Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1287: Road tower

"At the beginning, you said you liked me and wanted to be with me, but now you refuse me, why don't you return my spirit stone to me, a full three million spirit stones, I only ask you to get back 300,000. This is not too much, right?" Liu Quan still begged.

"No, there is no reason to take back the things you sent out. You gave me these things. Even when it comes to Lao Tzu, you are unreasonable." The woman was very tough and did not admit that she had deceived Liu Quan.

Pei Junlin hid from the side and heard these words clearly. His brows slowly stretched out. Unexpectedly, Liu Quan didn't lie. He really encountered difficulties.

It's just that some methods of Liu Quan make Pei Junlin feel speechless. This Liu has a full-length appearance and a sophisticated look. He didn't expect to be so confused when he started things, like a young man.

Being seduced by that woman a little bit, she gave her whole wealth to others, and now she still naively wants to get it back, which is simply unreasonable.

"I only need 300,000 yuan and one hundred thousand yuan to return to others. The other 200,000 yuan, I will return to my hometown through the portal. Without these spirit stones, I will be living in the entire Vientiane City, unable to return at all. "Liu Quan said bitterly towards the woman.

The woman named Su Su didn't listen at all, and left directly with her two female companions, leaving Liu Quan standing still in a daze.

"Why do you like such a shallow, ignorant and greedy woman?" Liu Quan was in a daze when he heard a familiar voice.

Turning his head, he just saw Pei Junlin standing at the entrance of the alley, watching the play with his arms folded. Could it be that Pei Junlin had heard everything that happened just now, and Liu Quan suddenly felt feverish on his face, and he wanted to find a seam to get in.

"Well, sometimes emotions are really unreasonable, even if that person is not a beloved, but to like is to like. I still want to persuade you, that woman named Su will definitely harm you, and you will try not to interact with this in the future. What's wrong with the female?" Pei Junlin said, throwing a storage bag at Liu Quan.

This storage bag contained two million top-quality spiritual stones, which Yun Yao had given back to Pei Junlin. However, these spirit stones weren't of great value to Pei Junlin, so he gave them to Liu Quan.

Liu Quan looked into the storage bag and was shocked. He didn't expect Pei Junlin to be so generous, and he would get two million best spirit stones in one shot.

Liu Quan was there for a while, looking at Pei Junlin, not knowing what to say.

"Brother, can you leave your name? Let's be a friend. The things I borrowed from you today will definitely be repaid in the future. I, Liu Quan, will never fail to say anything." Then Liu Quan chased up and followed Pei Junlin sincerely. Said.

Pei Junlin just wanted to tell Liu Quan that these spirit stones didn't need to be returned, but when the words came to his lips, Pei Junlin took them back.

"Do you know this star field? Have you ever heard of Donglai star field?" Pei Junlin suddenly turned to look at Liu Quan and said.

Liu Quan shook his head, but quickly said: "My family comes from the white horse star, and our Liu family on that planet is also considered to have some identity. If you don’t dislike it, you can rush to the white horse planet with me, and I will entrust it. The elders of the family will help you find out where the Eastern Star Territory is."

Liu Quan said it sincerely and didn't mean to deceive, Pei Junlin also nodded. Home by their parents, go out to rely on friends. In order for Pei Junlin to return to the Eastern Star Territory, it would be impossible for him to rely on a single person to flies like a mess. He had to rely on a powerful intelligence network and the assistance of others.

Since Liu Quan can come to the Vientiane Star, it means that Liu Quan’s hometown is not far from here, and a person like Liu Quan who can give away three million women’s best spirit stones, the family behind him is certainly not weak. , Even stronger than that Duan family.

Powerful families often have a variety of connections, and they are also very powerful. If Pei Junlin wants to find the Eastern Star Territory, this Liu Quan may be useful in the future.

"Isn't there a Dao Pagoda conference on Vientiane Planet in a few days? Let's participate in this event together. After that, I will accompany you to the White Horse Star." Pei Junlin told Liu Quan.

Liu Quan happily agreed to what Pei Junlin said, but when he asked Pei Junlin's name, Pei Junlin hesitated, but after thinking about it, he told Liu Quan his name.

Liu Quan has now reached the point where he can't have enough food and is living on the street. He is a homeless man along the street at night, which really makes Pei Junlin feel a little funny.

Liu Quan seemed to be sophisticated and sophisticated, but in fact he looked like a young man in his heart, he was extremely enthusiastic about things, and he was absolutely straight-hearted.

That's why Liu Quan was easily deceived by the green tea named Su Su, and deceived the whole body of spirit stones, almost to the point of living on the street.

For a day, Pei Junlin lived with Liu Quan every day. The two talked about everything and they soon became friends.

Soon after arriving at the opening of the Dao Pagoda, Pei Junlin and Liu Quan approached the Vientiane Sect along with other people who wanted to break the Dao Pagoda.

The last time I came to Vientiane, I didn't actually enter the real Vientiane Sect. This time I came to Vientiane Sect to be the real Vientiane Sect. After all, the light tower was far less important than the Taoist tower.

Time is only in the Vientiane City, not within the real Vientiane Sect.

This time Pei Junlin followed some people who wanted to break into the Vientiane Sect and was immediately stunned by the magnificent aura of the Vientiane Sect.

This Vientiane Sect is so vast that it feels like a fairyland for Pei Junlin. There are tall and magnificent buildings, some peaks inserted into the sky, waterfalls hanging high on the mountain, and some towering old trees. A hundred people embrace.

There are also various spirit beasts in Hai Zong, flying around in the sky, and some disciples in the Vientiane Sect are also flying with swords.

It was not just Pei Junlin alone who was amazed, but many of the outsiders who came to Vientiane's Dao Pagoda, all of them stared at this time, showing a look of longing.

The one who led the crowd into Vientiane was an outer disciple of Vientiane Sect. He was dressed in a white shirt, and his appearance was quite upright.

Everyone showed a look of admiration and admiration, and this outer disciple showed a proud smile on his face: "If you admire the Vientiane Sect, then there will be a new addition in Vientiane after a month. If you have the strength, then , Come and sign up as much as possible, maybe you will be selected."

The words of the disciple in white made waves among the crowd. Many people showed longing and talked a lot. Even Liu Quan beside him was a little tempted.

Pei Junlin saw three girls in the crowd, among them was the girl Liu Quan had a crush on, Su Su. After Na Susu heard the white-clothed disciple announce the news, she seemed to be moved, and didn't know what happened, so she walked with the white-clothed outer disciple in Vientiane. They talked happily and behaved very intimately.

Liu Quan naturally saw all this in his eyes. Pei Junlin also felt very funny seeing Liu Quan's behavior. At this time, Liu Quan gritted his teeth, his face flushed with clenched fists, and seemed jealous.

In Pei Junlin's opinion, this Liu Quan showed such an attitude for a woman who didn't like him at all. It was indeed a bit naive, but people have grown from a naive age to maturity, and Pei Junlin is hard to say anything.

Now there are not many innocent people like Liu Quan in the entire cultivation world. Pei Junlin speculates that Liu Quan should have grown up under the protection of his parents, and rarely had contact with outsiders, so even if he has cultivated to such a high level of true gods, he still The mood is as innocent as a child.

In other words, if Liu Quan is a scheming man, then Pei Junlin would not dare to be friends with him, it is precisely because of this that Liu Quanshuai and Pei Junlin got close to him.

"Brother Pei, do you have anyone you like?" Liu Quan seemed to calm down, and no longer looked at that uncle and the outer disciple of Vientiane Sect.

Pei Junlin never expected Liu Quan to ask his head, but he didn't feel embarrassed or embarrassed. He nodded and said, "Of course."

"Does that woman like you?" Liu Quan said anxiously, looking at Pei Junlin.

"Of course the two love each other." Pei Junlin still did not hesitate.

Hearing Pei Junlin say so, Liu Quan's face showed a lonely look, he glanced at Susu again, and resolutely retracted his eyes.

A person grows up in an instant. Liu Quan seems to be a lot more mature than before, and his expression is also much more indifferent.

Soon Na Susu fought fiercely with the outer disciples of the Vientiane Sect, and the two even held hands in public. However, Liu Quan looked very indifferent and indifferent when he saw this scene, just as if he hadn't seen it. This made Pei Junlin feel funny.

Soon everyone was brought to the Dao Pagoda. At this time, there were many people around the Dao Pagoda. There were many disciples of the Vientiane Sect and foreigners. UU reading

Pei Junlin set his gaze on the tower. With his eyes, the shape of the tower looked a bit like a pyramid on the earth, but it was a step-shaped towering into the clouds. I don't know how many layers there are.

According to the Vientiane Sect, the highest number of floors that can climb this tower is three hundred and seventy-six floors. No one can go up, and climbing the Tao Pagoda has nothing to do with one's own realm.

The level of strength and the pressure of climbing Dao Pagoda are treated equally. Even some powerhouses at the true monarch level are unlikely to go further than those at the realm of true gods. This is where Dao Pagoda treats them equally.

People continue to climb the Dao Pagoda and rush towards the top of the tower. At first they will go very fast, but the later they will go slower.

Pei Junlin observed it, and someone could not move forward as soon as they reached the 30th floor. The slowest person is now on the 100th floor and continues to climb up, and looks particularly relaxed.

Some people have been defeated and others have re-climbed continuously, and the mystery of this tower is unclear.

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