Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1285: Time Tower

The light of this setting sun is precisely the chain of time and space. This setting sun is like eternity, it will not disappear at all, nor will it weaken and maintain such intensity forever.

To put it bluntly, this is an ordinary sunset, but the emperor-level characters can retain this moment and turn this moment into eternity. It's like taking a photo in the sunset, but the photo doesn't show some information about the order of time, but this moment of the time tower is eternal.

As if the setting sun was frozen at this moment, anyone can pay to come here for insight. Savor the infinite beauty in the sunset glow in the sunset, the passing of time, the shortness of life, and the suffering of life.

Every minute and every second of time has to be spent a lot of Lingshi Pei Junlin didn't want to waste, he immediately sat down and stared directly, the light gradually settled into concentration.

From morning to night, from night to morning, Pei Junlin didn't even blink his eyes for three full days.

In three days, the light of the setting sun seemed to have been carved into Pei Junlin's heart, and now he closed his eyes and still had the light of the setting sun in his heart.

Three days later, Pei Junlin walked out of the room because he felt that the sunset light could no longer give him more insight. He was going to the highest level. This time Pei Junlin went directly to the tenth floor.

I was when Pei Junlin walked to the only room remaining on the tenth floor, a woman and Pei Junlin arrived at the same time, and the two reached out almost at the same time to put their jade card into the billing port.

Immediately after that, the two stopped at the same time. There was no such woman in Pei Junlin's eyes, but thoughtful. Even his eyes reflected the light of the setting sun, and the woman was somewhat Looking at Pei Junlin with shame.

Because Pei Junlin's gaze was fixed, it fell on her chest so as to die. Although Pei Junlin knew in his heart that he didn't care about any foreign objects at all, in the eyes of this woman, Pei Junlin's vision was extremely rude and indecent.

"What are you looking at, shameless?" The woman finally couldn't stand it, and rebuked.

The voice was unexpectedly nice, like a new Yingying out of the valley, with a soft breath.

But Pei Junlin did not hear. He felt that his behavior was blocked, and finally recovered a part of his spirit. He raised his head and looked at the veiled woman with weird eyes: "Why stop me?"

The girl was almost mad, she was quite famous among the Vientiane Sect. It's a beauty that no one knows, how did she meet such a dumb boy and ask who she is?

The girl just wanted to question whether Pei Junlin's eyes were decoration, but when she saw Pei Junlin's costume, she understood. This time tower is not only open to the disciples inside the Vientiane Sect, but also to the outside. Anyone who has money can come to Vientiane and appreciate the traces of time in the time tower.

"So you are not a member of the Vientiane Sect, well, this training room will be given to you. Sister, I can't provoke me and can't hide it?" The woman gave Pei Junlin angrily, and then turned directly towards Go up the eleventh floor.

Pei Junlin shook his head and walked directly into this training room, which was the tenth time tower. When Pei Junlin walked in, he immediately felt a hot sunset light, the tenth layer of sunset light was even hotter and brighter than the fifth layer, and with a flowing brilliance.

Pei Junlin seemed to have some feelings, and immediately sat down, looking directly at the light.

This time, Jun Pei sat on the sidelines for seven days, finally fully comprehending this brilliance, and has already touched the edge of some time rules.

When Pei Junlin regained consciousness again, a smile appeared on his face, but at this time, there was a buzzing sound in the entire room. And there was a red lamp bead on the door that was shining, Pei Junlin knew that his balance was insufficient, but he was actually going to recharge.

Pei Junlin went downstairs without any hesitation, and once again filled the front desk with a million top-grade spirit stones, this time it was enough for him to practice for a long time.

It was on the tenth floor before, but Junlin Pei has already completed his perception. This time Junlin Pei decided to skip the fifth floor and go directly to the fifteenth floor. However, when he came to the fifteenth floor, Junlin Pei found that there was nothing In the vacant room, Pei Junlin had no choice but to go up to the sixteenth floor.

However, the sixteenth floor is the same as the fifteenth floor, and there are no empty rooms. This made Pei Junlin a little embarrassed, but as he was walking around in the hallway, a red light at the door of a room was flashing, which indicated that the people in the room had no balance and would be out soon.

Pei Junlin immediately showed a look of surprise and walked over. He planned to stay at the door of this training room, waiting for the owner inside to come out, and then he could go directly in to fill the gap.

Soon the door opened, and a veiled female sister walked out of it. This female cultivator was extremely slim. The skin is even more deceptive, and the eyebrows contain smoke, giving people a very beautiful feeling. Pei Junlin almost immediately determined that this should be a stunning beauty.

However, he doesn't have much interest in the beauty Pei Junlin. His biggest interest now is to watch the sunset. To understand the law of time as soon as possible and break through as soon as possible and enter the realm of true monarch, at that time there will be the power to protect yourself.

Pei Junlin’s current plan is to first return to the original Donglai Star Territory to find his beloved wife, Prince Qiong, and sister-in-law, Wang Ziyu, and other relatives. After finding these relatives, then take them to find their former teacher. Zun Linglong fairy.

The vastness of the universe is difficult to protect itself without the strength of the true monarch level. Only the strength of the true monarch level can travel across the star field.

The veiled woman saw Pei Junlin waiting at the door, and she didn't feel a trace of disgust in her eyes, but what was even more anxious in her eyes was that she had just had a trace of sentiment, and was immediately interrupted. It was really annoying. Almost crazy.

When cultivating, the cultivator is the same as the painter and the writer looking for inspiration. Just catching the trace of inspiration, before he can feel it, he is interrupted by the lack of balance. This makes this veiled woman almost want Crazy.

Seeing that Pei Junlin was holding a black recharge card in her hand, the woman's eyes lit up and she reached out and took the jade card in Pei Junlin's hand directly and stuffed it directly into the groove.

"Lend this prepaid card to me first, and I will definitely return it to you in the future. Remember my name is Yunyao." The woman turned around and walked into the room with only a word, and the door of the room soon Closed tightly.

Pei Junlin was a little dumbfounded, but he still didn't react. It took a long time for Pei Junlin to recall from his thoughts. It turned out that his recharge card was snatched by the woman.

Pei Junlin tried to take out his recharge card, but the jade card seemed to be sucked, and it couldn't be taken out of the groove at all. It seems that there is a minimum time limit for cultivation, and it takes at least two days to retrieve the prepaid card.

Pei Junlin shook his head in annoyance, it seems that this woman is really not good. Holding Yun Yao's recharge card, he went downstairs again to recharge one million top-grade spirit stones, and then turned upstairs and went directly to the 20th floor.

Before Pei Junlin met on this floor, Liu Quan who came together, Liu Quan just came out of the room with an annoyed look, and suddenly saw Pei Junlin looking at each other, Liu Quan walked towards Pei Junlin.

"Brother, can you lend me one hundred thousand spiritual stones? I just realized a little bit of feeling, but I was interrupted." Liu Quan said anxiously towards Pei Junlin.

The two did not know each other, so Liu Quan came over to borrow money, which really made Pei Junlin feel a little weird. But thinking about Pei Junlin, he can also understand that Liu Quan in front of him should be similar to Yun Yao before, both of which were interrupted at a critical moment because of insufficient balance.

"Okay, I will lend it to you, but you have to give me a time to repay." Pei Junlin said lightly looking at Liu Quan.

In addition, Lingshi said nothing to Pei Junlin. His current wealth was almost comparable to a planet. For those masters in the realm of kings, the wealth may not be as rich as Pei Junlin.

Liu Quan was overjoyed when he heard that Pei Junlin was willing to lend himself a spiritual stone. At the same time, there was an expression of embarrassment and guilt on his face: "I'm really sorry, the two of us don't know each other, so I borrowed money from you, which is indeed unreasonable. But in a hurry, I want to catch that. One impression. You can rest assured that these spirit stones will be returned to you within half a month."

Pei Junlin nodded and followed Liu Quan to the front desk, and helped Liu Quan recharge one hundred thousand best spirit stones. Then the two separated and Pei Junlin re-entered the Time Tower.

But this time Pei Junlin took longer, UU reading www., he and Liu Quan and others almost grasped an insight. For a full month, Pei Junlin was soaked in the Time Tower. It was only a month before Pei Junlin remembered the incident of Liu Quan.

Within a month of the time tower, Pei Junlin spent tens of millions of spirit stones, and he has now reached the 70th floor. In the training room on the seventieth floor, the light of time here is already very strong, and that ray of light completely reveals the true form of time.

After this period of practice, Pei Junlin's perception of time and his mastery of the order of time have reached a mature level, and when he has broken through to the realm of that true monarch, Pei Junlin actually has a vague perception in his heart.

Breaking through the heavenly monarch is completely different from the previous breakthrough, because once you break through the heavenly monarch, you will be divided into heaven and human, so when you break through the heavenly monarch realm, you will encounter thunder tribulation.

Pei Junlin walked out of the time tower, but unexpectedly, Pei Junlin did not meet Liu Quan who was waiting outside the time tower.

Pei Junlin didn't think that the money borrowed could be collected. After all, one hundred thousand spirit stones were just a drizzle for Pei Junlin, and it was not a thing at all.

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