not for this period of general learning and art, then it is most likely that Duan Tong is hiding his strength, so although Pei Junlin is very proud and complacent, and his shots are also very casual, but his heart is always stretched, and he is ready anytime and anywhere. Withstand Duan Tong's desperate counterattack.

Sure enough, at the moment when Pei Junlin completely forced Duan Tong into a blind spot, Duan Tong's whole person changed, and a huge black shadow appeared behind him, a giant wolf covered in black mist.

At this time, Duan Tong himself roared into the sky at this time, and the fur and skin of his body began to fissure, and Duan Tong himself became a giant wolf, and his figure gradually became larger and slowly overlapped with the ghost of the giant wolf behind him.

Everything happened in an extremely short period of time. Almost in the blink of an eye, Duan Tong became a giant wolf hundreds of meters high. Both feet were walking in the entire canyon, and there was a booming sound from the canyon, and the entire mountain range was trembling.

The giant wolf roared to the sky suddenly tore, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart, and a black light fell down Pei Junlin felt that he could not see anything.

Before, I could only see a dazzling light, and then I felt a smell of fishy smell coming to my face. I wish you well prepared, the pure sun burning fire bell instantly enveloped the whole body, and the current pure sun burning fire bell is more powerful than before after being re-trained by Pei Junlin.

However, this passage is not an ordinary person, but a master of the true monarch level, Pei Junlin was almost at the same level in the realm. During this period of time and space law, the breath of the wind and the tower of thunder and lightning were immediately bound, completely isolated from the outside.

And the giant wolf in Tonghua was a fierce bombardment of the pure sun burning bell, and a huge surging force passed in, even if he was hiding in the pure sun burning bell, Pei Junlin felt blood surging and dizzy. Brain swelling.

This force is really too strong, if it weren't for the amazing defensive ability of the Chunyang Flame Bell, it would have been defeated long ago.

The two claws of this giant wolf carry a terrifying breath of time, and time is the sharpest blade that corrodes everything in this world. Even if it was Jun Pei's Zaiyang Flame Bell, under the claws that contained the law of time, body, breath, and time at this time, it was stretched, and scratches appeared on it.

If you don't stop it, just go on like this, and within ten minutes, the chaotic spirit treasure that accompanies King's Landing will be destroyed in the hands of this pass. The magical beast art of this family can be seen to be very powerful. Only at this time could Pei Junlin really see the Duan family's combat skills at the bottom of the box.

The core of this passage of magical beast art is a kind of divine beast in the universe called the moon swallowing wolf. The strength of this moon-swallowing wolf lies in the fact that it is as sharp as a steel bar.

This moon swallowing wolf has one of the most powerful hobbies, which is to devour all kinds of metals. It is similar to Pei Junlin's previous battle pet gold swallowing beast.

Pei Junlin knew that this would not work at all, and it would be difficult to fly if the Duan's reinforcements arrived at that time. Moreover, the previous pair of men and women were obviously disciples of the Vientiane Sect. At this time, I am afraid that the Vientiane has also received news and is rushing to this area.

The Duan Family and the Vientiane Sect are going to come to this gorge, Pei Junlin, even if he has great abilities, never dare to be an enemy of these two forces, not to mention the masters in the entire Vientiane Star Region are like clouds, true kings. Masters of the realm are everywhere.

Pei Junlin was anxious and his mind turned quickly.

Seeing Pei Junlin gritted his teeth abruptly, the pure sun burning fire bell rose to the sky again in an instant, and Pei Junlin was completely exposed in an instant. The sharp claws in front of this giant wolf instantly tore off, tearing Pei Junlin to pieces.

This pair of wolf claws can almost tear the void, leaving a series of void cracks in the air that are difficult to heal. But at the moment that the pure sun burning fire bell was opened, Pei Junlin also moved.

Behind him, an ancient portal suddenly appeared.

This ancient portal is the legendary gate of hell. After devouring a large amount of chaos aura, the gate of **** was also practiced by the Golden Lord to become more mysterious.

The door slowly opened, and the dry palms stretched out from behind the bronze door again.

Compared to before, the strength of this dry tree is stronger. It seems that after being practiced by the Golden Lord, the bronze giant gate has also been upgraded.

The dry palm suddenly grabbed the giant wolf that Duan Tong turned into, and the two erupted in the air with powerful fluctuations.

Even if Duan Tong is a real monarch-level powerhouse, facing the mysterious existence of the gate of hell, he has nothing to do. The dry claws pierced his chest in an instant, and Duan Tong's heart was dug out.

Pei Junlin, who was on the side, had been prepared for a long time. He stepped on the Naihe Bridge and slammed into the true spirit of Duan Tong who wanted to escape. He only heard a bang. Duan Tong’s true feelings were like a big balloon, and he was instantly placed under Pei Jun’s feet. The Naihe Bridge was torn apart and exploded completely.

The couple hidden in a forest in the distance were stunned and stunned to see this scene.

A small master in the realm of true gods is so powerful, killing a powerful master at the level of true monarch is so easy, and when facing the gate of **** just now, the two of them felt cold, almost as if they were People pinched their necks.

Pei Junlin did not stay, and flew out of the canyon in a flash, and instantly came to the place where the couple was hiding. There was no extra language, Pei Junlin's magic spear was suddenly wrapped up toward this hill, and the couple hiding in this woods had no choice but to soar into the sky and want to escape.

But where Pei Junlin was willing to give the opponent a chance, the pure sun burning fire bell suddenly shrouded this area, and the iron tower of chaos thunder method raged inside the whole pure sun burning bell, and thunderballs were rolling everywhere.

Although Pei Junlin had been fighting against that period before, he could clearly see the behavior of the man and woman. He saw the male monk release a paper crane for interrogation.

The two refused to leave because they were hiding their evil intentions and wanted the snipe and the clam to compete for the profit of the fisherman. The couple waited here, just wanting to wait until Pei Junlin and Duan Tong were both injured in order to benefit from the fisherman, but the hope of the two eventually fell. Pei Junlin strongly killed Duan Tong, making the two people shudder.

"None of you two should leave, leave it to me." Pei Junlin laughed and smashed the five emperors with a punch.

Compared with Duan Tong, the strength of this couple is more than tens of millions of miles away. This couple can break through the realm of true monarch, and their strength is not much stronger than Pei Junlin. Even if the control of some of the order and laws of the realm of the true monarch is only a skinny, so facing the strong bombardment of Pei Junlin, the two people have no power to fight back.

In a hurry, the man actually grabbed his wife beside him and smashed it towards Pei Junlin At the same time, he turned into a phantom flying towards the city of Vientiane and fled.

Pei Junlin did not expect this man to be so vicious. At the most critical moment, he abandoned his wife to escape alone. Not only did he use his wife as a stepping stone to escape, such a person is really bad.

But the woman was in the midair with a look of despair in her eyes, closed her eyes and gave up all resistance. It seems that after being abandoned by her husband, she was desperate and wanted to die.

It seems that this woman is also a poor person. Pei Junlin did not kill her, but as soon as she reached out her hand, she blocked the woman's innocence everywhere, making the other person unable to move.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and pointed to the breath of wind, and directly wrapped the woman like a ball of cotton candy, and followed Pei Junlin behind. However, Pei Junlin had more wind surging from his body, turning into a group of white clouds with a whistling sound, and flew high into the sky and quickly fled towards the southwest.

If you don't escape, there will be no chance. Pei Junlin knew that he had stabbed Da Louzi this time. He had just arrived on the planet of Vientiane, and his **** hadn't been hot yet, and he had stabbed a hole in the sky.

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