Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1293: Nothingness after death

Pei Junlin saw the dawn, but at this moment a large dark hand suddenly enveloped the world again, extinguishing the light of the runes of the years, Pei Junlin once again fell into the endless darkness, lost in the endless river.

Suddenly lost his direction and goal. At this moment, Pei Junlin felt a kind of loneliness in his heart.

Seeing the darkness around him, Pei Junlin's heart suddenly rose with a trace of comprehension.

"Am I dead?"

When asked these four words, Pei Junlin instantly remembered what had happened before, and he watched the blue flame engulf himself.

A feeling of extreme sadness suddenly came into his heart, because Pei Junlin had now clearly known that he was dead.

After death, he knew everything was empty, but now Pei Junlin has come into contact with the most mysterious world after death. He looked at the vast surrounding area, like the long night of the ages, and felt a sense of vastness in his heart.

This chaotic darkness is more terrifying than Pei Junlin encountered in the Guixu. There are still chaotic laws in the ruins, but in the vast and eternal night, there is nothing, no air, nothing, everything touched is nothingness.

"It turns out that everything is nothing after death." Pei Junlin muttered to himself, his voice echoing around.

Everything in this world after death is nothingness, no air, no aura, no rules...

Pei Junlin didn't know what kind of emotions were in his heart when he could perceive the real death, but he was even more puzzled that there was nothing after death, why he could still think.

From ancient times to the present, countless cultivators have not understood a secret, even a figure of the emperor level, do not know what the world is after death.

But Pei Junlin once remembered some scriptures on Buddhism. These scriptures are difficult and obscure and need to rely on personal understanding to perceive them. But at this moment, Pei Junlin is like an empowerment, and suddenly understands some of the words in the scriptures.

Suddenly I realized that everything in the post-mortem world recorded in those scriptures is true. It turns out that after death, there will be a vast chaotic road. The place I arrived is a vast and unknowable place.

According to the records in the scriptures, there will be various soul-eaters to collect living souls on the road to nothingness after death. I've been around Pei Junlin for countless hours, and countless spaces still haven't encountered Soul Eater. Is it because his luck is too good?

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly heard a weird roar. At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly felt terrified. Soon Pei Junlin saw a creature resembling a big dog with a pair of heads in the sky.

When Pei Jun came to see this weird creature, you knew that this was the legendary Soul Eater. The legendary life meets the most terrifying creature on the road to nothingness after death.

The soul eater was like a big dog, but it had a pair of heads, hairless all over, but its body was extremely slender. Especially the mouth is very long.

The Soul Eater had clearly discovered the location of Pei Junlin, and the hunter-like message appeared in his eyes, and it flew towards Pei Junlin.

Is everything going to end?

Pei Junlin was unwilling, but still closed his eyes. Since he couldn't stop what happened, he could only accept it.

But at this terrifying moment, the rune of that time suddenly broke free from the mysterious big hand, and once again a light shade enveloped Pei Junlin.

At the moment when the Soul Eater opened its big mouth and was about to swallow Pei Junlin, the rune of this time opened up a space of light and enveloped Pei Junlin.

The Soul Eater let out an angry roar, but did not dare to approach Pei Junlin. Looking at Pei Junlin who was shrouded in a beam of light, the Soul Eater still turned his head and left.

Pei Junlin raised his head, that mysterious big hand was secretly competing with the rune of the years, but the rune of the years was like a candlelight, although it swayed back and forth in the gust of wind, it would not go out.

It emits a soft light, guiding the way for Pei Junlin.

Seeing that the mysterious big hand couldn't stop the rune of time, he could only retreat in anguish. This time Pei Junlin didn't hesitate. Instead of rushing slowly like before, he started to run wildly, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and the wind was rushing, and only the whistling wind could be heard in his ears.

The running speed is getting faster and faster. At the fastest time, Pei Junlin can even see the light and his own speed, almost forming a relative speed.

"Can people after death really run so fast? Without the shackles of the physical body..." Pei Junlin actually felt a sense of freedom in his heart.

If the world after death is so unfettered and so dead, it might not be a relief.

However, Pei Junlin just gave birth to this kind of decadent emotion, and all kinds of obsessions shrouded like a mountain, making Pei Junlin's eyes become firm in an instant, and the speed under his feet was faster than before.

A tall portal appeared in front, and Pei Junlin faintly felt that this tall portal was exactly the same as the gate of **** in the chaotic golden battle.

The runes above are exactly the same as the gates of hell.

The dawn is ahead. There is a strong feeling in Pei Junlin. If you can pass through this door, you can reach the world of the living and return to your body.

Pei Junlin kept moving forward, not thinking of this belief in his heart, but now he suddenly had a strong desire to survive, he didn't want to die but wanted to live.

But at the moment when Pei Junlin was happy, a haze shrouded again. The big dark hand that had been against the Rune of Years before then shrouded again, this time the momentum was ten times stronger than before, suppressed, at this moment the sky collapsed, and Pei Junlin's life was about to be cut off.

It was at this moment of time that a bewildering ray of time suddenly radiated from the rune of that time, to fight against the **** hand, but the two collided in the air, and a void of power wafted away.

Pei Junlin, who was close at hand, could not perceive the fluctuations of the struggle between the two, because here was nothingness, everything was nothingness, there was no wind and no air, so Pei Junlin could not feel it at all.

A strong confrontation broke out between the two, but soon Pei Junlin discovered that the runes of that time had been suppressed little by little and gradually could not hold it.

At this most critical moment, a withered big hand seemed to emerge from the horizon, and instantly attacked the dark big hand.

Pei Junlin looked at all this numbly and didn't have any fear in his heart, because in this nih world, all the feelings of Pei Junlin seemed to be beyond his control.

But when he saw these dry hands, Pei Junlin's heart suddenly flashed a light, because he was too familiar with this dry hands, and he often stretched out from the gate of hell.

The dry tree and the dark hand fought together and refused to give each other, and at this moment, the rune of the years suddenly emitted a hot light, wrapping Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was no longer silent, and jumped up, his whole body exuded a hazy light, piercing the stars and rushing the moon, and rushed through the **** portal in the blink of an eye.

The moment he rushed out, everything was over, Pei Junlin felt like he had fallen into a ball of boiling water, followed by a biting cold.

Endless cold, and endless pain around. Pei Junlin was like being put in a cold ice box, and everything around him was lonely.

With the recovery of Pei Junlin's soul, he can gradually observe the surroundings with his spiritual sense. When he can see himself going, Pei Junlin almost exclaimed because he was originally an ice sculpture.

The body cannot recover, but Pei Junlin's consciousness has begun to sprout, and he can barely command the five souls. The Emperor Huo De Emperor Yuanshen flew out from behind Pei Jun in an instant, and the pure sun blazing fire bell surrounded the flames of today, covering Pei Junlin.

The Nether Real Fire exudes a hot temperature, and gradually melts Jun Pei's body. But Pei Junlin's body is like ice that never melts forever. No matter how hot the flame is sprayed on Pei Yu, he still shows no sign of melting.

Even the temperature of the Nether Real Fire couldn't make Pei Junlin feel warm. All this is terrible, and Pei Junlin feels that it is almost impossible for him to defrost his body.

Pei Junlin's divine sense accidentally swiped it. When he saw the crock pot, he couldn't help being solemn, because he saw that the crock was already combined with the lid, and now the crock was a complete body.

It seems that I feel that Pei Junlin’s life has been revived, and the crock was slowly suspended again, emitting a misty light, covering Pei Junlin, the lid of the crock opened automatically, and a drop of light The blue liquid was poured out.

When the blood of Dao dripped on Pei Junlin’s eyebrows, it was instantly absorbed by Pei Junlin. Soon the light blue ice on his body slowly degraded, and Pei Junlin was finally freed from that cold feeling. Out.

A drop of heavenly blood easily rescued Pei Junlin, UU reading www. Pei Junlin looked at his soft body, with a feeling of escaping from the dead. Thinking of the big dark hand that had been encountered in the void before, Jun Pei shuddered, that was the secret after death.

I don't know why, Pei Junlin always feels unable to speak when he thinks of this secret and wants to tell it. I just remembered the idea of ​​telling Lord Jin about this matter, and that idea immediately disappeared silently.

Pei Junlin has a feeling of chills, because he feels that there is a big hand in the dark, hiding the secrets of the world after death.

But even though he has escaped from the world of death today, it is impossible for him to spread this secret.

Pei Junlin finally knows why no one has known the secret after death for hundreds of millions of years. It turns out that this secret can't be told at all, even if some people know it in their hearts, they can't tell it.

There is also a possibility that all the people in this world who know this secret are dead and can be resurrected from the world of the dead. Maybe he has been the only one in the past and present.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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