Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1290: Rule force

Divine consciousness is like searchlights floating in mid-air, and the eyes are like torches, and golden lights shroud, almost covering the entire Taoist tower.

At this time, no one paid attention to Pei Junlin, and more eyes remained on the young man in white.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be Bai Yunzong's young genius, Bai Jiashu." Someone seemed to recognize this white-clothed genius, and the envy could not be concealed in his eyes.

"It's not him who else, a genius who is rare in a thousand years. He is very likely to be a great sage in the future. The Baiyun Sect treats him very seriously, and he has been raised with various elixir since he was a child." Someone said in his tone of voice. Can't hide a trace of jealousy.

When everyone kept their gazes on Bai Jiashu, Pei Junlin stood up silently, he had already realized a trace of Taoism just now.

Tao Yun is actually to achieve the destiny and fate of people, so that people can go further. Some ups and downs in fate and bad luck are all washed away, making everything go smoothly.

Pei Junlin's journey was bumpy and bumpy all the way, and it was not a flat river, but after absorbing two Daoyun one after another, Pei Junlin felt sober. Personal mental state has been adjusted to the best state.

This is the role of Tao Yun, which can make people clear the mind, perceive themselves, and perceive sharply. This is a magical thing.

The reason why a cultivator wants to meditate is not entirely to absorb spiritual energy, but to calm himself down and forget about the complicated and common things.

Once troubled by trivial matters, you will become unconscious, be invaded by foreign objects and disturb your mind. Incorrect decisions will be made, but when a person is clear-headed, looking high and far-sighted, he can often make smarter choices.

At this time, Pei Junlin gave birth to a trace of insight, and finally knew the effect of this rhyme, I am afraid that it is far more advanced and more useful than breaking through the realm.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and looked up the steps. A young man in white clothes was walking like flying. At this time, the other party had already crossed the two hundred steps and was still moving forward.

"You don't need to look at me, you can walk to that point where you have any strength, remember not to be strong, but don't show weakness." Pei Junlin turned and said to the incarnation of the monkey.

The incarnation of the monkey seemed to feel Pei Junlin's command, no longer stayed, and continued to climb, passing Pei Junlin in the blink of an eye, and also surpassed the two hundred steps.

Immediately there was another sensation in the audience, and countless people around the entire Tao Pagoda regained their eyes on the incarnation of the monkey.

No one knew that the incarnation of the **** monkey was just an external incarnation of Pei Junlin. They thought that this **** monkey was a genius from the big sect.

"Look at that person, the one hundred and ninety-nine level he stayed in couldn't go up, but instead, the Bai Jiashu and the mysterious man came from behind and surpassed him." Someone finally turned his attention to Pei Junlin.

"So what if it is one hundred and nineteenth order? That would also throw you ten streets." A cold snort suddenly came from behind the man who had just spoken, and he stunned vigorously.

"Everyone sees that someone has reached the 199th level again. What happened this year? Why have so many talents emerged? In previous years, at most one or two people could surpass 200 steps, but this year seems to be different. So far, two people have crossed two hundred steps, and there are still two people at 199 steps." There was a lot of discussion around.

There was a look of excitement in everyone's eyes, and even watching this moment made people excited. After all, the birth of a genius is a grand event, and even watching is a chance.

Some people saw this scene of enthusiasm, and finally couldn't help but yelled: "I want to go up and try, maybe I will surpass them."

The man threw off his shirt and rushed towards the top of the tower, causing his companions to laugh.

"How is it? Your Ruyi Langjun is still standing still for one hundred and ninety-nine calamities. It seems that he can't go up, but this person really has a strong self-esteem, and he still refuses to turn around at this point. I advise you not to choose such a man. After all, a man who is too persistent is not a good person." The beautiful woman behind Yun Yao spoke again.

Not knowing that it was to stimulate the spirit of the male compatriots around, the woman deliberately described Pei Junlin as Yunyao's wishful Langjun. As soon as she said this, several male monks who followed Yunyao suddenly clenched their fists and burst out. With a strong momentum, there are actually two masters in the realm of True Monarchs.

"Yun Yao, I heard that Bai Jiashu is also interesting to you. Once the swan goose passed the book, but you rejected it. This is just a rumor. Is it true?" The beautiful woman looked at Yun Yao again and said .

Yun Yao frowned slightly, as if she felt that the woman behind her was too noisy, but she didn't want to offend her, she could only whisper: "Senior Sister Bai Ping, those are all fictitious things. Don't talk nonsense. I don't even know what his name is, how could he be my wishful man?"

Looking at Yun Yao's frowning brow, the woman named Bai Ping finally laughed.

At the time of saying this, Jun Lin suddenly moved over there. When he took a step, everyone's mood was affected at this moment, because everyone could see that Jun Lin was going to step up and climb up again. level.

Almost at this moment, everyone held their breath. Everyone wants to see if a third person will break through the 200th episode today and enter the threshold of genius.

Countless people thought that Pei Jun's step would be extremely difficult, but they made a big mistake, Pei Jun's step was easy, just like walking in their backyard.

Pei Junlin easily crossed the 200th level, then picked up the level, walked up quickly, and reached the 260th level in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin had already surpassed Bai Yunzong's genius Bai Jiashu, together with the dust, leaving the two opponents behind far behind.

It can no longer be described as shock. Many people rub their eyes vigorously at this moment, and can hardly believe what they see.

This little-known figure would reveal such a powerful potential at this moment, which was never expected by any major force. As the host of the Vientiane Sect, even the head of the retreat was shocked.

Being able to reach the 270th level, that is already a once-in-a-millennium genius, and being able to be promoted to the Great Sage level in the future is almost a certainty.

There are not many figures at the Great Sage level within the Vientiane Sect, and each of them is the Supreme Elder, one of a few. With the fall of the older generation of masters, the Vientiane Sect is now facing a situation of lack of strength to succeed.

If there are no masters who can continue in the next five hundred years, then Vientiane Sect will face the embarrassing situation of not being able to pick up, and the entire Vientiane Sect will decline step by step, and it will even be difficult to maintain its hegemony in the Vientiane Star Region.

At that time, the enemies of the Vientiane Sect would also come to the door, and the entire Vientiane Sect would likely fall into a whirlpool, and would never be able to pull out.

In the past hundred years, the most anxious thing for the masters of the Vientiane Sect and the major elders is to investigate talents. They desperately seek out talents within the entire Star Territory, and they want to find the future, so that the Vientiane Sect can once again develop talents.

However, talents are hard to find, they can't be found casually, but Pei Junlin at this time gave the Vientiane Sect's eyes a bright feeling. Even the head of the sect was standing on a high mountain at this time, keeping his eyes on Pei Junlin's body.

"I want to know all the information about this person, don't have any omissions." The head is a master of the real king realm, like a fairy, with a first-order white mist on his face, no one can see what he grows. Look like.

He spoke like a king above the nine heavens, like a thunderbolt, and the people below shuddered after hearing it, and they did not dare to defy anything.

What traces Pei Junlin left in the Vientiane City, the entire Vientiane Sect will soon be clear with the strength of the sect, but at this time Pei Junlin does not know that his own old di has been overturned.

Pei Junlin was facing the bombardment of the ocean of rules. Over 280th level Pei Junlin suddenly felt that the power of rules on the entire Tao Pagoda was enveloped, and finally made him feel the feeling of difficulty.

Now Pei Junlin has almost become the focus of the audience, and everyone wants to know where this mysterious figure comes from. What kind of background it has, the major forces are madly digging out Pei Junlin's information, wanting to draw him, draw him to his own command.

More than 200 ranks is already an unborn genius, not to mention Pei Junlin is now above the 280th rank, and is moving towards the 300th rank.

If he can exceed the 300th level, he is a figure of the emperor level, and his future achievements will be limitless.

The power of various rules is crisscrossed, but it is not as chaotic as the rules in Guixu, which makes people completely confused. The rule of returning to the market is like a ball of wool, but the rules on this tower are as smooth as they are hanging down.

Every step Pei Junlin took, he was comprehending the power of the rules around him. He had just learned the rules of time recently, so he already had some experience in touching the rules.

Just comprehending these chaotic and complicated rules, the power Pei Junlin is actually handy, and he has benefited a lot along the way. Unknowingly, Pei Junlin's footsteps have reached the 299th level.

Immediately everyone held their breath, even the Bai Jiashu who stayed at the 270th level looked at Pei Junlin with a look of admiration. The needle fell on the entire field and countless people did not even dare to breathe.

Everyone's eyes stayed in front of Pei Junlin, wanting to see if he could pass the 300-level mark.

This was an earth-shattering event, and even the entire starry sky was shocked. Not only the Vientiane Star Region, but some experts in other star regions received the message and received the Feijian Biography from their respective clerks.

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