Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1286: Liu Quan

But when Pei Junlin walked out of the Vientiane Sect, he saw a gray-headed man standing at the door, it was Liu Quan'er. Seeing Pei Junlin coming out, Liu Quan walked over with joy.

"Brother, you can be regarded as coming out." Liu Quan said when he came over and looked at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't expect this person to be so credible that he is waiting for him here, is it to pay back the money?

"Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot the time when I was practicing. I broke the contract first. You don't have to return the 100,000 spiritual stones." Pei Junlin waved his hand towards Liu Quan.

Looking at Liu Quan's appearance, it looked like a casual repairman, with ragged clothes. For such a person, one hundred thousand spiritual stones is indeed not a small number.

Hearing what Pei Junlin said, Liu Qiang suddenly showed an awkward look on his face. He looked at Pei Junlin hesitantly and said: "Brother, I am not waiting for you here to pay you back, really. I’m sorry. I’ve breached the contract. I said I will pay you back in half a month, but I don’t have any money now."

Liu Quan was embarrassed and silent, for a master in the realm of true gods, he was indeed embarrassed.

Pei Junlin was also speechless when he heard it. He didn't expect that Liu Quan was waiting here to pay him back. The remarks just now can be regarded as affectionate.

"I said you don't need to pay back the money, let's forget about it." Pei Junlin gave a look, glanced at Liu Quan and walked forward.

But Liu Quan did not give up, chased him up again, looked at Pei Jun for a while, and said with embarrassment: "Brother, I know that my request is really unreasonable, but I was really deceived. I really want to borrow another amount of money here so that I can send it back to my hometown. I promise that I will raise the money within a month and I will return it to you with interest."

Pei Junlin was almost laughing now. He never expected that Liu Quan was waiting here to borrow money from himself again, and he also made up an excuse for being cheated.

Looking at Liu Quan, Zhou Zheng looked righteous, but he didn't expect this person to be a liar.

The first time I was deceived, it was enough. This Liu Quan wanted to deceive the second time. Pei Junlin immediately looked at Liu Quan with a cold expression and didn't speak, and walked straight forward.

Seeing Pei Junlin's performance, Liu Quan suddenly looked disappointed and annoyed. At the same time, he was embarrassed. He did not catch up with Pei Junlin again, but walked towards a small fork in the road very lonely.

Pei Junlin ignored Liu Quan'er, but walked towards his inn while lowering his head thinking. Suddenly Pei Junlin raised his head because he felt an obstacle in front of him.

An exquisite carriage stopped in front of Pei Junlin, and the driver of the carriage deliberately did it. Pei Junlin frowned, planning to go around the carriage and walk forward.

The curtains of the carriage were lifted, and a delicate face covered with a veil appeared from it.

"I came here to pay you back. This person is also a weird person." Na Yunyao heard a voice from the carriage.

Just now someone came to pay back the money, but he borrowed money from himself again. Pei Junlin was speechless. Now that Yun Yao rushed over to pay back the money, Pei Junlin had an urge to run.

"No, the money will be given to you." Pei Junlin left a word and quickly left.

Back in the room, Pei Junlin quickly packed his things and planned to leave the entire Vientiane City. But at this moment the door of the room was knocked, and it was Yun Yao who was standing outside after opening it.

The veiled Yunyao frowned. As soon as he entered the door, he looked at Pei Junlin coldly for a while before saying: "Who do you think of me? Will I take your money for nothing? This is double. "

Yun Yao directly sent a storage bag to Pei Junlin's face, and it contained two million best spirit stones.

Pei Junlin confirmed with a scan of his spiritual knowledge that there were indeed two million top-quality spiritual stones inside. Putting the storage bag into his arms casually, Pei Junlin didn't say anything.

This time it was Yun Yao’s turn to be surprised. Two million top-grade spirit stones. This is definitely a great fortune. How come Pei Junlin didn’t even wrinkle his brows or even fluctuate his mood, which made Yun Yao weird. pole.

"Is there anything else? Please leave if you are okay." Pei Junlin took the initiative to rush the guests.

Yunyao is so beautiful that she is always the focus of people wherever she goes. Pei Junlin didn't want to have too much intersection with Yun Yao, so as not to reveal his identity. You know, he is now a thorn in the flesh of the Vientiane Sect and the Duan family.

Before, Pei Junlin didn't know what Duan Tong's identity was, but he recently learned that Duan Tong was originally one of the seven heirs of the Duan family. Now that he is killed by him, the Duan family must be crazy.

The male monk who had escaped from him before was not low in status, turned out to be the grandson of an elder in Vientiane, so he was also working hard to find Pei Junlin in Vientiane.

There is another reason for the two sides to look for Pei Junlin, and that is the secret of Taixu Shenzang. Perhaps some of the secrets of Li Ding's possession of the Taixu Shenzang have been leaked out, so the clues of the Taixu Shenzang are now in Pei Junlin's hands, and the Vientiane Sect and Duan Family will definitely not give up searching for Pei Junlin.

"What do you mean by this person? What happened to me staying in your room for a while?" Yun Yao's eyes widened with anger.

With her identity and beauty, where is she not surrounded by male Xiu?

Even some powerhouses at the true monarch level, even powerhouses at the monarch realm, extended an olive branch to Yun Yao.

Yun Yao found that she had been angry since meeting Pei Junlin. The man in front of her was just a piece of wood, completely confused.

In fact, Yun Yao was in a cold state in front of others, unsmiling, and would not talk to men casually, but after meeting Pei Junlin, Yun Yao suddenly felt a special feeling.

Perhaps it was the first time that a man was left out in the cold, causing Yun Yao to dig into the bottom of her heart. She wanted to know the origin of the man in front of her, and why she was so indifferent to herself?

From birth to growing up, Yun Yao has never seen any man who can remain calm in front of her, and Pei Junlin is the first to let her feel the feeling of being left out.

"There is no other meaning, that is, the two of us are cleared up, and no one owes anyone anymore. I want to rest now and don't want to be disturbed." Pei Junlin slowed down again and explained to Yun Yao.

At this time Yun Yao also calmed down, knowing that she was a bit too much to anger with a stranger. She was a little guilty in her heart because she forcibly took away Pei Junlin's rechargeable jade charm.

Therefore, when he found Pei Junlin personally, Yun Yao was not simply returning those spirit stones to Pei Junlin. In addition, he also wanted to do what the landlord would do, thank Pei Junlin. Because it was precisely because of taking away Pei Junlin's rechargeable jade talisman, she was able to grasp the trace of insight and successfully comprehend the law of time.

But now seeing Pei Junlin's indifferent attitude, Yun Yao is actually cold. She is not a person who is good at dealing with people, and she usually has no friends around her.

But I was a little grateful for Pei Junlin, but it was difficult to express.

Facing Pei Junlin's forcibly driving guests, Yun Yao could only walk outside, but after two steps, he stopped again.

"Since you came to our Vientiane Sect from the outside not far away, it is to comprehend the law of time in the Time Tower. I tell you, there will be a conference in Vientiane in two days, and this conference is for everyone. "After Yun Yao said this, she opened the door and walked out.

Pei Junlin didn't expect this woman to have such a strong vengeance, and she only spoke halfway. I said something about the conference, but only half of it did not say the name or specific content.

Pei Junlin was aroused, he walked to the street, asked someone to ask, and quickly got an answer. It turned out that every ten years in Vientiane Sect, a contest to climb the Taoist Pagoda is held.

The so-called Dao Pagoda is a very mysterious ancient pagoda in the Vientiane Sect. According to a mysterious legend, this tower is a trace left by the emperor-level figure, and it may even have fallen from the fairy world.

Dao Pagoda was already here when there were no humans to multiply on the entire planet of Vientiane. The reason why Vientiane Sect was able to multiply was because the first generation of founders of the mountain enlightened Dao under Dao Pagoda.

It is difficult to climb to the tower, but it will be held every ten years. Not only facing the disciples inside the Vientiane Sect, but also facing the entire starry sky.

According to the legend, the Taoist Pagoda has great benefits. There is Taoist rhyme flowing on the Taoist Pagoda. Ascending to the upper floors of the Taoist Pagoda, it is possible to realize some traces of the Taoist, which is very useful for the road of cultivation.

When Pei Junlin walked on the street, he felt that there were a lot of outsiders in Vientiane City these days. These people had different clothes and different body appearances, but most of them were human races, and some monster races. U U Reading

"Liu Quan, can you stay away? Don't let me see you." A bitter woman's voice came, making Pei Junlin look sideways.

In the alley, Liu Quan stood extremely lonely, and three women stood opposite it. One of the women in a purple dress was the one who had just reprimanded Liu Quan.

This woman is tall, with snow-white skin, and a fair appearance. She has a mole on her upper lip, which makes her very charming, but her eyes are a bit mean.

Pei Junlin remained calm, turned a corner and stayed there. He wanted to see what happened to Liu Quan.

"Susu, can you return the spirit stone to me? It's really urgent. I borrowed one hundred thousand spirit stones from someone, and I will return it to him now." Liu Quan whispered towards the name Su Su Said the woman.

"It's really shameless, Liu Quan. You gave it to me, but now you want to go back. Are you shameless?" The woman showed a look of contempt, and even the two women in the same group looked at it mockingly. With Liu Quan.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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