Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1289: 200 level mark

Pei Junlin stood up quietly and felt the changes in his body. He could now clearly feel that the celestial body seemed to have undergone a certain change.

Dao Yun is a mysterious and mysterious thing, and it will not immediately increase the body's certain benefits, but in the long run, it will be greatly beneficial to the cultivation of both air and destiny.

Pei Junlin felt the feeling of wearing a piece of heavy armor on his body, and finally removed.

Going forward two steps, I feel very relaxed. Pei Junlin didn't pay attention to the people around him. Those who wanted to **** his luck, now all showed disappointment and shame on their faces.

Pei Junlin walked fast and climbed toward the Dao Pagoda again, and each of these people showed a look of jealousy in their eyes.

Pei Junlin ignored these people, his gaze fell on the divine monkey, which turned into a middle-aged man with a big belly and looked extremely wretched. As if feeling Pei Junlin’s gaze, the monkey turned his head and smiled at Pei Junlin

At the end of the laugh, the monkey seemed to be a little unbearable, and finally revealed the nature of a monkey, grinning towards Pei Junlin, but it made many people around him a strange emotion.

The steps that the monkey is currently on are 120 steps, and Pei Junlin’s steps are now fifty-eight, and there is a big gap between the two. It seems that the roots of the monkey are indeed good, and the steps on this step are like flying. The vast majority of people are left behind.

After all, to be able to ascend to a hundred ranks, there will be some talents in the future. However, two hundred ranks would be a genius, more than three hundred ranks would be unique existence, and each one had great achievements.

About 80% of the people will be swept down by the first 100 levels, and about ninety-nine percent will stop before the 200th level. Only a very small number of people can exceed the 300th level. Those are rare existences. I don't know how many years will it appear.

At this time, the more he went up, Liu Quan's expression gradually showed fatigue. When he exceeded the 100th level, Pei Junlin had already caught up with Liu Quan, and he was walking fast.

On the other hand, Liu Quan was sweating, short of breath and panting, as if his whole body was confined by a heavy chain. Turning around to see Pei Junlin walking like flying, he suddenly had a look of envy.

"Brother, I'm afraid I won't make it. I won't be able to accompany you on the next road. I'll go down if I insist on more than one hundred levels later." Liu Quan said hello to Pei Junlin, panting as he spoke.

Pei Junlin smiled, a person is worthy of self-knowledge. If Liu Quan can pass a hundred steps, he will be like a middleman, and it is indeed very good.

After passing the hundredth step, Liu Quan could no longer go down. He forced his way forward two steps, but blood spurted from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

This horrible scene stunned the people around, and those who had planned to stick with it again also retreated, turned and walked on.

Pei Junlin is getting more and more relaxed, but he feels that the wind is growing under his feet, and he is constantly rising, and he has reached the 170th step in the blink of an eye.

Pei Junlin felt a strange feeling in his heart, that others are getting more and more difficult, but he is getting more and more relaxed, which is really weird.

When he reached the 190th step, Pei Junlin finally felt a sense of difficulty, which made Pei Junlin feel a kind of doubt again.

The first time I felt like this, because a ray of rhyme entangled his hands and feet. But this time, Pei Junlin didn't know why, because he had not felt Dao Yun so far.

"Haha, I didn't see that guy. Before he was so arrogant that he felt a ray of Dao rhyme, and now he can't walk anymore. Not only is it just a middleman, he can't get past 200 steps after all. The mark.” Seeing Jun Pei limping, everyone onlookers gloated.

In this world, there are many gloating people, and many people don't want others to live better than themselves.

When Pei Junlin was favored by Daoyun before, many people had a feeling of jealousy in their hearts. At this time, seeing that Pei Junlin was finally unable to go down, these people were relieved and smiled on their faces.

There are countless people around the Dao Pagoda who mock Pei Junlin, but some people are silent. For example, Yun Yao, the veiled woman, has eyes like autumn water with smoke. Looking at Pei Junlin's back, she doesn't know what she is thinking.

"Junior Sister Yun, you are very interested in that person. I found that your gaze has been following him. Is there anything special about this person?" A soft-looking woman stood beside Yun Yao and laughed in a low voice. .

Yun Yao was frank and frank, she actually didn't have any special feelings about Pei Junlin, but she felt that Pei Junlin was rather weird.

Only when she heard the woman behind her clearly meant something, Yun Yao was not nervous but smiled: "I feel a little weird for this person. He may be able to pass the 200th order. It should be a genius."

When the woman heard Yun Yao say this, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and was surprised. When others were not optimistic about Pei Junlin, Yun Yao was optimistic about Pei Junlin alone, which made the woman a little surprised.

"How many people can pass the two hundred levels since ancient times? Those are geniuses who are born out of this world. They are rare in a century. I think this person is better. After all, most people don't care about him. The card?" The woman shook her head, disagreeing with Yun Yao's statement.

The surrounding men who secretly paid attention to Yun Yao's words also showed jealousy in their eyes when they heard Yun Yao's words, and even some of their jealous eyes were red, and they wished to pounce on Pei Jun to five horses.

Yun Yao stopped talking, but moved her eyes to another place, no longer staring at Pei Junlin's body, but soon the crowd exclaimed because someone found that Pei Junlin was sitting down in the second plate.

The step Pei Junlin sat cross-legged was one hundred and ninety-nine steps, one step away from the 200th step, and he could step into the part of genius, but Junlin Pei stayed on this step.

"No, did he feel Dao Yun's favor again? Where did this person come from?" Someone exclaimed and went crazy with jealousy.

Some people also expressed disbelief and felt that Pei Junlin was disguised and could not go any further. At this time, sitting cross-legged was to find a good dojo in the future and lay a bargaining chip.

It is already a small genius to be able to ascend to the current level, and it is easy for such a person to enter the Vientiane Sect. If Pei Junlin can comprehend Daoyun for the second time at this time, he will definitely be raised by the key Pei when he enters the Vientiane Sect in the future.

Many people are speculating on Pei Junlin's motives, suspecting that he is deliberately pretending to feel Daoyun.

These people were slapped in the face before they finished speaking, because Pei Junlin Zhou Sheng was suddenly surrounded by a first-order golden light, like an eggshell, wrapping Pei Junlin like an eggshell. At this time, even a fool, I know that Pei Junlin really feels again. When it comes to Daoyun, this is already the second time.

"People deserve to die than people, shop around should be thrown away, this guy stepped on **** today, why is so lucky?" Someone clenched his fist in resentment.

In this case, there are many people from all major forces. Their eyes flickered, and they began to tell their subordinates to wait until Pei Junlin walked off the Dao Pagoda to solicit him.

Such talents will not be let go in every star field. In the future, there will be unlimited achievements at the latest, and the lowest is also a real king's realm. As long as they can become the backbone of their respective sects in time.

Several beauties who were preparing to catch their son-in-law also had their eyes flickering at this time, and they were vying with each other secretly, all staring at Pei Junlin's body.

People like Pei Junlin who are only one step away from genius will naturally be noticed by these women. What's more, Pei Junlin’s two insights into the rhyme of Taoism, the future achievements may be above the realm of the real king, who can reach the level of the saint is unknown .

If you can't break through to the emperor's level and can become a powerful man of the great saint's level, it can also shock a star field, and stomping a planet will shake existence.

Zebe III, a master of the realm of true monarch, has enjoyed endless prosperity and wealth for the next three generations. The realm of the true king is great, it is enough to build a super-large family, and can even be passed on from generation to generation.

If you can cultivate to a saint, you can easily open up a holy place, and recruit talents to pass on the holy place step by step, and achieve the foundation of eternal life.

Moreover, Pei Junlin has twice realized Daoyun's future achievements, and may even reach the level of the Great Sage, so several stunning women who are preparing to catch the son-in-law on the list are secretly competing, planning to launch an offensive against Pei Junlin when Jun Pei comes down.

Pei Junlin naturally didn't know that he himself had become a sweet potato, and the incarnation of the monkey on the other side actually stayed on the 180th step, but there was no sentimental rhyme, but his eyes flashed with a faint light. With Pei Junlin.

Some people noticed that Pei Junlin naturally also noticed that the **** monkey of this body element ~ can reach one hundred and eighty steps, that is also a near genius, after all, people over 200 It is a rare existence.

"That person is a bit weird, with a trace of unpredictable aura, he doesn't seem to be a human being." Surrounded by people just watching the excitement, more masters hide in it, and even masters in the realm of True Kings are also mixed in it.

These people have extremely sharp eyes, and they can see through some of the breath of this **** monkey and feel that he is not a human being, but there is no demon spirit from the stone monkey, which surprised these people.

The people who pay attention to Pei Junlin are no more than those who pay attention to the **** monkey. After all, the **** monkey is also very mysterious, but no one knows that the **** monkey and Pei Junlin belong to the same body. If they know, they will be surprised that they can’t close their mouths.

When everyone was talking about it, a white-clothed young man unexpectedly passed Pei Junlian's position, surpassing the 200-step mark. At this moment, everyone stood up and exclaimed.

"That's right, someone has ascended to the 200th order." The shocked voices were like thunder, and even some of the elders of the Vientiane Sect revealed their spiritual knowledge.

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